Sunday, November 8, 2015

Vivifying effects of the Word of God

We are a letter , not written with ink but we are moved along by the power of the Living God. This is better than any kind of statement of fact. The apostle prayed that we might be filled with all the fullness of God.  hardly think the Apostle got that from a book. As i recall he was taken up to the third heaven and saw things that could not be described. Doesnt this include something that we experience but that we cannot describe? Ok, some of us have been so filled with the control of the Holy Spirit that we are drunk with His glorious infusions of joy unspeakable and full of glory!!He touches the cord of eternity that is an internal instrument that plays in us of all of the past memories of His sweet visitations. The light of the universe shines so bright that you would think that the Holy Spirit increase the suns brightness. But if it wasnt for the fact that we feel so full of His presence that we would conclude that it was something he did outside of us. But He actually causes us to rejoice in Him by opening our eyes to see more clearer than we ever have before. Oh Please Holy Spirit come fill this place!!

I for one think this life is not just a life of the mundane. I believe that we have heaven breaking into our day. And it may be that we know this kind of experience when it happens because we cannot explain how our experience becomes a sense of eternity. I do not think that these times that break upon us have the weight of a time from in it. I mean, well, the Holy Spirit comes upon us i think and since we cannot see Him there is some other communication going on. Uh, if sorrow has been so real to us, what do we have to measure it by? Do we have some earthly comfort? If joy is a heavenly dew, then that is a personal experience. I know that there is no greater fellowship to have then to be enraptured by a sense of eternal bliss. How can we feel as if the past experiences are real in feeling at the present time unless eternity is a continuous fellowship with a pleasure that is greater and greater in the absence of former sorrows? I think the Sweet Sweet Spirit falls on us and time is faded into eternity for awhile.

Let me say one more thing. As if we could control the meta physical actions in our universe and the weight of what we call the world. This is represented by the influences of these supernatural beings. Time is attached to fear, worry, anxiety because time is what the world offers. But eternity is an experience that transforms our earthly view. The amount of the weight of the world is lifted for the weightlessness and pure pleasure outside of this time experience so that all of these personal attachments to the sorrow of this world lose the effects that keep us down. This is the Holy Spirit , a sweet sweet eternal accumulation of all the pleasure that God has received in His glorifying Himself. There is a sense in which we find joy in fellowship with the great Comforter, and in this we are lifted into eternity where all of these joys and pleasures have their full powerful effects on us. These eternal beings have the touch of glory in the experience.

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