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4261  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: This Kind.... on: October 05, 2009, 02:07:46 PM
Maybe Jesus knew that the boy wasn't actually demon-possessed? Thus trying to cast out a demon could have no effect. In other words, perhaps it was actually a HEALING from some physical or mental disease? I do believe in the possibility of demon-possession even today, yet I think it has always been rare. It's likely that in those days many maladies were wrongly attributed to possession and this may have been an example of that.


The context is about Demon possession.. and Jesus cast the demon out... "this kind" is not about a thing but a "personal kind". What i am saying here is that a method of healing is not what Jesus taught... but rather there is a personal nature of a struggle with evil. Not all struggles are about evil... some are physiological. But we can all learn how to have our minds transformed whatever level of psychosis we face ... because there are long term problems as to the family origins in a long line of dealing with life... ancestral... that form the mind in the long term paradigm of teaching the mind.
The bible says that our spiritual rebirth has freed our minds from the former ways of thinking. Now the powers that we face .. as a way of thinking in a family sense are no longer able to hold us to our former ways. But this is where i am discussing these different levels of opposition that we face.
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4262  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: This Kind.... on: October 05, 2009, 01:58:53 PM
So what youre saying is: average joe/jane christian encounters a demonic possession and unless his/her prayer life is successful and thriving the demon would not come out.

Is that what youre saying?

I am not necessarily saying that we are dealing with a personal demon as if we are fighting with these weapons that we have control over them about. Its interesting that in the scripture we do not have a set of incantations. In fact we really are not given a personal account of a prayer in which a person who is mention in scripture is opposing this demon as speaking to them. Spiritual opposition is what we experience in a society the society of the world... in the carnal church and in our personal relationships where we encounter some deep seated problems. I would love to discuss this with you PM.

Oh I have experienced that opposition. ok, ill pm you

I can discuss this with you publicly ... i meant PM as pianonman.
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4263  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: This Kind.... on: October 05, 2009, 01:41:35 PM
So what youre saying is: average joe/jane christian encounters a demonic possession and unless his/her prayer life is successful and thriving the demon would not come out.

Is that what youre saying?

I am not necessarily saying that we are dealing with a personal demon as if we are fighting with these weapons that we have control over them about. Its interesting that in the scripture we do not have a set of incantations. In fact we really are not given a personal account of a prayer in which a person who is mention in scripture is opposing this demon as speaking to them. Spiritual opposition is what we experience in a society the society of the world... in the carnal church and in our personal relationships where we encounter some deep seated problems. I would love to discuss this with you PM.
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4264  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: This Kind.... on: October 05, 2009, 01:36:08 PM
Heres where i think that the central force of evil is most felt... its this war about this principle over pre grace ability. I think that this is what salvation as a supernatural movement is seen in its power. Basically all evil opposition has a central message that goes to destroy the heart of saving faith. Its this single arrow and it comes across like this... He trust in the Lord... let the Lord rescue Him... of which grace responds you have the power to think...feel... and act like you are. This is at the center of how this opposition is seen as it is prevalent in our worship... it is the coldness of our worship that we find to be at the heart of this battle!!I do not think that any society of the church can have this kind of warmth and divine power without the long term focus of praying in the Spirit!! This i think is at the heart free flow of true functioning spirit filled church activity. A low level of  personal opposition to these spiritual paradigms translates into a low community opposition and that translates into confusion.  
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4265  Forums / Theology Forum / This Kind.... on: October 05, 2009, 01:14:12 PM
The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit
Mark 9 14When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.
16"What are you arguing with them about?" he asked.
17A man in the crowd answered, "Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. 18Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not."
19"O unbelieving generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me."
20So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.
21Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?"
"From childhood," he answered. 22"It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."
23" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
24Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
25When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the evil[a] spirit. "You deaf and mute spirit," he said, "I command you, come out of him and never enter him again."
26The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He's dead." 27But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.
28After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

29He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer."

30They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, 31because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them,
"The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise." 32But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it.

This is a very interesting section of scripture. The verse that i highlighted is the one that i am focusing on. The disciples had been casting out demons before this particular incident. Here they came into a situation where the opposition was too strong for their usual ability. Its interesting that here Jesus say... this kind.. as different from the kind of evil spirit that they had been able to cast out prior. Now then since the disciples had not been on that level of prayer that Jesus had exercised with the Father in His human learning they came upon this opposition that they could do nothing about. We are told that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against evil forces in the heaven-lies.
I think there is a two fold opposition here. One is that a person may not be able to reason in a spiritual way because he does not understand the scripture in lite of the whole of scripture. I think this is where the opposition of the forces of spiritual evil are there to blind the minds of the hearers.
The other point of opposition is this lack of awareness as to how big the problem having enough understanding to know the kind of opposition he is going to be dealing with. Along the same line of thinking is the fact that there are different spiritual levels that are more or less able to receive enough divine illumination in order to be able to resist the opposition at the point of the strongest force. In some sense we are dealing with some of these problems that are deeply rooted in a persons spiritual weakness and lethargy that are not easy to obtain the power to find relief in the gospel at that application at that particular time.
I do not believe that anyone who has any kind of spiritual ability in the application of these things as we deal with the reality of connecting these words and the divine ability to communicate to the deep need that this can be accomplished by anyone who is not experienced in praying in the Spirit.
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4266  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: PHYSICAL DEATH on: October 04, 2009, 03:08:06 PM
Gene... i ve always thought that the potential for us is closer than the enjoyment we experience in our present reality. This balance may determine the spiritual growth level. Because there are a lot of reasons that we make decisions on a daily basis. It is not natural for us to think outside of time. And in some sense our learning to think about the eternal nature of things lessons the tension we feel in having a level of sorrow that comes along with our tendencies to feel the weight of our flesh, and the temptations to treat things more than they are. All this to say that we are not naturally thinking that the paradigm of living with a healthy understanding of the distinction between a spiritual desire and an enjoyment of the flesh can look the same. But in reality they are completely different. As you remind me... that the pleasure of finding something true by a mere intellectual exercise is not necessarily part of finding the proper spiritual understanding of the nature of what it means to live above our present circumstances. I think this can be a weakness in how we approach worship... to think that it is generated from the creed to the mind to the heart.

But the christian life is really finding our relief from this world in the paradigm that comes from an understanding of the experiencing of these spiritual powers. Yes death is potentially upon us at the next turn of the second hand of a clock... but what does death feel like since we have never died physically? 
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4267  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: All men cleansed from sin on the Cross ... on: October 04, 2009, 10:10:40 AM

I think you guys are painting a picture that is not correct... if God justifies the whole world and takes care of their sin... then what is left for them to do? Ok.. you are saying that heaven and hell are determined upon their choice!!! In other words they are not under any condemning power of the law except the law of this personal choice!!! Choose to take this and you will live... choose to ignore it and you will burn in hell.  If this is what you are saying then what is the difference with their relationship to all of the law of God if its still their choice that determines justice? You are teaching the same works righteousness. 


I don't understand why the reformed doctrine insists that belief is a choice, and that  choice is a "work."

Belief IMO is a gut response as is fear for example.  There is really no choice involved. 

When confronted with the gospel, a person may say to himself "I choose to believe" but deep down not truly accept it as truth.  They might even be fooling themselves into thinking they really believe, but only God would know.

But even if believing was a matter of choice, why would that be considered a work?


Over the yrs.. .especially when i was memorizing the book of Acts i thought a lot about this idea of believing in a gift. There is a difference between that and giving something required as a matter of receiving. This is what the Apostles distinguished in understanding the full message of this gospel. I mean is there is a full message.. .and i acknowledge that the message in the Old covenant was a bit different than the New Covenant.... in light of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as it related to repentance through Jesus Christ in the context of receiving the full message.... So this is why i am explaining my position as the position of the  Apostles.

Can you deny the gospel as a gift in trying to purchase it with your own effort as representing the definition of faith?  Well ... the logical answer to this question is that we could not understand what the transaction is unless we had our terms rite as to what is the gospel. Thats why we have this reference to the full message of the gospel. My point in my arguing with you about a universal transaction to the human race of Christ righteousness is that it cheapens the gospel... which is that by which man believes that he is enabled to show some kind of his own worthiness in order to procure the promises by his brand of faith.

 In order for us to have any idea of what we are receiving we must know what we are being offered. The teaching about the entire gospel is what determines how we are going to distinguish as just a matter of common sense.. i mean it may not even be saving knowledge , the difference between a paradigm of a man centered offer of the gospel or a biblical offer of the gospel. If Christ has imputed His righteousness to the whole human race then the value of the gift is reduced to a description of His ability to change the hearts of all men as ineffective. You are saying that anytime one sins that He leaves them to themselves to sin... but if He imputes His righteousness to all those same people then why doesnt He leave all men to their own ways? I am saying that your terms in this argument pre dispose one to think that if He leaves them to themselves when they sin... that it is not He who is responsible to bring them under the power of the gospel. This is a logical deduction of your position because those who are rebels in their hearts already have His righteousness. If i measure the amount of hypocrisy in this world by the deduction from your position i would need to place that as the supreme goodness of this world. In this paradigm i believe you are presenting a schizophrenic God. 

Let me apply this a little further... i do not think there is anyone who is in the position of living in the reality of this world who is living beyond the site of God... i mean... not in a purely philosophical sense... but in the sense that God is God over all things. The wonder of being under that power of the gospel is this matter of when God knows something... how He determines to invest all that He is ... not only in terms of His otherness... but in terms of the succession of events in this world as being necessarily under His ability as God to have an intimate knowledge of the smallest particle in light of the God who saves. Now then... this illumination of the vast resources of Gods knowledge... i mean in terms of the number of His thoughts are in this necessity of events determine our understanding of Gods saving ability in matters of regeneration... forgiveness... and righteousness. This is what the Psalmist concluded when He reasoned that God is more than just a moral arbitrator.
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4268  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Is Ego bad? on: October 02, 2009, 11:40:11 AM
The christian has an ego that is no longer tied to the old way of how he lives and thinks in being a subjected to the slavery of law and of sin. But we are required to live by faith in a personal reality that we do not naturally understand by our own abilities. On the one hand we are subject to the potential of being very under confident in our new identity that defines what is self.But on the other hand we have obtained by faith this working power of effecting the course of this world, both in its political structures and the potential of the dangerous working of the worlds culture. So we can be very confident in who we are in this world.
Our problems stem from having a twisted understanding in the lite of the potential danger that we could fall into....and on the other hand we imagine ourselves to be without the necessary abilities to experience the working of God through us in this new identity of self. We are subjected at times to a twisted view of how we should be passionate as we are growing in our understanding of these mysterious powers that work in us and through us that may have no connection in our minds as personally affecting the abilities we experience in this new self. Most of this is because we do not remain connected to the Head (by experience), that is we forget that we are who we are by faith in the One who has transformed us by giving us a new identity that connects us to Him and His work in how He has ordered the world. Our minds are very important in living with the understanding of this confidence.  
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4269  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Sweeney Todd :Opening weekend on: October 02, 2009, 11:11:51 AM
This is going to be entertaining... especially around this time of yr .....Halloween OOooooooooo

The Improv nite is also very good... my son is very funny.

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4270  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Reformed Doctrine on: October 02, 2009, 09:50:14 AM

 Any attempt to rely on self-effort to either attain or maintain our justification before God "After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Gal.3:3. A Definition of Legalism 1. Using the Mosaic covenant as though it is the covenant between you and God. 2. Attempting to be justified by one's own works. 3. Attempting to be sanctified by one's own works 4. Suggesting that our worth or worthlessness, our self-esteem and self-satisfaction or lack thereof, rest on our own works. 5. Any attempt to please God judicially, or any supposition that our sin as believers has resulted in his judicial displeasure. [Any post-salvation attempt to maintain our judicial standing before God through good works, covenant faithfulness, merit etc..] 6. Teaching that we conform ourselves to our judicial standing in Christ (righteous and perfect) by our own works. 7. Attempting to attain godliness by a systematic change of behavior 8. Obedience that does not spring from a renewed heart 1. As of an unbeliever who has no renewed heart 2. As of a believer who has a renewed heart but whose righteous behavior does not spring therefrom. 9. Any supposition that externally righteous acts have any value on their own, even as conduct that prepares the way for either 1. A renewed heart (preparationism as regards justification), 2. The softening or further renewing of an already renewed heart (preparationism as regards sanctification. Note Romans 12:2-Transformation occurs through the renewing of the mind), or 3. Any other work of the Spirit. 10. Suggesting that faith is irrelevant in the accomplishment of some (or all) good works. 11. Trying to be justified by works that are created and inspired by the Holy Spirit. 12. Attempting to gain assurance of salvation solely or primarily on the basis of the sign of outward works - Bill Baldwin
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4271  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: October 01, 2009, 10:11:55 PM
I can see a simple trust as you rest in the arms of our Heavenly Father. I find that it is not as simple for me to find the rest and the spiritual design of being in the vortex of that sense of weightlessness that when i talk to you i can see that you bleed rest.  As you know that when i have talked to you on the phone that i have presented to you my theory on resisting some of the resistance that we face in this life that is detrimental to our spiritual well being. I do not know how to describe it other than this two fold paradigm... on the one hand we have these residual effects of finding relief in some form of self righteous imagination... and it could be in many ways...some of which have much to do with our knowledge of God ... of which i have talked to you about and knowing that you have a very good understanding of scripture since you have read so much in the past. But in that knowledge there is this life that flows from all of the meanings that we glean from what the scripture says to us. This is a multifaceted prism that we are looking through as we begin to experience His life as we understand it to be applied to our strengths and weaknesses in light of the society that we live in. My point being that the free flow of divine unction is that by which we experience all of these paradigms of Gods present power in this direct way. We are as it were very complicated in this kind of experience of His working in us as to how we come to this healthy spiritual plateau.
The second kind of resisting that we must do is to bring our pain and our concern of these different dark corners of our experience before Him in the way He has made us to express them to Him. After all we are in a real relationship with the God of the universe in whos presence we find this life to be sensing His awareness to our deepest need as that by which we come to feel this communication as a free flow that works its way through us and out to our particular situations. In this way there is never a design in which we do not find that our relationship with Him does not have this newness in the new moment of time. There is no time in which God is not free to love us as if we had procured some kind of sorrow from a feeling of being disconnect in being cast down into the depths of despair. We are encouraged to search our hearts in order to find that prism of sorrow that multi faceted brush of shame, fear, doubt and anger that covers the nerves of our spiritual senses to experience the presence of God and feel the warm reflection of the radiance of His glory that shines as He is in His disposition of love faithfulness, kindness , through His being all powerful.
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4272  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: October 01, 2009, 04:05:53 PM
Gods love is more than just a love that is compared to all that we have been loved. I do not think that Gods love to us is the same at any time. This is why i think that God has a love of attraction. In this since Gods love has more than a speaking quality... as i love you... but Gods love is displayed to us in answering the quality that we have that we do not understand what it is that makes us so unlovely but He is that person whos presence defines what we cannot quite perceive how that love could be presented to us in order that it would be all the love that presents us as loved but also presents us as more lovely to Him than we could imagine ourselves to be. He fills us with the fullness of His love.

I do not know if we could understand love unless we were pleased to find the object that loves us as love itself. God is love... and if we are pleased with being loved then we are being full of pleasure of being in God!!In this sense we are drawn away from the lesser quality of love because just like the flow of Divine otherness comes from the source that is far beyond what we experience in relation to this worlds otherness ...i really do not know if we could have a self love that is greater than our own limitations unless we are as close to the object of love as seeing and experiencing love in its most highest and most excellent way. If we want to be loved by God i do not see any way out of it being all consuming.
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4273  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: October 01, 2009, 02:30:29 PM
Let me say something about this departure from the free grace perspective...the reason that we have the gospel is to simplify things... so we say that the pure gospel is salvation through faith alone, by grace alone through Christ alone. Now any other introduction of mixture in this equation is that by which we change our identity as being Christians.  When we toy with the simplicity of the gospel we change that by with the power of God has its free flow to work for the salvation of all who believe. That power is distinct... it is drawn out of a view of God that is what makes God absolutely free to work and will in whatever He pleases. So we say in this universe that is determined to only be as real as the free flow of Gods power of disposition.... His freedom to will as being the first cause of all that exist... and His rite to work by His pure gospel... is the only real unity of reality that flows in all that is brought into time. If we introduce a law in bringing mans will into that free flow of grace then we are not just allowing an idea to as a matter of a challenge to what we think is wrong ... but we are deliberately ensnaring someone in a legal sense and we are causing them to stumble.This description of a fool in the sense of a wicked man is likewise a fool turned religious. This is the cause of this spiraling down paradigm. God will be worshiped in lite of these absolute paradigms of faith alone, by grace alone through Christ alone as that by which the gospel is actually experience as the power of God unto salvation. Any other worship is idol worship and will not be transforming!!!
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4274  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Reformed Doctrine on: October 01, 2009, 02:27:50 PM
Let me say something about this departure from this free grace perspective...the reason that we have the gospel is to simplify things... so we say that the pure gospel is salvation through faith alone, by grace alone through Christ alone. Now any other introduction of mixture in this equation is that by which we change our identity as being Christians.  When we toy with the simplicity of the gospel we change that by with the power of God has its free flow to work for the salvation of all who believe. That power is distinct... it is drawn out of a view of God that is what makes God absolutely free to work and will in whatever He pleases. So we say in this universe that is determined to only be as real as the free flow of Gods power of disposition.... His freedom to will as being the first cause of all that exist... and His rite to work by His pure gospel... is the only real unity of reality that flows in all that is brought into time. If we introduce a law in bringing mans will into that free flow of grace then we are not just allowing an idea to as a matter of a challenge to what we think is wrong ... but we are deliberately ensnaring someone in a legal sense and we are causing them to stumble. This description of a fool in the sense of a wicked man is likewise a fool turned religious. This is the cause of this spiraling down paradigm.  God will be worshiped in lite of these absolute paradigms of faith alone, by grace alone through Christ alone as that by which the gospel is actually experience as the power of God unto salvation. Any other worship is idol worship and will not be transforming!!!
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4275  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: October 01, 2009, 01:45:05 PM
Mark 4:35-41

It is interesting that this story follows the parables that are mainly focused on His word and His rule by His word... on the one hand he tells the disciples to be careful how you hear the word... and on the other hand He teaches that His word cannot be thwarted by anything or anybody because it is going to bring in the end of the age and bring in the kingdom of God in the new heaven and earth. God doesnt need any help. And then you have this story. I think after Jesus teaches then He is going to test their faith.... it usually works like this as to how Jesus method of teaching is meant to bring us along to exercise our faith. The primary way of how we are taught by Jesus is through trials. Since we are no longer aliens and separated from the promises of God... but we are in this new relationship with our Father through the Son by the Spirit then these trials are not meant to force us to do an end with our sins, but we are brought along from one new strength to another through the trials. This is the way of our faith being strengthened by our Father coming to our aid in our temptation.

Here is all Jesus needs to do is speak the word and the storm ceases. What is interesting is that the disciples were led into the boat by Jesus because He had just taught them how His word could not be thwarted. I think that the since Jesus was God and He displayed His authority over the storm ... that Jesus brought this storm for the purpose of testing them.

This is mainly why we have this story written down for our edification and encouragement. Here you have these terrible circumstances and there is no way that you can resist the power to over come them... and then it seems that God has gone somewhere and He is not listening to you. Now Jesus was sleeping as a man... but as God He was always in control. If we never had God in the flesh then we would never know if there was any way that we could identify with someone who was genuinely concerned for us being that He actually went through the same circumstances that we did but He was able to not fall into temptation so that He was not fully faithful to our Father. If we just had the God of the OT then we would only hope that He has a purpose in trials but we would never actually have someone who we could point to in history and know that He went through the trials and that He understands exactly what we are going through.

Let me just apply this a little further... i think that our normal way of dealing with the circumstances of this life is to focus on them as if they actually had power over our well being more than the power of Gods immediate presence to protect us from them... i think this is our problem as to why were are so easily upset and anxious. And it is not something that we experience in the way we think and how we look at these circumstances that would be uncommon with any of us as we feel like we are rite in the middle of something that we have a hard time controlling. As believers it really is a matter of getting side tracked or straying away from this source of finding a certain detachment to these terrible circumstances as having a real familiar understanding of the power that we have that dwells within us. In this way sin has been taken care of.. but there are all these potentials to fall into a snare by having more of a familiarity with the results of sin....such as shame , guilt and a general coldness to all of the praiseworthy paradigms that we have been baptized into in our identity with our Savior. We get side tracked.

Now this word that Jesus speaks was always determined to be written down in this particular text ... being planned from eternity past. Because every word that is spoken and written down is God breathed. Each word is Trinitarian. So that in this way Jesus is the eternal Son of God. What i am saying is that our faith was implanted in us by the implantation of the seed of the word of God. We actually have the spiritually new nature that is the communication as a source of power and authority that works in us as His working in us by His Spirit and His word. So that our faith is looking for Him to speak that word and all is well. Because we are not just dealing with a Savior but we are intimately acquainted with a Shepherd over our souls whos healing balm is that word of salvation that goes out in our circumstances that speaks deliverance to us... or its the communication that we are promised as that by which we are comforted by His Spirit... the christian life is not a worship of a letter but we are a spiritual house being built up as a temple in which God dwells. So i would say that since the disciples are asking Jesus to calm the seas ... and that it is a word that will bring this about... then we have this promise that if we ask anything in His name He will do it. Why would we have that confidence if we were disheartened because God seems silent to us? Because we already have that implanted word in us... and we know that it is that by which we become familiar with this resurrection power... hoping in His word is looking unto Him alone for our deliverance and then we grow to be filled with the power of God ... this the apostle prayed that we might understand the power that dwells within us. " Oh Jesus speak the word and all will be well"!!!.... is our plea and our hope.
4279  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Why can't you be more like your Christ, you darned Christian!! on: September 30, 2009, 01:17:11 PM
Actually the truth is that in keeping with the true identity of all the world... including Christians as under sin...then we are in essence acknowledging that we have something in common ..... in our house it is a reality... in their world it is means of acknowledging what they are familiar with but cant do anything about. But there is always a secret war going on... i mean... God is  at work and Satan is opposing Him at every turn... but being defeated. And since we do not wrestle with our neighbors or with the temptations that we face... but we really wrestle with a personal devil that has a power to attack us at our most vulnerable position... by attacking our faith he attacks our confidence.This leaves us in a position to question God as to why He moves so slowly. We do have a problem with being self focused... because we do not connect self with having protection from the almighty because we are not naturally assured that what we see with our eyes is not really what is going on in being ultimately the best for us and the most glorious work of God for others.
And at the same time there is a general understanding of those who are in the house that we are going to face the anger of those who are opposing God. The truth is that if we exposed all of the techniques the devil uses to attack God through attacking us then we would see that the anger is as cold as the coldest day on the earth and is as hot as the most glaring day at the beach. We live in a world where instead of us thinking that what we only see that is meant to harm us... thank God that He sees and moves to protect us from what we do not see. If we consider this... we will see how most of the time we share a lot in common with the worse of sinners. Our prayers are only for self protection because we do not want to be destroy by these attacks. And these cries are Gods gracious gifts to us so that we do not need to take this into our own hands. 
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4280  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Scary ... on: September 30, 2009, 12:29:30 PM
If the govern.. is threatening to throw people in jail ... thats a lot of people that we must take care of... especially if they have done nothing wrong being that they have not contracted the virus... and it is those who have that need to be quarantined and taken care of...who contracted the virus... so all the people who have no evidence of a moral danger are being quarantined while all those who are sick are left to walk the streets and who cant work cause they are sick trying to take care of all those who are quarantined. ... thats real logic there.
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4281  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: September 30, 2009, 11:57:53 AM
I think you guys are painting a picture that is not correct... if God justifies the whole world and takes care of their sin... then what is left for them to do? Ok.. you are saying that heaven and hell are determined upon their choice!!! In other words they are not under any condemning power of the law accept the law of this personal choice!!! Choose to take this and you will live... choose to ignore it and you will burn in hell.  If this is what you are saying then what is the difference with their relationship to all of the law of God if its still their choice that determines justice? You are teaching the same works righteousness.
We are saying something that is all inclusive in the whole human race by teaching there their is no other reason for a man to face justice than that he is under the condemnation of sin by a judicial declaration of God and we are all in the same position because we have no hope of finding peace with God by any other means... including our choice ...except the by the means of the mercy and grace of God. We are saying that if the cause of salvation is from any thing outside of God that it is equal with the paradigm of law keeping. We are teaching that since man is unable to come to God because the law is put in that position of being equal with mans lack of being able to choose that the law is represented in the true reality as exclusively being the real condemning power. We are dealing with how we view ourselves in light of who we are in this world and who we are in light of this covenant community by believing that we are not a law unto ourselves as the definition of the condemning power of the law... do you see what i am saying?   
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4282  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: All men cleansed from sin on the Cross ... on: September 30, 2009, 11:56:31 AM


I had an interesting conversation with my 17 year old last night over dinner. He had been reading some of the prophets and he asked me:" Dad, what did it mean when Isaiah said that he had a coal from the altar touched to his lips? What is going on with that??"

I told him: "Two things.

First, the realization that Isaiah had (woe is me, I am undone!). He understood, there in the presence of a Holy and Righteous God, the stark contrast between his singularly sinful nature, and the purity of God. He understood that even he, being considered a man of God had no leg, no defense, no works on which he could stand to claim he had a right to be in God's presence. That son IS salvation.

Second, God Himself was the originator and finisher of Isaiah's cleansing. It was at God's direction that the Seraphim flew to him and sanctified him. This, again, is a picture of salvation. Were there anything that we could do to make ourselves worthy before him, then we would also have to answer for everything we had ever done, and be toast."

Now this I think is the MAJOR thing that people miss about salvation. It is all God's doing, all of it. Men's sins are forgiven BEFORE they accept Christ, the just have to answer the invitation to eat at the King's table!! That doesn't happen until we have that Isaiah moment. Watch this closely...

2 Corinthians 5: 16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.

17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:

Catch that? It is a subtle twist on the typical way of looking at this passage, but Paul writes God reconciled US (the subject of the verb) to HIMSELF. Not the other way around. God was, in Christ assuaging all of our shame and gult so we could draw close to obtain mercy and find help as the author of Hebrews writes. The cross was as much, if not more about taking away our shame so we no longer had to worry about being naked before Him. Just like the angel flying to cleanse Isaiah, and the angels cleaning up Jacob and giving Him clean clothe's in Ezekiel's vision. Gos is always the one to say "Come, I am within your grasp."

19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them.

MEN'S sins. Not men who had gone to the altar, or said the incantation, or tithed regularly, or were regular attendees of the local baptist church. MEN! ALL MEN ARE NOW FREE TO RECEIVE THIS LAVISH GIFT JUST FOR THE ASKING!!

Revelation 21:5He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

 6He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink WITHOUT COST from the spring of the water of life.

Revelation 22:17The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.

Our appeal is not to be made to convince people how sinful they are, we need to convince them that God is waiting for them to come, and drink, at no cost, free of charge, from the only fountain that cleanses...

This is a beautiful, biblical, and therefore a most edifying post Eric.  Smiley Smiley  I hope everyone reading this thread takes time to meditate on and internalize what you have written here. 

For many years I've waited to hear the Love of God preached like this  to congregations-- especially so those in attendance that are lost get a true glimpse of His Love,  but so far I've never heard it.

 Oh, those giving the message might use some of the same scriptures you've quoted, but their true meaning has remained veiled to them.

I especially enjoyed the insight the Lord has given you on the following verse:

2 Corinthians 5: 16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.

I've quoted this  myself before but have never elaborated on it as you have.  I thoroughly agree with what you see there Eric.

I wish I had more time to highlight some of the Spirit revealed truths I see in your post.  But I'm short of time right now.

You are a blessing Eric!


Will read and try to answer the other posts later today.

I think you guys are painting a picture that is not correct... if God justifies the whole world and takes care of their sin... then what is left for them to do? Ok.. you are saying that heaven and hell are determined upon their choice!!! In other words they are not under any condemning power of the law except the law of this personal choice!!! Choose to take this and you will live... choose to ignore it and you will burn in hell.  If this is what you are saying then what is the difference with their relationship to all of the law of God if its still their choice that determines justice? You are teaching the same works righteousness.
We are saying something that is all inclusive in the whole human race by teaching there their is no other reason for a man to face justice than that he is under the condemnation of sin by a judicial declaration of God and we are all in the same position because we have no hope of finding peace with God by any other means... including our choice ...except the by the means of the mercy and grace of God. We are saying that if the cause of salvation is from any thing outside of God that it is equal with the paradigm of law keeping. We are teaching that since man is unable to come to God because the law is put in that position of being equal with mans lack of being able to choose that the law is represented in the true reality as exclusively being the real condemning power. We are dealing with how we view ourselves in light of who we are in this world and who we are in light of this covenant community by believing that we are not a law unto ourselves as the definition of the condemning power of the law... do you see what i am saying?   
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4283  Members Only / Purgatory / Re: The Wisdom of Pete WORC on: September 30, 2009, 11:37:24 AM
Just want everyone to know that i do not ignore anyone... but i do have two sensitive ones.... i can understand i think... i mean thinking about the history as to why they would ignore me... oh well... i really mean no harm...
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4284  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 30, 2009, 11:29:49 AM
It goes to show you that God can use anyone. Apollos got saved and preached Christ but had to be further instructed in the right way. Many Reformed people actual trusted in Christ first for salvation and give very little notice to the faulty doctrine of a zero faith salvation. Most likely because so much rhetoric covers it up.

How can you or those preachers possibly say most of the Jesus people fell away? Many if not most of my old friends still follow Jesus. i think it just a matter of Reform people dis-ing the competition.

As far as election goes, Israel is God's Elect, the Chosen people, stretching down though history to our very time. They were never un-chosen. Same Greek word for Chosen (elect) is the same in the Septuagint as the New Testament. Yet we know that some went after other idols and perished because they no longer followed Yahweh or had faith in him. As long as A Jew believed and trusted "in God" they were among the righteous and God unfolded His plan for them and they were secure as the elect.

The same word "election" means the same in the NT. God has a plan for his Chosen people. Gentiles can know and live this plan if they trust in Christ and are so grafted into Israel.  God had decided in times past what this plan would be for those who believed in Jesus....a predestined, plan if you will.  If you are "in Christ' then God has a plan for your life but you can't know that plan until you believe and personally accept Him.   In this way anyone who believes and personally accepts Christ can be saved. This is truly a great News an a wonderful plan for all peoples; but those who reject Christ do so at the risk of judgment, which they would deserve because of their own choice and not as a result of being forced upon them without any chance for salvation!

Doesn't this sound just and fair for everyone?

Thor Smiley

This is like saying that the physical creation was not caused to come into being but it is sustained by a cause. Or there is this tree but it did not have a personal connection to the will of a being... but it got there by a mystery... but it is living because God chose it to flourish, gave it a purpose and numbered its days. Uh... big bang salvation?
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4285  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: September 30, 2009, 11:10:57 AM
This is a very confusing post... we have the law of God given at mount Sinai, and then we have the covenant of grace given to Abraham prior to the giving of the Law. So on the one hand we have law and works and on the other hand we have the covenant of grace and faith. These two do not mix. The covenant stipulations were that the law had to be kept completely... God did not offer any other remedy in the giving of the Law.. .when the law speaks it condemns. The law brought death, the only spiritually good thing about the law is that it shows us the reality of the spiritual reality of this life of sin and some of the causes of corruption that exist in people and things in this world. Other wise we would all be lost in this mystical understanding of this paradigm of the spell of negativity. Then we would have no hope in the laws work to bring about Gods promise that the wicked shall not stand on the day of judgment and we would forever be bullied on this earth with no hope of retribution. Israels hope was not only tied to the covenant as a promise but it was tied to having a protection from the seed of the pagan nations.  "If I forget you ,O Jerusalem may my rite hand forget its skill". Why ? because Christ rule on this earth in the OT was through the Nation of Israel. Christ was to be worshiped not as the law giver... but as the Savior and protector of the nation of Israel from going into captivity as being unable to worship God as a covenant people.
This is why the law could not save the nation of Israel. They were covenant breakers because they failed to keep the law at mount Sinai. But not all of Israel is the true Israel. This is why we have the covenant of grace. There was a remnant within the nation of Israel that were protected by God because they were only recognized by God to be a covenant keeping community because they were under the covenant of grace. A law breaker who has received the grace of God is judicially innocent of all of the charges of his personal sins and his national sins. God no longer holds his sin against him.The remnant man no longer stands in an innocent position because of his own reputation...its because of Christ name. This relationship is secure because there is no way that the promise given to Abraham in the covenant of grace could be overturned ... thwarted.... or mis- represented... because Gods people were determined to succeed in the midst of a wayward nation... a foreign enemy and being oppressed in a financial way ... only by and though the secret providence of God over all the world. This is why Gods people could go into exile and flourish under extremely dangerous conditions. And this is why they returned to Israel after a time of judging the nation to worship God in all of His rule as He displayed it in how He brought them back from captivity by destroying all of their enemies. This is the eternal justice of God.   
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4286  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: All men cleansed from sin on the Cross ... on: September 30, 2009, 11:06:44 AM
For anyone who is still interested in having a meaningful discussion though,  I’ll get back to the subject of this thread by posing some questions.

The prevailing “orthodox” gospel says that a person’s sins are forgiven when he comes to belief in Christ.

If this were true, what sins are we talking about here?

What covenant would a person have broken to have been  charged with sins?

For one thing,  the Sinai covenant has been obsolete for a couple of thousand years. 

Not to mention the fact that God made that covenant with the Israelite nation only.

The gentiles did not have the law then (Rom 2:14);  much less now when that covenant is not even in effect for the Jews.

So think on this.  Since Adam and Eve left the garden, there has been no law covenant for gentiles to break,  and there never will be one.  The 2d/new covenant requires belief only.

Now Paul states in Rom 4:15  that “where there is no law there is no transgression“  and in Rom 5:13
“that before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law.”  (NIV)

So then, what sins were all men (including Jews) in need of forgiveness for when Christ came?


The one sentence about a Law-covenant
there has been no law covenant for gentiles to break,

God's teachings or Torah and any legal binding agreement (Covenant) God makes with a man or men are not necessarily the same thing.  Case in point the Noach convent where God promises not to destroy the earth again by water. There are not any moral, or any other "laws" attached as  conditions. Commandments can stand alone, apart from any convent. Covenants are conditional or unconditional agreements between God and man.  Commandments, at least the moral ones, stand for all men.

Whereas the Sinai covenant has been obsolete, it's components or contents are not obsolete but in fact included in the New Covenant, underlining the aspect of an agreement and it's contents are two separate things. Commandments can always exist without any covenant made with people. It's always wrong to kill, steal or commit adultery in most ancient cultures. The Sinai covenant was an agreement connecting Israel's faith and obedience with living in the land of Canaan. The gentiles knew it was wrong to murder, steal, lie, covet and commit adultery and they had laws to prove it...example.: Hammurabi's code. 

Gentiles didn't have to break a Covenant (agreement with God) to sin. They only had to break a comparable commandment of God...which they did and knew was wrong.  For that they were guilty. They did not know about YHWH or Jesus so they could not be judge specifically for that.

But 'Covenant” (legal agreement) does not necessary equal “Law or Torah”. Torah or the Word always existed before creation...before any covenant was made with man. Torah becomes part of the Sinai covenant also became part of the New covenant...Jeremiah 31: 31 & Ezekiel 36:26.

After faith in and repentance for sin, Jesus forgives ours sins and we then become grafted into Israel (through faith in the Messiah) and thereby have access to the New Covenant promises which God has made (only) with  Israel.

I see no reason to invent a covenant theology to explain things, if you can see that legal agreements and Torah (Law) are two separate things joined as part of a deal at Sinai but Torah also existing apart as a moral standard for all.

Thor Smiley

This is a very confusing post... we have the law of God given at mount Sinai, and then we have the covenant of grace given to Abraham prior to the giving of the Law. So on the one hand we have law and works and on the other hand we have the covenant of grace and faith. These two do not mix. The covenant stipulations were that the law had to be kept completely... God did not offer any other remedy in the giving of the Law.. .when the law speaks it condemns. The law brought death, the only spiritually good thing about the law is that it shows us the reality of the spiritual reality of this life of sin and some of the causes of corruption that exist in people and things in this world. Other wise we would all be lost in this mystical understanding of this paradigm of the spell of negativity. Then we would have no hope in the laws work to bring about Gods promise that the wicked shall not stand on the day of judgment and we would forever be bullied on this earth with no hope of retribution. Israels hope was not only tied to the covenant as a promise but it was tied to having a protection from the seed of the pagan nations.  If I forget you "O Jerusalem may my rite hand forget its skill". Why ? because Christ rule on this earth in the OT was through the Nation of Israel. Christ was to be worshiped not as the law giver... but as the Savior and protector of the nation of Israel from going into captivity as being unable to worship God as a covenant people.
This is why the law could not save the nation of Israel. They were covenant breakers because they failed to keep the law at mount Sinai. But not all of Israel is the true Israel. This is why we have the covenant of grace. There was a remnant within the nation of Israel that were protected by God because they were only recognized by God to be a covenant keeping community because they were under the covenant of grace. A law breaker who has received the grace of God is judicially innocent of all of the charges of his personal sins and his national sins. God no longer holds his sin against him.The remnant man no longer stands in an innocent position because of his own reputation...its because of Christ name. This relationship is secure because there is no way that the promise given to Abraham in the covenant of grace could be overturned ... thwarted.... or miss represented... because Gods people were determined to succeed in the midst of a wayward nation... a foreign enemy and being oppressed in a financial way ... only by and though the secret providence of God over all the world. This is why Gods people could go into exile and flourish under extremely dangerous conditions. And this is why they returned to Israel after a time of judging the nation to worship God in all of His rule as He displayed it in how He brought them back from captivity by destroying all of their enemies. This is the eternal justice of God.   
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4287  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: September 29, 2009, 08:09:04 PM
I think therefore i am... we are what we imagine ourselves to be... or we have an image of ourselves as who we know ourselves to be. All of these ideas that we have as a form of communication are what form that view we have of all of the paradigms we entertain that are real about who we are in the world we live in. In this way i could not fathom the amount of corruption as included in all of the ideas of this world in terms of the kind of events that occur by those who determine who they are in the experience of all that they believe whether it is imaginative or real reality. This leads me to the next question... does the world really know anything true in the sense that they do not entertain  in some areas of their minds a form of coping with in handling what gave them a certain security rather than seeing all of corruption of what transpires in a day in their own thought processes that would bring a certain state of the world if we viewed all of mankind in that thinking all at once.
This is why i believe that God has made us to naturally be in and out of reality in all of these forms of mental illness as a misunderstanding of what is natural in how we are made to use these things as God has created us minus our corruption. Just think about this.
For instance... we are commanded to meditate on His word ... nite and day... that is being obsessive and compulsive. I mean ... these terms  of negativity are only as powerful to us as we view the idea that we have a self determination factor in balance as a standard of mental health. But if we believe that we are choosing because we are under the obligation of a desire then we are very close to compulsiveness. And yet there is a much deeper level to think about than compulsive and non compulsive. We are spiritual beings... for this reason we are obsessive in finding something that is outside of us to rule us above what is considered normal by the rules. Ok i am tired.   
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4288  Forums / Break Room / Re: Bipolar Disorder and Suicide on: September 29, 2009, 08:03:04 PM
I think therefore i am... we are what we imagine ourselves to be... or we have an image of ourselves as who we know ourselves to be. All of these ideas that we have as a form of communication are what form that view we have of all of the paradigms we entertain that are real about who we are in the world we live in. In this way i could not fathom the amount of corruption as included in all of the ideas of this world in terms of the kind of events that occur by those who determine who they are in the experience of all that they believe whether it is imaginative or real reality. This leads me to the next question... does the world really know anything true in the sense that they do not entertain  in some areas of their minds a form of coping with in handling what gave them a certain security rather than seeing all of corruption of what transpires in a day in their own thought processes that would bring a certain state of the world if we viewed all of mankind in that thinking all at once?

This is why i believe that God has made us to naturally be in and out of reality in all of these forms of mental illness as a misunderstanding of what is natural in how we are made to use these things as God has created us minus our corruption. Just think about this.
For instance... we are commanded to meditate on His word ... nite and day... that is being obsessive and compulsive. I mean ... these terms  of negativity are only as powerful to us as we view the idea that we have a self determination factor in balance as a standard of mental health. But if we believe that we are choosing because we are under the obligation of a desire then we are very close to compulsiveness. And yet there is a much deeper level to think about than compulsive and non compulsive. We are spiritual beings... for this reason we are obsessive in finding something that is outside of us to rule us above what is considered normal by the rules. Ok i am tired.   
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4289  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Did the Disciples Disobey Christ? on: September 29, 2009, 11:49:08 AM
Gene its really a number of things. First i think most people live with the notion that with time comes answers and finding out how to live in time is finding the next thing that works. We live in a society that depends upon looking at life in a purely mechanical way. I think this kind of practice has its own satisfaction.  The historical notion of an idea as a means of contemplating the enjoyment in satisfying the long term effects of having the resources available as a source of this internal action in a person who views life in the prism of this lack of internal fortitude, we find that we are facing an uphill battle of dwelling in this disposition of lethargy. I think this is the whole design that we have expended useless energy in finding our satisfaction in the these surface exercises.
The way we were made is that we have these internal holistic needs that are only met as we react to how the world is made to work as it is designed by the eternal purposes of God. In other words practical energy is mainly brought into focus as we have the resources of knowing and experiencing Gods renewal energy in metaphorically  coelenterate ing with our energy. We need to remember that we are being renewed in the spirit of our minds!! Our spirit is only as healthy as we have the resources of prior experience in our fellowship with His Spirit in dwelling on these eternal truths that we are formed into that new man. It is the renewed understanding... a response to His teaching us through His word as to the nature of what we have learned. 
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4290  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Please share this with your own pastor. on: September 27, 2009, 08:35:37 PM

I haven't talked "harshly" at all.  If anything, my o.p. tells a story about a congregation that heard a humble, penitent believer ask for forgiveness and help, and responded with a lot of grace and support.  If that's "harsh" in your eyes.......No it really isn't, and you can stop with the inclusive "all" in your posting.  The truth is, NOT "all" have been "harsh."  Most of the posts have been made by people who would have responded in the same gracious way.

I couldn't care less if you do to me or not, but you certainly owe CW and Gouda an apology for calling their comments "harsh."  They most certainly WERE NOT.

I like how you are willing to speak for everyone else. The "all" was specified as all those who are participating in harsh judgments. Now i know why getting up in public and confessing your sins is so important to you... but let me set the record straight God is fond of us because we acknowledge that we could not confess all of our sins. Shoot... most of the ones He is concerned about are hidden to us.

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