Rom 6 7 because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.
Rom 7 4 So, my brothers, you also died to
the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another,
to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit
to God.
The apostle is saying that when we were saved the voice of the law which is the curse was pronounced upon us as law breakers. But because Christ took the curse on Himself ...He had to be punished for lawbreakers so that He could unite His work of His incarnation with His death, resurrection and ascension to be worthy to be the absolute judge. It was not just that Christ took our sin upon Himself but that He gave us the ability to enjoy the fellowship as He does within the Trinity and gift us with all the riches that He obtained. In Christ we are brought back to our full strength and ability. The whole point of being united with Christ is that we would be fundamentally necessary in our purpose in fulfilling Christ purpose in uniting all things for His glory. We go from being condemned by the law to standing with Him in judgement. 1 Cor 2
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3
Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! He is saying that we are able to provide solutions so that we prosper as leaders in our cities. The culture is to unify success with a persons natural abilities by always being a person who is part of the solution. Just like the Jews stick together so the nt believers are always promoting the interest of their people. The only other option is to be under the curse. This is what it means to be judges of the world. To put them on a leash.
Now listen to me. We are not teaching that we are so evil that our lives are worthless so that Christ life replaces our lives. We are saying that all reality is caused by God speaking it into existence. Everything that we say about God has been created and described by God. You cannot separate His word from His image. You cannot separate His Spirit from His word. All the vocabulary that has ever been understood by mankind has originated from God. Gods vocabulary is so far beyond our own that our language is like baby talk. God is the only one who has a perfect perspective of the personality and image from the language that we use in our descriptions. Every word that is spoken by man and by God has value based upon Gods freedom to pronounce blessing and cursing at all times. God describes all things in the absolute truth in dwelling as the eternal judge in which the future judgement has already been pronounced so that all things are absolute at all times as if the future has already been transposed on the present. When the apostle says that we will judge the world he is saying that as we rise up in this mysterious presence of God through pronouncing the curses and the blessings we are fulfilling our image of the future judgement in which we will stand with Christ. Every thing that we say now is necessary!