This whole problem in dealing with ourselves
is a problem of believing something in relation to our knowing Christ
that doesnt fit in this matter of experience. These things that we are
taught are things that are very mysterious. They are also multifaceted
as are Gods thoughts. The problems come because we do not focus on
teaching ourselves in this personal application so that we know
ourselves before others put us in some kind of mold. As i have stated
before that we are all personally taken care of by our Father. And in
being taken care of we must be reminded in this focus of who we are in
His love. This is very complicated because even tho He loves people
without feign .. yet not everyone is going to be loved at the same time
in the same way. So that it is proper to step outside of our own
experience...and put up a lite into our souls. Now then this is what i
am talking about in this matter of facing a resistance to this kind of
freedom. The soul is the center of the activity of all that we know
about ourselves. Its what the bible terms the heart of the matter. Guard
your heart for out of it are the wellspring of life. I touched on this
that the inner man is that person who freely experiences this flow of
divine favor... it is the sensing of grace that connects us to all that
we do and say as a matter of flowing out into our world. It is the
Spirit that baptizes us so that we are filled and out of being filled we
experience life ... a secret life in the heart of man... and it flows
out of us as that quality of life that the world is not familiar with. The
bible encourages all of these public actions as a matter of finding
that we are growing in our beliefs by applying this relational technique
as one person exercises his gifts on another person. But this can be a
very deceptive experience. I believe that the reformers were rite that
we must know God in order for us to enjoy our God. But as Calvin has
stated we dont stop there . We know God in order that we might take into
consideration all that we are in our souls. We know an image and
we become like that image.Thats why the apostle has so many
encouragements to focus on Christ. But is that just sitting down and
looking at the picture on the wall of an image of what was painted or is
there this multi faceted searching that is going on both in terms of
looking at ourselves and God searching us? I believe that unless we
remove all of the obstacles ... that is, learn how to pray.. in terms of
our being singular effect as being the only one in the universe that
our Father is focused on ... as a matter of experience then we will
always be subjected to fulfilling desires that in the end will not make
us happy nor will they create this safe place. One of the ways that we
obtain something we want is this matter of decomposition of what we have
picked up from what we are deceived about.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: crazy chick advice?
on: November 26, 2009, 11:54:07 AM
"Even is she is submissive and must feel a bit under his thumb ... i am
sure she can handle that... it happens 24 hrs a day with the rest of
Because a slave can get used to being a slave, that does not validate slavery.
a woman can get used to being in a one-sided, one way, master/servant
"relationship", this does not validate one-sided, one way,
master/servant "relationships."
Sorry, MBG, but like I said to
Tuggs -- The majority of guys I had in those group meetings had the
exact same attitude and said the exact same things that Carolina is
posting here. And it's both ungodly and abusive.
Jimbo he who is a slave to his own passion is a slave keeper. I find
the commands are equal when it comes to christian expectations. Lets get
the focus on the majors not just the i am the great counselor who is
Gods gift to key life. Let your speech be always season with salt. I
really dont know how you can expect to fulfill your sweet language to
your wife if you cant do it in the rest of the day. If i remember
correctly there is a problem with the two mouths in one person. I don t
think i have called you a name.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: crazy chick advice?
on: November 26, 2009, 10:20:44 AM
I think everyone should be encouraged to be married...the only stipulation of a sure success if they are both saved.
really, then I suppose all the christian marriages that ended in
divorce can be attributed to the espousal that none of them were truly
saved? Correction, your espousal.
No really ... the problem
is that there is this straw man... the extra design that feeds
expectations. The bible kills expectations for the purpose of
introducing personal encounters as the motif in salvation. This is the
fuel for demanding attention to oaths.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: How can this happen?
on: November 26, 2009, 09:40:39 AM
For someone who says, "How
can a "good" God let evil happen? If so, God is all-powerful but not
all-good. Or, He's all-good but not all-powerful, therefore, He can't
stop evil in the world."
Paraphrasing what Gregg Laurie said in his message, "How To Answer Difficult Questions": "Who made you the moral center of this universe? Who are you to say what is "good" and what is "bad"? God is good because He says He's good..."
What are your responses to this?
Oh, Callisti, would you really use Laurie's "Shut up and don't ask questions; don't even think!" argument? "Then Job replied: 'How I have heard many things like these; miserable comforters are you all!'" (Job 16:1,2; See Job's response in 26:1-3 for something a little more sarcastic.) A
polite response might be, "Oh, so you think God is good just because he
says so? If Satan said he was good, would you believe him? Show me
deeds, not words!" If you're interested in the subject, I recommend C.S. Lewis's The Problem of Pain.
only problem with this argument is that you are saying the the guy who
got thrown into jail for being an example was punished by those who were
unjust and so looking at your point of view it makes it seem there
there is no good that comes because there is no one who is overseeing
the reward and punishment. Thats why the bible doesnt start with the
actions of man... you cant prove God exist by those saints unless you
really drink the kool ade of bios.
Forums / Main Forum / Re: crazy chick advice?
on: November 26, 2009, 08:32:30 AM
I think Carolina brings up some good points.
The undercurrent in my opinion is that Carolina hates religious
imperialism. God has a woman for Carolina that will stand on his side
against personal insults and extreme innuendos. Even is she is
submissive and must feel a bit under his thumb ... i am sure she can
handle that... it happens 24 hrs a day with the rest of mankind. I kinda
enjoy this hateful thread. Ruff ruff. I think everyone should
be encouraged to be married...the only stipulation of a sure success if
they are both saved. THats it... i certainly would not want to be the
one who has my own religious inhibitions... might as well take up the
it may work for some seriously square people... hehe. I encourage every
one just on that basis... if you want extra ideas just watch the day
time soaps... more interesting than counseling. The only other
alternative is karma.
Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Free writing
on: November 25, 2009, 04:05:25 PM
An event in the future is going to happen out
of necessity. All things are already seen as being completed. The only
real knowledge is a knowledge that is necessary. All things are
necessary whether they are known or not in a finite sense. But all
things are potentially determined to be necessary as a matter of faith
as tho the present knowledge of the future event is necessary. If we had
the faith of a mustered seed we could move mountains. That is our
potential to treat necessary things beyond our ability to know the
details of those events are a necessary assurance that we have affected
those future events. So that an assurance of something future molds us
to the necessity that all things are purposed to occur as a necessary
experience that they will. There is a necessary timeless quality in our
present experience. Other wise we could not enjoy the pleasure as a
present experience. We are to enjoy God.
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