3946 | Forums / Main Forum / Re: Be Gentle | on: January 31, 2010, 11:17:56 AM |
fact, we are powerless over His love for us, and when we are completely
powerless over anything coming to or against us, the best approach is
to surrender all resistance."
I am very encouraged by your response. I normally do not get too much direct communication from people about these matters like i used to. Its just a time in my life that God is teaching me something i guess. Like going away into the desert. Cause i dont think there is anything normal in this christian life. I agreed with you until this last statement. As you know i think that we all have a certain way of expressing ourselves. I think its because God has made us all to think different so that we are all gifted to fit one another in community. Although we have a tendency to have these ideas that we consider very powerful to us there may be some things that hold us in our minds to feel comfortable in our place in community that is not altogether a reality. In other words our problem at the core is that we believe we can think and do something as a matter of how we appear when we explain what we believe. I dont think we are that good and trying to balance ourselves in facing the troubles of this life. Heres my pre supposition on this. Our deep problem is defined by our propensity in our general depravity to find comfort in a more complex universe of forming these trust issues in how we feel in our community with one another. In other words instead of depending on the idea that we must get our behavior to match our belief ....i mean in a balanced.. as we natually desire to do as a matter of performance and acceptance, we are actually teaching ourselves that our performance can not be done correctly if we have the power in ourselves to do it. I mean unless you are given to the paradigm that you respond to backwards thinking. So that i find that where ever the majority falls on this issue between who is teaching passivity... that is in this disagreement between Calvinist and Armininist then i get interested on another level. I am not arguing here that the universe of ideas is a balanced view , but i am arguing that people do not want "to do" what they naturally design their particular culture "to do" as a matter of performance. Do i think Calvinist can play on both sides? Of course!Because it is almost near impossible to remain consistent with the simplicity of the gospel.!Let me make this dogmatic statement... your only passive when you as an individual do not decide for yourself what ever you are empowered to do whether it is rite or wrong...and for the sake of those around you. I hope we can continue this discussion.I hope we can discuss this power of desire... i mean ... in this matter of going in reverse... from experience to real free choice.... cause i like things backwards too. From the position of Narnia. |
3959 | Forums / Main Forum / Re: Be Gentle | on: January 28, 2010, 11:21:24 AM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I cant draw a parallel in the abuse argument
to Joseph... because it is not in the text. Although the reality of a
persons identity is his humanity. There is a need to have a real
understanding of these tendencies... in lite of what transpires through
the time of grace. I do not think we can determine how we are going to
approach the subject in a rational way... in this self reflection ...
in this matter of the importance of these principles that we apply to
ourselves that fit the healing determinations that are necessary to
balance our own ability to reason with a sense of all things equal.
Because we are born with these predispositions that hang around in our
minds in a child like way.
I think thats what makes us all complete different. I mean the evil is not in the tendency the evil is in the excess. Because of the creative abilities in this image of God... in the most personal way... through the Spirit .. we have this whole work in us in our imaginative skills as well. Birth of a disposition is original in the sense that we are all taught through this process of birthing that new view in our particular disposition. I think that we neglect this aspect of humanity when we ignore these tendencies to view everything as a matter of moral behavior rather than this understanding of this imaginative use of all of meeting these inner needs that are born from a proper desire. Our natural reaction to pain is through the imagination. Ignoring this aspect of rational wholeness is to usurp the authority that God has as the eye of the soul. This is why the gospel leads us to the depths of the reality of the individual and that brings them into their place in this world. Because our view of reality determines our terms in our relationship with God in which we draw conclusions based upon a purely one dimensional paradigm. I think rational process is this healthy balance in the soul in this three dimensional process. I mean the third dimension is one thing we never consider.If we are encourage to seek him so that we can find Him.. then in finding Him we have this relationship in which it becomes a communication of reality that is the determinate connection to who we are in our confidence of the future. The prophets spoke of things in the future that they themselves could not understand. What was communicated to them was these future events. In other words in order for them to have a true purpose in this world they received communication of future events as that by which they were formed in their view of this birthing of new life. This was the connection to the promises of the means but was formed in them the reality of the ends that brought about this new disposition. This is the purpose of the experience of this communication. On the one hand they experience this reality of the imagination... the function of the mind.. and the necessary needs to the emotions. This was Gods engaging them in their whole being. It was not a purely intellectual view ... i mean... as a matter of experience... in going through the eyes of another man... or being child like in being connected to the individuality of their purpose in this world. God sort of expands these very practical and holistic origins of each person and creates in them to purpose this life through this confidence in future events. We can draw almost parallel conclusions between prophetic utterance and illumination and a clear understanding of self and its connection to this its individuality before God.
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