Ps 73 25" Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you."
When we are saved and delivered we enter into the kingdom of God. Our old will with its rebellious communication of the expression of our desire is destroyed and our new will that communicates according to Gods word is established. The old desires were not only corrupted but they were cursed. The new desires given by grace.
Our will is never in conflict with our desires. We choose something because we are pleased with it. If we could choose something that we do not desire then we would need a power outside of our will that would choose for us. This means that everyone who was saved would be divided. We could describe salvation as half of our willingness was fighting against the other half. We would conclude that our choice was accomplished by two equal for the choice and one against the choice to happen at the same time in the same relationship. This is two line theology. This is a contradiction.
When we are saved we go from representing ourselves to being represented by Gods name. Instead of the scripture putting truth in categories and dividing the soul into different agencies it seeks to unify us as a whole man by what kingdom we represent and not by how our souls function. This is why there is a clear reversal of our desires in going from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. We actually enter into a relationship to Gods kingdom in which our corrupted desires are stabilized by the power of God. These new desires are anti intuitive to us because of our corruption. This is what the apostle meant when he says that" it is not I who do it but sin dwelling in me." In other words there are reasons for us to be consistent with Gods kingdom that are mysterious to us.
The reason that salvation is so successful is that it is dependent upon Gods desires that cannot be thwarted. This is why our disobedience is open ended. If God had to force us to comply then His acceptance of us would be after our compliance. But God teaches us freedom by grace...that being our freedom to sin as well in order to make pleasure the motive for our choosing and not force. A lot of people teach that God saves us and gives a new will and it will always result in obedience. In other words God doesnt force us to obey but we must obey as a result. Gods force keeps us from being disobedient. This is a contradiction. This is two line theology.
This teaching is why we do not get respect from the world. We are always teaching that grace represents all the gifts we get when we go through the door of salvation but this same grace does not apply when it is revisited to us as the future is breaking into the present. This thinking is the ultimate contradiction. Its like saying Im not mad that you made a veiled threat to me because I have a separate room that i keep that I put all the contradictions in. This room represents my impersonal relationship with salvation. Its like saying that "if I am victorious in my desires I hate myself." lol
But we seek salvation by being free to be pleased with it. If we do not belong to the kingdom of God, we seek it as if we belonged until we obtain it.