Hey MBG<
I didn't think you were..it's cool I was just saying that sometimes I
get around "Hyper-spiritual" Christians who think Church is SOOOOO
serious business and that ALL it should provide is doctrines and worship
and nothing else should fall out of it. BS I say..
But to get back to your last point..
DO attend a church..I just wasn't sure where I stand with the whole
movement of late.. BUT I am starting to dive deeper into their
They even asked me to be a group leader.. isn't that wild?? I prayed about it and felt a strange leading towards something that needed to be revealed to myself. It did.
said the reason they asked me was because they liked the amount of
knowledge I had about the Bible. I was referred by another in the group
to take over.
The second reason was because they saw that I
seemed to have questions and was suspicious of the motives of the
direction of the modern day church movements . So my burning of the past
was now being used for good. BUT I knew that there had to be a change
of attitude and cynicism. Being form the northeast it comes natural
When i first took over I had some doubts about the pastor
and the church and their whole direction. Still they supported me even
with my reservations and questions. We even openly debated some of them.
In the end the major points we were on the same page. That's
all they cared about. they never once made me feel out casted even when I
did not agree on some points. They said that they would rather have
that kind of checks and balances as long as it didnt get divisive.
Kind of like these boards or the body as a whole.
seem to be on the same roads just by different means. we argue and
debate those means by which perception we have at the time or has proven
itself in our lives. If we can debate those things and still have love
for one another and realize that one day we will all be singing around
the same throne then that's all I really need to see in anyone and even
while not agreeing with some of the conclusions you have come to in your
I would have the pastor over just like i would have
anyone over for dinner or to see a ball game or anything. I think some
of our best spiritual bonding comes form times of just being ourselves
and not partaking in "Church" activity. I think the world needs to see
that. The evangelical message has been drummed to such repetitive
beats that we don't even appear like salt anymore. At least in America.
Knowing how to handle relationships and being there for people is a
MAJOR door I think for the gospel without ever preaching a word. Then when an open door presents it self..there ya go..
think sometimes the body looks lofty with all it's spiritual jargon (
and let's be honest) that we really don't fully understand either.
Humility is severely lacking and is I think the greatest witness of
Christ. Even in the way we treat our pastors and Brothers and Sisters.
Jesus BECAME the word. I'm still meditating on that one and always will.
I send my pastor a card once in awhile and just say . "thanks".
I always have.
once had chat with a pastor of a huge church I attended 10 years ago.
He came up to me and thanked me for the card and words of encouragement.
I said it was no big deal and said, "With a church this large you
probably get hundreds." He just smirked and said, "Is that what you
think?"Believe me the criticism far out weighs any encouragement." Just
like the world. We preach so hard aginst worldliness and look what
happens in our own camp. No wonder I frown when I hear the word
"Christianity". If He knew to pull me out of a large crowd in a lobby of hundreds..what does that say?
The biggest thing IMNSHO lacking in the body is
lack of encouragement.
It will humble you right in your tracks.
But the natural mind thinks it will puff up.. BS. It's all backwards.
I 've watched some of the proudest and believe me I'm in THAT group get almost brought to tears by a kind word.
So encourage your pastor and each other.
I really enjoy reading and debating and observing your personalities and all the insights God has given to each of you.
Peace RR
I hear ya. But the truth will set you free, not necessarily men. Men
are finite, the word last forever. God will reveal Himself to us in
fellowship so that we can share not just in relationship that mean
nothing, but we can encourage down to the bottom of the heart of
everyone we meet. And yet most of the time we really are not being too
sanctified by the word. We begin to develope a society of science
mentality. We encouarge each other through the flippent spirit to go
home and carry on as usual. You know the culture i dont think i need to
elaborate. We are not in community to disappear in a social paradigm,
but we are individuals with gifts, and the hard part in community is to
be an individual with the whole councel mentality and get along. That is
impossible as you know. We are tempted to give into the mindset of the
cultural bias of secularism. But we are to be so filled with scripture
that when we bleed the scripture comes out. And we are to always think
Gods thoughts after Him as individuals. There are gifts of the
Spirit that are supernatural , and they are given as a result of God
purposing in us before the world that we would be gifted as individuals.
When we are filled with the Spirit we are being what God made us to be.
It is in the exercising of the gifts that makes community a place for
the healing of the soul by divine fiat. It is as individuals in our
private mortification that we can bring something to the table. When we
take these things seriously they have a life of their own. NOt saying
the we do not have power over our spirit, but that there will be a depth
in us that either will attract those Spirit filled believers or will
repel the carnal believers. There are in every church the mix of saved
and unsaved. Unfortunately because the spoon of the world has been
shortened so that now the handle does not protrude from worship but the
belly of the spoon actually is in the church , it can be very
depressing. We must begin to use our spiritual discernment so that we
will not be overcome with grief in carnal paradigm. We must become angry
at what God is angry and and thankful for the absolute control of God
in creation and in the the working out of all things in our lives for
our good. But God will always move us if we are crying out for the pure
worship of God. Its just a matter of time. Sorry if you do not
understand, just read the cotton picken thing. Thanks.
Forums / Theology Forum / The Donkey Messenger
on: April 07, 2007, 10:51:43 AM
This is another example that took place once I got out from under what
OTHER people said the God of the Bible was trying to say. The Bible is
very clear as far as I can see in NOT trying to say the church has
replaced the Jews. What it DOES say in essence is that the church is
being used to make the Jews jealous.
I do wonder though how one would know the droves of Jews are doing anything. Just who is a Jew?
Yes well i do hope that youall are seeing the imprint of Christ
existence in your own back yard because it is shouting above the height
of your roof tops. And really justification by faith in the
coming messiah was as ot as it was nt. It was never in the animal, but
it was in the covenant of grace.The animal sacrifices were a temporary appeasement of the wrath of God until the final atonement who was the lamb
of God , purposed in eternity in the Trinity, one in essence three in Persons . And
if you are trusting in your own righteousness , then your faith is on
shaky ground. And your sacrifices are ever before the Lord, but His
answer to you I do not rebuke you for your sacrifices or your burnt
offerings which are ever before me, I have no need bull from your stalls
or the goats from your pens for every animal of the forest is mine and
the cattle on a thousand hills, I know every bird in the mountains and
the beast of the field is mine sacrifice your thank offerings to God ,
fulfill your vows to the most High, call upon me in the day of trouble
and i will deliver you. Yes if there is any thing from the
creation of the world that could alter the purposes in God in saving
then it would be of our own possession. Wow, Look God is actually sovereign even over those un caged animals. And since the temple curtain
was rent from top to bottom , because the articles in the Holy of hollies
had long since lost their power seein that Christ was the fulfillment
of the ot ceremonial sacrificial system and only because Israel was in
the past looking forward to the Messiah and now we who are in Christ are
looking back at the fulfillment of the law. Now we know that it is not
through our faith that we can approach the throne of heaven, but it is
through divine favor offered to His elect, who are ever thanking Him
through their own inability , and only in His purposed salvation do we
stand. Yes we are made alive and if we mix our own works or our own
faith in the absolute sovereign plan of God we will only give what we
lack. And so that island of righteousness of the self effort of the animal
or the theology of the garden leaves dress will keep us from glorying in
the free grace of God. Praise Him that He did it all.
Forums / Main Forum / Forgivness Anonomous
on: April 06, 2007, 03:26:14 AM
Forgiving of others depends upon us
understanding forgiveness. Most of us seldom have a really deep
understanding of forgiveness so we use our performance to forgive
others. Forgiveness is something that Christ alone has accomplished at
the cross. Because He has completed the work , our going to Him for
forgiveness is absolutely free. We must come before Him and as we are
seeing our sin we must place it before Him. We must sense His divine
cleansing at the cross. Forgiveness does not depend upon a feeling but
it is a reality. When we meditate upon His bigness we can begin to see
ourselves as unable to forgive without His grace. Forgiveness is not
found in some little trick we try. Its found in the free flowing grace
of Christ alone. We are sinners because we are in Adam. We are
seen in Adam , that is we would have done the same thing he did if we
were in the garden. His sin was imputed to our account as a result of
the fall. We are sinners from our birth. Sin is much deeper than just
the feeling of guilt. It goes down into the areas that we are blinded
to. We are so corrupted with sin that some time we experience a load of
guilt, by sin that outnumbers the hairs of our heads. When we begin to
mortify sin we begin to morn over our sin. We must hate sin more than we
hate our feeling of remorse. Our feelings of guilt remind us that sin
has consequences and we are always going to face them on the inside as
long as we are in this corrupted state. If God were to judge us
by our sin, we would be consumed in a second. But because of Christ we
are not treated as our sin deserves. The problem is that we do not
understand the depth of our sin rather than dealing with the feelings of
guilt we need to go deeper than this. We need to be raise by our view
of Gods beauty and holiness so that we see our utter inability to do
anything about sin. We cannot bring one act of righteousness before a
Holy God in order to receive forgiveness. We cannot wash our sins away.
Religion will lead us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought
and it will cause us to look to someone or something else to relieve the
guilt feelings. Christ is the only remedy for sin. It is only
when we turn to Christ away from ourselves and trust totally in His substitutionary atonement that we can truly be forgiven and that is for
all time.Because forgiveness depends upon His work, and what He does
is final. Some times God withdraws His graciousness in our lives
so that our struggle with sin will increase. He does this so that we
will be drawn together in the body of Christ by being humbled. Our unity
depends upon our seeing how sinful we not being able within our selves
to make christian unity possible. We need the streams of mercy to be
united to one another. We cannot unite in a program or a little physiological trick. We can only be united with we are brought down
from ourselves and glory in Christ alone. We are all at different
experiences in our lives. If we are experiencing a time of refreshing
and God is showing us the wonders of His grace then we need to carry the
burdens of our brothers and sisters. We need to take them to God in
prayer and pray that God will bring revival. We need to show them free
grace. We cannot show people free grace if we have a system in place to
get forgiveness on our own. We will only lead them down the path of self
forgiveness and pharisee-ism.
Forums / Theology Forum / Judas-could He Have Repented?
on: April 04, 2007, 03:01:36 PM
Judas was a type of fool that is portrayed in
the old testament in most of the narratives. He represents the traitor
to a king. It was Absalom who betrayed David because he was taking from
David what was rite-fully his and giving it to the people as a bribe for
power. The political judas of the ot. And judas is brought out as the
heat is turned up. As Christ agony increased from His birth to the
majority deserting Him to the betrayal of Judas and the weakness of
Peter and the other apostles to His taking on sin and suffering the
Fathers displeasure these devilish dimensions expose the traitor. The
traitor is the self righteous secret agent. He is a traitor to grace
and imputed righteousness. As the persecution comes the traitor is
totally self absorbed and willing to sell out in his self righteousness.
The traitor is one who never prays, never worships, and never agonizes
in his interior experience. He is standing on a house of cards that he
cannot see will be his down fall. But the righteous even tho they face
disaster are calling on the name of the Lord. Even in their agony they
are leaning harder and harder on Christ through the pain. Their only
hope is in Christ not the bribe.
Forums / Theology Forum / The Art Of War
on: April 04, 2007, 02:43:20 PM
I dont agree with the book the art of war
because the book has been the one doctrine that has changed the united
ideal of American marriage paradigm, ie family relational principles
toward every american, to the adulterious practices of selling out those
ideals in a strictly business mindset of secularism. The company and
profits have replaced our brotherly heritage.
Forums / Theology Forum / The Donkey Messenger
on: April 03, 2007, 02:23:57 PM
obvously does not save every man. So either God is thwarted in His
purposes or the word world and all do not mean everone in the history of
man kind. There are enough verses that in Eph. Rom 9 , and through out
the ot that state that Gods purposes in saving man cannot be thwarted.
know, the more you preach hyper-Calvinism, the better universalism
sounds to me. You make some pretty good arguments for universalism in
that paragraph in a backwards sort of way. If it's either/or I'll take
the God who chooses to save everyone eventually over the God who chooses
people to be lost and without hope just because He has the power and
feels like it.
No Willis and Joker, As we have been discussing
the nature of the gospel we must not be hood winked by the semi
plagenist world view. If we are not schooled in Trinitarian theology the
we will easily be led into example theology. A theology that you guy
represent and it borders on heresy although in youalls case its probably
not intentional. In example theology we present a Christ that is lesser
than the soveriegn God of the bible. To digress here since i
have the floor and these thoughts have been going around in my head
today. But example theology presents a Christ that is less than God and
more than the average Guy. What we have here is a problem in the views
that work out in a practical way how grace works in our lives and how
much freedom we actually posses, who we are free from and what we are
bond to. The problem with example theology is that it creates a
syndrome in which that teacher is the judge of scripture rather than
allowing the scripture and its propositions to be the judge of the
person. It is the view of the importance of doctrine and practice in a
suttle way that gets heretical as it spreads to flatter a mans mind. It
makes Jesus a good teacher and an example rather than of a divine
essence. Jesus is totally God and He is equal with the Father and the
Spirit. In substance they are one, with out division. In the
divine essence raises Christ above an example to the place of Lord and
being the second person of the Trinity in person the Principle cause of
the Trinity is the sovereign person of the Father who even in essence is
the magnified God above the Son and the Spirit in persons. So that
Christ love points to our Fathers love and makes that love condescending rather than mere relational. So when i talk about the
Fathers choice in salvation and His love i am pointing to something that
is seldom focused on by the example theologians and that is Christ
equality in essence in the Trinity. What you do is you do not
believe in the divine decree of the Trinitarian love, so that the will
of the Father is not out of the essence with the Son but rather thwarted
by the will of man, creating the illusion of the will worship of the
example of Christ rather than the Fathers condescending love by His
absolute rite to choose. Of which the scripture presents this doctrine
that makes practice orthodox. And it really gets down to your view of
human freedom as it is endowed with grace. Because if the Fathers love
through Christ does not offer the only hope of the giving up of the
control of self, then you have a problem with the definition of control
and of grace. Man i hope its not to difficult. So yes my views of
the doctrine of the divine essence are more important than the focus on
human freedom by changing something about the self. What real freedom
involves is my ability to a descent-er by my doctrine as it relates to
example theology. In my apologetic i am raising up divine sovereignty
by the essence theology and loosing the bands of the so called false
freedom offered by those example prophets. To focus on the Fathers
essence in His willing some to be saved and some not to be saved is to
present God as God.
Forums / Main Forum / How Does One Counsel His Own Pastor?
on: April 02, 2007, 05:45:53 PM
Maybe if God called him, God can also speak to him about how to handle the church? (asking gently...)
If I were you, I'd befriend him, but I wouldn't offer advice until I was asked...
LM... that
is what I am trying to figure out: I don't want to be mucking in God's
mud. Nor, if I am actually responsible as a brother to throw some input
out there from a just me to him standpoint, I don't want it to come off
wrong. I am already his friend, so that isn't an issue. God does speak
to people directly all the time, but sometimes, wise counsel comes from
friends too. Eric
Out of all of the letters in the NT the
book of Gal. has more scathing rebukes than any other of the letters of
the apostle. Why do you think that is so. Because the doctrine of
phariseeism is the most destructive doctrine of the entire history of
the church. And it starts with will worship. After years of living under
the domination of semi plaginism we have lost our individualism. We
love to have structure. We would absolute need medication if the pastor
told us that we could do any thing we wanted to do if we are believers.
That we had an advocate in the church in which we that actually
protected families rather than pester them to death for money. That we
are all screw ups and in need of an advocate or a Savior that actually
offered free grace and we would see to it that the sheep understood
that. That we would be watching each others backs rather than trying to
start some new program and get a new board going just wasting every ones
time. We need to go back to real Calvinism and the art of dissenting. We are all high preist and have responsibility to keep the individuality of each member protected. God is big enough to have each
one of us crying our for our individual needs and meeting them at the
same time so why are we always attracted to structure outside of the
doctrines of grace. We need to stop with our personal insults and our
lack of freedom and really get to know the Christ of free grace for sin.
Forums / Theology Forum / The Donkey Messenger
on: April 02, 2007, 12:29:15 PM
Dear Half-Brother mbG, I think you know which spiritual half you fail to grasp? 
But God will reveal to each one of us the Pauline doctrine of
predestination and so we are full brothers in heaven. I am just enjoying
the resting in the pre- grace of God that will be revealed in its
fulness at the coming of our Lord. I hope and pray that you will
reconsider what kind of love we are talking about. Its not just
the love of the goose bump type we get as a result of glorying in Him in
His holy word through the Holy Spirit. But is is a sovereign love in
choice in which Christ forgives us and stands in our stead so that we
can receive all of the benefits of His work. In Christ death and
resurrection we enjoy all we need through all eternity. And the Spirit
makes it known to us by His comforting us because of Christ and not
because of our obedience. We simple must believe in the absolute sovereign work of Christ on our behalf and cry out to Him for it to be
made manifested in us and through us because it was accomplished in full
at the cross and was a pre grace work in all of our responses. And so
the love is not just a feeling but it is the power of God in the gospel
of God, who poured out His wrath on Christ so that we could glory in His
righteousness, sent from heaven. We being unworthy sinners
deserve nothing. We cannot even look up to heaven for comfort without
the sprinkling of His blood upon the alter of heaven on our behalf. We
come to the Father with sin that is so heinous and odious that we are
unacceptable and without hope of any righteousness in ourselves. The
love of the Father is a powerful refuge only for a really bad sinner.
Its not for the righteous. Its for the beggars and the prostitutes the thieves and the adultery. And might i say to those religious self
righteous people there is also a spiritually sinful red lite district. 
Have you gone past the goose bumps to the true personal advocacy of
Christ. Has He been magnified as God and you been reduced as a sinner?
Unless we feel the weight of our odiousness we cannot understand the
power of His advocacy. And we will never trust Him enough to get a gift
that is beyond our ability to receive by our own efforts. Christ is
dashing the world governments into pieces because His is king. Its time
to give Him His sovereign rite to rule of He will take you out of the
way also. His love is the only thing that matters in this life.
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