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4111  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: How can this happen? on: November 25, 2009, 12:41:56 PM
I have always thought .. and i am not one who thinks in an argumentative way in trying to explain to an unbeliever through arguments. But i dont necessarily think that God is good because He is God and there is no one else that defines ultimate goodness. But if God is not good then He really doesnt exist in any way... i mean .. thats the whole point in trying to say that if this bad happens then where is God? But to say that because things happen that are not good it only makes a point about bad ruling over good. I take the fact that God is good because He exist... i mean.. i cant prove absolutely that He exist. But at the same time they cannot prove that He doesnt exist. But we all know that good exist.. along with bad.  So to make that coloration in an absolute sense is believing something that he cant prove. Obviously they are convinced that God does not exist.

I have always thought that its better to show them that they are presupposing things in order to create a straw man.. than to ague with them that God absolutely exist. If they cant prove that He does not  exist then there is a possibility that He does exist. If there is a possibility that God exist then where did the concept of God come from? My personal opinion is that we should get to the existence of God before we argue whether there is good and bad.

I mean its just as presupposed that nothing good could come out of this story since there are a hundred stories where this same thing happened and it was redemptive. Who ever doesnt find that a story that has bad is not a pleasure to watch if it turns out to be good? I mean thats just common sense to count all the events in history that went from good to bad to good ... this is the history of the world. 
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4112  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: How can this happen? on: November 25, 2009, 09:10:17 AM
In this country we have a constitution... so that it is compared to an incorporation of an intent y. So that an oath is what is just. Now then there are all kinds of positions as to what is the function of entrapment. Because the constitution guaranteed the personal rites of every citizen.  The bible is not just a book of things to do but its that society that respects the rites of others by enjoying the freedoms guaranteed in the oath to that original document. The rest is nothing but a fight in how it is interpreted. But God has His design so that what determines the idea of entrapment is what document is closest to the law of God and the principles from these other ot laws. The reason why entrapment is such a big word in scripture is because it represents this idea of dominate rule. This is why foolishness is not defined as just criminal but it is a process in the rise of power and also a definition of religious liberalism.
Jesus said that if you entrap one of His little ones then let a mill stone be tied around your neck. And so he condemned the religious leaders of in His day. I mean those who did not receive salvation in the acts account.
So that there is only one path to a true just society. And if that path is not followed then it is what the bible terms as entrapment. I dont think Jesus is King only in name..but He actually was given authority over all things... i mean.. as the God ... man. But this world is filled with people who have missed the mark.. i mean it is not going in the ways of God.. or slipping into another way. The mark is always the ways of peace.. but treachery is for the wicked. I mean.. the wicked are treacherous.. he who entraps another man falls into his own snare... that is he receives his own treachery. This is why it is impossible for a man to stand without being in danger of judgment if he were to stand in his own behavior... for we have all gone astray... but we do not receive what we deserve.. we are saved from the snare... but the wicked or those who do not know the ways of God fall into their own traps.
Now then all of these traps that come into this life that we must avoid come from people. For any thing that is done on this earth is done by the wills of man. It is possible for a man to be ensnared in a trap... but these things are Gods ways of protecting the righteous by judging the wicked in the long and methodical process that God works .. not in one generation.. not in our time but in His time. God is going to work all things out for the good of His people. Even when men oppose God and we suffer for it... we are promised that God will repay. If you read this and think about it.. you will see that God has a totally different view of this world than it seems.. a world turned upside down.  
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4113  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Re: Love your enemies it messes with their minds on: November 24, 2009, 08:55:13 AM
The christian is the person who defines what is the standard in any society. I do not think that a standard of conduct is simply described by how much experience there is in a way of an occupation... a way of a relationship... a way of philosophy ... but the christian understands reality in the most logical ideas because he understands that life is two dimensional and not one. If the ultimate world view represents the highest communication of all that is needed to understand the nature of every thing that exist so that a person is caused to understand things as they really are then the obligation is one of dependence on God.
 This is why two dimensional reality is opposed in its most fundamental application. I mean the standard of conduct as being the way of a mans high position in society has its fundamental roots in mans ability to acquire respect and power in how he views himself in his achievements. Its a fundamental misunderstanding of how he has acquired his position of power. We are talking about an intense struggle about what is reality.
This is where we have such a difficult time of dealing with people in this world. Because the christian actually views reality with a totally different understanding. The motif of two dimensional reality is buttressed in a simple focus highlighted by intense desires to infect his environment with a super naturalistic communication. I think we are dealing with the idea that there is going to be a clash of wills as if there were two vehicles heading rite at each other colliding. This represents the supernatural world view opposing the secularist world view.
This is not an easy struggle to find some kind of common ground. I do not think they can co exist. I mean if we are to resist the devil.. what is the promise? That he will flee from us not the other way around! Far too often i think we mistake compromise for love.

Even if you have an unequally yoked marriage ... this is going to be a core distress no matter how you cut it... this is why Christ says that He comes to turn the family against itself. Your enemies will be those of your own house hold. And in a sense we are dealing with the most fundamental reality of living in this world. We must define the quality of our experience as to how we grieve in lite of how close to our private lives we must deal with this issue!! We are required as being free in Christ to confront this as being a prison in itself. I mean there are people who oppose us of whom we can get away from in the private and quite rest in our own homes but when we have unrest in our homes this is a most grievous situation. I would even say that reality of who we are never really exist in the public arena. We are who we are on the inside .. that is the source of the quality of our supernatural experience. We must deal with these enemies that are not easily overcome!!     
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4114  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: How can this happen? on: November 23, 2009, 06:21:09 PM
In philosophy class we're reading "Consolation of Philosophy" by Boethius.

Boethius is a Christian and has been blessed in every way possible, fortune, health, popularity, and all of a sudden he's in prison about to be executed. He wrote this book in prison btw.

and he's being consoled by Philosophy, his nurse.
And so he asks, if God is good, how can this happen?

Let me think about this.
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4115  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: St. Augustine on: November 23, 2009, 05:01:00 PM
Chapter XVI

But woe is thee, thou torrent of human custom! Who shall stand against thee? how long shalt thou not be dried up? how long roll the sons of Eve into that huge and hideous ocean, which even they scarcely overpass who climb the cross? Did not I read in thee of Jove the thunderer and the adulterer? both, doubtless, he could not be; but so the feigned thunder might countenance and pander to real adultery. And now which of our gowned masters lends a sober ear to one who from their own school cries out, “These were Homer's fictions, transferring things human to the gods; would he had brought down things divine to us!” Yet more truly had he said, “These are indeed his fictions; but attributing a divine nature to wicked men, that crimes might be no longer crimes, and whoso commits them might seem to imitate not abandoned men, but the celestial gods.”

And yet, thou hellish torrent, into thee are cast the sons of men with rich rewards, for compassing such learning; and a great solemnity is made of it, when this is going on in the forum, within sight of laws appointing a salary beside the scholar's payments; and thou lashest thy rocks and roarest, “Hence words are learnt; hence eloquence; most necessary to gain your ends, or maintain opinions.” As if we should have never known such words as “golden shower,” “lap,” “beguile,” “temples of the heavens,” or others in that passage, unless Terence had brought a lewd youth upon the stage, setting up Jupiter as his example of seduction.

“Viewing a picture, where the tale was drawn,

Of Jove's descending in a golden shower

To Danae's lap a woman to beguile.”

And then mark how he excites himself to lust as by celestial authority:

   “And what God? Great Jove,

Who shakes heaven's highest temples with his thunder,

And I, poor mortal man, not do the same!

I did it, and with all my heart I did it.”

Not one whit more easily are the words learnt for all this vileness; but by their means the vileness is committed with less shame. Not that I blame the words, being, as it were, choice and precious vessels; but that wine of error which is drunk to us in them by intoxicated teachers; and if we, too, drink not, we are beaten, and have no sober judge to whom we may appeal. Yet, O my God (in whose presence I now without hurt may remember this), all this unhappily I learnt willingly with great delight, and for this was pronounced a hopeful boy.
4117  Forums / Main Forum / Re: What Might Be a Dumb Question! on: November 23, 2009, 04:11:09 PM
I do not think we can pin point a situation and stand in a position where we condemn one of our own members of our church. As we look at the state of the world we are confronted with a very tenuous set of circumstances. We are facing something that has its own evil face that has never been in our particular space. I think these times are going to be the times where God is going to sift the church... i dont mean to insinuate that this sifting is going to replace the end one. But the bible says that when there are people on a large scale who are suffering at the hands of tyrants and bullies that God is causing men to face themselves in a way that they no longer feel as if they are in control of their own destiny and there is only two real worlds that they must face. There is no such thing as karma. God forces men to face Him by showing men how weak they are. So that God places men in situations where they are calling out to Him. Even the insincere.

I think we are seeing these things come to pass. I wont even go into the statistics. But we should never be in the position were we stand in an accusatory position against a saint! For who can bring a charge against Gods elect? What the apostle is saying there is that the world consist in a state where no one is standing in a position where they are absolutely free to chose their own destiny... i mean ... they do not control the time that they are able to obtain salvation. But every man stands in a position of either being judged by God... under the curse of sin and punishment... or they stand as being completely righteous... having obtained that declaration by having that righteousness put to their account. So that the reality of who is the King and who is the Judge has it source that is not of this earth. So that all of the declarations of justice.. all of the events in history .. all of the personal experiences of a world gone mad are ordered in the eternal courts of heaven!! There is a sense where all that transpires in this world as it relates to finding a world upside down is impersonal to us!! If we get our focus on what man can do to balance the scales in our favor then we do not have a biblical world view!
I will stop here. 
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4118  Forums / Main Forum / Re: crazy chick advice? on: November 23, 2009, 09:51:24 AM
G man the truth is that most people ... men and women want something they will never get... and they get something that they half to settle with....because no one is good enough to match the self interest expectations to fully protect oneself from being offended. So the best relationships start every day with no record of the prior day. Cause every person is messed up.
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4119  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: November 22, 2009, 02:42:08 PM
I have meditated on the first 5 chapts in this Heb. and this verse 6:1 is the culmination ... i think.. of the Apostles frustration with these people. I think that we are dealing with a clear distinction between the things that first were established in our salvation and the new freedom we have in Christ. The repentance from acts that lead to death are acts that we did in our unregenerate state. I dont think any of the apostles warnings in the NT about these sins that lead to death are warnings to believers but the warning in this sense is for a believer to make sure that he is regenerated. It really is about this matter of falling into temptation over the span of ones life and not having any kind of struggle to resist it.
But this repentance is different in the sense that the context is describing a distinction in the faith as well. And i think here we have as new believers a tendency to see these things in our new life as a matter of mechanics .. .kind of like a faith where we do not deal with ourselves predominately in the love of God... we do not have a mature understanding of being in the family of God .. so our faith is very small...or its immature... because the apostle was leading into this discussion where he begins this encouragement to use the word of God as the instrument of change... the word of God is quick... then he goes onto this whole problem of remaining in a paradigm where there is no growth.
Human faith can mirror saving faith when it is mechanical instead of relational. The previous discussion was showing them that Christ is the head of the church and that all things were put under His control.. so that when we enter salvation we enter into a relationship with Christ who is the head over His church.. in a trinitarian sense. But the kind of faith these people were still stuck in was about washings... saints... over concern for ot saints resurrection... and their attendance on the Sabbath. The apostle is telling them to put their focus on Christ in His word.
So there is a sinful repentance for those who express repentance as if they were coming out of their old life! I mean you cant ignore all of the things that God in Christ did to bring you out of the state of death unless you place Christ and His love for you in light of your first repentance ... that He is as powerless to not hold your sins against if as you were in the state of death. Once you were brought into a totally new position in your salvation you cant define your relationship with Christ by your former repentance .. and needing to do that all over again every time you sin!!!This is not moving on.
This has always been the same from all eternity that God in His love and faithfulness has made a remnant for Himself for the purpose of bringing glory to Himself. Gods eternal faithfulness and love is displayed in His dealing with our sins in His eternal Son and putting them away as far as the east is from the west. We no longer look at sin in the sense that it separates us from our God but we look at it as if a Father is willing and ready to help us with HIs grace... that is our faith is expressed in this High Priestly love relationship in matters of sin and weakness. Here in Hebrews ... this repentance is an expression of a lack of faith.
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4120  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: November 18, 2009, 02:43:07 PM
I totally agree with you... we are dealing with semantics about theology at this point... what i am saying if you look at the present state of the church then this is not the case as a normal expression within the body. Why? Is it because we are frustrated that we cannot copy this identity... i mean... we know that grace will take care of sin but we still have such a low state of obedience and spiritual awakening in our churches.

Is is because we have failed to describe the level of the early church as it really was and that we are dreaming of a unity that never existed? What is it that causes us so many problems with the amount of animosity in the state of the NT church. I have heard that if we just practice self denial that we will all attend more often and we will begin doing the work necessary to have this unity. I am always thinking that the carrot is so confusing that the chasing is more vigorous. And part of the answer is learning to rest in Him but still it seems to persist.

I believe that the message is the answer. In other words the message is the medicine as well as the prescription. The message is about how people treat other people. Thats why Gods law is about our relation to one another and to God. I am simply saying that i have seen the problem as one of identity. I do not believe we know who we really are and then we act like what we were. So what we have is a message turned upside down. We start with what we should be like and we focus on that so we all do not sense a closeness because we all are too busy worrying about how we do not measure up. Thats why the message about our identity is before the message of what we are to do and it is after to meet us when we know we havent measured up. Thats why this whole reaping and sowing message is so much about a persons pet orthodoxy. My point is that the christian reality is about defining what it is to be a christian ... i mean... what has been done for us and what we are ... and then knowing that we cant do it in our own strength we all feel a sense of being in the same boat. Unity is caught not necessarily taught.

So my point is if we define being a christian first in terms of getting what we deserve then there is no different than saying that there is no connection other then being under some kind of situation where we are confused about our spiritual identity as far as resting in Christ who did it all. We are busy looking at the trees and we never look get through the forest. Cause the christian life is about vision... replacing one idea for another. So unless we get our focus rite then we will never get our unity.

What the bible says is that we really do have a new life. Not only do we have forgiveness of all our sins but we also are promised that Christ took care of the judgment of our sins and the penalty. Now that is not something that is just talked about but that is how we are with one another. We always repeat the phrase that the saints are the glorious ones. No definition of who did what who suffered according to what , but simply that they are in the family. The reason that we can say this is because we know that we are in the family because we obtained His grace and it applies to us as He died for us in terms of how our attitude about our own sin is by what we know by our identity with Him is. There is no other option for us. All the saints are the glorious ones no matter what difference in the past or in the notorious negative attribute about them.

As i have said that we are all human. How can our humanity not define our identity? Because we know that we are sinned against and we feel all of the problems that we bring into the unity and those we feel toward us. Well there is a problem with a private application to us that we must focus on in order for us to be free to love out of an identity and not out of compulsion. We must be in the use of means not because it makes us any better but because is really not a work that we do but its really done to us. This is why the word is the instrument along with prayer that frees us in our ability to express this attractiveness that comes in our becoming like Christ. Its the message that is the medicine.
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4121  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: This Kind.... on: November 18, 2009, 12:53:33 PM
Sin is the production of persons. God doesnt condemn whatever sin is in the sense that he judges that thing... look at the garden.. sin still present in perfect innocence.. no power in the thing itself. But sin is only evil when men gave into it... it was only evil because the person was evil. Sin could have existed after the fall but man would have known it... not in an evil sense and would have been like Christ in perfect righteousness. Do not separate the judgment from identity. Your life depends upon it. The health of your faith depends upon it.
We are kings in a world where men have taken authority for themselves. The reason that we can say this without being arrogant is because it is only one of identity. So that there is one man who expresses his authority in his self power... or its the identity he has as a real sinner that he is a god unto himself... his father is Satan.

Since we are gods(earthly ruler ship)... i mean .. in terms of being identified as authoritative as better than the worse ruler in terms of his being in a relationship with God as being alienated by God ... his authority expressed to a spiritual king is one as the same as his hatred for Christ. Thats why God curses men because he not only hates sin but He hates the His expression of the value of His love for His own... hate and love are expressed at the same time. Look go ahead and believe whatever you want... i mean.. i have disagreements about certain things with teachers. We did not get here by happen chance ... i mean our present state of things. I am just giving you scripture.

Ps 139
 19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
       Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
       your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
       and abhor those who rise up against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
       I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
       test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
       and lead me in the way everlasting.

A play on concepts.. not equal in judgment where he pleas for God to search him.. but its in the matter of this preserving ... a sovereign election.
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4122  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Praying in the Spirit on: November 18, 2009, 11:21:15 AM
Prayer is an arena where we enter into a conscious reality that does not have the principles of human design and end. It is that by which we are transported into the future.. outside of our experience... beyond time and place. If we are to have these thoughts of God then we are going to find the place where every event in the past ,present and future has its completeness in prayer. So that whatever our personal space is in terms of that society in which we frequent becomes something more detailed were we define this paradigm in every individual conversation ... every cry from the heart in terms of thought as that by which God has intervened on our behalf and those who are under this eternal banner of Gods rule. We do not have the proper taste of what is real in terms of how we sense our well being in receiving the spiritual food that we enjoy unless it is salted with a communication that our prayers have returned to us in the assurance that they have gone beyond our present discernment and understanding of the events as they relate to us.

We delight to feast at Gods table because we walk around in this world with a potential to experience  something beyond time and space in this manner of communication as it has its fertile soil as that by which our faith is planted. We see things with our spiritual eyes as we look beyond these communications that we hear with our physical ears.
We are confident that pray is that divine traveling angel that has created the reality in terms that prayer is that person that we trust in working what satisfies our curiosity of being confident that the reality of the future is as common as the present even tho it may be years before that desire comes into existence. God works through our prayers.     
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4123  Forums / Main Forum / Re: And now for something completely different on: November 18, 2009, 08:39:42 AM
Hi Crysalis, Welcome to the forum... I hope that i would not have this huge series of impossible connections to thinking about you as if there was any work to be done by you in order to change. I really do try to be as original as i possibly can with everyone cause i know how difficult it is to deal with a philosophical blow hard. I really believe that Jesus is all we need to get through this life. If there is anyone who struggles with sin and doing sins over and over again it is mewa. So i would offer to you freedom in Christ as not having to measure up to any human expectations about what you have done or what you are going to do... I know that He will show you ... I have more confidence in Him than some of the most religious experts of our day.  Oh and the only training i ve had as i recall is  ..hmmmmmm .... well... maybe i was a bit young then... oh i must remember ... theres got to be some ulterior motivation in it... potty training! hehe and i dont read my horoscope ..
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4124  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: All men cleansed from sin on the Cross ... on: November 17, 2009, 10:29:50 AM
As i have been writing about for quite some time that there is a scriptural design in creating the environment that is essential to address the central issues in these doctrines... like chords on an instrument that plays the hearts of men and moves them to find all their confidence .. i mean in terms of finding the proper focus in this intense environment. I would describe this environment of grace of this metaphysical recipe as a purely sense oriented environment that on the one hand moves men away from sin and on the other hand feeds the inward desire as if the enjoyment of God was not enough in this life. This is a very fine line in this spiritual wholeness effect.

This is why we must embrace Gods free mercy in Christ. Which is that salvation is in God alone. Otherwise we will have a mixture that has these odd effects on the soul. As i have been saying there is a holistic way to think and that is strictly in an understanding of the ways of God . Not getting into the specifics on this one.     
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4125  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Am I wrong to forgive? on: November 17, 2009, 09:28:47 AM
w8... I hope i dont get you going on the cycle of pain. I think there are some things here as far as forgiveness and the personal connection in having the power of the gospel loosen us up on the inside is finding that Gods love and the quality of His love can have a personal effect in this confusion. I guess sometimes searching for the assurance of forgiveness has this general influence to us of how these principles of Gods sovereign covenant love are applied to both our inward experience and our relationships with others. Pain has its own weakness to our general level of a healthy rational processing how we read who we are in terms of the amount of energy we expend of letting these things go and what we read in how we are either accepted or rejected in community. God allows us to go through this process... some people experience it from the outside to the inside and some people experience it from the inside to the outside. If this doesnt really speak to you i hope someone reading it would find a common agreement. 

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