Saturday, June 20, 2015

True Freedom

In the Psalms true freedom is only obtain by grace. The reason is that in order for a sinner to be set free from his sin he must be justified. But if he is justified only once then its no a free justification. Grace provides us with true freedom because our justification is gifted to us. But how can the world function if there is no judgement for a persons actions?

The reason the justification by grace is the most responsible freedom is because the One who justifies is the same One who allows and prevents. The truth is that unless all of mankind are perfect in their attitudes and actions then there is no legitimate practice of freedom. The reason there can be no corruption in the creation or in society is because with corruption comes destruction. In speaking of the physical destruction we see that everything in creation is subject to decay and death. In speaking of meta physical destruction we see that man has been reduced by forces that are constantly opposing  his power to accomplish enough goodness to overcome the common destruction. Because man is subject to this physical and meta physical tension he cannot be free.

This means that man cannot obtain freedom within himself. He must have Some else live a perfect life and overcome this destruction as He lives in this world by thinking and acting to undo all of these ills. This is why Jesus was the way to God, Savior of the world and the Great Physician. Every act that Jesus did was successful in overcoming the destruction that is in this world. He substituted Himself in our place to overcome every destructive power that we face and conquered the great enemy which is death. Jesus provided sinners with the freedom to sin (the successful method of overcoming sin by substitution) and still be justified so that they could be delivered from this present evil world and stand before God without spot or wrinkle.

When Jesus became the perfect sacrifice and Savior,He provided us with an identity that justifies all of our actions. He reverses the curse  How does He reverse the curse? He pre ordained everything that He recreates. So when Jesus became our substitute He saw every choice that we make and He substituted for us as if He was walking by our front of us and behind us overturning all of the sorrow, guilt and pain from the corruption that we experience and provides us with a complete deliverance. Jesus life was a perfect description of our blessedness.  This is the only relationship in this world where Someone can take the place of a sinner to allow circumstances to fall out as if Jesus was doing the actions in our place and prevent the sinner from being destroyed. Our experience is determined upon Jesus doing the complete work that was necessary to free us.