Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Allow me state something on this complex subject. I think with all of the modern secularism there is a proper sense in which the dumbing down of incorporated society has brought about a moral confusion of the sexs. As we consistently hear these communications intended to steer us away from this worlds order. We are involved in a fight as to how the meta physical proactively working in the underlying causes of the worlds determinism adversely effect the negative way our perceptive faculties are deformed. This neurosis must be properly understood in this terribly twisted reality.

 This is a problem we must overcome if we come to terms with our anger. We can turn our anger inward. God is a God of anger.He expresses anger toward the wicked every day. Since they are hostile to God, He withhold his love by bothering them so that they dig their own graves. The saints suffer loss in this world as a result of men enmity with God. He curses the wicked shortening their lives to suitably reward the righteous with their lucrative profits.He does not eliminate the moral tendencies for hatred to be adequately expressed. The wicked willingly embraces the self-destructive hatred toward God and peaceful neighbor. God plagues them by ensnaring them in their own schemes. Since the independent world is pervaded with curses we confront extremely strong malevolence. Our only effective defense is the authoritative pronouncement of the curse. The ideological difference between a vulnerable child of God and a child of Satan represent not necessarily a moral beauty. But it is the qualitative difference in the state of divine salvation and state of eternal death. Correctly noting these things as God admirably expressing His love by defending us from their deadly opposition. Our anger is sufficiently satisfied in Gods anger. Its not that we conveniently ignore our anger and feel genuinely distressed by it, but we promptly turn to God who causes all necessary things to work together for good. His appropriate expression of anger is accurately reconstructing our trials for our good in properly judging the world. 

So that we experience a relationship in which we can be angry and not sin. Our expression in this life is that we know how to express anger. We know how we can use anger to glorify God. We know that we are not more able to deal with anger as if God were universally loving everyone with the purpose in the end of expressing His anger. We do not have the power to look at God this way. We will fall into the world, by being afraid of God as if He were asking us to wait until the end.

Do not neglect the anger that you have. It is there to remind you that God will not be silent. Bring your anger to God and express it before Him. Look at His righteous working to bring about the downfall of those who have not been chosen. See that there is nothing you can do to bring a man out of the state of perdition. Men are subject to the anger of God because God has made them to be in that state. See that God will vindicate the righteous not because of the acceptable behavior but because God is God by His rite to chose some men for hell. Dont let men trap you into anger that is not real.There is only one saving faith. So that any other kind of faith is dead faith. Instead of using the word justification let me use the definition. When a person is declared righteous it is because there was a divine call. That s what the golden chain in Romans is all about. It cannot be broken. Basically its who ever has been declared righteous has been glorified. They are fully made new and completely sanctified at salvation. But the final salvation is not complete until there is no more struggle with sin and death.

 Because salvation is not a way to bring man into the process. In salvation man is completely passive. Salvation is a work of God that has been obtained by the work of Christ alone. If man had any ability to cause his own salvation then salvation would be grace plus. Its like adding a substance to milk. Its always milk plus. But there are no additions in salvation. Its a work that is cause by God, was accomplished by God and will be enabled by God for the end that God purposed. Thats why the only saving faith is when Christ is the end of that faith. 

 The words about the cross like, made, accomplished, in, through, by the means of, for the sake of...etc. These terms are all really the actual ends for which Christ came into this world to accomplish His work. If He decided to work in order to obtain salvation then the work that He accomplished actual was fully effective to be the reason that salvation was obtained. He didn't work to obtain a partial salvation. The cause of His saving was in His choice and plan to obtain it. The means that He accomplished the work was by the cross. The reward for His work was bringing His own to the kingdom, He is preparing a place cause the work was already done to give us a place. If you water down these terms, then you have no reason to believe that God is the cause of every thing that exist. If God spoke everything into existence then He did not use any other means to create except what was in Himself. If God was the only cause of this existence then there is nothing outside of God that would be worthy enough to bring Him glory in order for that independent goodness to be equal with Gods goodness. God does everything for His glory alone, not for any thing worthy of glory in itself. So God causes, God sustains, and God will receive all the glory in the end. Salvation is in God alone.  

 If anyone should understand anger, it is a believer. Since we have been disciplined to withhold anger at the inappropriate time, we obtain our relief of anger in frustration by looking through the lens of redemption. The truth is that Gods justified anger is really fearful. We justly fear God out of mutual respect since we know we are assuredly not the chosen recipients of His anger. We reasonably look from the outside in of Gods divine wrath. We stand fiercely protected from His wrath. We stand in a peculiar eternal state experiencing His wrath toward those who are in bondage to sin. But we nevertheless suffer a significant problem with anger. We appreciate love because we know the anger of God in our defense enabling us to control law. God works out His anger directing the world on the road to eternal perdition. We experience love knowing that our Father will defend us by the expression of His anger toward mankind. Our hope represents a faithful soul overseeing our conflicts and delivering us to victory over this world. A fearful soul turns anger inward by falsely reasoning that there is no eternal perdition. We are favored because there is a day of reckoning. Precisely as the law either curses or blesses so God is particular in His love. God defends us by expressing anger in cursing sin. How can we desire His love if we don't feel His retribution for the sake of our protection? We would ignore Gods active hostility in the unstable world toward the unjust success of men to our own harm.

 Our genuine desires profitably grow as we declare our moral retribution in God. We must eagerly give Him our justified anger since He promises to amply avenge because we do not repay. Our childlike faith in His alluring promise is sustained by His ability to repay. Gods pure anger was seen in the supreme sacrifice when He triumphantly brought cursing and blessing together in a visible display of His attributes. In securing blessing and cursing together, cursing the curse became blessing. It was the inspired creation of mutual pleasure out of suffering, eternal joy out of heartfelt sorrow and divine glory out of cursing. It is not a necessary encouragement to push anger down or embrace blame for God to assuredly come to our needed aid. The cross returned our judicial control over the law in pushing the moral destruction under our feet by Gods perfect advocacy.

 Currently, we have been advised that anger is the cause of all of our problems in this world. We have been traditionally taught universalism. We have been directed to universally love all men the same since God embraces all men the same. God does not treat as our sins justly deserve since we stand in grace continuously enjoying love and divine forgiveness. But we still confront practical situations in which anger has an effect on how we justly fear God. Personal anger causes us to entertain a fear that God is unforgiving and not our friend. We misrepresent our state of grace by the pragmatic anger of the world turning it on ourselves. We invariably turn anger inward believing grace is not dangerous enough to resolutely defend us from formidable threats of this world. We become passive and unwilling to genuinely feel like we should. In voluntarily suspending the comprehensive law, we painstakingly create a pragmatic god. We trade personal enemies who threaten to intentionally destroy us for impersonal morality. Our deceitful god does not defend us by personally fellow-shipping in joy and supreme love. We must allow salvation be in God who completely expresses love and anger.


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