Ps21 3You welcomed him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head."
God created man to rule over the earth. He created man with the ability to think, desire and act in unison. Man experienced the highest pleasure in ruling over his kingdom. God created him with the ability to not only to enjoy his own experiences but to fully understand the nature and the desires of other men. The creation enjoy total unity as man was able to enjoy the personalities of all the creatures without the opposition of selfishness.Man recieved all that he wanted and enjoyed the creation in the highest pleasure.
When man fell into sin, he began to destroy his neighbor by redefining Gods word. So when God cursed the creation, man was unable to be successful as he was created. So the only Being who knows the conditions before the fall as each man was originally created is God Himself. Since God spoke all things into existence according to the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises, He possesses the perfect knowledge and purpose of each man. When God cursed the creation, He made man unable to rise up to his original ability in the garden. God had to take the curse and the corruption of the creation upon Himself and fulfill the obligations of the fallen creation. Christ had to destroy the effects of the curse as a man. Christ had to overcome death in struggling as man. Christ came as the King to pronounce the law, covenants, blessings, curses , statutes, decrees and promises in order to oppose sin and corruption by overcoming the power of eternal punishment in putting the curse under His feet in order to establish His elect as kings and priest of the world. Christ turned the governing authorities upside down in order to reestablish the unity of creation according to the axioms. Christ lived in perfect unity according to the axioms as the perfect creator.
The incarnation has been revealed by special revelation. In this Psalm the king is totally dependent upon the King of the creation in order to govern the creation. He has given man the authority to exercise the ruling power of the King in the pronouncements. You see everything that was created is described by words. Words create the image of the each thing. God has spoken the axioms in order to create all things. So all things are described in an image that is pronounced. As we have said, that God is the only Being who understands the perfect image of all things. God is never without the knowledge of the weaknesses and the needs of all things. God lives in the perfect unity of meeting the needs of all desires. This perfect unity is the pronounced axioms of creation. So the Psalmist is saying that God must fulfill the unity of the working of all things in Himself. Man has been cursed with the inability to understand who God is and his own identity. Not only is man dependent upon God to meet his needs but he is also in need of knowing what he desires. The King is saying that this God who is responsible for the welfare of the king is also able to show the king his desires and meet those desires in the axioms."You welcomed him with rich blessings"