Sunday, August 16, 2015

Passive- agressive

I find it amusing that people will argue over a piece of bread and not about really important truths. I do not believe that anyone who tries to do something that does not naturally fit their disposition or their way of thinking will ever perform a task in a genuine way. This is why i do not believe in a system of discipleship where everyone is doing the same program. I mean all of these psychological problems are enforced by pointing a person down a road that does not fit their gifts and teaching them that all is necessary to live the christian life is to act according to a set of principles.  Out of all of the people that are obnoxious this is the most self righteous. Trying to be someone that appears to have things together for all the wrong reasons. 

How do passive aggressive people act? They are people who do not have clear convictions. So they usually feel secure when they have a guru. You will find that passive aggressive people will always find it easy to end relationships by recruiting people who agree with them because they do not see that God requires the same judgement on those who stand by and watch as he does for those who oppose his ways. There is no consistent power of life and death that motivates them. They never feel the obligation that danger in life is a curse. So they are always basing value on moral excellence rather than true loyalty to a cause.

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