True freedom
Ps 62
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
How long will you assault a man? Would all of you throw him down-- this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
They fully intend to topple him from his
lofty place; they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse. "SelahWhy is it so hard for us to feel confident by opposing someone else's moral counsel? This Psalm teaches us that our view of ourselves is determined by our view of God. You see here that the Psalmist is using the metaphor for "walls" as a description of our position as a king of an inward kingdom. But the Psalmist is consoling himself because he is not confident that as God is a fortress so we should feel in control of our inward kingdom even tho we face opposition that is cursing us.
Our view of ourselves is determined by what God says about us, how we interpret His word and by that using His word according to His view of us. This is exactly the struggle that the Psalmist goes through when He faces men who are godless. You notice that the Psalmist does not seek the advice of man in order to oppose these evil men. Why does the Psalmist desire to stand alone?
The Psalmist does this because he is teaching that we mirror God. God is most free because He does as He pleases. God does not share His glory with any man. In worshiping God as God we hate idols. Now listen because God has established a relationship with us by giving us His desires ..desires that are in us that are eternal.. we cannot even understand the extent of His gift...then it is logical that He is fully able to meet these eternal desires in every person as He has imaged them to be. As we become proficient in using Gods word as a king to obtain something according to His covenant with us and in line with what we want because His desires are ours , we must face the natural opposition of other mens hearts. Because anyone who uses Gods covenants, laws, statutes and promises in the application of the Psalmist..will exercise their freedom as a threat to other men. This is what the Psalmist means by" in their hearts they curse" Its just natural for men to oppose gospel freedom. You will never really lead people unless these words of the Psalmist are on your lips night and day. Because you inevable will be looking to men for your acceptance on the level of your freedom.