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4847  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Get it Done on: June 10, 2009, 04:28:12 PM
Some people think that our primary reason for this life is missionary work... its often repeated like this... the reason we go to church is to be taught how to bring in the world. So the focus is on communicating the gospel... but thats really not the reason... we live to glorify God in all that we do.. including the mundane things and enjoying Him forever.... its not a guilt trip. Its all about grace and love.

American religion of the 20 th century has figured out how to monopolize the design and discipline of every ones lives.... the religious people actually enjoy less freedom than those in the world.... its extremely fake... i mean its ok to talk to people...i mean i am not taking that enjoyment from anyone cause i enjoy it... but dont think that enjoying that piece of pie was different in quality... cause that person is in Gods hands just as much as that food was provided by Him...
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4848  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Say What? on: June 10, 2009, 04:22:11 PM
Its not the soap alone that kills the bacteria... its the warm water... and doctors repeat washing their hands a few times before they touch a person.
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4849  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 08, 2009, 08:02:42 PM
Saving Faith is only in one object... and the object produces the reality. When we start saying that we need to do this... or witness here.... or help here as a general evidence of faith .. then our believing is designed to focus on the things that we do.. as our object. I think this is our biggest problem ... because faith requires remembering...focusing.. desiring in how it is expressed in the action. Thats why the confession says that we glorify God in enjoying Him. Now someone will say... when do we start to act like we believe? Well James says if you want really strong faith then you must see yourselves as in great need of His power and greatness... and seeing that you see how helpless you are to change yourself and those around you. Faith requires that we have an understanding that God is always under the obligation to act according to His name. Faith is a deep reverence for Gods ways and sometimes we are required to move out of the way. Sometimes we are just to sit and worship Him... and if we are suffering in some way... we are to hope in Him... hope in His word... because the ways of faith are rooted in the depths and the roots are spread out as they go down.

But our faith is sure and stead fast because our honor is dependent upon God. So that our believing in Christ is from His love for us. We not only know that He is love ... but we experience His love.. .because if we hear His voice we hear it as a voice of sympathy... encouragement... and in a sure promise to us. That is why our faith cannot be lost.
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4850  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 08, 2009, 07:57:46 PM
i know we were talking about this on the phone... you can always tell what someone has been taught by how they portray God. As i was telling you that John talks about growing in the christian life... we go from a baby stage where the truths about our Father are like forming an argument for others... and then we go to having confidence on the words of scripture.. but then we graduate into where those words take us... we have an intimate relationship with our Father... we learn that the gospel is real ... and its not by a proposition but it by knowing the Father through the Spirit by the Son... and when we know the Father we know what love is... its unlimited flow...its stream of steady comfort... its design of attraction that we cannot if we wanted to... try... to find that kind of attraction in any thing..person... or even ourselves... the Love of God cannot bring about broken vessels to be scattered out side for awhile until someone comes and puts them back together to be made ready to go back into the house... thats not the story people. God does not threaten to break the legs of His children... anyone who believes that must be an infant in the faith... or they have been taught to be at an arms length from our Father.

As i was saying i have a conversation with Him all the time... and its hardly about my weakness and my lack of faith... but its always about His comfort... encouraging words... His personal presence for me to enjoy... and a rest where i could sleep like a baby... yes Jesus my sweet comfort... puts me to sleep with His hand... and as i fall asleep He reminds me of His love for me... so that i not only have a supernatural rest ... but i also can rest my weary mind from all of the troubles of this world. In this way i become weaned from any kind of affection that draws me to find comfort in something that will not last... but you know? its always fleeting until i talk to Him again! For some reason i cant have that same kind of rest all the time... it just really is a kind of groaning within me... because i want to experience Jesus comfort all the time.. but i know that one day we will all just have His presence fully effective all the time. Jesus is the sweetest name i know... please sweet Holy Spirit comfort us when we are in pain. Man i pray that we will all have a child like trust...
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4851  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: predestination on: June 07, 2009, 05:13:56 PM
Thor.. i put this in first person cause if its good for everyone else its good for Thor...

That I can choose good and overcome evil is apparent from the very mouth of God in the very beginning of man just after the fall:

This is a clear statement, that even the natural man can do good and reject sin.  This is why God can judge me...because I know good and evil and can choose which I want to follow. If man could not choose good or evil then there is no basis for judgment because there is no responsibility for actions...good or bad.
God reserves the right to intervene in my affairs at his will and does but that does not mean God doesn't allow me to make choices and that contrary events can flow from those choices. .
God can step in any time to change the course of events in persons and nations. Case in point, the captivity of Babylon because Judah wouldn't repent for idolatry. God's intervention is the meaning of the scripture examples you mentioned above.

I am responsible for my own sin and how God will judge me if I do not repent. God does not give me a free ticket out of hell.

There is no denial of God's Spirit's work in the hearts of sinners to convict and led to repentance but my (will) must decide who I will follow. The Spirit draws and heart of the sinner to Christ but I must decide for Christ to be saved.

Your a prittttey powerful man .... there fella...

Signed --------------------- date------------- oh and i did fix your misspelled words  Now let me move out of the way here... i see some dark ominous clouds approaching...   hehe
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4852  Forums / Politics Forum / Re: Why Im agnostic on abortion. on: June 07, 2009, 02:10:09 PM
If we are going to be harsh on either side there s not going to be any gospel spirit. If we are going to focus on an individual choice then all of us deserve to die. If we are going to focus on the behavior of sex then we need to start with the billboards the magazines the porn industry... and the neglect of the child in how they are raised. I do not think there is any easy answer in an individual sense ... it may be different in a personal counseling situation than a non profit relationship in the problem. Its pretty simple but almost impossible to reverse... goes the family so goes the church so goes society... people cannot be necessarily changed by a public outcry... or a safety net ..these things may slow the process down but will not reverse it... the gospel is the only answer... this simple message doesnt  always offer a safe landing tho.
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4853  Forums / Break Room / Re: Random Thoughts on: June 06, 2009, 10:08:49 PM
this is the most holy day of the yr in america... providing a day to honor our police forces hehe.

it was national donuts day. hehe
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4854  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 06, 2009, 03:50:15 PM
Yes i think a spiritual man can judge all things... what i mean is that we do not fight with the weapons of this world... we really spend time fighting a spiritual battle...and we take possession of that territory... but this battle seems to be of very little worth.. especially to the dull and the people who are always focusing on the outward appearance... because most people look at the big mountains the rough terrain and the big bully in the territory. They have their minds on earthly things.. and they are the most difficult people to get out of the way of opposing the progress. A man who is spiritual will spend more time fighting the spiritual battle from his knees and will see very little progress.. thats why he will spend his whole life as it were tilling the land for someone else to plant and water the progress... it wont matter to him cause he wants to hit the mark every time he goes to fighting. He knows there is a spiritual opposition that will not give an inch without being moved by God... a man will spend his last breath in trying to take the ground ... the spiritual ground from the devils clutches.... it wont matter how long and how hard he goes to the throne... he only has one focus and that is to fight the good fight... even if the numbers are small and the spiritual ground seems little yet he knows that God is very slow in that preparation and in Gods time and through our battle He will subdue the enemy..He will take the ground!!!!!!
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4855  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 06, 2009, 03:22:09 PM
i look at it as how the logical progression will be promoted in how much power we have and how much power our Father has...Now then just because authority may look competent and strong .... any realistic and detailed look will find that the best men are in their best days rule from the view of how they can most easily prove their authority and at the same time push the blame on someone below them in order to create the appearance that they are the leader. It is funny how God intervenes in the affairs of men and frustrates mens natural despotic tendencies... because in reality mans authority does little to bring unity...

Now then God is concerned about how His little childrenssss are treated.... so that in a sense when our Father has his children in this world.. He needs to create some confusion since all men are quick to suppress and take advantage of those who do not respond to like threats. Yes His chillens are under His personal care... and the kings heart is in the hand of the Lord and the Lord directs it as He sees fit... So whether we find ourselves in situations that seem to be beyond our ability to find authority expressed as we have experienced from our tender and Shepherd of wonders ... yet we know that since we are under His care then we have nothing to be concerned about... we have His ear... In this sense authority is always being taken from the hands of man and put in balance and given to the weak... God is much greater than brown nosing... Grin
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4856  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Please give some thought to this: on: June 06, 2009, 02:51:51 PM
I think we can judge a person wrongly by being quick to judge... i mean that a person who has confidence in God may look like he is very presumptuous and arrogant. The psalmist says that God made him stout hear ted and in a sense that means that he would not back down from his confidence in his God. One of the reasons that God said that David was a man after His heart was that David was as confident in God in going beyond most men in giving God the glory at all times... David actually danced before all of Jerusalem in OT underwear... his single heart ed worship was pleasing to God.. but not to his wife.. and upon being confronted by her ... he said that if it was acceptable worship then he would do it even more... now that seems to be a lack of humility ..especially in how we measure humility in this day and age... but God actually made his wife barren because of it...
Humility is a mark of a believer... i dont think that a believer can remain arrogant... i mean arrogance is having no thoughts of God... or not calling on God... where as the self righteous thinks very little of God because he doesnt need God. Now that is how the society of believers should be with one another... i mean.. the mark of a true community of believers is that we over look each others sins... practicing not spreading the sins everywhere...

Its best to present every issue to God in private and with those who can be trusted in a close to the cuff relationship. But if you think about it... those who are humble do not look at the other person as to the level of his sin and treat them like that.. but they treat them as if they were the best. This is how the Father makes His children dependent... and the mark of real humility is dependence upon the Father for every thing. In this sense God keeps us weak so that we will be humble.. and He equals the playing field with His people by making the strong weak. 
4861  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 05, 2009, 11:43:47 AM
 a quote on another site
"I am convinced the great tragedy is not the sins that we commit, but the life we fail to live."
my response...
I dont see where weakness and sin are not inter related... i mean... weakness is not necessarily sin... but sin is the reason for weakness... ... if God created man whose will was mutable. Then it was inevitable that man would sin. But this is the great mystery of the first choice... cause there is no reason even with a will that was mutable. I mean if we can enjoy life by separating weakness from sin... then how can we accept the reality of this sin weakness plague this side of Adam as a means to extract the poison in holding onto the effects of this inward struggle.. almost like a pressure cooker.... ie sin makes weakness rise up from within....and still enjoy the good things in this life? This is why i dont think that enjoying this life is found in acknowledging weakness as if it were not produced by sin... that to me is trying to avoid the inevitable.
4866  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 04, 2009, 11:01:42 AM
Ok i really did not want to get into this quagmire but i must expose a lie.... i mean ... everyone has illusions to what the truth is... and it is soo wide in its application when it is not defined in the connection that doctrine and practice are inter related or that practice proves the level of genuineness of a faith.
Now then i hear this sooo often from the other side... this comparison of a human to the animal species.... as if a little cookie and some kind of external force is going to create the necessary life style for one to overcome his particular bad habit.. a fools gold indeed... for wisdom is only found in her causes... may i say that we can as believers be all inclusive ...oh ... there are truths in every philosophy of life... cant you just see this is a more professional and scientific explanation?...
May i say that overcoming a habit in a human is not the same as in a dog... ok.. i am really thinking that this is a world in which good is explained away ... and evil is replaced for the truth...and in this process we are encouraging a gospel of  do good ers who are spying out the freedoms we are to enjoy in  Christ! Ok... i have some evil habits.... and a bone is what makes me sooooooo confused about just who is appointed by what? So anyway ....sin is let out of the cage when a man is forced into a cage. May i say that the climaoe of these indulgences are the darkness of this new religion. This darkness is represented as an instinctual paradigm of causes and effects ... uh we be the dogs who have owners? So then... what of Hitler and the Superior race? I thought that it was in the past... but now in america we are compared to the animal species? By religious people?
Ok.. unless i was miss informed uh... God made me with an understanding of the nature of my sin... a capacity that no doggy with his instincts and all his abilities will ever come to understand.... here... here Paul Revere... you are rite ... the Hitlers are coming... oh man... youth in asia .. rite around the corner... throw some dog bones out... cause this is like throwing gas on the fire of bad behavior!
Wow from instincts ... a bone and a cage... a lie and a bondage to true freedom in Christ... the cause of the goodness is in the instant transformation of the understanding of a person who has the ability to measure his own behavior and given the power from a source that has no cost in the change... shall we revisit the concept of grace? If grace is not work then where is the reward for a worthy effort? Please... we are able to quit anything with the proper teaching... and then not judged based upon our own standard of who is healthy and who is not.... otherwise we will just end up with the science of the survival of the fittest.   
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4867  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 04, 2009, 10:06:53 AM
If we are going to find relief in this world... we must understand how we are made... we are not made as robots with a propensity to from a principle of force.. but we are weak and under some kind of allusion to who we are.. this is the cause of all of the deception in this world.. we fail to mirror God who is the cause of our being able to measure the truth about how we find comfort through our looking glasses. That is there is nothing in all creation that is hidden from His sight. For if there is one person who knows us enough to know what the proper mixture of the weight of a thing that effects us as to our emotional and spiritual condition... it is God! Now then He alone frames our minds...for any other thing is just a lack of power to find comfort from our anxiety.... we cannot know ourselves unless God reveals to us our deep need of finding relief from ourselves. But be assured... He will reveal the pathway to find what we need because He is the Shepherd who speaks to us personally... He frames our minds!
Now then ... how can we hear this kind of communication... this quiet resolution that cause us to overcome the bondage principles that are coming from our weakness and temptations? I mean Jesus is the direct connection to knowing what makes us tick... not just in speaking to us but in subduing the powers that are forcing us to be anxious.... but He also is working through us in order for us to know and understand when He speaks and what He has done... i mean this is a supernatural communication... it is His secret power that keeps us from trusting in words that do not have any power.... We are framed by Him to know the real source of all comfort.
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4868  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 04, 2009, 09:33:01 AM
Let me just describe this normal response in the reactions to suffering... so it should always look as to the existence of suffering the undercurrent of finding some kind of relief ... that is on the level of active communication in hearing the suffering speak in the longings we have enjoyed as to our level of comfort.. then the personal approach to this level of security is divided by the sorrow of being exposed to the level of pain in that lack of relief in the consistent fulfillment of that past longing and the understanding of the future loss. This paradigm is represented in the instinct we have as being concerned to find relief for ourselves in longing to find comfort from fleeing ... either in an emotional spiritual sense... or physically leaving the situation for a time. Now then... there is in this life many experiences that have these different weights that we must carry... some are very difficult... and in withdrawing from our former confession... i mean... we become divided in some sense... maybe not really knowing it...maybe we are not sensitive to how we have fled in the past... but we sorta have developed a pathway in the brush and this time we find the trees... we are lost in all of this uncertainty and we find ourselves down in a big pit rather than in the woods... we have spiraled down in our flight.
Now then the most important principle of all is that God is all in all... the beginning and the end... we shall not find our way back unless we find it in the bigness of Gods revealing to us who He is for He is our perseverance.
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4869  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: June 04, 2009, 09:15:33 AM
When we face the pain of a loss... whether it is a job... or a relative.. or a hope in something that we could feel secure by in a future endeavor... we must not dwell on the loss.... i dont think that our hope is increased in this way... i mean.. that we cannot find any comfort or encouragement of being in a position of forcing the required attitude by simply placing our trust in the word without finding our resolution in the cause of the experience as to our sorrow. We are only human...and if Jesus sweat drops of blood as an expression of having to face all of the worlds experiencing of the loss then we know that He will lead us to find the solution in walking through that pain. For Christ went to the cross in spite of His inward anguish....
But there is the human suffering for which we are not able to avoid in this life. How do we best accomplish getting through all of the memories... all of the close emotional bonds in which the soul is being taught in the satisfaction of finding comfort in these desires being fulfilled... and then to have them dashed by one single event? Well the reality is that we are under some kind of obligation to find a level of comfort in this world ... it is expressed through trust. And then we are finding that it gets very complicated since not one person can fulfill the law of love enough to meet all of these desires for comfort and fulfillment. And yet... we are taught to find some kind of level in a relationship. Which creates the illusion that the normal is what we are used to in our responses to others and their return to us. In the confusion of this communication we experience a level of bondage.... not under the obligation to bondage ... but under the illusion that love is defined with a certain usefulness in the give and take... that is we develop our world view by this experience.
We must search our hearts in the pain... and the communication that we have before our High Priest does not look and taste like a horizontal level of communication... no this is an extreme and desperate call to the God of all comfort. Its not in the kinds of words that we use... its in the expression of the pain that He is so attentive too... a pray that turns into weeping...a cry that seems so cold toward the world... an outburst of anger toward the wicked... and then ... in going down to the level of real world existence ... before a Holy God then we are led to find relief in that connection to what we have just expelled in our prayer. We must live in our prayers as if He knows our deep suffering in the expression we use to be in His loving arms. God loves no matter how much we enjoy our personal instincts to be protected.
4875  Members Only / Purgatory / Re: Universalism: Definding the unbeliever at the expense of the Sheep on: June 02, 2009, 10:02:18 AM
I want to encourage you all in this struggle with this world and the rumblings of the fall that we may experience in the future. May i say that i hardly have taken this as if it were a heavy weight of sorrow that is making me feel helpless.... no... i have taught myself the difference between being angry for the rite reasons and false humility. And rite now i really hate this world. I mean... i have an intense hatred for it. If you think it is affecting me then you dont understand how much time it has taken me to know the difference between living in the accusations of the Devils spell or not accepting this as a reason to find my comfort in feeling sorry for myself in the process of mourning over the state of this devilish world.  Because i know there are only two directions in this life... its either living in the reality of His power or spiraling down into the abyss of a selfish sorrow. I have been preparing for this time ... for a very long time... because this world is going to pass away as we know it... the bible not only tells us not to get our roots in this world but to live in the reality that there is a very evil spell of many kinds of devils that are trying to destroy our faith... we are literally under attack! Now you might say... oh man.... MBG you need to be careful because you are  giving the devil ,his demons, and fallen angels too much power... May i say that if you cant find get out of your overly sorrowful condition that you havent faced the reality of what is transpiring around you in this time.... there are things that are happening in this country that have never... now listen to me... never happened before! There is a reason to be really angry!
Now then... face the facts we are losing our spirit of freedom along with this political climate... there really is a devil in the house... look... would you ignore a person who has just been raped and treat it as if the experience was not that big of a deal? Listen to me... your spiritual understanding of living in a spiritual freedom in which it is relatively easy to find some comfort from this world in these personal and private times is pushing in on you more and more.... at some point we must stop burying our heads under the illusion that this is going to pass and it will be good times again... we are experiencing something that is going to be a new struggl
4877  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 31, 2009, 02:55:26 PM
I think its possible for us to get into a situation... not necessarily mine... but a possibility non the less .. in which we can actually experience the destruction of our faith... not totally.. but in the effects of finding our comfort from this world.... now then .. this is what salvation is in the purpose of His working in us to will... i dont think that His saving work is just the pleasure of He receives in working that will in us. But He is working to strengthen our faith ... where as the Devil is working to destroy it. And it is very important for us not to think that man has the answers to reveal this kind of grace. I am not talking about a grace that is common to all men... but i am talking about a special grace.
There really is not understanding of this kind of experience of the love of Christ without His revealing it in a way that is not coming from our own experience.... i dont think we have the natural understanding because of the kinds of evil and corrupt desires that we pick up from one another. In other words this kind of understanding is not taught that way. The word of God is sharper than a double edge sword... now... this is the revealing way of gaining an understanding of this special communication. If we think of a sword we are talking about something that does not fail in penetrating into where ever it is placed... in this case the function of the thrust of the sword is compared to the action of the quality of the word that comes into the inner man.... it teaches as it comes in... it reveals to us the truth about what we have in the promises and it gives us an understanding of the single purpose of renewing the corrupted thing and attitude.
Now then this is not something that comes from the process of the teaching of a man.. .i mean everyone has been given the Spirit as the teacher and then the knowledge as it enters it goes rite to the heart of the problem... it divides in the understanding of what the intentions of a man are and what Gods revealed knowledge is as it is not corrupted by the imagined self. In other words Jesus is the revealed word of God.... so that the corruption is out of the hardness of a man to ingest the total understanding of the person of Christ. This is how the piercing effect is so that the understanding is judged or cauterized where the corruption is burned up... the false image of the real revelation.
I do not think that in the determination of the effects of the word to the understanding are just theoretical. There is an actual coalescing of a Person to the understanding if He spoke to the understanding in an audible voice. So that the real revelation comes in the healing in this relational oneness ...its a personal assurance in answer to the deep need. Because Christ uncovers the heart... in other words He fulfills the longings of the heart... in this complicated un renewed thought process.He offers to us in the word this kind of filial communication. Since our worthiness depends upon His final declaration....  This is that He is the most encouraging and understanding voice that we have in a special way.   
e... that we will never enjoy the fruits of our the freedoms that our forefathers fought to give us! Its a new day... this is the start of much anger and suffering... you might as well get real before God....
4884  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 29, 2009, 03:22:57 PM
I dont know if you have read all of my thinking on Gods word.. but i do not think that God accomplishes anything unless He speaks it into existence... its more than just what He says... its what He accomplishes by His word... all of the threatening s... all of the punishment.. and on the other hand all of the good in gifts are directly a communication of Gods word... because His word does not return void ... or who can resist His will? And so we are represented by a personal sovereign being who communicates to us not only by His written revelation but by His secret counsel. Not only by His bringing into existence by His word... but by His sustaining all things by His word.
The weight of Gods word is in the revelation of everything that comes into being... for nothing exist unless God causes it. If God just spoke and nothing happened then God would be wasting His word. There is nothing that God listens to that He does not respond to in the listening... the same with speaking. These terms are a condensation to the way we understand a very small part of the revelation of God.

But He has given us the means to be a vessel in which these future things that come into our lives.. the kinds of people... the amount of protection and the kinds of punishment enacted on the wicked that comes through our prayers... so that in coming to Him in the bible... that is He has revealed everything about Himself in the bible in which we measure all other truth. For He is the only truth ... that is He is the True Truth and all other ideas are only true as He says they are. My point is that we have been declared to know Him by Him revealing Himself to us... He spoke that word before the foundation of the world. So that He revealed Himself when He implanted His word into our hearts... that is He did this through implantation. We have the soil of the very nature of God ... we understand Him by how He communicates to us in His word.. Not only does He speak in the bible to us... but He speaks to us in the illumination of truth...He actually frames our mind to do things that we know that He has told us to do. The more we know the revealed will and ways of God by His written word the more we will know the eternal nature of the reality of everything that is available to us in the real weight of our being used to speak things into existence... and our knowing how things are to be understood in the times we live. ok i will stop here.
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4885  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 29, 2009, 01:11:22 PM
One of the paradigm shifts that i notice as i bark out these psalms in walking the house is the reaction to the nature of the confrontation of our natural likes and dislikes with the reception of truth.... i mean ... there is a sense in which the revelation of God in all of His glory and holiness is a stark reality that has a completely different focus than any thing in this world... its as if God speaks and we are talked down into a sense of our own vileness with the assurance that He will pass by our house and bring us out of this world to see the utter folly of man and the judgment that will attend that event... so that we are not waiting for a romantic Jesus to take us out of this filth and pain... but we  are being saved by an eternal edict that brings us into an eternal bliss.. never to find the pain and struggle of sin again! This is heaven coming down... until we say enough... i am in the dust... i can do nothing but look at Christ! I have been taken out of this world for a time... and it is extremely painful to see the events in this world.. .the blindness of all of mankind and the sin that i have to struggle with... the  desperate nature of this life... and yet ... the glory of a Man who is the absolute and only salvation i have... the only way to know Him is to need Him in this desperate  condition... so i gladly speak of the destruction of all of these things in order to live in this eternal reality... i am taken from this realm... and made to feel helpless!
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4886  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 29, 2009, 12:23:21 PM
Jesus Christ is the Son over Gods house... Moses is the Old Covenant....a faithful servant....its not saying that the new house is ruled by a high priest that is faithful. But that Moses is no longer necessary in order to enter Gods rest.... for a man must cease from the work in the sense that grace has been completed in Christ. When the law speaks ... the minister is not the focus... the scriptures themselves are not the focus... Christ work is complete... the focus is not from the old shadows where this idea that Christ as a Theocracy over His house but Christ rules as a Son... that is in the family sense.
There is no difference in the old covenant and the new covenant as a message of salvation through the grace of God alone... because they had the gospel preached to them as we have it preached to us.... but those who did not enter did not know His ways... that is the ways of grace... as opposed to the works. For if it is by grace then it is no more works other wise grace is no more grace... so that it was never through the sacrifices that they obtained salvation... not even through the role of the earthly high priest...but the gospel was always through the coming redeemer...but the shadows were about the relationship that the trinity shared in eternity....
That is this son ship issue.... not in the days... not in man... it was always passed on by the fathers that it was not in man... that is the only hope was in God alone... these other physical means were just a shadow of the real thing... and in a sense it was very hard to see this by faith since there were so many physical markers to perform... man is forever tied to the means rather than the object itself... the earthly house is built by man... but God is the builder of everything... or why do you bring me sacrifices with the attitude that they are from your work? "i own every thing" I am much bigger than your way of doing your earthly righteousness.... i have a heavenly tabernacle not made with hands....that is the object is Christ ... He alone is the rest of God.
Entering in to that rest is entering into a rest from working to enter... that is the way of salvation... we struggle with these sacrifices... that are the shadows....and we fail to find completeness in finding forgiveness in Christ... so that we do not enter into the eternal family of God... that is the security that is not of this world... as opposed to the earthly sanctuary. We focus on the works or performances of men.. and we must not conclude that we have the power to obtain righteousness through the means....This is what was passed down..."it was not by their sword that they won the victory" nor did their arm bring them victory... a direct inference that the connection to the personal will in order to move the hand .. is nothing. As this author of Hebrews has been bringing up in a contextual way the Psalms of David... i can show you the relationship in these psalms of how the sacrifices we understood in relation to worship and the works of man....we really have been in some ways under the spell of a romanticizing of the gospel message.    
4887  Members Only / Purgatory / Re: Universalism: Definding the unbeliever at the expense of the Sheep on: May 29, 2009, 12:04:53 PM
Jesus Christ is the Son over Gods house... Moses is the Old Covenant....a faithful servant....its not saying that the new house is ruled by a high priest that is faithful. But that Moses is no longer necessary in order to enter Gods rest.... for a man must cease from the work in the sense that grace has been completed in Christ. When the law speaks ... the minister is not the focus... the scriptures themselves are not the focus... Christ work is complete... the focus is not from the old shadows where this idea that Christ as a Theocracy over His house but Christ rules as a Son... that is in the family sense.
There is no difference in the old covenant and the new covenant as a message of salvation through the grace of God alone... because they had the gospel preached to them as we have it preached to us.... but those who did not enter did not know His ways... that is the ways of grace... as opposed to the works. For if it is by grace then it is no more works other wise grace is no more grace... so that it was never through the sacrifices that they obtained salvation... not even through the role of the earthly high priest...but the gospel was always through the coming redeemer...but the shadows were about the relationship that the trinity shared in eternity....
That is this son ship issue.... not in the days... not in man... it was always passed on by the fathers that it was not in man... that is the only hope was in God alone... these other physical means were just a shadow of the real thing... and in a sense it was very hard to see this by faith since there were so many physical markers to perform... man is forever tied to the means rather than the object itself... that is the object is Christ ... He alone is the rest of God.
Entering in to that rest is entering into a rest from working to enter... that is the way of salvation... we struggle with these sacrifices... that are the shadows....and we fail to find completeness in finding forgiveness in Christ... so that we do not enter into the eternal family of God... that is the security that is not of this world... as opposed to the earthly sanctuary. We focus on the works or performances of men.. and we must not conclude that we have the power to obtain righteousness through the means....This is what was passed down..."it was not by their sword that they won the victory" nor did their arm bring them victory... a direct inference that the connection to the personal will in order to move the hand .. is nothing.   
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4888  Members Only / Purgatory / Re: The Wisdom of Pete WORC on: May 29, 2009, 10:06:27 AM
Thank you G2bH.... may i say to this next quote... a very mature christian. I am looking up...

"I still struggle with reverence for Our Father-----Its amazing when money--or illness or both have been put in front of all when a youth is growing older------When A good smack down or worse happens to one who disrespects-----

 When the man is all powerful and quiet to a fault---The young man does not understand how this big silent God reacts in dire times----Nor does he feel that he is worth much because spending time with the little one wont make Mom healthy nor pay the Bills----

Its all in the time factor and how it is interpreted. And we we infer this information when we grow up---To how we teach our own and still how our relationship is with Him..

I am 42---And I will be the first to admit my rocky relationship with The Lord..

 Without me knowing the simplicity that its Him who calls me----Yes ---I would still be lost" Pete
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4889  Members Only / Purgatory / The Wisdom of Pete WORC on: May 28, 2009, 05:41:28 PM
I am going to find his quotes and put them here... you are welcomed to as well.

"Never claiming this Mountain Moving faith----But Looking for The Hand of a Loving Father to Wake me from this Nightmare----And KNOWING what happens here---Is for MY best---HOW and why---I dunno--------" WORC
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4890  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: (((( Pete )))) on: May 28, 2009, 05:30:55 PM

 this is good stuff... in the other room.
4892  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 28, 2009, 11:48:59 AM
Is it possible for us to walk across our words into reality? I have been thinking about Gods revelation in its most simplistic form... i mean in the communication of this sense Gods word is always perfectly the reality of what is transpiring. I dont think we could trust Him unless His word was the foundation of all that reality is. I mean if God slipped up in one word there could be a nuclear holocaust. He could get mad and strike history with a plague that would destroy for eternity this time dimension. Even tho our words are not as powerful ... i mean ... to be carrying the weight of an instant reality by them... yet our words have a certain connection in how we are genetically predisposition to think of our reaction to our circumstances.For some reason a word that we speak can change the whole course of ones predisposition in the direction of his life. I do not think it is an accumulation of the wisdom of speaking that word... i mean.. do we speak enough words in the reality of all that the words that are what we are putting our confidence in and the words of God secret providence to know what is that exact communication at the exact moment as the ultimate healing agent for change? Can we change reality in ourselves? I dont think so... if God condescends to speak to us in baby talk what do you think our words that have an inflection of our general disposition of our genetic history of these imperfect messages that we define in numbers is going to be given such authority?
4896  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 28, 2009, 09:44:04 AM
A very shallow and doctrinal explanation here... in the sense that love and hate are deepened before God alone in a man as God is righteously indignant It appears in the paradigm of conviction. 

The subject of imprecations is attended with some difficulty. To imprecate, or to pronounce a curse on others, or to wish others accursed, was forbidden even under the law, and it is expressly forbidden under the gospel, Matthew 5:45; Romans 12:14; we have the example of our Savior praying for his enemies even on the cross; and yet we find that God pronounced a curse on all the transgressors of the law, Deuteronomy 27:26, — that Christ pronounced a curse on Chorazin and Bethsaida, — that the Psalmist often imprecated vengeance on his enemies, Psalm 5:10; Psalm 109:7-15, — that the Apostle cursed Alexander the coppersmith, 2 Timothy 4:14, — and that John bids us not to pray for him who sins the sin unto death, 1 John 5:16.
   The truth is, that circumstances make the difference; what is forbidden in one respect is allowed in another. The rule to man is, not to curse, but to bless, except to pronounce on God’s enemies as such the judgment which God has already denounced on them. But to curse individuals is what no one is allowed to do, except he be inspired so as to know who those are who are given up by God to final judgment; which may be supposed to have been the case with the Psalmist and with St. Paul. — Ed. He then gives them up to blindness of spirit and weakening of strength; the one of which he expresses by the darkening of the eyes, and the other by the incurvation of the back. But that this should be extended almost to the whole nation, is not to be wondered at; for we know, that not only the chief men were incensed against David, but that the common people were also opposed to him. It appears plain, that what is read in that passage was not applied to a few, but to a large number; yea, when we consider of whom
4907  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 27, 2009, 04:33:55 PM
 I hope you continue to have confidence in Him and not self determination. If i looked at myself as a completely healed saint then my reflection of myself would be a demand to live up to my view of myself. And if i did something that did not reflect that value of my un brokenness then i would need to plead my own ability since i was given that ability to be healed that was in the past but is not evident in the brokenness. So that all of those around me would demand an accounting because i have said that i was completely healed at a point in the past and now there is no reason why i should not be able to show it now. So that i create a situation at some point where my confidence in myself does not match my broken evidence. In a sense i am saying that i have a will to obey even tho i will to disobey. I mean if i say that i was completely healed at a time in the past then i am saying that i have the ability in my will to display that at all times.

 Imnsho,  This is not the way we show our lives to be changed. This creates a conflict within me that in which i would be in an endless frustration, but .... if i could have a ....oh i cant think of the word..... but its like a catch 22. In order for the anxious spirit to be quenched you go to the other extreme and let God have it all. Or you just leave the whole struggling paradigm in His hands. Cause what happens in that when we think wrongly then we create a paradigm in our own minds in which the power to do what we want to do is to struggle to the point where we have more power to over come brokenness by the amount of resistance we have over the resistance we experience in the brokenness. The catch 22 is letting go completely of the responsibility of the brokenness so that there is no power in the connections to the use of the means, prayer, the word, and worship to have an effect on the power of the brokenness. But in the understanding of the causes and the means and the ends for which God does anything in this world , then..... He doesnt do it by resting but He does it in the connections to His power being expressed in the creation of anything as an expression of His willing that thing to come to pass. I hope you understand my thinking here. I am not talking about something here that we have a tendency to fall into because of a doctrinal position we hold , but i  have these tendencies to depend on this resistant thinking all the time.
David was a type, there appears to be a spiritual import in the opposite clause. Calvin
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