Forums / Main Forum / Re: Roman Catholicism
on: June 27, 2009, 10:58:57 PM
not aware of that being the norm among Catholics, it does happen, but I
remember it full well in my time among Calvints. The answer was always
to "check myself" to see if I was really saved. Now I am to examine my
conscience and make a good confession. This is not a "works salvation",
it is all wrought by the grace of God.
Well we believe
that when we examine ourselves that we can find more than we bargain for
if we are honest... so we believe that it really isnt in the examining
that we know we are saved... wow... that is just like uh... ok...
anyway...we believe that when we find sins that we are forgiven more the
more sins. and we rejoice that he took the penalty for sin on our
behalf... so that we actually have more joy by our sin when we confess
our sins... and then the attitude of grace brings us into a relationship
with our Father... we are drawn into eternal life.. in its greater
quality by our sin... if you had that much joy... would you want Him
more than your sin? of course.. grace convinces us that He is better
than our lives here on earth. On the other hand i would be
really bitter if i had to struggle with my assurance... uh.. tell Him
... the number one answer to our request is for Him to prove that His
love to us is eternal.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Roman Catholicism
on: June 27, 2009, 10:47:21 PM
have assurance that if we perservere we will be saved, wich is all you
have really. Your own personal assurance is subjective and is based on
the doctrines of John Calvin. There is no need for the faithful Catholic
to be worried all the time that he will lose his salvation, but he is
to be sober minded, knowing that his enemy is on the prowl.
really its not from a catholic brother or an arminist who throw sins in
the face... its Satan himself... did you know he is the great accuser..
but i have yet to hear him personally assault me with something i am
either struggling with or a sin that i have just committed...its the
people who have no assurance that he uses.... so if i question my
salvation... then how long is it going take to move away from his
assaults? Well some people love to lay in his arms and receive great
discouragement.. that s their experience in this christian life. Oh
well.. the number one voice of the devil is to destroy our faith by
bringing up our sins. ... actually... Jesus confronted these people and
he called them a brood of vipers.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Roman Catholicism
on: June 27, 2009, 10:17:42 PM
not offended, just pointing out I am what I am, by the grace of God. I
believe everything the Church teaches, indeed I am bound to. Your
objections to the Eucharist and the doctrines concerning Mary were
believed by the early reformers. Also the doctrine of eternal security
was not believed before Calvin.
My problem is a very practical
one... and i ask all catholics this... lets say that we are outside
playing a game and then we get a lightning storm.. now... you have not
taken the Eucharist for the new sins about the week... what happens lets
say if you get hit with the lightning and you are pronounced dead? Now
if it happened to me .. it wouldnt matter where i was or if i had just
committed a mortal sin.. i would still pass into the heavens.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: Roman Catholicism
on: June 27, 2009, 10:05:49 PM
Roman Catholic, I believe Protestants to be my brothers and sisters in
Christ, if you choose not to view me as your brother, so be it.
dont know who you are talking about... i never said anything about what
you are saying... you know i have read what you have said ... i
remember you from a while back... i would never have anything but
acceptance to you... and we can set aside our differences if you want...
i dont want to create a situation where you are offended if we
disagree.... but if you want to talk about these disagreements i am fine
with that. I believe we can have a fundamental disagreement with one
another.. i do not believe that all Catholics are pagans... have you
guys accepted our protestant worship as an alternative or do you still
condemn every worship accept partaking of the Eucharist?Do you accept
our views on the supper?
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: predestination
on: June 26, 2009, 02:50:30 PM
I think you two have radically different understandings of what "Justification by Faith" means, and what the Gospel is.
don't believe in appointed salvation and appointed damnation, but
believe the Bible when it says I have to personally believe and trust in
Jesus in order to be saved and to "work the works of God by believing
in His Son". To not repent is to stonewall God. To let some wrong headed
1500s theology dictate and reinterpret clear scripture is beyond me and
my own experience which better agrees with Scripture..."what must we do
to be saved". Note they ask what they had to do? Gnosticism believed
that they were saved by having certain knowledge of Christ's coming and
nothing they did could save them only that knowledge. Calvinism is very
close to the same thing. For sure Jesus is in their belief system but
not at the head of the line for salvation. ...God's choice (Grace)
before Christ even died is the real reason they think they are saved not
the actual personal receiving and trusting in Christ That is not the Gospel preached in the NT. Thor
you are saying that God does not determine our repentance .. and we
must repent in order to receive salvation then how much repentance is
acceptable enough to get salvation?
I'm not sure what
planet your coming from because Biblically that question makes no sense.
I don't say God doesn't determine our repentance, the bible does. In
these next 4 verses, God and Jesus are literally "commanding" that all
repent before they can actually be saved and converted. Here they are: "Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent. " (Acts 17:30) "Repent
therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that
times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3:19) "I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. " (Luke 13:5) "Those
who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did
not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. " (Mark
2:17) ...else God would say: "don't worry I'll do your repenting
for you" which make no sense at all. In order for repentance to mean
anything the individual must be the one who repents. God must think man
can repent because he asks him to. If reform theology says man can't
repent then it stands against God's very Word. Repentance is
100%, else it's not repentance. Can you think of any place in the Bible
where God asks for partial repentance or puts a % salvation quota on it? Thor
Let me rephrase it since you do not understand what someone else can
explain that i said... but if God does not provide the ability and the
means to repent then as you have been saying that its 100 percent our
repentance... so you consciously repent and turn from all of your sin?
Wow... now ... i am not that gullible. Obviously your abilities are the
same as the thief that said the Christ could not provide the necessary
forgiveness as He did for the other thief when hanging there on the
cross he did not meet the requirements of paying back four fold what he
had stolen as you say the fruits of repentance.... ok ... wow
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 26, 2009, 12:08:22 AM
But the former translation appears to me much
more suitable; according to which David declares, that he rejoices more
in the favor of God alone, than earthly men rejoice when they enjoy all
earthly good things, with the desire of which they are generally
inflamed. He had represented them as so bent upon, and addicted to, the
pursuit of worldly prosperity, as to have no great care about God; and
now he adds, that their joy in the abundance and increase of their wine
and corn is not so great as is his joy in a sense of the divine goodness
alone. This verse contains very profitable instruction. We see how
earthly men, after they have despised the grace of God, and plunged
themselves over head and ears in transitory pleasures, are so far from
being satisfied with them, that the very abundance of them inflames
their desires the more; and thus, in the midst of their fullness, a
secret uneasiness renders their minds uncomfortable. Never, therefore,
shall we obtain undisturbed peace and solid joy until the favor of God
shine upon us. And although the faithful also desire and seek after
their worldly comforts, yet they do not pursue them with immoderate and
irregular ardor; but can patiently bear to be deprived of them, provided
they know themselves to be the objects of the divine care. J. Calvin
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Tolstoy got it right
on: June 24, 2009, 05:59:05 PM
That's right, it is the same God. Old Testament means old covenant. New Testament means New Covenant.
is the same, but His covenants are not. In the New Covenant, He ditches
the "eye for and eye" and "hate your enemy" doctrine and says "love
your enemy" instead.
If people want to follow the Old Covenant
instead, then they should revert back to killing their children for
disobediance. That is what the Old Covenant says to do, after all.
we all deserve death when Adam sinned... and the OT Israel never
carried it out... i mean they couldnt even get the divorcees to the
guillotine.. i mean or stoning. So there was grace as well in the ot
... and when a person stands before God to be condemned it wont even be a
list of sins.. he will be condemned for his unbelief. God doesnt
forgive everyone... and in the law forgiveness was determined upon
confession... so if its a universal forgiveness then God is requiring us
to do something that He does not even do. We are required to be ready
to forgive in the context of an unbeliever ... but that is not that we
have a universal attitude either... oh those liberals. Even in the
reformed camp there is no agreement on this... Calvin is probably the
one to trust on this. But to make a general statement about this is to
place yourself in a position where you pit one scripture against
another.. after all we are rational beings. Oh check out Sproul.
Forums / Key Life Forum / Re: Judgment, Discernment & Grace
on: June 24, 2009, 02:30:09 PM
this is a great question... God is the judge of all things.. He doesnt
leave judgment in the hands of men. I mean men usually are s cued in how
they judge. They think that they are totally unbiased in their
judgments... wow.. men cannot even think rite about the way they judge
their own character... i mean look.. how many men are not initially self
serving in their intents when there is blame to go around? God has
given men a message that is completely about to judge the thoughts and
the intents of a mans heart... but men want to add their political
philosophy to it. Look the truth about all mankind is they stick
together with those who agree with them and they love the seat of honor
in how many people bring them praise... usually there is a profit
involved.. the poor do not have any friends... thats why it usually is
that we have one good friend....
So that men in their view of
the world are rash... usually biased... political... and revengeful in
their normal assessments of a situation. This is why God shortens a mans
life... cause they are self serving by taking advantage of the person
who does not have a strong constitution to stand up for themselves. Ok..
so you dont believe me? Heres a good example.. how many people treat
the mentally challenged as better than themselves?... first of all men
love the method of getting what they want by doing something better than
the next guy... and if its an advantage to step in for the sick guy..
then its just too bad... cause its the more able that win the day. And
then they think .. wow i have a position to judge other men by my
management skills. Now then God looks down on this warped world and He
declares that all mens thoughts are useless.. they dont understand that
God is the judge.. that He judges whole nations... and He blesses His
people by constantly disciplining them so that they will not think that
they can continue to destroy the next guy for a reason that they deem
good. God says that He is the only real judge and His judgment last
through all generations. He says for us to kiss the Son lest He be angry
and you be removed out of the way.... Oh how we have this world
backwards... a world that is going to end cause of mens history of ruler
it is very difficult to exist without judging.
it is in human nature to be constantly judging others and things...it is
almost asking one to exist without an opinion. so is discernment
practicing judgment with wisdom and grace? how easy is it to do this?
i agree... but did you know that God is the judge... and that He has
already judged mankind based on one thing.... now the reason i want you
to listen to me... i am in no way saying that we should not be
discerning... but now then... Kylee... i want to teach anyone who wants
to here what to think.. how to reason... because the most important
discernment that we could have on this earth is to measure everything by
how God would measure it... that is reality... that is who we are..
what we think in relation to this world and everyone around us. Because
if we just accept that everyone knows ... i mean they have good
intentions and they are trustworthy then we are not going to understand
what discernment is all about. Discernment starts with training our
minds to think Gods thoughts after Him... we get to know God and we will
know the world by this... We dont have a natural understanding of
God... thats why He says when you are in trouble then pray... why would
He not offer some advice.. or go to a guru for some wisdom? Because God
is not like man... man thinks God is like man but God is God... and God
is not silent... He says my sheep hear my voice and they know Me. God
says if you ask i will give you wisdom.. if you seek me you will find
me... in other words we can go directly to God for wisdom... Why is
it so important to go to God... because we are not able to find comfort
at all times by someone else... we do not really live as if there is
something on this earth that will be the answer to the puzzle that may
fit our needs...because we are declared rite by a decree from
eternity... and it is personally applied to us in time... so that no
matter where we are we have an eternal access to wisdom... and God never
sleeps.. He is not preoccupied... He is always working.... and He has
the answers 24 7.. May I say that in every situation God is doing
something in us that He planned before we were born... even our trials
and our sins?
Forums / Break Room / Re: What is up with McDonalds?
on: June 24, 2009, 10:45:17 AM
Everybody's pinchin' those pennies these days.
bummed - my local Mickey-Dee's closed their McCafe. It had a nice
little outdoor veranda, and better Mocha Lattes than Starbucks. Cheaper
Yes...its high time since we cant get free stuff for
the Gove.. to print some more of those American pay sos and buy the
creeps... hehe
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 23, 2009, 03:58:47 PM
Ask yourself what it would look like if you
had a new conversion. I mean a new conversion to a profound experience
of confidence if God would do this one thing. It could be a crisis of
faith... it could be a salvation of someone close to you... it could be a
deliverance from a trial in which you would live at peace... not having
any worries about the same things... it could be for a new
understanding of His presence to surround you... now then our desires
are His desires... then why do we not find that we get what we want? If
we have surrendered then we are in a position to find Him with more of
our heart. This i think is the purpose of our lives... He says for us to
ask... and He will do more than we could ever ask or think... He wants
to be put to the test... not in a way were He is required to do
something we want... but He may see the desire and know how confused we
are by it ... but He may change the way He answers it but He will bring
something that is perfect in that answer!!! Why do we seek Him if what
we received in the past is all there is? Isnt it faith for us to use our
imagination about what is the best possible relief in this world and
believe that He is going to answer? If God is all loving... and He is
faithful.. and He is good then we have an object who is required to
treat us as if He enabled us to be good by who He is... and we have a
God who can perform anything just by the word of His mouth... Thats His
encouragement for us to seek Him with all of our hearts...
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 23, 2009, 11:58:06 AM
Psalm 138 Of David. 1 I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; before the "gods" I will sing your praise. 2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. 3 When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted. 4 May all the kings of the earth praise you, O LORD, when they hear the words of your mouth. 5 May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great. 6 Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me. 8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.
this is an interesting Psa. God has made us kings and priest of the
Most High. This is a sister of Psalm 9... i mean it starts out with the
same words and it has that flavor of Gods direct intervention in the
salvation of Israel.. its the kings confidence as he is viewing the
power of God as the great destroyer from heaven... the rite hand of God
is that by which He enacts His direct intervention.... now the funny
thing is that His hand is stretched out against the proud..uh... now how
does it seem that David is not arrogant here... bold and stout heart
ed? Now heres the deceptive description of humility as defined by the
great King. For some reason God has declared His grace through a kind of
parable....what i am saying is that we think of the humble ones as
described in the scripture as those who have been made righteous by
salvation... i mean ... there is this desire in all men to want to share
in this humility. Now then this is why there is false religion...if i
told you that the view from scripture was that the humble were those
marked by the king as being in Gods army and the proud with the
reprobate... then you would say... but i know a lot of reprobate men who
do humble acts and i know a lot of Gods armies that are very arrogant. I
think that God does this so that we will not think that we can figure
Him out. In other words its just like the NT people who come before the
Lord and they tell Him all of the good deeds... in other words they have
never really been saved in the first place... i mean we know that the
enemies of God are reprobate... but then there are those who for some
reason play on this parable... they are found out by there duplicity in
the judgment of who are the humble and who are the proud. God declares
who the humble are by gracing them with a view that humility is a gift
of God and there for that go i. And so there is this mysterious
confidence that is brought about by this new understanding of the
undeserved and lack of confidence in our own methods and our own
believing. I mean that the method of victory... the way to destroy
Satans spiritual kingdom is by preaching this distinct difference based
upon the decree of God... the confidence is in this undeserved paradigm.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 23, 2009, 10:47:53 AM
Kylee you have such interesting stories to
tell... i want to encourage you.... i mean... even if you thought that
you could change and even if you thought a truth could be so real in
your life .... when you look back on all of the relationships as you
grow... ask yourself... If i was taught such a false view of the gospel
and i sought to change... but in reacting to that terrible lack of love i
made a lot of mistakes... but Gods love was there to keep me from
denying Him... and now when i look back..all of the miss understandings
and reactions to things were God teaching me that He is going to show me
His love in spite of my being human.... i am free even if i never loved
another person... God still loves me... even if i had regrets... these
mean nothing to me... God accepts me warts and all.... i want to
encourage you to know Him like that... He has given us His Holy Spirit
and the Spirit knows how to work in us. ... the Spirit does greater
things than we could ever do... He just needs a free vessel...the
Fathers acceptance is His love because we dont love. I hope you
understand His grace... when the sorrow comes.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 22, 2009, 07:05:43 PM
and i can see that you are sincere... but believe it or not our
sincerity doesnt impress God... first because nothing surprises Him
about us.
i don't want to impress God...i just want to
love him back. i know it is a little thing to try in light of the cross
but Jesus did say to love God above all and my neighbor as myself. just
picture our attempts as a little girl making a card with a crayon
drawing of a stick figure and a heart on a folded piece of paper, and
handing it to God and saying i love you back.
Thats such a
cute story there....you may be surprised that God doesnt demand
anything in return as a way to express the gauge of our proving that we
are obedient.... i mean.. if God were asking us to show a like love for
Him as proof then why would we need Him? We could go along with God by
comparing our love with His love in reducing His love.... If He saved us
for us to give Him something in return as proof that He is the Savior
then we would always be focused on our part. You know... as an
expression of my relationship with Him my first response is to exalt
Him... i think John the Baptist found this secret as well ... when John
said i must decrease so that He can increase.... and Paul said that He
had to come to a point where his view of himself in dieing to himself
was that he considered himself no longer living... or he died to himself
that Christ would live.... David said.. How can i repay the Lord for
what He has done for me?... I will lift up the cup of salvation and call
on the name of the Lord... and then the proof as he would do according
to Gods will for him was expressed in his trust in the Lords name... Gods
love is seen when we do not show that we love Him.... this is why when
we exalt His salvation then our relationship is not focused on our
changing. Now this is what is different between one who knows Jesus and
the reprobate.... The confession states that we glorify God by enjoying
Him forever... we enjoy God when we focus on His love for us and not our
love for Him... every time we look at ourselves we face an uphill
battle... cause we are saying look at me... i am the Lords example of
goodness and love... then someone comes along and says... yes but the
other day i saw you get angry and your love was not very christian...
then you are going to respond.. your rite i got to do better. Now this
life that you describe is very miserable. If we want to know what we
have been given we must not think that we can produce enough love in
order to be assured that we are a recipient of His promises.You know
that all of His promises are depended on His love alone? Do you know
that we can have assurance of forgiveness, peace, comfort, a new hope, a
confidence that is not of this world... by focusing on God alone? We do
not even need to return what He has every rite for us to show forth our
appreciation. He says that He alone will take care of our appreciating
Him in His love. When we learn that God loves us first... then we will
live in the confidence that in praising Him we will be led into calling
on Him so that the only requirement for His children to have assurance
that they know Him is by basking in His love for them... and this is
expressed as those obey Him... we have done what He requires... because
our desires come from His love for us... but those who do not enjoy the
grace of God cannot say that they obey Him even tho they may display
more works than us.... when we lift up the cup of salvation we proclaim
that He loves us as the expression of our being represented by Him.
Wow... its so easy to enjoy Him that we forget. Now then... i can show
you this principle in the text that seem to say something different as
our giving Him in return. Ok you can go along with the works program... i
know .. i did it until the illumination of the text that came alive
melted my heart... so ... look... pride is express in i can.... ok do
what you want... but when you get so warn out then come and read what i
am going to write... i will encourage you... ok?
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 22, 2009, 02:25:45 PM
Thanks.. and i can see that you are sincere...
but believe it or not our sincerity doesnt impress God... first because
nothing surprises Him about us. He knows our thoughts from the
beginning of our lives to the last day we will be on this earth. God is
not surprised when we do not act according to His requirement... He
dosent expect us to act that way... He doesnt change because we fail. If
He is going to produce something in us its going to be because He
judges the thoughts and the intents of our hearts... what i am saying is
that He is the best Father that we could ever have... His love for us
never changes. When the bible presents our Father to us it is in the
understanding that He has already taken care of our sins... or you could
say our slip ups or our falling in some way. He did this by placing all
of our sins.. all of those things that we consider grievous to God and
to those around us. When He placed all of these sins... past present and
future... He declared to us that He loves us because He has been
satisfied to see us as not having any sins ... He looks at us as if we
do not sin. His broken heart was satisfied by His Son... now we are
taught to deal with our own guilt before Him in complete freedom... He
actually has declared us not guilty and He also has placed the
punishment of our sins on His Son... now we are no longer slaves to the
positive requirements of the law... we do not find our comfort on how we
look to Him by our behavior... now we accept the fact that He does not
treat us as our sins deserve... because the Son took the punishment of
our sins away... in other words our Father treats us as if Jesus is our
brother!!!!Get that... now listen to me... when we sin Jesus says
look... Kylee is my brother.. He is as holy as I am... cause i am no
longer ashamed of him... we are all sons in our Fathers house!!! Now
instead of Gods heart being crushed by us... He deals with us through
another way... He looks at us as sons and He examines us as our personal
physician.... in other words He doesnt even react when we sin... He is
making us mature on His Fatherly time table. God doesnt say to His
children... oh... i am so ashamed of you... here is some more guilt. He
says... i know you failed ... i took care of that in my Son.... i have
removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west... my
love for you will never... ever change!!!!!!!
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The BOV, alive and well?
on: June 22, 2009, 02:13:42 PM
i dont know any human being that practices as if at some point he would
be either close to scandal or he is in some parts of his life a
? you lost me.
Read my last post in Romans and the flesh monster... about sin.
read your post and left a response there. i tend to not focus on sin
because i know that already, i am a horrid sinner. i am reading OT
again and focusing on hope and how to not break God's heart.
and i can see that you are sincere... but believe it or not our
sincerity doesnt impress God... first because nothing surprises Him
about us. He knows our thoughts from the beginning of our lives to the
last day we will be on this earth. God is not surprised when we do not
act according to His requirement... He dosent expect us to act that
way... He doesnt change because we fail. If He is going to produce
something in us its going to be because He judges the thoughts and the
intents of our hearts... what i am saying is that He is the best Father
that we could ever have... His love for us never changes. When the bible
presents our Father to us it is in the understanding that He has
already taken care of our sins... or you could say our slip ups or our
falling in some way. He did this by placing all of our sins.. all of
those things that we consider grievous to God and to those around us.
When He placed all of these sins... past present and future... He
declared to us that He loves us because He has been satisfied to see us
as not having any sins ... He looks at us as if we do not sin. His
broken heart was satisfied by His Son... now we are taught to deal with
our own guilt before Him in complete freedom... He actually has declared
us not guilty and He also has placed the punishment of our sins on His
Son... now we are no longer slaves to the positive requirements of the
law... we do not find our comfort on how we look to Him by our
behavior... now we accept the fact that He does not treat us as our sins
deserve... because the Son took the punishment of our sins away... in
other words our Father treats us as if Jesus is our brother!!!!Get
that... now listen to me... when we sin Jesus says look... Kylee is my
brother.. He is as holy as I am... cause i am no longer ashamed of
him... we are all sons in our Fathers house!!! Now instead of Gods heart
being crushed by us... He deals with us through another way... He looks
at us as sons and He examines us as our personal physician.... in other
words He doesnt even react when we sin... He is making us mature on His
Fatherly time table. God doesnt say to His children... oh... i am so
ashamed of you... here is some more guilt. He says... i know you failed
... i took care of that in my Son.... i have removed your sins from you
as far as the east is from the west... my love for you will never...
ever change!!!!!!!
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The BOV, alive and well?
on: June 22, 2009, 12:57:10 PM
i dont know any human being that practices as if at some point he would
be either close to scandal or he is in some parts of his life a
? you lost me.
Read my last post in Romans and the flesh monster... about sin.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster.
on: June 21, 2009, 07:33:10 PM
Now the Spirit s work on the heart by the word
has a sense pleasure... and if it is from the reality of finding
comfort away from this world then these moments in time... these small
powerful infusions of the deep and profound joys of times past that have
broken into the normal workings and concentration of the mind even 20
yrs later are forming a new energy for a new task. Its not just the idea
of a word from the illumination but its sometimes the former pleasure
of the illumination that is the reminder... The spiritual desire is
mixed with a romantic notion of a season... maybe from a spring time
experience on the heart.. and then there is the winter experience of
Christmas or some other formal function in an institutional sense....
but with this meditation and the former illumination that brought the
deep rejoicing of the heart is breaking in at the summer months... a
sweet reminder of the winter illumination. Now then we build on one
precept to another... and in this comes a timeless power to function
beyond the normal reality of life. It is the hidden life of Christ...
the reward for such deep illuminations that have made a deep cut into
the energy that effects us in this world.
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