Monday, November 9, 2015

Romans and the Flesh Monster.....Salvation is by grace alone

. I have never seen a person saved by their own faith... if thats what you mean by personal choice then you are turning the gospel upside down... i know you and i have a fundamental disagreement and its not over what someone says with their mouths... if i am correct faith is a gift and the repentance is impossible for man to perform because repentance is one side of faith. And if Jesus was saying that all you need to do is turn away from those sins you know about and say something with your mouth then there are a lot of people who could come to you and tell you that it was not the way it happened to them. The important quality of salvation is that we acknowledge that we could not be saved... have faith... or repent on our own.. and that we came as we are... without any plea... now if a man tells me that then i will believe him more than a man giving me the finer points of his turning from his sin!!!
And salvation is not done from the will of man... it is by the grace of God... so that we are enabled to begin a life of repentance... it may be that the initial salvation experience was a great part of conviction followed by a sorrow over sin and very little joy... it may be that it was very lite conviction and a lot of joy... it may be a simple believing... or it may be something that a person was raised on.. it was taught to them.. it may be that a person mimics the effects of salvation but after much searching in his adult life he receives salvation. If you are saying that there is a set way that people are saved then that is not a grace teaching.
Its not by the works of righteousness that we have done but according to His mercy has He saved us... so that grace is the initial call to a man in being regenerated... a man cannot do anything on his own merit not even repent ... he must cast himself totally on Christ who works repentance by grace. If a man is taught works as a way to be saved it will be through a focus on turning from sin and very little on the grace of God. If Christ is not clearly the object of the initial salvation experience then that is reason for a person to fall into deep sorrow and be worn out as an experience of salvation.
So if you can agree with me that faith is a gift and repentance is what God does before a man can produce fruits of repentance.. that is seeing the humility in his trusting in Christ... that God must destroy the old will and put a new will in the man as the central focus of biblical salvation then we can agree.

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