Sunday, May 5, 2019

Self knowledge comes from applying law. We normally think of  the law as a standard that must be met. But the law is the means by which God created all things. When we view the law as a instrument that God uses to shame law breakers we reduce our motives to study and know the law. This is why people describe relationships by focusing on love. Because they do not like the shame that the law produces. But the truth is that we cannot trust emotional love in order to become self confident. We must apply the law to our likes and dislikes. We must be dogmatic in the sense that what motivates us is in the positive sense as white and the negative as black. We must guard our motives because the law is not pragmatic but eternal. We apply the law to our likes and dislikes only being satisfied when the law is applied in the eternal pronouncements of the Psalms. We live in a world that opposes our likes and dislikes. But we cannot get satisfaction by direct conflict with other peoples likes and dislikes. We can only find resolution in the pronouncement of the eternal law. You see we are eternal beings who have eternal desires that can only be satisfied by eternal pronouncements. 

There is no identical personality. The creation is a working diversity of the parts that fit to unify all things. The unity can only be accomplished through the satisfaction of all eternal desires.God created all things with the boundaries of the axioms. God spoke the law, covenants, curses, statutes, promises,and decrees.When we apply the law we experience the unity that is obtained through overcoming the opposition by pronouncing the eternal axioms.  We can only know ourselves when we know God. God is worse that we could ever imagine and He is greater than we could fathom. Gods eternal desires  that are revealed in the axioms give us the ability to overcome the opposition in order to be more confident in our likes and dislikes. We must know ourselves through going beyond our ability to overcome the opposition through pronouncing Gods eternal desires in the axioms.  

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