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4432  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: August 18, 2009, 02:19:37 PM
Its a wonder that any one of us can seek God. So it should not surprise us if the world does not respond with the evidence that they have any physical use to praise Him. I mean that grace prevents a man from the problem of not setting aside some time to think of God, and in thinking about God that man is drawn in some way to adore God. At the same time, if a man did not have some kind of assurance that God had communicated to Him in a loving way, i mean, whether the man shared in some form of connection to those who know God, in rejoicing in God together, or sharing some kind of communication that God had  provided for that divine appointment, then the most identifying quality that we could share in with a man who had no communication is not to blame the man or try to encourage that man to seek someone that he has no desire to find, but to provide the basis in the impossibility that he is confronted with in identifying with him.
 It would seem to me that if we say that men are able in themselves to seek God, then we set ourselves up to judge that ability in some way. This is so averse to the spirit of grace. The most natural form of the communication of grace is this holistic view of mans blindness. Men are human, both those who tasted the goodness of God and those who have not. There is a way to be offensive without being judgmental. I mean, if we put some kind of expectation on someone who is completely blind, i mean, within the ability to share the frustration of two totally different human experiences, yet God does not demand something that He does not empower by grace. If a man is dead then we will be able to view how that man is in a terrible predicament in being confronted with the relationship to the law as a slave. But if we give that man the ability to meet the requirements of the law, then we forgetting where we came from and we are not really giving all the glory to Christ in keeping us from that condemnation. I really think this comes down to who we think we are. In this since it doesnt encourage us to expose our humanness.   
4435  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Wooing the sinner? on: August 18, 2009, 11:38:19 AM
Its a wonder that any one of us can seek God. So it should not surprise us if the world does not respond with the evidence that they have any physical use to praise Him. I mean that grace prevents a man from the problem of not setting aside some time to think of God, and in thinking about God that man is drawn in some way to adore God. At the same time, if a man did not have some kind of assurance that God had communicated to Him in a loving way, i mean, whether the man shared in some form of connection to those who know God, in rejoicing in God together, or sharing some kind of communication that God had  provided for that divine appointment, then the most identifying quality that we could share in with a man who had no communication is not to blame the man or try to encourage that man to seek someone that he has no desire to find, but to provide the basis in the impossibility that he is confronted with in identifying with him.
 It would seem to me that if we say that men are able in themselves to seek God, then we set ourselves up to judge that ability in some way. This is so averse to the spirit of grace. The most natural form of the communication of grace is this holistic view of mans blindness. Men are human, both those who tasted the goodness of God and those who have not. There is a way to be offensive without being judgmental. I mean, if we put some kind of expectation on someone who is completely blind, i mean, within the ability to share the frustration of two totally different human experiences, yet God does not demand something that He does not empower by grace. If a man is dead then we will be able to view how that man is in a terrible predicament in being confronted with the relationship to the law as a slave. But if we give that man the ability to meet the requirements of the law, then we forgetting where we came from and we are not really giving all the glory to Christ in keeping us from that condemnation. I really think this comes down to who we think we are. In this since it doesnt encourage us to expose our humanness.   
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4436  Forums / Current Events / Re: Teleportation Experiment on: August 16, 2009, 06:56:45 AM
Is the information already in existence in the whole history of the world? hummmmmmm

Psalm 102
 17 He will respond to the prayer of the destitute;
       he will not despise their plea.
18 Let this be written for a future generation,
       that a people not yet created may praise the LORD :
19 "The LORD looked down from his sanctuary on high,
       from heaven he viewed the earth,
20 to hear the groans of the prisoners
       and release those condemned to death."
21 So the name of the LORD will be declared in Zion
       and his praise in Jerusalem

I don t think you can change the culture of belief in just one generation. We are starting to see that in breaking down the physical universe, that it is a logical form of communication that is as determinate as the answer to a math equation. The information is that by which God controls all things from the beginning of time to the end. What ever God thinks , well , maybe in the original thought could be the entire scope of history. I do not think one thought is a lesser than another thought in God. I mean the word is forever existed as it has from the beginning. There is no new revelation but the existence of a repetition of that revelation as if the culmination of that word had already brought time to an end.And maybe it is this information that decodes all events, having the eternal idea as the cause of all things existing in the old idea as we see it. This is why the little old lady on her knees is the most powerful human being on the earth. Or maybe Balaam is a little more significant.  Grin

I am not a charismatic but i do believe there is a significant amount of communication from the spirit world to the physical world. A mans spirit is the defining of the idea of who he is, not necessarily what he looks like physically.I am not saying that the quality of life, self preservation and individual generations are not important, because God uses means in order to accomplish His purposes. I do not think that it is necessarily true that this form of communication necessarily determines the quality of life. I am saying that with God all communication past present and future are already present. The significance in our being preserved is from a repetitive source.Any form of communication has a logical sequence. God is not a God of disorder. We are dealing here with a form of communication that is eternal that has many shadows. Our natural design is to think that the quality of life is determined upon what we can see as how we develop our communication as that by which we determine who we are both physically and spiritually. In this since the eternal idea has a significant effect on these unseen communications that are determining our quality of life in a generational sense. This makes time very important. 
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4437  Forums / Current Events / Re: Teleportation Experiment on: August 16, 2009, 06:41:24 AM
Scientist Teleport Matter More Than Three Feet

 Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the "Star Trek" feat of teleportation.

No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter — about a yard.

This is a significant milestone in a field known as quantum information processing, said Christopher Monroe of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, who led the effort.

• Click here to visit's Natural Science Center.

Teleportation is one of nature's most mysterious forms of transport: Quantum information, such as the spin of a particle or the polarization of a photon, is transferred from one place to another, without traveling through any physical medium.

It has previously been achieved between photons (a unit, or quantum, of electromagnetic radiation, such as light) over very large distances, between photons and ensembles of atoms, and between two nearby atoms through the intermediary action of a third.

None of those, however, provides a feasible means of holding and managing quantum information over long distances.

Now the JQI team, along with colleagues at the University of Michigan, has succeeded in teleporting a quantum state directly from one atom to another over a meter.

That capability is necessary for workable quantum information systems because they will require memory storage at both the sending and receiving ends of the transmission.

In the Jan. 23 issue of the journal Science, the scientists report that, by using their protocol, atom-to-atom teleported information can be recovered with perfect accuracy about 90 percent of the time — and that figure can be improved.
 Scientists have come a bit closer to achieving the "Star Trek" feat of teleportation.

No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter — about a yard.

"Our system has the potential to form the basis for a large-scale 'quantum repeater' that can network quantum memories over vast distances," Monroe said. "Moreover, our methods can be used in conjunction with quantum bit operations to create a key component needed for quantum computation."

A quantum computer could perform certain tasks, such as encryption-related calculations and searches of giant databases, considerably faster than conventional machines. The effort to devise a working model is a matter of intense interest worldwide.
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4438  Forums / Current Events / Teleportation Experiment on: August 16, 2009, 06:35:27 AM
Scientists Succeed With Teleportation Experiment

by Terrence O'Brien (RSS feed) — Jan 26th 2009 at 1:03PM
This story gets a little heady and, to be honest, we're not entirely sure we completely understand it ourselves. What we do know is that scientists have made a huge advancement in the field of teleportation, taking a step necessary to the development of quantum computers.

Scientists managed to teleport information from one atom to another from a distance of about one meter. While this isn't really getting us much closer to the 'Star Trek'-like ability to beam people around the universe, it does allow for instantaneous transmission of information without it passing through physical space. Previously, similar accomplishments have been made with photons (the basic unit of light) and between nearby atoms with the assistance of a third, but these have not proven useful for the long-term storage and long-distance transmission of information.

This breakthrough was accomplished using a phenomena known as quantum entanglement. Atomic and sub-atomic particles can be entangled, meaning their states (such as spin or polarization) are linked, regardless of distance and obstacles. The state is unknowable until a measurement of either particle is made (see Schrödinger's cat), but once the state of one particle is measured the state of the other is instantly determined.

Once the atoms are entwined, the state of atom A is measured, destroying the data, which then reappears when the scientists go to retrieve it from atom B. The information isn't transmitted from A to B, it "teleports," instantaneously disappearing and reappearing with out any interaction between the atoms.

Not confused enough? Hit the read link for more head-scratching detail on the experiment. [From:]
4442  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Does God speak with fork toung? on: August 14, 2009, 01:36:36 PM
 Well God is much bigger than we think. God doesnt look at us in our being able to be accepted by us defining how He loves us. God accepts us because we have been declared innocent in the heavenly court of law. He did more than love us with a desire to understand His love. He changed the way  the legal desires in us determine our future of living in innocence to effect our view of our past and where we place our happiness as a future endeavor. This judicial declaration has nothing to do with our experience in this world where men love to seek power in comparing themselves with themselves. That legal eye of our view about personal power in light of how power is used in this world has been transformed. We see everything as already placed under His just power.
The believer has been translated from this world to another world to plead his own case before the throne of God. But our pleading must be communicated for us because we do not have the ability to prove our own just cause before God. We actually are the guilty party standing as if we did nothing wrong because Christ has stood in our place and taken the punishment and the consequences of all of our sins, past present and future , upon Himself so that He not only declares us not guilty before God the judge but He speaks on our behalf before the world by putting all things under His feet as our representative. The power we have is to bind and loose whatever has already been bound and loosed in heaven. This is a very narrow communication of power. Because the heavenly word is the only revealed word that has that power. In this way Christ is the fulfillment of that word and He is the only one who has the power through the Spirit who binds and looses. There is no authority outside that revelation. All other ideas are measured by His word. This is a judicial declaration. I hope you understand that this is the only form of an image as a picture that is created through words that i can depend upon. This is as close to the beatific vision as we can get on this earth. The word is not an incantation.. it is reality of how God loves His own. If you have the faith of a mustered seed you can move mountains. Its not His fault we live among scorpions. Liberals rule the day, what can i say?   
4445  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: THE LINE II on: August 13, 2009, 09:57:53 PM
Gene,  I agree it is Christ in us that does the works of God, our new nature, our new creation, and I believe thats where the freedom God grants is applied to. As opposed to our old nature which we also retain and where our consistent short comings are hatched from, yet "freedom" in the broad sense is gladly embraced  by the old nature and utilized  to conform to patterns of this world, to love it and everything in it, to be the friend of the world, to grab each and every "New and Improved" gold ring it has to offer (as long as it is done honestly)

I'm not sure if Maxx was supposing to be Holy and "Set Apart" meant we should be "Apart" from the world, all it means is to go into the world, to all the people, to all the places, not in the spirit of the old nature but motivated by the spirit of the new nature and then yes, Christ in us then calls the shots.

Of course before we do this we need to be quiet and still to hear his still small voice directing, guiding, leading us to the work he will perform through us. Should we be anxious about what we are to do? Not at all, after we petition God through prayer and giving thanks we should let the peace of God that transcends all old nature thinking guard our hearts and minds, or in other words "Relax"

Hug, kiss

What you think in your mind about other people and the amount of the good things that you do in your marriage is always inflated. The bible brings us down to earth. Its not loving the lovable... its loving the unlovable. Thats the standard. You are going to decrease so that He can increase. Thats where reality starts. You cant love others until you are loved. Its a smoke screen.

Why do you think the apostle spent so much time talking to religious people about relationships? Not what you do to be accepted? Because the easiest kind self deception is thinking that just because you take the garbage out that this is going to make you more acceptable.(The garbage paradigm is a metaphor for doing things on the basis that it is the rite thing to do.Or doing things to prove you love.) May i say that this is exactly what the apostle was pinpointing as trying to perfect yourself in the flesh. He ask the Galatians believers why they had turned from beginning in the Spirit, that was that they were in the past doing things based upon a desire to love the object from a joy of being loved. They had lost that connection by some outward show.  Dont you remember that you were loved like no other time in your life when the Spirit regenerated and gave you a heart of love in order to dwell in union with Christ in the expression of the marriage relationship.... that desire to please other people by your law keeping was replaced? That old desire was killed. The only method of change comes through the Spirits work in the community He has gifted with that first love. The other way is going back to the old life. I dont understand why Christians fall for this? Oh , i guess i have too.
I hope you we can discuss these things , i would be happy for you to tell me that i am just making things difficult so i dont encourage the doing part. I will say that its easy to write the statement "faith without works is dead." So lets just forget all the thinking and writing in a purely doctrinal and spiritual encouraging application.(What has happened to the Pastoral puritan?) We all come here to a place where we do absolutely nothing except say words of encouragement. Faith without works is dead. Now you feel like a hypocrite?   
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4446  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: THE LINE II on: August 13, 2009, 12:00:48 PM

I thought a true believer was considered an alien in this "Real World"
this "Real World"  is not his home.
We have been commanded to take our "fairy dust" and cast it out into the world, sure a lot of it falls on bad soil, but we are commanded to keep sowing the seed.

Survival in the real world of "relationship with God" is not guaranteed a day let alone "the long run" of life. And the joy comes from doing the service of God not in the little things of life. (at least I can't find that verse in the bible)

I'm not sure what you mean by being "Normal"? I thought the Christian was called to be Holy, separate, different, set apart from the rest of the world, and running in such a way as to get the prize?
The moment your not ok with being like everyone else feeling no shame in displaying your spirituality in the eyes of anyone, you will be on your way to knowing the real Him.

There is no question we can live without saying "Jesus" in a regular manner as we talk, or have dinner with someone, but I would never raise that above a worship service.

Do Christians really "fix things" when someone is in need? Or after just "being" and sitting quietly do they offer to be praying for that person rather than saying "I'll be thinking about you" How empty is that?

The only thing God wants from us is to believe? He hasn't commanded it that I know of, and I thought the Spirit did the work of quickening? I do see God wants us to Love God and Love others, along with making disciples, and not for the sake of getting more points but through it we are becoming more like him.

Our "Freedom" in Christ is a freedom from the bondage of sin more than the freedom to act anyway your behavior leads you, (although we do know our behavior will never separate us from him)

I don't really see any stress here, maybe some people can be more intense than others, but the bible warns us these are the end days, and with each tick of the clock someone is entering eternity, either with or apart from God, and He has called us to go out into the ripe harvest. So you got yours, good, now just don't grasp your golden ticket, climb into your closet and listen for the trumpet blast.

God has called us to "GO" and faith comes from HEARING not from acting, "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain"

I'm just glad John the Baptist wasn't one to just relax, or Martin Luther for that matter, or John Calvin, or Arminius
I realize not everyone is called to be one like these, but to call people to relax when the world is going to hell, to relax when we are commanded (not a suggestion) to GO, to enjoy the freedom of our old nature rather than the freedom of our new nature, well it sure sounds good to "Itchy ears" but I think that direction will never cross with Satan, or have much resistance.

If they hated Jesus they will hate us too, not because of our normal "real world" behavior but because of our abnormal Christ like behavior, and as they do persecute us we will be blessed, as Jesus said.

I do understand the just of what you are saying but just a little troubled as it overcompensates for immature extremest.

Brotherly Hugs and Holy Kisses,

Dannyboy.... i would like to know how your theory of a balance between trying harder and total freedom can work to keep a person from performing. 
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4447  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 13, 2009, 12:23:06 AM
LuvChess, believe it or not, I am right were you are at. I hear all of these wonderful admonitions from bretheren and sisteren in the faith (and from scripture), about how if I “truly loved the Lord” then I would have scant problems in obeying Him. Well, that much is probably true; if I did love the Lord the way I know I should, then undoubtedly I would not be having the problems I am having with temptation. The problem is, I do not love the Lord like that; I don’t even come close. Many Christians lose sight of the fact that when Jesus made that statement, He most likely was not writing out a prescription for how His sheep should act, but was in fact making a bold description of the kind of people they actually were. In so doing, He was in fact showing them their hearts - they knew (at least the ones who weren’t kidding themselves like the pharisees) that in reality their love for God was just so much lip-service which amounted to putting make-up on a corpse. He did this to show them the utter futility of relying on themselves and their own resources.  I am at the point where the only thing I can do (and have been doing) is to ask (and ask and ask and ask!) for God to give me both holy and righteous desires and a true hatred for my sin. And that’s all I can do. Like you pointed out (and I believe I have too) we can hardly go and manufacture such desires within ourselves on our own. Yes, sin costs and sin hurts. What hurts even worse is playing a game of “let’s pretend I am empowered just by quoting scripture” and then sinning anyway. Remember, the correct rendering of the Greek translates out to “declared righteous,” not made so. (That was to come from a mis-translation from a someone translating it into “eustificari” (“made righteous”), and although it was probably unintentional, it has been doing untold damage to the psyches of believer’s for centuries.

When we lose sight of the fact that we have, by a legal transaction, a declaration of utter imputed righteousness pronounced over us, and by that (and only that) are we found holy and blameless in the sight of a just and holy God, then we are back to putting our focus on ourselves and our behavior and well on the way back to losing the battle once more. Whether you at this moment are sinning or no, keep coming back to the central fact of it being all about Christ and Him crucified and nothing else. That is where your righteousness comes from. Not from treating scripture as if it were a magic text of incantations where if you just utter the right ones, all your temptations will suddenly evaporate and your old man will just run away and never bother you again. That is not the life of a believer; that is the life of someone who has reduced Christ and His word to a set of rules and formulas and believes he or she will have victory with just the right combination of same. In other words: just like any other self-help program which you’ll find on the shelves of your local bookstore.

Toadbat -

    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I just feel ridiculous continually asking for forgiveness for the same sin. Obviously one can't be to sorry if you do it over and over. It's like me stepping on your foot, crunch..sorry, again crunch...sorry, again crunch..sorry. After awhile I don't think you would believe I was too sorry about it.
This scenario is what cause my original question, if I stepped on your foot I wouldn't feel a deep remorse about it, it's more of a off the cuff type of response. Something you were taught as a child to say. But if I accidentally hit you with my car and you were paralyzed for life, then my remorse would be very deep. I could see and understand how it affected you. I don't have that same understanding about my sin against God.
I want to know how do I get that deep remorse about my sin? I can't make myself feel that, it has to be genuine. Anyways it seems like I don't see my sin the way that I should.
Your heart has been renewed completely, there is no reason to have the same kind of initial repentance. Look at this statement very closely. There is a difference between renewing your mind and repenting to be renewed. Here is the statement.  Legalism : 2. The softening or further renewing of an already renewed heart (preparation ism as regards sanctification. Note Romans 12:2-Transformation occurs through the renewing of the mind),"Bill Baldwin I think i understand what TB is trying to say, but we are talking past one another. I believe, i have no need of reviving the need for acceptance. That is just refusing to move on.  Its about what the promises are to me.
4452  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Vivifying effects of the Word of God on: August 12, 2009, 04:05:30 PM
We are a letter , not written with ink but we are moved along by the power of the Living God. This is better than any kind of statement of fact. The apostle prayed that we might be filled with all the fullness of God.  hardly think the Apostle got that from a book. As i recall he was taken up to the third heaven and saw things that could not be described. Doesnt this include something that we experience but that we cannot describe? Ok, some of us have been so filled with the control of the Holy Spirit that we are drunk with His glorious infusions of joy unspeakable and full of glory!!He touches the cord of eternity that is an internal instrument that plays in us of all of the past memories of His sweet visitations. The light of the universe shines so bright that you would think that the Holy Spirit increase the suns brightness. But if it wasnt for the fact that we feel so full of His presence that we would conclude that it was something he did outside of us. But He actually causes us to rejoice in Him by opening our eyes to see more clearer than we ever have before. Oh Please Holy Spirit come fill this place!!

I for one think this life is not just a life of the mundane. I believe that we have heaven breaking into our day. And it may be that we know this kind of experience when it happens because we cannot explain how our experience becomes a sense of eternity. I do not think that these times that break upon us have the weight of a time from in it. I mean, well, the Holy Spirit comes upon us i think and since we cannot see Him there is some other communication going on. Uh, if sorrow has been so real to us, what do we have to measure it by? Do we have some earthly comfort? If joy is a heavenly dew, then that is a personal experience. I know that there is no greater fellowship to have then to be enraptured by a sense of eternal bliss. How can we feel as if the past experiences are real in feeling at the present time unless eternity is a continuous fellowship with a pleasure that is greater and greater in the absence of former sorrows? I think the Sweet Sweet Spirit falls on us and time is faded into eternity for awhile.

Let me say one more thing. As if we could control the meta physical actions in our universe and the weight of what we call the world. This is represented by the influences of these supernatural beings. Time is attached to fear, worry, anxiety because time is what the world offers. But eternity is an experience that transforms our earthly view. The amount of the weight of the world is lifted for the weightlessness and pure pleasure outside of this time experience so that all of these personal attachments to the sorrow of this world lose the effects that keep us down. This is the Holy Spirit , a sweet sweet eternal accumulation of all the pleasure that God has received in His glorifying Himself. There is a sense in which we find joy in fellowship with the great Comforter, and in this we are lifted into eternity where all of these joys and pleasures have their full powerful effects on us. These eternal beings have the touch of glory in the experience.

I am just lit rite now, it started at work yesterday ... those fast twitch muscles  exploded with supernatural energy i new it was coming.
4453  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Vivifying effects of the Word of God on: August 12, 2009, 03:22:46 PM
I dont believe that in speaking to us He is averse in creating in us an understanding in spite of our tendency to demand things from Him to please ourselves. I dont believe that we have an image in which there is not some form of self expression in the asking. How can someone ask according to His will and have a separate self? After all if God was totally other then it would be expressed in His lack of concern for us personally. This is one of the problems with an over attention on the punishment that Christ received from the God in order to meet the requirements for the atonement. I mean we can in a sense and in the spirit of an image that we have created from our own experience in this awful society of indulgences to create a Christ that we must see Him in all of the sorrow and be just like re crucifying Him as a way to appease for our own sins. Man, the bleeding that is going on in an effort to hold onto the historical faith is awful.

After many yrs of meditation on these same prayers so that it has been thousands of times, it has become clearer to me that God speaks to our understanding directly in a paradigm that causes us to find in each contemplative exercise that He is directing this infused personality as a means to create the circumstances that will occur in the future. He shows His cards before they actually transpire or they are thrown on the table so to speak. Now as i have told you that a couple of weeks ago He was leading me to this intense war like experience where i actually came out bloodied in a spiritual sense. But lately He is directing me to see the perfect man who is available to me and at my side. Not for anything in particular but for protection. There is no man like the man Christ. In some ways i am desperately trying to obtain this vision by force. And the vision was sweet. I do not go into contemplation with any kind of understanding of what will be communicated to me. Its just as natural as someone talking to me in a conversation. It is in the deepest recesses of my mind.

I have told this person that i do this contemplation and then after receiving some kind of message then i go to the forums to write. This of course is not without an understanding of Gods attributes and His way of dealing with us. But this intense battle that occurred a couple of weeks ago has turned into a personal assurance of Christ standing at my side for my protection. He is the only one who understands my cause and He has assured me that He only is going to speak good of me in order for me to be so full of joy and assurance that i will see the next salvation. I have been encouraged to go to Him with much sweat equity. And He has caused me to focus so much on His protection that He has shown me in my understanding how separated He is from all of men , in how He deals with His own. I think He actually shows Himself to us in the contemplation of His word, but He comes closer than the actual contemplation. He becomes the reality as to how He is going to deal with us at a particular time in our lives.
This was two days ago of intense pleading and then there is this visit
4454  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Was Christ "fully" human? on: August 12, 2009, 02:17:22 PM
Yes G2 We are a letter , not written with ink but we are moved along by the power of the Living God. This is better than any kind of statement of fact. The apostle prayed that we might be filled with all the fullness of God.  hardly think the Apostle got that from a book. As i recall he was taken up to the third heaven and saw things that could not be described. Doesnt this include something that we experience but that we cannot describe? Ok, some of us have been so filled with the control of the Holy Spirit that we are drunk with His glorious infusions of joy unspeakable and full of glory!!He touches the cord of eternity that is and internal instrument that plays in us of all of the past memories of His sweet visitations. The light of the universe shines so bright that you would think that the Holy Spirit increase the suns brightness. But if it wasnt for the fact that we feel so full of His presence that we would conclude that it was something he did outside of us. But He actually causes us to rejoice in Him by opening our eyes to see more clearer than we ever have before. Oh Please Holy Spirit come fill this place!!

I for one think this life is not just a life of the mundane. I believe that we have heaven breaking into our day. And it may be that we know this kind of experience when it happens because we cannot explain how our experience becomes a sense of eternity. I do not think that these times that break upon us have the weight of a time from in it. I mean, well, the Holy Spirit comes upon us i think and since we cannot see Him there is some other communication going on. Uh, if sorrow has been so real to us, what do we have to measure it by? Do we have some earthly comfort? If joy is a heavenly dew, then that is a personal experience. I know that there is no greater fellowship to have then to be enraptured by a sense of eternal bliss. How can we feel as if the past experiences are real in feeling at the present time unless eternity is a continuous fellowship with a pleasure that is greater and greater in the absence of former sorrows? I think the Sweet Sweet Spirit falls on us and time is faded into eternity for awhile.

Let me say one more thing. As if we could control the meta physical actions in our universe and the weight of what we call the world. This is represented by the influences of these supernatural beings. Time is attached to fear, worry, anxiety because time is what the world offers. But eternity is an experience that transforms our earthly view. The amount of the weight of the world is lifted for the weightlessness and pure pleasure outside of this time experience so that all of these personal attachments to the sorrow of this world lose the effects that keep us down. This is the Holy Spirit , a sweet sweet eternal accumulation of all the pleasure that God has received in His glorifying Himself. There is a sense in which we find joy in fellowship with the great Comforter, and in this we are lifted into eternity where all of these joys and pleasures have their full powerful effects on us. These eternal beings have the touch of glory in the experience. 

I am just lit rite now, it started at work yesterday ... those fast twitch muscles  exploded with supernatural energy i new it was coming.
ation in the delay.
4456  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Does God speak with fork toung? on: August 12, 2009, 12:08:30 PM
Yes the old testament is about an eternal God condescending to humans. In this sense God uses sarcasm to enforce His rite to punish the wicked. Gods condescending to His people is always in the context of Christ eternal Son ship and through the method of anointment and redemption. When God speaks to His people it is in the family within the house of God. Not everyone was in the family. This is why there is so much confusion over the idea of Gods methods toward His beloved children and the goats. God is very clear in His distinction between the gospel of grace , which is a lack of attention to His concern for moral qualifications when His grace is present. God does not twist arms He enables.

But God uses the goats as enforced by the warnings of the old testament by the prophets to protect His own. People are very weird when it comes to trying to control other people through the prophets. I mean , men live through the prophets as Arminians to force people to accept this God of just consequences. The actually theology is that God encourages His leaders when they say, but look at that city there is no longer any one who is of the remnant. Then God says, havent you understood by my warnings to the idolaters in the house of Israel that i have reserved for myself 7000 who have not bowed the knee to false Gods? The LORD is our Shepherd because He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies.

This i think was Jesus ministry and subsequent teaching to the Pharisees about the prodigal. Jesus was spending time with the sinners , i mean ,those in the house and outside , the ones who He was preserving for Himself , while the wicked men who were in the house were angry. In other words they were not making a distinction in how the goodness of God is vindicated by His protection of His own from the self righteous. I think Jesus was saying to these Torah false prophets ... your Palagenism game is exposed. I hope you understand what i am saying. I am drawing a parallel to the way the OT interpretation as the evil millstone on the sinners.

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