Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ps 34 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. 6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

 God can only be known by knowledge. This is why God gave us the entire revelation by implantation. But not all men have ability to understand as other men. So God establishes His people by creating axiom pillars-statutes. People with greaterand lesser awareness are satisfied.

 God created all things by speaking them into existence according the the axioms. The presence of good and evil is contained in the re-creative pronouncements of the axioms. God uses evil for good.

 The bible is the only book that controls the speaker and the hearer. The bible is self attesting. It does not need our logic added to it. This is why preparation of the hearer is as important as knowledge of the speaker. The pronouncements are allowing and preventing creativity.

 All communication in life must be put in the heat of the axioms. The only hope is to be dogmatically right. We are the most healthy when we view all the communication of this world through the axioms.

 Every man is biased with his interpretation. This is why God has standards of knowledge. Whatever we do not know is the amount of trust that we place in mans biased interpretation. The person who thinks the bible is lest likely to be hoodwinked. Meditate more than all men.

 God made salvation successful by reversing the destructive presence of the curse. The presence of fear, sorrow, anger, guilt, and pain are evil turned to good in us in using them in speaking the axioms. The more opposition we face the more fuel we have to curse the curse.

 The more we we pronounce the axioms the more we receive illumination and the more precise we are in our belief. The scripture controls all the motives for learning the most fundamental truths of life.

 We have a presuppositional faith. Faith is trusting in the most reasonable explanation of God as creator and ruler.

 Php 1:17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains." We cannot be completely unbiased without trusting the axioms more than communication of this world. Detachment from detached axioms.

 The world is like walking into a shop fine china. If we do not find mystery in the axioms then we are in some ways doing something from wrong motives. We are in danger of harming the fine china.

 Every man is made as a free moral agent. God did not make man a pragmatic creature. Remember that men act because they find pleasure. We would die for the things we believe. If a man is wrong he is dead wrong.

 Covenants- confidence in Gods word Curses- confidence in protection Promises- confidence in Gods purposes Statutes-confidence in constraining us Decrees- confidence He renews everything. Law- confidence that our lives are empowered by life and death. Never think on our own. NEVER

 Ps 101I will be careful to lead a blameless life- when will you come to me? 119My eyes fail, looking for your promise I say, "When will you comfort me? 35:3 Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul "I am your salvation." Desperate for complete unity

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