This two line reasoning has a certain
determinist process .... that in my opinion makes the question a leading
question....and that the moral equation is that i can have assurance of
faith by my proof of works. I think that the person in this culture
who brings up this dichotomy between the place the mind and these
individual works has in salvation are opposed in the assurance of
faith... because in order for a person to argue that the proposition is
valid... he must prove his saving knowledge with an equal performance of
that knowledge.... the problem with this reasoning is that our faith is
much smaller than we appear to present our being righteous on the
outside. In other words in order for us to present a James argument we
need a metaphor as James does... in order to move the focus off of the
outward performance and on to the inward reality of the heart... James
is upset that the rich of the church are appearing to be more righteous
than the poor. Just like the first response in the moral principle of
this world is to find the proof.... so it is a temptation of the
christian community to present the message as equality of faith with
equality of proof. But James is doing the opposite by his arguing for
the proof... He is saying that its not what a man appears to be in this
world that proves that he has saving faith... James is saying that God
has turned the whole proving principle upside down....and now proof is
how a man is molded to see who he is before God. Let me show you.... Lets
look at Job.... if i might say that Job is the first Psalmist ... what i
mean is that Job being one of the oldest books is very much in perfect
harmony with how the Psalmist reasons... let me show you.... Now Jobs
friends are reasoning that sin is the reason that Job is suffering...
and that there is un confessed sin that God is dealing with him... that
the main problem is Jobs morality and the mo tiff that blameless equals
sin less... sound familiar?... now Job motives are not to prove his
goodness but Job is thinking in a revealed way in order to show the
reality that we all are no longer under condemnation... in other words
Job has learned to reason according to how God thinks and that is why it
proves that he had learned wisdom so that he was what he thought... Here
Job is pouring out his trouble before the Lord... i mean that Job is
very human here... and he is as honest before God as his very profound
wisdom is being expressed here.... and he is saying that since he is
suffering in this way he is experiencing this imprisonment of his
spirit.... and looking back, his poverty is represented by not even
having a desire to be born... this is extreme suffering... and Job has
practiced this open communication before God so that this line of reason
is automatic. Job 3 3 "May the day of my birth perish, and the night it was said, 'A boy is born!' 4 That day—may it turn to darkness; may God above not care about it; may no light shine upon it. 5 May darkness and deep shadow [a] claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm its light. 6 That night—may thick darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the months. 7 May that night be barren; may no shout of joy be heard in it. 8 May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan.
9 May its morning stars become dark; may it wait for daylight in vain and not see the first rays of dawn,
10 for it did not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide trouble from my eyes.
11 "Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?
12 Why were there knees to receive me and breasts that I might be nursed?
13 For now I would be lying down in peace; I would be asleep and at rest
14 with kings and counselors of the earth, who built for themselves places now lying in ruins,
15 with rulers who had gold, who filled their houses with silver.
16 Or why was I not hidden in the ground like a stillborn child, like an infant who never saw the light of day?
17 There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest.
18 Captives also enjoy their ease; they no longer hear the slave driver's shout.
19 The small and the great are there, and the slave is freed from his master.
20 "Why is light given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul,
21 to those who long for death that does not come, who search for it more than for hidden treasure,
22 who are filled with gladness and rejoice when they reach the grave?
23 Why is life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in?
24 For sighing comes to me instead of food; my groans pour out like water.
25 What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
26 I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil."
obvious by his friends response that they are thinking in a natural
way... and i really think that Job in all of his wisdom sees right
through all of this reasoning... i will show you this complete Psalmist be cont.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: What's the purpose of baptism?
on: May 24, 2009, 10:44:28 AM
Every nation on this earth from the beginning
of time is ruled by the Lord. Since there are Gentile converts in the
line of Christ then there are no absolute distinctions to who God
reveals Himself. God has always been a cross cultural God. Because God
has created the whole earth... and He has made all that He has
determined where men will live so that they can best respond to His
revelation of Himself... because all men are not only cause to exist by
God but all men are sustained by God. God speaks and there is light, God
speaks and the weather patterns bring in the snow,rain and heat... and
just as God has chosen to work all things for His pleasure so He has
chosen to give a nation the oracles of God. God has revealed Himself to a
nation. God rules the earth through a people. The earth is for man... God
intended from the beginning in the call of Abraham to extend His grace
from the nation of Israel to the entire earth. His covenant with Abraham
was that he would have an offspring that was as numbered as the stars
of heaven. We are all from one man... Adam.We are all from one
people...but God has chosen to group people in different nations when He
confused the languages at the tower of Babel. Gods salvation is
not toward a certain group. It does not come by the will of man.
Salvation is not according to the view of man. There are more events
that happened in the OT and NT in the history of saving than is recorded
in the bible. Salvation is by the grace of God and is extended to man
by the will of God. So that God will be glorified and His purposes for
creating the world and mankind will not be thwarted.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Who do you pray to in the Trinity?
on: May 22, 2009, 05:34:29 PM
Prayer is about God... its focusing on His
attributes. If we want to know that we are forgiven then we must
mindfully know that God is able... how is He able... because He is
God... and our confidence in forgiveness is not feeling that we are
forgiven as the initial communication of this inter action... that is
God speaking to us and we are speaking back. If you love someone then
you will spend time talking to them, and listening to what they are
about. If you have not talked for awhile then there is some catching up
to do to speak. Well then what we desire and the aliveness in our
relationships depends upon our connection to the other person. In
talking to that person we are not just having it go in one ear and out
the other but we are feeling a certain level of the other persons
experience. And the more we know about the other person ... the more we
know their hearts desires... the kind of things they like .. .the more
we are going to feel comfortable with them. Well God promises to
fellowship with us in this same way. He is knocking on the door of our
hearts.. He is seeking to reveal Himself to us as the all knowing God
and as a God who will respond to our asking.. and a God who will reveal
to us a remedy for our most deepest need. But the difference between our
connecting with others and our connecting with God is that Gods
disposition is the reality of how we define our enjoyment and having our
answers to our questions. God is a supernatural God... He inhabits the
prayers of His people. How do we know what God wants and what
pleases Him the most? We know it by reading and understanding His
revelation. The more we know about God... the more access to the effects
we will have in our fellowship with Him. God wants to fill us up with
His personal care... He wants us to be filled with the Spirit. In prayer
then we commune with someone who is effecting our lives in ways that we
do not understand because we do not see all of the events that are
brought together in order for us to know enough where we are confident
that we know what is going to happen to us from one minute to another.
Well God knows by His power to create ... sustain and uphold our very
existence and the life we enjoy even in fellowship with Him! In prayer
we find that God is all we need.. because He answers all of these
different things in our lives and the way we feel about them. This is
how He is accessible to us. There is nothing that He does not know..
nothing that He is not able to deal with... nothing that He has rejected
in us and nothing that He cannot turn for our good. Gods communication
to us is so free that we can express to Him in complete freedom... and
in a sense we dont know what that freedom is like until He shows us as
we fellowship with Him.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: What's the purpose of baptism?
on: May 22, 2009, 01:03:26 PM
issue of a future Temple is something that I figure I'll deal with when
we get there. Whether it's literal or allegorical, I don't know. I
kinda figure that's a bit above my pay grade. And there definitely is a
connection between the OT and the NT. Like you said, it's not a simple
matter of that either/or. That's why I was talking about finding out
how we fit into the big story of the Scriptures, People/Kingdom of God,
etc. When I was saying that I don't think the answer to modern
Judaism's lifelessness is a Temple, but is rather Jesus, what I meant
was that in a post-Incarnation, New Covenant reality, restoring the
ritual/Levitical context to the religion isn't good enough. Even if
there was a restoration of the Temple, it'd have to be different to
properly fit into a New Covenant context. The book of Hebrews is pretty
clear on that.
Truth be told, the issue of how to mesh Judaism
and Christianity is a bit of a sore spot for me, so I must confess that I
can be (and have been during some of this discussion) a bit of a jerk
when it comes up. I spent most of my adult life in a Messianic Jewish
congregation. And during my time there, I saw too many friends and
family walk away from Christ in favor of traditional Judaism. And among
many who didn't walk away, there was a downplaying of the greater Body
of Christ, New Covenant Grace, and the Gospel itself because those
concepts weren't "Jewish enough." And this was rarely among people who
were believers in Yeshua and of Jewish heritage; it was usually gentile
Christians who became wannabe Jews.
So, forgive my snark and argumentativeness; some wounds in this area still haven't fully healed.
mentioning Hebrews... i am currently messed in this book. I am in the
middle of the 4th chapter of memorization.... now as i meditate on this
book ... i think the introduction of the first 2 chapters is vital in
seeing how the author presents this law grace paradigm... first because
the author is defining the definition of a new way of worship... and in
this new way we actually are not just in a local congregation... its not
just about the sabbath... but its an introduction to the actual access
to throne of God and a heavenly family.And i know that He is dealing
with the rituals such as the washings...the angels... the local presence
of God in the shekinah and the important day as a sabbath. But now
since Christ has ascended to the rite hand of the Father then He has
finished the work... just as God finished the work of creation. Now
then this new relationship to Christ is kind of like a further
definition of His introducing Himself as in this new family... and i
dont think its just that He has a new local agency in the church... but
it extends to the universal church and a religion of actual open access
to the connection of this family love in this heavenly throne. The
Father ... Son .. and Holy Spirit having these new definitions of this
relationship to this new reality. For some reason then the motif of
defining the difference between the old covenant and the new is the
doctrine of Adoption. I think the apostle Paul stressed this doctrine in
his epistles as the central force of Gods sovereign action to bring to
bear on our earthly sojourn that we are now having the full reality of
belonging on this earth... and we can now focus on this as it is
finished... this acceptance into the heavenly family where we have no
way of failing if we enter into the rest as they had done on the
Sabbath. Now this is why these exhortations that start in chap 3 are
really encouragements because since Christ was introduced as the Son of
God ... the actual glory of God... the radiance of Gods glory... then
that local focus now is transformed into a universal providence paradigm
in which we are marked by Him in this adoptive security. In other
words Christ is coming to us and speaking this encouragement in this
promise of faith as our brother now... no longer as if we were looking
through the law in order to find that shekinah glory. The family of God
transcends even our own ability to find Him in assurance as having to
meet a requirement in order to be accepted as a son in Gods heavenly
house. We look to our brother Christ as an evidence of our faith and we
rejoice that we are now in this heavenly family by adoption. It is His
rite to mark those who have faith and those who will not persevere.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: May 22, 2009, 11:29:43 AM
Calvinism and Gods sovereignty define the
boundaries of societal institutions. In teaching universalism men make
an effort to redefine these boundaries. Gods ways are definite because
His ways are the ends in the creation of personal wholeness. Because He
is a personal God, He speaks to each of His sheep in a personal way..
the teaching of universalism is that by which a society seeks to
suppress the knowledge of these boundaries in an effort to cover over
the truth of the distinct and exclusive personal nature of the love of
God. In redefining this love ...a society redefines the view of all
relationships on a horizontal level. One the other side of this is
this reaction to the unhealthy consequences that result in suppressing
these distinctions as a support of personal wholeness. The ways of God
are the ways of grace and love. These are the distinct ways in which God
communicates in His ways .. in the special grace of God and in the
common grace of God. Any way of God that is redefined is an effort to
create a need for the intervention of a new knowledge in a moral sense
to prove that there is wisdom in the ways of man. This is an effort to
suppress the special love of God and replace it with a general love, and
in doing this men become principled in intervening in the personal
freedoms of other men. If God is not distinct in the communication of
His love and grace as a means to the peaceful functioning in a society
then men are free to attempt to suppress the cause , means and ends of
His love in this authoritarian culture in replacing these institutions
for the sake of suppressing the personal nature of Gods communication.
If everyone believed in a Theocracy ... i guess this would express the
ultimate function of respect for these boundaries in the institutions
God has set up.... Job 21 14 Yet they say to God, 'Leave us alone! We have no desire to know your ways. 15 Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him?' 16 But their prosperity is not in their own hands, so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.(Parallelism) 17 "Yet how often is the lamp of the wicked snuffed out? How often does calamity come upon them, the fate God allots in his anger? 18 How often are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a gale? 19 It is said, 'God stores up a man's punishment for his sons.' Let him repay the man himself, so that he will know it! 20 Let his own eyes see his destruction; let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty. [c] 21 For what does he care about the family he leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?
22 "Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since he judges even the highest?
Members Only / Purgatory / Re: Universalism: Definding the unbeliever at the expense of the Sheep
on: May 22, 2009, 10:02:36 AM
Calvinism and Gods sovereignty define the
boundaries of societal institutions. In teaching universalism men make
an effort to redefine these boundaries. Gods ways are definite because
His ways are the ends in the creation of personal wholeness. Because He
is a personal God, He speaks to each of His sheep in a personal way..
the teaching of universalism is that by which a society seeks to
suppress the knowledge of these boundaries in an effort to cover over
the truth of the distinct and exclusive personal nature of the love of
God. In redefining this love ...a society redefines the view of all
relationships on a horizontal level. One the other side of this is
this reaction to the unhealthy consequences that result in suppressing
these distinctions as a support of personal wholeness. The ways of God
are the ways of grace and love. These are the distinct ways in which God
communicates in His ways .. in the special grace of God and in the
common grace of God. Any way of God that is redefined is an effort to
create a need for the intervention of a new knowledge in a moral sense
to prove that there is wisdom in the ways of man. This is an effort to
suppress the special love of God and replace it with a general love, and
in doing this men become principled in intervening in the personal
freedoms of other men. If God is not distinct in the communication of
His love and grace as a means to the peaceful functioning in a society
then men are free to attempt to suppress the cause , means and ends of
His love in this authoritarian culture in replacing these institutions
for the sake of suppressing the personal nature of Gods
communication. If everyone believed in a Theocracy ... i guess this
would express the ultimate function of respect for these boundaries in
the institutions God has set up.... Job 21 14 Yet they say to God,
'Leave us alone! We have no desire to know your ways. 15 Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him?' 16 But their prosperity is not in their own hands, so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.(Parallelism) 17 "Yet how often is the lamp of the wicked snuffed out? How often does calamity come upon them, the fate God allots in his anger? 18 How often are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a gale? 19 It is said, 'God stores up a man's punishment for his sons.' Let him repay the man himself, so that he will know it! 20 Let his own eyes see his destruction; let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty. [c] 21 For what does he care about the family he leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?
22 "Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since he judges even the highest?
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Do we sin because we don't love God enough?
on: May 21, 2009, 02:33:50 PM
that was a more than a word fitly spoken. As I sit here typing this
response, I am roiling on the inside. I have a confusion of both real
and imaginary sin besieging my mind and soul with the concomittant real
and imaginary judgment looming. I can tell that the fear is most likely
from the enemy but that doesn't seem to ease the torment much. I know my
salvation is not in question but with my usual impure motives I am
afraid of the one key blessing I have been praying and pleading for for
so long being yanked away. That one fear is so starkly terrifying that
it is almost ready to drive me into real sin. (Which I believe is what
the enemy wants anyway). I wonder, is there a temporary similarity
between those who "sin so that grace may abound" and those who realize
that they are free and as a result spriniging from delirious joy, go and
run off (temporarily) into genuine sin? It is said that "there is
nothing more arrogant then a lately-freed slave." When we finally are
able to shake off the tyranny and chains of legalism and conditional
love, does it always necessarily follow that we are going to go running
straight to righteousness out of sheer gratitude? Will we not sometimes
tarry in the flesh and test our new-found freedom just to see if God is
"serious" about this wonderful promise? Or is this just straight-up
liscence? How then would we ever know the extent of our freedom if God
did not let us "run-off into the woods" so to speak, where we can get
scraped-up and bloody and come back crying to Him so that He can lavish
His grace on us.
If not, is our freedom only theoretical then? The paradox: we are admonished in 1 John not to sin, yet we will
sin. That seems to be the answer in a pretzel then; was he only talking
about wilful, gross in (i.e. adultery, hatred) or did his directive
cover the entire spectrum? Gratitude for my freedom and the fact that no
punishment is any longer forthcoming will take me far in walking a
sanctified walk - but it wont quite get me across the finish line. Only
death or the Lord's return will see to that. In the mean time, this
mobile sin-factory has been declared righteous and not made thus.
The change comes from that wonderful promise which enables me to
receive the Spirit's work in my life. Nothing else is going to effect it
in me. Nothing else can.
P.S. Yours is a great post too, Bec. (And that is one beautiful daughter you have there!).
Its always a pleasure to read you TB!
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: May 20, 2009, 09:55:36 PM
Not to make lite of anyone's terrible
plight... i mean that this world is a terrible place... i imagine that
there is a level of child abuse as a culture evil even tho there may not
be the actual betrayal of a childs innocence. Sin is so dangerous that
it demands the ultimate punishment... that is even if we hated the
sin... hated the perpetrator of the sin it still would not measure up to
the amount of punishment that was placed on Christ. Now then is that
wrath of God enough to change our experience in this world of the
lingering effects to our living with the abuse? Well ... if we did not
experience this level of sin then we would not see the amount of grace
it takes for us to be accepted by God. In this way the amount of
depression that comes as a result of the scars we receive from this
sin...and i might say that the pain itself would cause much anguish and
anger... but it is not good to follow any set formula in order to find
the remedy... i mean the moment we say that we must follow this step or
that level of encouragement is the moment we place a weight of
performance on overcoming the problem... every person who experiences
sorrow in this world must find the answer in the forgiveness and mercy
of God. The feeling of helplessness is a result of the sorrow over the
pain of the scar.The assimilation of the way of the cross ..that is in
seeing the effects of sin on this earth and the level of sorrow not only
from our own pain but from the natural evil then we must exhale the
pain and anger to God and we must inhale His word and His peace or His
speaking peace to us... God tempts no man... but He decrees
whatsoever comes to pass... if God did not decree then He could not know
it as God.If God does not have an intimate knowledge of the future then
He is not God. Because it is our finite understanding to think of the
effects of sin and the nature of evil in how we have experienced it then
we have a very slanted view of the amount of evil in us... even if we
are a very moral person... and the evil that we have the potential to
fall into... what the source of the power to keep us from this evil and
how God has been in using our own sin to turn it to good... For there is
only one will in God... He can decree sin and at the same time He can
turn it for God... He can decree a sin and bring justice to bear on the
perpetrators of that sin. If God has two wills then He changes. But
even tho sin is decreed in a passive way ... yet we must not define sin
down by saying that God did not decree it in some way... because for
ever choice in this world there is a cause... nothing would exist
without the act of a will.. and nothing would be of real value to us if
there was not a view from us of our own sin and the sin of evil men. If
sin is going to be personal to us then we must conclude that sin comes
from our natural desire to do a sin... if it was not from a necessity
then it is not personal.We are sinners.. that s why we sin. Since
Christ has died He has promised to keep us from sin.. by keeping us
from the temptation to sin and the temptation to despair to the point
that sin is set between us and our Lord... so that we have longing
graces in order for us to develop the desire to long for holiness and in
longing for God we find holiness. But we cannot find our strength from
temptation by the men of this world... just like God has promised to
keep us from temptation He has promise to shield us from the
destructive people who Satan uses to bring us to stumble... thats why we
should not sit in the seat of the scornful or stand in the way of
sinners... because they are there to set traps in our way so that we
will stumble... so we meditate on His law nite and day... and that will
give us counsel... that will answer our sin problems... that will give
us grace in order to find relief from the pain of sin.. and it will keep
us from following a path of self righteousness. sorry i am long winded
but that last post was causing me to burn.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Hating it so much
on: May 20, 2009, 03:09:28 PM
May i say that we never find full confidence
in all of our lives about our confession... or ability to experience a
level of joy that always finds comfort in this world in light of our
struggle of faith. Thats why we no longer are under the obligation to
repent in our own strength.. we are now in Christ and we are in a
relationship to Him as the King.... so that we are led by Him... for He
knows our weaknesses ...seeing that we are but dust... In this way we
have our confidence in Him alone and not in our ability to respond to
His commands because when we find our strength to persevere in this
world there is no self reliance... for we find no strength in our own
horses... Christ has taken care of sin... but we do not always
experience this level of confidence. This is why the apostle prays that
the eyes of our hearts may be opened... How do we experience this new
light... well we must realize that we now have an older brother who is
as close to us...since He made us holy ... just like He is holy then He
will not be ashamed of us.. But since He has not fully come to be
king in this world of sin and temptation then we are to focus our
thoughts on Christ... for He is the Son over the house of God! We are to
draw our confidence from Him... because He has in His anger swore that
those who are self righteous will never enter His rest... so that those
who would cause us grief may be allowed to buffet us in this world.. but
they will only find their end without Him...for He promises us to keep
us.... Not by our faith but by His under girding us even when our
faith is small...for He promise to hold us up when we are faint... since
He was a man who suffered when He was tempted ... He as our brother and
Son of God over the hous of God is able to help those who are being
tempted. Christ saves us from the wicked hands of men who would do us
harm... and He promises to deliver us from the dogs who complain from
self righteousness... He would have us to feel the weight of our sins so
that we will not have a confidence like the complainers. Brothers if i
have not expressed a text of scripture then you can show me. I do have a
sense of His presence in this lowness.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Finding the meaning : mybigGod
on: May 20, 2009, 12:29:53 PM
Hebrews 1:1Πολυμερῶς1 καὶ πολυτρόπως2 πάλαι3 ὁ
θεὸς λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις ἐπ’ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν
τούτων ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν ἐν υἱῷ, 2 ὃν ἔθηκεν κληρονόμον4 πάντων, δι’ οὗ καὶ
ἐποίησεν τοὺς αἰῶνας· ἐν τοῖς προφήταις in the prophets... Is
used in with about the same force that dia with the genitive has God
spoke through prophets then , but now through the Son... Mt 12: 27,28 dm although
dia is occasionally used to express agency, it does not approximate the
full strength of upo... This distinction throws light on Jesus relation
to the creation, implying that Jesus was not the absolute independent
creator, but rather the intermediate agent in creation. dm well He is
God... equal in substance ... different in person. mbg. ὁ
θεὸς...The God... is used in the Nt of the Father... as the revealed
God... Jn 1:1 Bul. We construe him to mean that there is nno definite
rule governing the use of the article with θεὸς, so that sometimes the
writers viewpoint is difficult to detect, which is entirely true. But
the great majority of instances the reason for the distinction is clear.
The use of θεὸς in jn 1:1 is a good example points to Christ
fellowship with the person of the Father.Christ participation in the
essence of the divine nature. The former clearly applies to personality,
while the latter applies to character... (disposition-mbg) . This
distinction is in line with the general force of the θεὸς....without
the article 1 where the Deity is contrasted with what is human.... 2
when the essential attributes of Deity are spoken of 3 when operations
proceeding from God are appropriated to one of the three Divine Persons4
when the Deity is spoken of as heathens would speak who denied the
existence of the Son and Spirit. With the article... 1 when the
Deity is spoken of in the Christian point of view 2 when the Father is
specially designated , unless its insertion is unnecessary by the
addition of patrnp-Father...or some distinctive Πολυμερῶς many portions bul. only here. πολυτρόπως many ways bul Adverbs
are used to express relationships of time , place, manner, and degree.
when , where how, how much and sometimes to what extent. dm the
conjunctions express adverbial ideas iin relation to clauses, where as
adverbs in the narrower sense express such ideas only in relation to rob. has registered it as his opinion that all adverbs in ῶς
were originally 1. (in some inflected
languages) noting a case that has among its functions the indication of
place from which or, as in Latin, place in which, manner, means,
instrument, or agent. λαλήσας...spake... to talk or to use the voice
without reference to the words spoken Mark 2:2 bul. compared to 1:1f
ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν ἐν υἱῷ .. to utter words to talk speak... the persons to
whom or with whom one is speaking is mentioned in various ways like face
to face.bdag... the distinction of difference is the clarity between
the old and the new. mutter...shadows<> a clear message mbg
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: May 20, 2009, 11:12:24 AM
Societies of this world are under the divine
influence... the divine mandate and the divine order of Gods judgment.
This is why if there is going to be any real peace and love in a society
its going to come in God being pleased to show His grace and mercy to
that society. But there is one problem that is working against Gods
grace and peace... it is sin in the hearts of men that causes all of the
influences that create the environment of threats and unrest. Because
when evil schemes and threats are pervasive in streets and the cities of
a society it is because mens hearts are not subdued by the
understanding of Gods secret work in bringing justice to bear on this
evil influence that men perpetuate. The terrifying influence is the free
flow of sin and selfishness that comes out of the heart of man and is
natural to men . The answer is the subduing of that outbreak by the
justice of God in His secret counsel. God sees everything...
behind the walls of all of the houses... businesses ... in the dark
alleys... rite down into the thoughts of all men in a society... and He
declares that all mens thoughts are futile... not only those who do not
have God in their thoughts but those who think that God is like that what appears to be rite in our view of the world is not
always what is rite in the secret counsels of God. The reality is that
in all the cities of this earth there are cries from mens hearts from
the fear of threats... the personal guilt or guilt by association.. and
the more men are able to throw off the bands of Gods law the more this
terrifying influence will permeate the streets of our cities. The more
mens hearts wax cold the more there is going to be mens hearts failing
within them... God leaves this kind of evil influence to remind
His children of there need to absolutely depended upon Him. This is why
God promises to come to the aid of His children in order to keep them
from being overcome by sorrow, guilt and fear. As the men in society
grow hard heart ed the foundations of that society begin to crumble.
This may cause men to blame God for their own troubles that come as a
result of viewing the hardness of this influence.... Even His children
will struggle ... and at times God is causing them to be anxious so that
they will learn how to come to Him and draw strength ... comfort .. and
assurance that God is still in control and when He answers then it will
be a cause for praise and adoration.... For God promises to hear the
cries of the afflicted and He comes to the aid of the fatherless and
helpless. When we grow anxious and begin to feel this evil hardness
in the influence of a wicked generation then we must use this a
motivation to petition our Father for His protection for if we are
assured of His protection then we will not grow weary in our resisting.
The reality of the level of guilt and fear is pushed upon us as a result
of mens hearts failing them... we must have a place where we can go
beyond this experience so that we are enabled to pour our hearts out
before Him so that we will experience a renewal in the deep struggle
that goes on in the faltering of our own courage.. for if we hold on to
the confidence we had at the beginning then we will be humbled to cast
all of our anxiety on Him.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Hating it so much
on: May 19, 2009, 12:38:27 PM
Societies of this world are under the divine
influence... the divine mandate and the divine order of Gods judgment.
This is why if there is going to be any real peace and love in a society
its going to come in God being pleased to show His grace and mercy to
that society. But there is one problem that is working against Gods
grace and peace... it is sin in the hearts of men that causes all of the
influences that create the environment of threats and unrest. Because
when evil schemes and threats are pervasive in streets and the cities of
a society it is because mens hearts are not subdued by the
understanding of Gods secret work in bringing justice to bear on this
evil influence that men perpetuate. The terrifying influence is the free
flow of sin and selfishness that comes out of the heart of man and is
natural to men . The answer is the subduing of that outbreak by the
justice of God in His secret counsel.
God sees everything...
behind the walls of all of the houses... businesses ... in the dark
alleys... rite down into the thoughts of all men in a society... and He
declares that all mens thoughts are futile... not only those who do not
have God in their thoughts but those who think that God is like that what appears to be rite in our view of the world is not
always what is rite in the secret counsels of God. The reality is that
in all the cities of this earth there are cries from mens hearts from
the fear of threats... the personal guilt or guilt by association.. and
the more men are able to throw off the bands of Gods law the more this
terrifying influence will permeate the streets of our cities. The more
mens hearts wax cold the more there is going to be mens hearts failing
within them...
God leaves this kind of evil influence to remind
His children of there need to absolutely depended upon Him. This is why
God promises to come to the aid of His children in order to keep them
from being overcome by sorrow, guilt and fear. As the men in society
grow hard heart ed the foundations of that society begin to crumble.
This may cause men to blame God for their own troubles that come as a
result of viewing the hardness of this influence.... Even His children
will struggle ... and at times God is causing them to be anxious so that
they will learn how to come to Him and draw strength ... comfort .. and
assurance that God is still in control and when He answers then it will
be a cause for praise and adoration.... For God promises to hear the
cries of the afflicted and He comes to the aid of the fatherless and
helpless. When we grow anxious and begin to feel this evil hardness
in the influence of a wicked generation then we must use this a
motivation to petition our Father for His protection for if we are
assured of His protection then we will not grow weary in our resisting.
The reality of the level of guilt and fear is pushed upon us as a result
of mens hearts failing them... we must have a place where we can go
beyond this experience so that we are enabled to pour our hearts out
before Him so that we will experience a renewal in the deep struggle
that goes on in the faltering of our own courage.. for if we hold on to
the confidence we had at the beginning then we will be humbled to cast
all of our anxiety on Him.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Questions
on: May 18, 2009, 12:11:26 PM
Judges 14 1 Samson went down to Timnah and
saw there a young Philistine woman. 2 When he returned, he said to his
father and mother, "I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get
her for me as my wife." 3 His father and mother replied, "Isn't
there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people?
Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me. She's the right one for me." 4 ( His
parents did not know that this was from the LORD, who was seeking an
occasion to confront the Philistines; for at that time they were ruling
over Israel.) 5 Now here you have Samson who had taken a
Nazarite vow. And he wasnt suppose to take foreign wives. Even his
parents were suspicious of his motives.... but then on top of this God
is working this to incite Samson to anger for the purpose of delivering
Israel from the Philistines...
and then this is how God works in Samson to anger.... He tells the
Philistines a riddle then he says... 13 If you can't tell me the answer,
you must give me thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes." "Tell us your riddle," they said. "Let's hear it." Heres
his wife ...16 Then Samson's wife threw herself on him, sobbing, "You
hate me! You don't really love me. You've given my people a riddle, but
you haven't told me the answer." so he tells her the answer to the
riddle .... then 19 Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power.
He went down to Ashkelon, struck down thirty of their men, stripped
them of their belongings and gave their clothes to those who had
explained the riddle. Burning with anger, he went up to his father's
house. 20 And Samson's wife was given to the friend who had attended him at his
God motivated Samson to get revenge.... So the Philistines went up and
burned her and her father to death. 7 Samson said to them, "Since you've
acted like this, I won't stop until I get my revenge on you." 8 He
attacked them viciously and slaughtered many of them. Then he went down
and stayed in a cave in the rock of Etam. Is this an example of God working outside the normal means of procuring an offspring for the line of Christ? Does the circumstances of a believers life always fit in with the rite thing to do? 28
Then Samson prayed to the LORD, "O Sovereign LORD, remember me. O God,
please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get
revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes." 29 Then Samson reached
toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing
himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the
other, 30 Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" Then he
pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and
all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. Is this last phrase in bold an example of Gods grace? Was
this part of the working of God to confront the Philistines in the
working of Samsons sin so that His purpose was to confront the
Philistines by Samsons sin?
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Catholic Question about John 6
on: May 17, 2009, 03:11:06 PM
not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it
says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is
like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at
himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the
man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and
continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he
will be blessed in what he does.
(James 1:22-25)
that verse is saying that when you miss represent His grace that you
cast blame on Him. Because you sell His righteousness for an idol...
when you sell His eternal life for the worship of men as in place of
Christ then you cheapen His gospel and you place heavy burdens on the
weak and widows... fatherless and children in the faith. I am bound to
preach nothing than Christ crucified and His the five solas.... for i do
not want it to be said of me in the destruction of His childrens faith
in coming to Him ... that i had a mill stone dropped on my head.... And
my warning to you is nothing in the power i have to make you want to
believe in grace... but its so that you dont find Him in that way.... I
am as guilty as you in my practical atheism.
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