Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ps 131 1 My heart is not proud, O LORD ,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.

God created man with the ability to control the world by his understanding. He created us with perfect brains. But now our brains have been severely injured. We cannot separate the moral responsibility of exercise our wills with the physical limitations.We could describe the presence of corruption in all levels as handicapping the person. If we are unable to meet the requirements of the law because of our corruption but we judge everyone on the basis of their sinful condition then we are practice hypocrisy. It can be compared to condemning someone who has one arm and cannot compete in a game as being morally at fault.Whatever we lack in ourselves that we require of others is a curse on ourselves. 
We must understand that our brains are the controlling center of thought to feeling.Our brains control our five sense. Our thought processes determine how we are gonna hear, see, touch and smell.We develop our brains by carving out path ways through the habits we form in our thinking. If we habitually think against the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises then we will feel depressed and angry,. But if we carve out the pathways through thinking the axioms then our brains will be the center of our pleasure.
This is why the Psalmist is teaching that he has learned to control his five senses by experiencing pleasure through developing his brain by meditating on the axioms.We are what we think and the world is what we think it is. We must create our own view of reality. By knowing our weaknesses and our strengths we can apply the axioms in order to control our senses. When we learn this art of controling pleasure by thoughts we will guard our hearts at all cost.       

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