Monday, September 21, 2015

Learning righteous indignation through human anger.

Ps 17 4" As for the deeds of men-- by the word of your lips I have kept myself from the ways of the violent. "
This verse is the general description of how the Psalmist distinguish Gods peaceful words and all other violent words. God has created all things both physical and metaphysical. The evidence of the success of Gods word is shown by the actions or deeds of men. God has created a perfect description of all personalities. The perfect description of a personality is Gods explanation of peace. All other words that describe a personality are violent words.  7 9" O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure."The creative word "bring an end" is the elects desire united with Gods desire through speaking the covenants, laws, decrees , statutes , promises etc. We could say that the Psalmist is speaking about the line between blessing and cursing when he speaks about blessing as he has the negative phrase "bring an end "in the creative words "make... secure"
This is why Ive been saying that the personality of fear, sorrow, shame and faithlessness is a description that is opposed to Gods peaceful word. All of the cursed personalities are caused by anger or violence. In this way our experience with these cursed disposition is not mystical but explainable. 55 9 Confuse the wicked, O Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city.   58  2 No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth. 27 12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence." You can see here that there is a way of speaking that is marked by violence. But this violence personality is not learned but natural and comes from the heart of a wicked man. "in your heart you devise injustice".
When we are born into this world, we are born to rebel against Gods word. The Psalms teach that even tho all men have a moral ability to reason in a peaceful way yet it is described as violent because the motive is to oppose God and His word. You must not look at the world through mans view but through Gods view. At all times in Gods view there is either blessing or cursing.  11 5" The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates." Here the Lord "examines" is a common expression in the Psalms like watches over, searches etc is in the context of God ordering all things by speaking all things into existence. The Psalmist is saying that Gods communication in blessing the righteous and opposing the wicked is unified to the point where Gods justice can be explained in His reaction to all spoken words in the fullest way in His love and anger as blessing and cursing. "Those who love violence" is a parenthesis of all the descriptions that come from the mouth of the natural man.

When we speak the Psalms we are speaking in Gods way in which we are describing the view of God as He examines all the metaphysical personalities and reacting toward His description as we rise up to experience His love and anger. So the Psalms are teaching that the way to deal with anger is to voice Gods reaction of anger in order to experience Gods creative expression of righteous indignation. In this sense we can take our human reactions and transform them into motives to learn Gods way of reacting.

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