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4457  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 12, 2009, 11:01:43 AM
This is why i think we start from the premise that whatever community we are present in, work, church, family, we see the danger of legal control. It comes in the form of moral persuasion, and i am of the opinion that this is the first order of protection to each saint. If the society is bullying , i mean even if they seem to be doing good with other people, but it does not come across to you that way, then protecting oneself is the first order of business. Gods methods are always enforced by mens lack of concern for methods, politics, or finances. Gods ways are the opposite of mans ways. Avoid the devils snare.
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4458  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 12, 2009, 10:39:51 AM
Every man is to be blamed for the problems that exist in relationships. Blame is one of the reasons that men use other men to control them. Think of it like this, i always say that when we make a philosophy of human forgiveness then we use words ... in this case... we use blame as a catch phrase to mean on the one hand and accusation of bullying, and on the other hand a defense of self righteousness. I always say , now this is not in the conservative context in a political sense, but follow the money trail , this is reality, i mean, the propensity to use buzz words in order to love this world and the money. In fact they just did a study on the effects of money on the brain. Its like a drug.

 Does it really matter then what we think about what is a good relational technique? Every man must give an account for the amount of foolishness that comes from his mouth as to the wisdom or foolishness that he spews forth. Most men are given to destroying other men by their mouths. The most proficient method is through the buzz words that come out of the mouths of men that have no relation to the words of God. In this sense all men are guilty. Dont try to force someone to change their behavior, that is Gods business. Believers are required to quietly pray for one another and avoid as much as possible the schemes of evil men whos efforts are to get their hands on the righteous to do them harm. The evil tongue precedes the bloody hands. We are healers.  I will get to this in the other thread i started. 
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4459  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 12, 2009, 10:11:03 AM
LuvChess, believe it or not, I am right were you are at. I hear all of these wonderful admonitions from bretheren and sisteren in the faith (and from scripture), about how if I “truly loved the Lord” then I would have scant problems in obeying Him. Well, that much is probably true; if I did love the Lord the way I know I should, then undoubtedly I would not be having the problems I am having with temptation. The problem is, I do not love the Lord like that; I don’t even come close. Many Christians lose sight of the fact that when Jesus made that statement, He most likely was not writing out a prescription for how His sheep should act, but was in fact making a bold description of the kind of people they actually were. In so doing, He was in fact showing them their hearts - they knew (at least the ones who weren’t kidding themselves like the pharisees) that in reality their love for God was just so much lip-service which amounted to putting make-up on a corpse. He did this to show them the utter futility of relying on themselves and their own resources.  I am at the point where the only thing I can do (and have been doing) is to ask (and ask and ask and ask!) for God to give me both holy and righteous desires and a true hatred for my sin. And that’s all I can do. Like you pointed out (and I believe I have too) we can hardly go and manufacture such desires within ourselves on our own. Yes, sin costs and sin hurts. What hurts even worse is playing a game of “let’s pretend I am empowered just by quoting scripture” and then sinning anyway. Remember, the correct rendering of the Greek translates out to “declared righteous,” not made so. (That was to come from a mis-translation from a someone translating it into “eustificari” (“made righteous”), and although it was probably unintentional, it has been doing untold damage to the psyches of believer’s for centuries.

When we lose sight of the fact that we have, by a legal transaction, a declaration of utter imputed righteousness pronounced over us, and by that (and only that) are we found holy and blameless in the sight of a just and holy God, then we are back to putting our focus on ourselves and our behavior and well on the way back to losing the battle once more. Whether you at this moment are sinning or no, keep coming back to the central fact of it being all about Christ and Him crucified and nothing else. That is where your righteousness comes from. Not from treating scripture as if it were a magic text of incantations where if you just utter the right ones, all your temptations will suddenly evaporate and your old man will just run away and never bother you again. That is not the life of a believer; that is the life of someone who has reduced Christ and His word to a set of rules and formulas and believes he or she will have victory with just the right combination of same. In other words: just like any other self-help program which you’ll find on the shelves of your local bookstore.

TB i will take this into consideration and pray about it. But think about this. Powerlessness is not an expression of letting go of the former life. That is mindlessness. Every thought that is presented is really and truely and fully about us. Moral persuasion is not learned by the process of letting go of the power to act as we know by our objective reason. God has given us reason to question an idea that is presented to us.
Powerlessness is expressed in this fashion. Picture God as the supreme judge. Now He sees everything present from the beginning of time to the end of time. In a way everything is determined in eternity to be as He sees the end of time. It can be explained like this, that we are all as it were standing on a very thin string line over the flames of hell. The only thing stopping us from falling off is Gods determination. It does not matter what time it is. Its as if we already died and all of the human race is standing on that thin fishing line and God looks at one man pointing His finger and the man falls off into the flames of hell, while He points His finger at another man and that man is lifted to heaven. This is the expression of dependence, not letting go.   
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4460  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Vivifying effects of the Word of God on: August 12, 2009, 09:48:08 AM
Men learn to think about reality as independent of God. Men never tell themselves that they are unable to think good thoughts. They believe that they can think and act apart from Gods thinking reality. This is the why that men are unable to understand themselves by their ability to reason. Its not that men need to know enough in order to balance their view of what they think is reality, but they imagine themselves as having the ability to act from their own premise by that futile thought. If God did not determine in a completely independent reality then men would live as if God did not exist. Men think that they are able to live in Gods reality as Gods independent objects. This is why each individual choice of man is different in the original expression of mans independent determinism. Its not that men learn to act according to the principle of this independent understanding of this self knowledge but it is that men are powerless to produce a reality that is good. Every choice is a reality of Gods expression of mans dependence on Gods power. It is a lie that a prior choice determines the new choice. Men can fall into independence and carnality as easy as being unable to keep themselves from sinking in a rough sea. The only way that men will choose good is when they are enabled by God. Man lives in the impossible universe of self power only to find power as God is exalted. 
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4461  Forums / Theology Forum / Vivifying effects of the Word of God on: August 12, 2009, 09:23:38 AM
The word of God is the thought of God that determines reality. God says "I am". He exist as the reality as being present in every space, in all of time, and in complete power to do whatever He pleases. God is completely independent of any other power that would cause Him to act apart from His thought of reality. Man is completely dependent upon God for everything. Man breathes every breath because God thinks it. One thought of God would erase the entire history of mankind. Mans thoughts are never Gods thoughts. Mans thoughts are continually opposed to being completely dependent upon God. Men desire to think apart from God as soon as they are born. Every design of men are proof of the reality that man is futile in his thinking. There is no institution of men that has lasted from one generation to the next. The only lasting design in this world is what God has thought in bringing glory to Himself. God has always existed and He will continue to exist through out all generations.
4463  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Was Christ "fully" human? on: August 12, 2009, 08:01:25 AM
There is some confusion about the covenant here. First the covenant established with Abraham was a covenant of grace. This is not the Mosaic institution. These do not mix. It has always been that the law given at Mount Sinai was given to show men their sins. In fact it demanded that they comply. Thats why the Israelite would give his word that he would do all that was written in the law. This is why the law gave no hope. God gave the Israelite the covenant of grace which was that by which a sinner could have peace with God. Whenever they saw their sin then they would turn to the covenant of grace or the Abrahamic covenant of promise and  be reminded through all of the historical markers where they had no power to deliver themselves , they would place their confidence.

We must always keep these two separate. In the NT lingo we call this "sovereign grace" and "evangelical obedience".    
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4464  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 11, 2009, 09:35:56 PM
A spiritual life is a most difficult life. We dont really think that it takes a lot of time and is exhausting. When we are seeking Him we will be in the mindset that the things that seem foolish to us are those handles that we are grasping on. Because we are doing something that the world looks on as foolishness. Yes , i said that the majority of people , even religious people , will seem to be seeking the wrong things when we place our focus on being drawn out of this world. This climb is more difficult than the hike up a very steep mountain. This is where real, i am talking about finding the powers of this world to be like a rough ocean and we are starting to feel the resistance as if there was hurricane force winds in our face. But we have not resisted to blood.
We are like a boxer that gets bloodied in the fight. We spend hours trying to hit the mark by training in His holy word. The more we focus and chew on His revealed word the more we are going to be resisted. I call this the natural law of the universe.
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4465  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 11, 2009, 09:16:45 PM
When we are single we put entirely too much pressure on how we are to have remorse for sin and trying to see the value of remaining pure. The most important lesson we learn in life is when we fail. I am not saying that we should not take sin seriously but our christian lives are not focused on a standard of conduct as much as the person of Christ. This is something that goes beyond the inner struggle. This is having peace through Christ.
In this way we need to see that we could possibly struggle for yrs with lust and sorrow but it will not determine how we dwell in the love and faithfulness of God. Now some people think that the work of the Spirit and the moral life of a believer in how one experiences this renewal in a revived spirit are not connected. I tend to find comfort outside of being defined by my particular besetting sins. This i think is something that we need to find in His ability as we find our ability to be too weak for some of these struggles with sin.
 Most people get a certain security in being defensive. This rhythm of mortification looks more like a straight line. I do not think you can grow like this. I know we are to be in a defensive position in resisting the devil. We are not just concentrating on keeping from sin, but we are designed to blossom in light of the entire counsel of God. These things carry a certain kind of weight. And one of the problems we have is that we believe in the average based upon our own experience. If everyone around us practiced a certain orthodox standard of christian conduct, does that mean that it is good for us?
Now then the best possible position in this life is to be personally affected by the deep deep love of God. We are in the days of religious external ism because we believe any experience is just emotional.  May i say that you can fall one day and the next day find a most holy affection by finding His grace as more than enough to take care of that sin?  You know we tell ourselves things that seem to be comfortable and secure. We think that just because we are defensive, we are holy. But all we are doing is avoiding temptation and replacing it with self righteousness. We must wrestle with our affections without focusing on one area that will slow us down. It may seem like a marathon but when we are under the power of the Spirit it looks like sprints and injuries. 
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4466  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Was Christ "fully" human? on: August 11, 2009, 06:26:12 PM
Quote from: Thor
From God's point of view in Scripture it seems that it's not what you say that counts it's what you do because that shows the true center of your heart...which hopefully is God.

I'll go with wording it that way.  It's not what you say--but what you DO.

The DO part is: If you BELIEVE in the ONE HE SENT---JESUS, then you are born of the Spirit.  Once Jesus takes up residence in you via The Holy Spirit, from there on what you DO shows your heart.  Which is now born of HIS Spirit---it's regenerated.

Here is what happens once you are born of His Spirit---

(KJV) Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

(NKJV) 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

(NIV) 13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

So you can keep on doing and proving to God you have His GIFT of 'Faith' if you want Thor, (why you have to prove a gift HE gave you is beyond me?  I'm thinking if He GAVE IT to you---umm, He knows you have it!  Huh?)

So that's not for me to prove to Him. 

What is for me---- is to live my life according to The Spirit that dwells in me and let God work and will me to 'DO' or 'ACT' according to HIS good purpose

I'll say it again.  I have nothing to prove to God, for God did all that 'work' on the cross.  The Proof is in Jesus.  Jesus payment was enough.  Now He only sees me as righteous in Christ (paid in FULL)!!!  To say anything less is to deny what Christ did on the cross.  To say we have to 'show something' to GOD other than belief in the one He sent-- is saying His 'work' was not enough!

Others may demand "proof" that He dwells in us, but God certainly does not. 

How could He?  He KNOWS where He dwells.  He knows whose hearts He lives in.  He knows whose spirit's are born of His.  I really do not get where you think we have to show our faith to God.  I'm flabber-gasted! 

God GAVE us that faith for crying out loud.  He LIVES IN US!

How could He need Himself to prove something to Himself? 

All the good I do is something He's worked in me to 'act' and 'do' and it's all for His good purpose and for His Glory!  It's Christ IN ME now--life by The Spirit. 

He knows what He needs me to do for Him--how could I know that on my own?  I can't know the mind of God.  I can only be led by His Spirit.

I'm part of his body--so the body acts in accordance with the Head.  God isn't served with human hands as if He needed anything.  He's the God who made ALL in ALL and in whom all things exist!

He also knows my heart intimately because He dwells there, I'm now born of HIS Spirit.  Him in me, me in Him.  We sup together.  So I don't have to prove to Him He exists in me.  He CHANGED my heart when I believed in Him--when He came to sup with me.

  I'm still trying to figure out what you are saying!

Any outward actions that show my 'faith' are action's He's prompted me or willed or acted in me to do---which does show OTHERS My faith.  Or another way to put that is that what God works in me to do speaks of JESUS to others -As though God were making His appeal through me to be reconciled to Christ. (2 Corinthians 5)

But God Himself--HE needs no proof of where HE dwells or that I have the gift of Faith that He Himself GAVE ME. 

Any test's I undergo, I call them trials--- are for my good or discipline to make me stronger in Him, not to see if His faith is there!  It's to make my faith GROW!  Not PROVE IT. 

Very good G2... you have explained the concept of obeying the gospel as well as i have seen. Yes.. its giving up the thought that you can save yourself. When a man obeys the gospel he actually decides to rest in Christ finish work.
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4467  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Was Christ "fully" human? on: August 11, 2009, 03:30:10 PM
Quote from: Thor
However, the problem in the OT and NT was not that people didn't believe in YHWH or even believe that Jesus was the Christ, it was that they did not place their TRUST (faith in action) in God and Jesus. How does God tell the difference between those who trust Him and those who give “lip
service”?  By their actions!  Certainly faith comes first but the two go hand in hand.

Come again?  Your argument makes no sense.  It sounds like you are saying they were TRUE believers but failed to put their trust in Jesus.  Put their faith in action.


How do you get “putting faith in Actions from what I said? I said your actions show your faith. I didn't say a believer put there faith in is that even done? 

God tells lip service from His TRUE CHILDREN by knowing HEARTS and knowing where HE dwells.  I'm the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit--of the Living God!   

So the question is how does God know our hearts? 

What a person thinks,  or says can be completely different from what he actually does.

Classic example a soldier in combat. he says he will be brave and do heroic things if called upon, but when the time comes...he runs!
On the other side a soldier is scared and appears to be cowardly but when the moment of truth comes he rises to the occasion.
You never know what truly is in the heart until a person acts.

That's why God tested the hearts of the children of Israel with hardship in the wilderness.

Exo 16:4  Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or not.

Deu 8:2  And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.
Deu 8:3  And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

2Ch 32:31  And so in the matter of the envoys of the princes of Babylon, who had been sent to him to inquire about the sign that had been done in the land, God left him to himself, in order to try him and to know all that was in his heart.

How many different pathways can a person take in any given situation?

From God's point of view in Scripture it seems that it's not what you say that counts it's what you do because that shows the true center of your heart...which hopefully is God.

Thor Smiley

Why did Israel sin and fall in the desert? Because they did not know the ways of God!!! God was dealing with Israel as a nation. But just because they promised with their lips that they would do all that the law had said ...i mean .. their best efforts did not get them one inch closer to the covenant of grace!!! There is a big difference between God testing one of His own... that is one who has been circumsized in the heart and one who was only in the flesh. When David prays for God to test Him ... He is not praying that He will be proven good by his ability to keep the law. Over and over David said that sacrifice and offerings God did not desire but a heart of thankfulness!! Why would David make a deal with God to be proven rite by his ability to offer rite sacrifices? Thats in essence offering God filthy rags.
No David was required to give God all the glory and to enjoy God for who God is and not what David could do for God or God do for David. Gods promises of His covenant faithfulness are according to Him proving Himself that His name alone is to be exalted!!! Gods power and goodness are determined upon His own out of His mercy!!
The only requirement is that we bring nothing except our sin and failure. James says for us to draw near to God and He will draw near to us. Its not do something and then God will draw near. Its approach the throne of mercy. The proper spirit of approaching the throne of mercy is that all humanity has been worthy of judgment because there is no man who can stand before God as a sinner. The only way that we can draw near to God is by His mercy for us. In this sense all of the promises are yes and amen in that power and holy decree in order to stand as sinners before a holy and righteous God.
Now then we do not shudder in fear, but we come before God through the mercy that was earned for us by Christ. We come with a will that He has given us so that we have a confidence that we will find more grace to help us in coming with nothing accept that which grace makes something. This idea of proper reverence for God is seeing that we could not do enough for Him in order to make His name great. He must give us grace in order to vindicate His name before men. Because He determined in eternity who He would place His love on, then we are only carrying a seed that is implanted by God alone. In this way salvation is of God alone. He is gracious enough to use imperfect sinners to bring other sinners His word. This is not a moral message this is the gospel of grace.
Psalm 5
4 You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
       with you the wicked cannot dwell.
5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
       you hate all who do wrong.
6 You destroy those who tell lies;
       bloodthirsty and deceitful men
       the LORD abhors.
7 But I, by your great mercy,
       will come into your house;
       in reverence will I bow down
       toward your holy temple.

This is the confidence of a believer as in the spirit he is expressing above Psalm 130 3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
       O Lord, who could stand?

Salvation is the same in the OT and NT they were looking back to Gods eternal decree as their identity and forward to the cross and we are looking back at the finished work and eternal decree in identity and forward for our final salvation in the next big event.... Hebrews 4 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Psalm 138:2
I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.

It really is a pleasure to approach a throne of complete acceptance. Wow... how wicked men are sooo assuming. His love and His faithfulness is in the covenant of grace because He has been always faithful to apply the means of His word and name to us that are as important as physical food.
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4468  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 11, 2009, 11:14:36 AM
[quote author=danw
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4469  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 11, 2009, 11:13:11 AM
How about this Luv,

Instead of thinking of God in this case lets think of your wife, the one you surrendered your wild single life of unbridled lust for, not out of duty or duress, but because you saw her for who she was and you not only desired her to date but as your very own for the rest of your life for she fills every desire of your heart.

Now let's say you see a girl in a bikini and you lust after her, how does that sin affect your wife? Even if nowhere does it state not to lust? Is it like an insult to her somehow? it's not hurting her physically, or does it have something to do with belittling her oath at the altar, after giving herself totally and completely for your sake?

should a man's marriage to his wife be a closer more intimate relationship than that of his relationship to God? or visa versa the woman (setting aside the sexual)

If you still have the urge to continue to have the "lustful" thoughts without any regrets, then maybe you never really found the girl of your dreams or for that matter God of your salvation.

I do not think this is a fair question. I have never met two people that have been able to display perfect commitment in dealing with their own flesh in their thought life that would be  worthy of finding reasons to not fulfill that marriage vow. In a given situation men and women are fickle. I dont mean in the sense where the person actually sets out to give into temptation of thought but its impossible to demand this kind of expectation and not be in the position where you sin in being in Gods place as the judge. This is what is so dangerous in trying to force someone to behave properly. I have heard that since Job made a covenant with his eyes not to look on a woman to lust that it was painting a picture as if Job was more than human in fulfilling his covenant. That becomes a theology of thought control. This is not the biblical doctrine of mortifying the flesh.

The bible is not a book in which the standards  are going to be perfectly kept as a necessity to be in an acceptable position to be in a healthy relationship. The bible presupposes that we are going to break Gods law in thought and deed. It is a very practical book. People do not always end up like they started in the christian life. Two individuals get married with two very different set of standards and they do things by the standard of human weakness and susceptibility to sin that excuse their own weaknesses and magnify the other parties weaknesses. The point being that we cannot force someone to meet our personal expectations. Only God can change a mans will.   
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4470  Forums / Theology Forum / Does God speak with fork toung? on: August 11, 2009, 10:41:48 AM
  forked-tongue -"to speak with a forked tongue", meaning to say one thing and mean another or, in more general terms, to act in a duplicitous manner..

If you have been saved but you are struggling with sin, does Gods threats get you to turn from your sin?
Oh and that is my way of doing slang on forum subject sign in.
4471  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: August 11, 2009, 10:36:07 AM
How about this Luv,

Instead of thinking of God in this case lets think of your wife, the one you surrendered your wild single life of unbridled lust for, not out of duty or duress, but because you saw her for who she was and you not only desired her to date but as your very own for the rest of your life for she fills every desire of your heart.

Now let's say you see a girl in a bikini and you lust after her, how does that sin affect your wife? Even if nowhere does it state not to lust? Is it like an insult to her somehow? it's not hurting her physically, or does it have something to do with belittling her oath at the altar, after giving herself totally and completely for your sake?

should a man's marriage to his wife be a closer more intimate relationship than that of his relationship to God? or visa versa the woman (setting aside the sexual)

If you still have the urge to continue to have the "lustful" thoughts without any regrets, then maybe you never really found the girl of your dreams or for that matter God of your salvation.
Have you ever gone to the beach?
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4472  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Peter on: August 09, 2009, 10:00:37 PM
Peter wow, pride is an ugly ruler. It probably is why some men who are gifted act as weird as the responses of a child. But thank God that He makes His children humble cause then Peter probably would have died when Christ was crucified. In other words Christ Himself saved Peter from going down to the pit. Then Peter and the other disciples were as timid as could be, even after the ascension , until the Holy Spirit descended with power.Peter was always humble but he had his share of falls.
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4473  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Roman Catholicism on: August 09, 2009, 09:20:34 PM
Men who are hardened in sin do not even want Christ. I think this is for the family mainly. here in hebrews. In other words if our salvation depends upon Gods decree then there is a possibly that those who have been hardened in sin have done it by something that did not relate to their place , i mean, some men are born with an awfully big hill to climb.  If they could look back and say that it was not fair because the neighbor grew up in a christian family and he had a lot more chances.... I am talking about the normal means here.... So that we must see that we in the family could never fall away since we had an assurance that we were saved in the past because God decreed some for salvation and some for hell.Its on God ....He has His reasons and we do not understand.  We do not know if that person will go from an impossibly to an ability in the future but we know that those who did not enter the promise land did not enter because God declared that they should not enter while they were still living.  Nothing on this earth happens out of contingency . If men are hardened in sin then it was impossible that they should not be.
I think the fact of the way you are looking at this is not because you are like those men but its from bad teaching.
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4474  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Does God change His mind? on: August 09, 2009, 08:39:01 PM
One of the reasons that i stress the need for the mind to be engaged in this life is that we never intend to do harm, or work against unity. I believe that the majority of people that we live with in community have not degenerated where they are at a place where they do something with a malicious intent. Most of the developments of oddity in a society are from a lack of understanding. This is why we believe that its not about us in the sense that we are required first to know who God is. But at the same time since everyone carries around a certain false view of who God is then they in a sense spread that image onto another person. It is like having a transfusion and then those who are receiving it get some of the blood . Well this kind of blood will determine if you will catch that virus or whether there is no harm in it.

Well its the same thing in the spiritual realm. People do not set out to do harm, they are interested in working to create unity. But the blood has no doctrine in it. Its blood that is mixed with all kinds of different intentions. I mean, that sin is not necessarily from falling into temptation. But sin is a power that is part of our flesh. Since we all are carriers of sin then we have motives that are not genuine in dealing with other people.  Now then this is why the best kind of transfusion is a blood filled with the word of God. As Luther said , he wanted to bleed the word of God when he was cut. The point being that the danger is not in the kind of maliciousness toward someone. I am talking about in a hateful way. The danger is in the blood that is full of flesh, vain glory, covetousness, jealousy, godlessness etc.

This is why when we talk about what is the difference between what is revealed and what is just a desire that comes from a man, we are talking about passing on something that is entirely unlike the other. 
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4475  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Does God change His mind? on: August 08, 2009, 11:43:31 PM
I'm just asking for a moratorium on the difficult cut-n-pastes and five-dollar words on newbie threads.

Hmmmmm , what does moratorium mean? hehe
4477  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Was Christ "fully" human? on: August 08, 2009, 01:14:55 PM
." Why was not Christ, after he rose from the dead, during his stay upon earth, with his disciples, as he was before? The very different states that Christ and his disciples were now in, would not allow of it. Christ, before his death, while in his humiliation, was in a like state with them. He was subject to hunger and thirst, as they were; he needed sleep as they did; he needed the like defence from the weather that they did, and the like: but when he was risen from the dead, the case was exceedingly altered; he then began his exaltation. He put off mortality, and all the infirmities of his body. The nature of his body was different from theirs, as things celestial differ from things terrestrial. Mortal beings are not apt for a cohabitation with immortal; nor terrestrial with celestial; nor corruption with incorruption. God will not thus mix and confound heaven and earth." J Edwards
4482  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Questions on: August 08, 2009, 09:08:15 AM
Genesis 27

11 Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, "But my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I'm a man with smooth skin. 12 What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing."

 13 His mother said to him, "My son, let the curse fall on me. Just do what I say; go and get them for me."

This whole idea of substitution is seen in the fact that there is a meta narrative running in the weakness and sin of man. So that the question as to the real motive in explaining guilt and innocence is rapped up in the idea of substitution. This explanation of the reality to produce a good outcome is seen in God using the sin of man to accomplish His redemptive purposes in exalting this idea of substitution in using the sin to accomplish that end. This is why sin is not really valued by the  threat of punishment but each sin has a curse as the punishment.This is why the covenant of grace is the only moral hope. There really is no in between autonomy. Same thing here with the Apostle Romans 9 3For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, 4the people of Israel.

This is why if we are going to error it is going to be toward antinomianism. 

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