« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 11:42:36 AM »
Christ in us scriptures is the
seed of the word of God that was implanted in us when we were
regenerated. We received the Spirit of God who took up residence in us
as the only voice. The Spirit subdued our wills by killing our old will
and the word became flesh to us. The Spirit and the Word began to rule
in our lives. This means that direction of our lives too a 180 degree
turn. We no longer belong to ourselves.
The word is the instrument that pronounces judgment and victory in making our paths straight. Just like the fire of God goes before Him so the Spirit and the word go before us to lead us into all Truth. I am starting to develop this concept in a more detailed way. Because the word of God is purified seven times it is more durable and lasting than any other instrument on this earth.
Because the word in us is Gods saving declaration. Not only as to the new birth but in the future detail of our lives. This means that nothing can come into our lives unless God speaks it or decrees whatsoever comes to pass. Therefore we wait for God to speak salvation as if we seek after God.
Why is the word of God a sure word?.. because it is purified seven times. What is the metaphor for this final reality? It is the fire of God that goes out before Him and consumes His foes on every side. This word has seven judgments upon Gods enemies. I guess you could say they are the seven pronouncements or sins that are deadly. Because you cannot separate the word from the Spirit of the word. This seven times purified is that connection. Gods word is a pronouncement of judgment as well as a life giving Spirit. I think we have the workings of the seven spirits of God that go out in judgment in the saving of Gods elect. So that they produce life on the one hand and passively produce death on the other. There is always blessing and punishment.
We have the ot concept of the angel of the Lord who fights Israels battles. This angel does the will of God.. He fights the spiritual enemies of the Lord. So we have this angel who works through the natural created order to produce the destruction of the wicked. got to go.
You need to understand the word purified seven times is in the context of protection from a specific imprint. Or a formed identity. The teaching is that the wicked way is imprinted and it comes out in words that are not Gods words. Sin comes from a sinner and when ever sinners are prospering then their imprint is on society and they produce the world view that is designed to destroy the righteous. What hope does a believer have? It is the word of God as the instrument of protection and judgment! How does God judge the wicked and self righteous? By giving them what they want! But this is a special dispensation because of the level of evil! Its when evil prospers.
We need to understand the durability of the word of God! The word of God is a supreme word or its the decrees of God from His eternal counsel. God decreed that Adam would sin... man is under the imputed sin of the first man. Man is born in sin. Out of if the entire population on this earth... God chooses a small number of men to put His love on. God must come to man because man wants to rebel being under Adams sin. So God covenants with this community of His own and calls them His children. This is the word purified seven times. He decrees and calls some men to Himself. That calling is irrevocable.
Now instead of His elect looking to themselves for change ... they look to Gods covenant from Abraham. There is only one word that is sure... its Gods promise to have a people for His own. We are required to always look away from ourselves to Gods eternal mercy... grace.. kindness and love! When we understand the cause of everything that is good then we acknowledge there is an imprint that is beyond our willing! This imprint is the spoken Word in us that becomes flesh. The words are Spirit. This is why we long to be and we are. I must get into these seven spirits that are imprinted us as our worship identity.
The word is the instrument that pronounces judgment and victory in making our paths straight. Just like the fire of God goes before Him so the Spirit and the word go before us to lead us into all Truth. I am starting to develop this concept in a more detailed way. Because the word of God is purified seven times it is more durable and lasting than any other instrument on this earth.
Because the word in us is Gods saving declaration. Not only as to the new birth but in the future detail of our lives. This means that nothing can come into our lives unless God speaks it or decrees whatsoever comes to pass. Therefore we wait for God to speak salvation as if we seek after God.
Why is the word of God a sure word?.. because it is purified seven times. What is the metaphor for this final reality? It is the fire of God that goes out before Him and consumes His foes on every side. This word has seven judgments upon Gods enemies. I guess you could say they are the seven pronouncements or sins that are deadly. Because you cannot separate the word from the Spirit of the word. This seven times purified is that connection. Gods word is a pronouncement of judgment as well as a life giving Spirit. I think we have the workings of the seven spirits of God that go out in judgment in the saving of Gods elect. So that they produce life on the one hand and passively produce death on the other. There is always blessing and punishment.
We have the ot concept of the angel of the Lord who fights Israels battles. This angel does the will of God.. He fights the spiritual enemies of the Lord. So we have this angel who works through the natural created order to produce the destruction of the wicked. got to go.
You need to understand the word purified seven times is in the context of protection from a specific imprint. Or a formed identity. The teaching is that the wicked way is imprinted and it comes out in words that are not Gods words. Sin comes from a sinner and when ever sinners are prospering then their imprint is on society and they produce the world view that is designed to destroy the righteous. What hope does a believer have? It is the word of God as the instrument of protection and judgment! How does God judge the wicked and self righteous? By giving them what they want! But this is a special dispensation because of the level of evil! Its when evil prospers.
We need to understand the durability of the word of God! The word of God is a supreme word or its the decrees of God from His eternal counsel. God decreed that Adam would sin... man is under the imputed sin of the first man. Man is born in sin. Out of if the entire population on this earth... God chooses a small number of men to put His love on. God must come to man because man wants to rebel being under Adams sin. So God covenants with this community of His own and calls them His children. This is the word purified seven times. He decrees and calls some men to Himself. That calling is irrevocable.
Now instead of His elect looking to themselves for change ... they look to Gods covenant from Abraham. There is only one word that is sure... its Gods promise to have a people for His own. We are required to always look away from ourselves to Gods eternal mercy... grace.. kindness and love! When we understand the cause of everything that is good then we acknowledge there is an imprint that is beyond our willing! This imprint is the spoken Word in us that becomes flesh. The words are Spirit. This is why we long to be and we are. I must get into these seven spirits that are imprinted us as our worship identity.
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2011, 10:42:51 AM »
His life in us is not trading
our goodness with His goodness ..or our trying to do what He did. Its
not what we do that makes us acceptable to Him living in us. But its
Christ in us the hope of glory. We have a life that is much bigger than
we could imagine. We died with Christ. So lets think like this.
We are sinners by nature, actions, and weakness or lack of ability. We are criminals who must stand before the Judge of the universe and be tried for our sins. We have a ledger book in heaven that list our good deeds on the one side and our sins on the other. This ledger has been added up and we are charged with a bill that can never be paid. We owe more than we can pay. But God demands payment upon entering heaven. This is why all who are not found to be in Jesus Christ must pay the price for their own sins.
But God has provided a way through Christ by saving us. Christ is not our accuser but our substitute. Christ is not our friend by addition and subtraction but by grace. Christ has done more than provided us a way to be saved. He has done all the work and now we are accepted because Christ is standing in our place as the definition of our being in Christ. We have more than a friend but we actually have a new identity. There is no one who can accuse us because Christ no longer condemns us.
This means that we no longer think like we used to think in our old life. We have been bought with His blood. We no longer are possessions of any other thing. We belong to Christ. When we sin we do not try to appease Christ who alone is holy. But we turn to Christ who provided a way for us to be accepted ... not on our recorded efforts but on His work alone. So we bring nothing that is acceptable to Christ and He gives us gifts for free.
This means that we are more than whatever we think of the most attractive person in this world. We are adopted into the family of God. We are now accepted as a member of His family and there is no way we can get out of being represented by His name. So now there is nothing that keeps us from having access to Him. We have a full offer in the gospel to open fellowship with our new Heavenly Father. We no longer try to lower our standard of acceptance by an image of the most perfect man. But we fall back on Christ work that has no relation to our lives here on earth in this time. We have a much greater foundation of our future hope. Our future is dependent upon the value of His work done in His incarnation. The basis of our communication to Him is from His work on our behalf. So we have a future that cannot be fathomed. We have something good that we cannot even dream about. It is more than we could do on our own. We now belong to a Family where the gifts come to us through grace alone , by faith alone, in Christ alone.
We are sinners by nature, actions, and weakness or lack of ability. We are criminals who must stand before the Judge of the universe and be tried for our sins. We have a ledger book in heaven that list our good deeds on the one side and our sins on the other. This ledger has been added up and we are charged with a bill that can never be paid. We owe more than we can pay. But God demands payment upon entering heaven. This is why all who are not found to be in Jesus Christ must pay the price for their own sins.
But God has provided a way through Christ by saving us. Christ is not our accuser but our substitute. Christ is not our friend by addition and subtraction but by grace. Christ has done more than provided us a way to be saved. He has done all the work and now we are accepted because Christ is standing in our place as the definition of our being in Christ. We have more than a friend but we actually have a new identity. There is no one who can accuse us because Christ no longer condemns us.
This means that we no longer think like we used to think in our old life. We have been bought with His blood. We no longer are possessions of any other thing. We belong to Christ. When we sin we do not try to appease Christ who alone is holy. But we turn to Christ who provided a way for us to be accepted ... not on our recorded efforts but on His work alone. So we bring nothing that is acceptable to Christ and He gives us gifts for free.
This means that we are more than whatever we think of the most attractive person in this world. We are adopted into the family of God. We are now accepted as a member of His family and there is no way we can get out of being represented by His name. So now there is nothing that keeps us from having access to Him. We have a full offer in the gospel to open fellowship with our new Heavenly Father. We no longer try to lower our standard of acceptance by an image of the most perfect man. But we fall back on Christ work that has no relation to our lives here on earth in this time. We have a much greater foundation of our future hope. Our future is dependent upon the value of His work done in His incarnation. The basis of our communication to Him is from His work on our behalf. So we have a future that cannot be fathomed. We have something good that we cannot even dream about. It is more than we could do on our own. We now belong to a Family where the gifts come to us through grace alone , by faith alone, in Christ alone.
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2011, 11:53:49 AM »
We follow Christ instruction by
asking Him to do as He promised in the instruction. On the one hand He
provides for our daily needs, keeps us from temptation, keeps us from
the wiles of the Devil and blesses us in spite of our sins. He promises
to remember our sins no more, to separate our sins from us as far as the
east is from the west, to not deal with us according to our sins, but
encourages us to receive grace in time of need and protection from the
schemes of men in that grace.
Christ bids us to rest from our works by praying according to His will. He bids us to seek this rest through His promise to lead us into the life of Christ. In other words the Spirit produces in us this single focus through our offering to Christ our insecurities, worries, and our shame and sin, and our need in our experiencing this helplessness in our resisting our enemies and these designs of the Devil to destroy us. The Spirit gives us new desires to go back to yesterdays rest we enjoyed with a new word of hope for today. So the Spirit leads us into rest in Christ from one day to the next to fulfill our longings in a more profound way as we seek that rest from day to day. So we are entering Gods eternal rest before we actually go into eternity.
Christ bids us to rest from our works by praying according to His will. He bids us to seek this rest through His promise to lead us into the life of Christ. In other words the Spirit produces in us this single focus through our offering to Christ our insecurities, worries, and our shame and sin, and our need in our experiencing this helplessness in our resisting our enemies and these designs of the Devil to destroy us. The Spirit gives us new desires to go back to yesterdays rest we enjoyed with a new word of hope for today. So the Spirit leads us into rest in Christ from one day to the next to fulfill our longings in a more profound way as we seek that rest from day to day. So we are entering Gods eternal rest before we actually go into eternity.
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2011, 03:23:52 PM »
God has an absolute promise to
us. Its given to us by grace. God promises that He will save us out of
His love. We must begin to see that this promise is yea and amen. Gods
promise is not from our own willing it to be but its total power that we
obtain has as its basis ...that power... from the work of Christ on the
cross. The cross is in itself the obtaining of salvation through the
work of the Trinity... alone. When we long for salvation we long for a
work that was obtained in God alone. Now this speaks to us as yea and
amen when we obtain this promise in assurance. We sinners receive
salvation in the value it really is... that value that we could never
earn, understand, or hope to keep ... on the basis of a free gift.
So now we walk as aliens in this world, not because we look at grace as something we make attractive but because we believe that we obtain confidence, peace and prosperity by receiving this gift... the most valuable commodity in this world, the unfathomable riches , the unending forgiveness, the promise of being translated into an eternal kingdom where all tears will be wiped away, in light of our sins we commit, after our willful disobedience, in light of the worse fears, sorrows, misunderstandings, as being erased on the basis of how we compare this value to our own experience. Now listen to me... all the promises are based upon someone else work. The gifts to us are poured upon us to show the value of our own weakness and sin as the back drop of Gods evidence of Christ work already done on our behalf. Think about this. There is nothing we can do, no place we can go, not even being able in our own unbelief and sorrow to thwart Gods goodness and faithfulness in giving us grace for our sins. It is finished. We can be free to jump for joy and enjoy the gifts God has given to us , knowing that He already did the work that gives us confidence even when we misuse these gifts!
So now we walk as aliens in this world, not because we look at grace as something we make attractive but because we believe that we obtain confidence, peace and prosperity by receiving this gift... the most valuable commodity in this world, the unfathomable riches , the unending forgiveness, the promise of being translated into an eternal kingdom where all tears will be wiped away, in light of our sins we commit, after our willful disobedience, in light of the worse fears, sorrows, misunderstandings, as being erased on the basis of how we compare this value to our own experience. Now listen to me... all the promises are based upon someone else work. The gifts to us are poured upon us to show the value of our own weakness and sin as the back drop of Gods evidence of Christ work already done on our behalf. Think about this. There is nothing we can do, no place we can go, not even being able in our own unbelief and sorrow to thwart Gods goodness and faithfulness in giving us grace for our sins. It is finished. We can be free to jump for joy and enjoy the gifts God has given to us , knowing that He already did the work that gives us confidence even when we misuse these gifts!
let me apply this to you. What i just told you is the most attacked thinking that this world will ever endure. This thinking is attacked by the total realm of Satan. All around us are circumstances and invisible influences who fight to take our personal peace and freedom away in this pure gospel of grace. Ok... i said this... why would we ever be sorrowful again, why cant we enjoy this world and the gifts we receive in food and play in a way that glorifies God and does not harm us, why cant we enjoy each moment without guilt, sorrow, pain, fear etc? Because we live in a world that opposes all that God has done. They opposed Christ by trying to thwart Him from saving His people. The dogs surrounded Him , people spit and mocked Him, a band of evil men encircled Him... and you know what, they tried to kill Him before He actually finished His work in having the Father turn His face from Him. But Christ was saved from that death. His Father was watching over Him in the hour of His most trying time. But it was when He was the weakest that He face the most adversity. This is the way we are. But we are sinful and unbelieving. So a lot of people talk like they are going to trust that Gods love is plenty reason to glorify God and enjoy Him. But then the trials come, the sorrows of this world begin to enclose, we hear the jeers of the wicked, we receive the sorrows of those who put confidence in the flesh. And then we are taught that God says things that He never really has said. We begin to hear other peoples experiences rather than making faith a personal matter. Then we begin to compare our sorrows with their joys. Now then we feel abandoned and lost. You see God does not require us to be always at peace with what He has done. But His peace and rest is our coming to Him and as we build up these reasons why God would not help us this time. As we feel the anger rising up in us, we must present all of it to God. We must tell Him these burdens are to big for us to carry, that the evil men are surrounding us... that our faith is so weak we are going to fall... we feel like we are in bondage and we need Him set us free. Dont believe those self motivated people that say this is a sign that you must give something up. The perfect man who was on the cross felt trapped and discouraged. He saw the demons snapping at His feet. He did not sin and He cried out to His Father to deliver Him from this death! He was taken to the most sorrowful , psychologically trouble disposition that anyone could go. But He was seen and having strong cries ... loud cries,.... He shouted to His Father.. and He was saved. It may not be tomorrow ... or a week or a yr but God will store all of your cries. God is always loving God is love. He will not abandon you. There will be a brighter day. Listen just be transparent to Him. Dont believe that He has rejected you. Tell Him all of the stuff that is building up in you. Every day present your case and wait in expection.
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