Ps 31 15 My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. If God has ordered all things from before the foundation of the world then we must see that all troubles fall out in a succession of events. So the Psalmist describes his troubles in this way of creation. We lose our happy countenance , our bodies are in pain, and we react emotionally with anguish. All of our troubles in our lives are magnified. He is always describing his condition as consuming his life. Our sickness magnifies our sin and corruption.
Our personal suffering is spread to our relationship with others. When we are not able to take part in this world we are forgotten by others. The wicked use the opportunity to slander us. God wants us to describe our condition and our suffering. If God has spoken all things into existence then He has planned the times when we are not able to use our gifts for others. He can speak a word and we are restored.
The Psalms describe the condition of being successful and content. On the other hand they describe the condition of our suffering. The description is put in the context of Gods creations in our lives. We are given petitions and pronouncements of restoration. When we speak them we are being encouraged by speaking the re-creative language.God has put people in our lives as instruments of His recreation. We are taught not to trust in the worlds system. We must focus on recreation lest we become our own god and speak violence toward our neighbor. When we become our own god we are part of the problem and not the solution. We must be available to those who need their needs met.