Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ps 16 4 Sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips."

The Psalmist teaches that what we believe  is our personal application of the law that will come out of our mouths. So we have ideas being taught to us that we apply to ourselves. We carry around our own cup of all of the ideas that we have accepted. This is why it is absolutely necessary that we know God.  We have a cup of the ideas that we believe about ourselves and God has a cup that He pours the blessing out on us. This is why the Psalmist says 42 4These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng." He knows God by the facts he has learned about God. These doctrines of grace define His past experience. There is no excuse with God when we are naive and emotional. Because we dont experience real love through emotion. We apply the doctrines and we experience illumination. We must know God in a personal way. The more we can write the doctrines the more we are able to freely pour ourselves out to God.

The doctrines help us define our relationship with God. A person who knows the doctrines will learn to write the teaching in context of all the teaching. We focus on the details in order to put a light on the simplicity of the gospel. But if we do not apply the doctrine we will not be able to apply it as it was applied to us. The doctrine must be mixed with illumination. When  we have been meticulous in our doctrine and being illuminated then we can sit and write as the Spirit tells us what to say. "I will not pour out their libations or teaching." We must learn to exercise our souls with speaking the law, covenants, curses, statutes etc. As the Psalmist meditates on the Psalm he pauses. He muses then he goes on pronouncing. He practices this for many hours. Every day he meditates he receives illumination. This is the why that he builds one precept upon another. The meditation heightens  the way that he fells about himself and God.  He becomes comfortable with the raw feelings from the exercise. He learns  the more he exercises his soul in the Psalms the more his heart is enlarged to pour out before God.

God created the earth in perfect order and symmetry by speaking the axioms. His heart is enlarged by the supernatural effects of pronouncing. His experience of these effects will make him desperate to lean on the axioms more than any other thing. The axioms are messages that are applied to each fulfillment that we naturally long for. He is meditating and listening to the communication of the law, covenants etc as he experiences satisfaction of his desires. In experiencing satisfaction he is drawing near to God. The more he knows God he is receiving eternal life and the more he hates idols. He will not pour out his heart from the knowledge of dead things. We must work hard to seek hard after God.