Sunday, November 8, 2015

4309  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Depression and the Gospel on: September 21, 2009, 08:17:17 PM
When we come into this world we are born with a desire to worship God. Everyone has this longing.The problem is that we are filled with corruption... and in being filled we entertain lies about what is all powerful and what is the most loving. We are drawn into this worship ideal in a kind of payment mentality. In other words we are connect to a reality that is not healthy, nor is it freedom. This is the practice of what we imagine ourselves to be, to have a view of our place in this world. But at the same time we still have an imagination of what real freedom is, it still is a longing that is never fulfilled. And in this since the payment for the worship is the enduring of the unfulfilled longing. This is the comfort zone of living in this blindness. In real terms we are living in a dream world. We will never find real soul rest until we find it in Him.
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4310  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Depression and the Gospel on: September 21, 2009, 07:50:33 PM
Religion is the venom of devils. Because we are taught to act like something that we are not! The truth is that no matter how many teachers we receive from we are still  free to take these things and make them something that is purely from the imagination. But still the wheels of the power of His word turn very slowly.  We religious people believe that God will make everything ok, but we live as if everything is a burdened of weight. We can make it so unreal that we love things for the sake of holding onto the idea that we have already arrived. We get uptight in order to obey!!
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4311  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Depression and the Gospel on: September 21, 2009, 07:24:33 PM
There are two looking glasses so to speak here. There is Gods working through these negative events to bring about His most cherished work! God is a God of goodness, faithfulness and eternal love. This is who He is even when the reality of our world does not look like this is the case. Not only are we unable to look with confidence as things seem to be turned upside down and we are in extreme suffering, but our natural disposition is lower than it should be in following Gods goodness as it really is in the worse of trials. This is why we are to look on Christ... by going to Him for mercy so that we might find grace in our time of need. Some times the level of sorrow converges on our joyous rejoicing in the Lord of glory and we forced to actively ex-pulse all the poison of of the sorrow by asking questions, by an expression of holy passion, and by the painful process of having to face our hostility and anger that is the portion of the poison of the sorrow that has the venom of depression from hopeful waiting on Him!!God wants us to come as we are, even with the tears, the cries, the complaints , the pain, and the anger. We come to go through a process of pain , when we identify with the sufferings of Christ. When we exercise our faith we are greatly distress!! We are like a wrestler who spends long hours wrestling with our souls so that we are  looking to find true freedom from this sorrow that is rising up in us and it is His mercy that replaces this open wound of rejection and anger that we must focus on in going to Him before His throne of grace. We make all kinds of supposition about the pain that we experience, that may have nothing to do with His ways!!! We are already made happy in Him because of what He has already done to suffer for us!! But we are eternal beings who hold onto these different and odd imaginations. They rest on us if we do not wrestle with them.
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4312  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Mercy and Grace (not my former co-workers) on: September 21, 2009, 07:21:24 PM
There are two looking glasses so to speak here. There is Gods working through these negative events to bring about His most cherished work! God is a God of goodness, faithfulness and eternal love. This is who He is even when the reality of our world does not look like this is the case. Not only are we unable to look with confidence as things seem to be turned upside down and we are in extreme suffering, but our natural disposition is lower than it should be in following Gods goodness as it really is in the worse of trials. This is why we are to look on Christ... by going to Him for mercy so that we might find grace in our time of need. Some times the level of sorrow converges on our joyous rejoicing in the Lord of glory and we forced to actively ex-pulse all the poison of of the sorrow by asking questions, by an expression of holy passion, and by the painful process of having to face our hostility and anger that is the portion of the poison of the sorrow that has the venom of depression from hopefully waiting on Him!!God wants us to come as we are, even with the tears, the cries, the complaints , the pain, and the anger. We come to go through a process of pain , when we identify with the sufferings of Christ. When we exercise our faith we are greatly distress!! We are like a wrestler who spends long hours wrestling with our souls so that we are  looking to find true freedom from this sorrow that is rising up in us and it is His mercy that replaces this open wound of rejection and anger that we must focus on in going to Him before His throne of grace. We make all kinds of supposition about the pain that we experience, that may have nothing to do with His ways!!! We are already made happy in Him because of what He has already done to suffer for us!! But we are eternal beings who hold onto these different and odd imaginations. They rest on us if we do not wrestle with them.  These are days when there is no real illumination ... i mean... in the sense of being under the power of free grace... the experience of the presence of the free and irresistible force of the Holy Spirit so that we are looking with the experience of an ongoing joy that rises from our deepest recesses of our souls. These are the days when God is not as big as He used to be in this illumination!! Free grace makes a man act like what is real in experience.
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4313  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Reformed Doctrine on: September 21, 2009, 07:04:19 PM
Divine Sovereignty

This simply refers to the fact that all things are under His rule and control, and that nothing happens in this Universe without His direction or permission. He is a God Who works, not just some things, but all things after the counsel of His own will (see Eph. 1:11). God's purpose is all- inclusive and is never thwarted (see Isa. 46:11). Nothing Takes Him by Surprise

"It is not merely that God has the power and right to govern all things but that He does so always and without exception." - John Piper

    * God is sovereign over the entire universe: Ps 103:19; Rom 8:28; Eph 1:11
    * God is sovereign over all of nature: Ps 135:6-7; Mt 5:45; 6:25-30
    * God is sovereign over angels & Satan: Ps 103:20-21; Job 1:12
    * God is sovereign over nations: Ps 47:7-9; Dan 2:20-21; 4:34-35
    * God is sovereign over human beings: 1 Sam 2:6-7; Gal 1:15-16
    * God is sovereign over animals: Ps 104:21-30; 1 Ki 17:4-6
    * God is sovereign over "accidents": Pr 16:33; Jon 1:7; Mt 10:29
    * God is sovereign over free acts of men: Ex 3:21; 12:25-36; Ez 7:27
    * God is sovereign over sinful acts of men and Satan: 2 Sam 24:1; 1 Chr 21:1; Gen 45:5; 50:20
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4314  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: All men cleansed from sin on the Cross ... on: September 21, 2009, 06:36:18 PM
Thank God that we have been chosen before the foundation of the world. The reason that we are saved by our sins being atoned for is so that God will get all the glory. For to God and through God and by God are all things. We live to glorify God by enjoying Him forever! Lets not bring salvation down by giving man any determination in being saved or having his sins forgiven!! When we say that men are held captive to sin... we are saying that this is the proof that man is unable to save himself... we have no idea that we entertain that gives man a chance to be in any other state than being in bondage to sin and under the condemnation of hell. If God has decided to save some men then every thing that He does is for His own purpose even in the condemnation of some men... God must be praised because He is God!!

If God is not praised in all of His eternal decrees ... that is the condemnation of some men, the secret providence of God to smile on His children even in working by their sin to bring good to them and glory to His name through imperfect vessels, then God is not absolutely free in the exercise of creating and sustaining of all things. And if God is not free in willing what is to come to pass then when He breathes upon us His Spirit it is not a Spirit of freedom!! If the Spirit is not a Spirit of irresistible grace then we are not free to be forgiven for all of our sins. And if He cannot breath upon us in our worship of Him unless we are willing then we are not free to come as we are!!!We sin in His presence being forgiven because His free expression to breath new life into our deadness is expressed by not treating us according to our sins. This is the ultimate expression of freedom of worship!!!! God must be free to do as He pleases or we are fooling ourselves in saying that we are free but teaching something that does not produce that praise and worship!!!!
2 Samuel 6
14 David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might, 15 while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouts and the sound of trumpets.

 16 As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she despised him in her heart.

 17 They brought the ark of the LORD and set it in its place inside the tent that David had pitched for it, and David sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings [f] before the LORD. 18 After he had finished sacrificing the burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the LORD Almighty. 19 Then he gave a loaf of bread, a cake of dates and a cake of raisins to each person in the whole crowd of Israelites, both men and women. And all the people went to their homes.

 20 When David returned home to bless his household, Michal daughter of Saul came out to meet him and said, "How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, disrobing in the sight of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!"

 21 David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the LORD's people Israel—I will celebrate before the LORD. 22 I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor."
 23 And Michal daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death.
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4315  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Reformed Doctrine on: September 20, 2009, 05:24:57 PM
Legalism: Any attempt to rely on self-effort to either attain or maintain our justification before God "After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Gal.3:3. A Definition of Legalism 1. Using the Mosaic covenant as though it is the covenant between you and God. 2. Attempting to be justified by one's own works. 3. Attempting to be sanctified by one's own works 4. Suggesting that our worth or worthlessness, our self-esteem and self-satisfaction or lack thereof, rest on our own works. 5. Any attempt to please God judicially, or any supposition that our sin as believers has resulted in his judicial displeasure. [Any post-salvation attempt to maintain our judicial standing before God through good works, covenant faithfulness, merit etc..] 6. Teaching that we conform ourselves to our judicial standing in Christ (righteous and perfect) by our own works. 7. Attempting to attain godliness by a systematic change of behavior 8. Obedience that does not spring from a renewed heart 1. As of an unbeliever who has no renewed heart 2. As of a believer who has a renewed heart but whose righteous behavior does not spring therefrom. 9. Any supposition that externally righteous acts have any value on their own, even as conduct that prepares the way for either 1. A renewed heart (preparationism as regards justification), 2. The softening or further renewing of an already renewed heart (preparationism as regards sanctification. Note Romans 12:2-Transformation occurs through the renewing of the mind), or 3. Any other work of the Spirit. 10. Suggesting that faith is irrelevant in the accomplishment of some (or all) good works. 11. Trying to be justified by works that are created and inspired by the Holy Spirit. 12. Attempting to gain assurance of salvation solely or primarily on the basis of the sign of outward works - Bill Baldwin
4321  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 16, 2009, 02:11:58 PM
God can run the universe by any rules he wants. If He wants to limit Himself in some matters for some purpose, then he can. Even if God was somehow surprised by what? God is Almighty. (Almighty better describes God than sovereign...Almighty is a Biblical word and covers everything). What could possibly happen that an Almighty God couldn't handle? NOTHING! Good grief humans handle unexpected stuff everyday and things usually turn out much more an Almighty God?   God is BIGGER than you think. God can allow free will and still exercise His Will...because He's God.  Jesus said with God all things are possible. God could run time backwards if He wanted to (and He did). I see no problem with Almighty God allowing free will in creation  and His will being done (He did in the Garden).

If God changed in any way then He would cease to be God. God is a being not a progression. There are no parts in God... He always existed in the reality of the past present and future as the same God. He cannot change into something different than He was or that something would be different from who He is. If God allowed free will then He is only a God of the past. At some point He would need to change and then cease to be.
4321  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 16, 2009, 02:11:58 PM
God can run the universe by any rules he wants. If He wants to limit Himself in some matters for some purpose, then he can. Even if God was somehow surprised by what? God is Almighty. (Almighty better describes God than sovereign...Almighty is a Biblical word and covers everything). What could possibly happen that an Almighty God couldn't handle? NOTHING! Good grief humans handle unexpected stuff everyday and things usually turn out much more an Almighty God?   God is BIGGER than you think. God can allow free will and still exercise His Will...because He's God.  Jesus said with God all things are possible. God could run time backwards if He wanted to (and He did). I see no problem with Almighty God allowing free will in creation  and His will being done (He did in the Garden).

If God changed in any way then He would cease to be God. God is a being not a progression. There are no parts in God... He always existed in the reality of the past present and future as the same God. He cannot change into something different than He was or that something would be different from who He is. If God allowed free will then He is only a God of the past. At some point He would need to change and then cease to be.
4330  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 15, 2009, 11:04:46 AM
for humans to know evil is to be lorded by it, only in the new birth and by the power of the spirit we are now free from it's complete control over our lives, free will is a humanistic non-biblical delusion:

Yes it shows in the way we think in terms of our view of others in our natural course in this world of living with unrealistic expectations that arise from our imaginary view of our own goodness. Coupled with a lack of judgment in exposing ourselves in our blindness and not our miss judgment and wrong applications about our expectations. This paradigm that i am speaking of is an image of our moral principles that are from a miss perception of the true self. So that most of our reactions are from an assumption that is entirely of from our own imaginations. The cardinal rule of seeing things as they really are is to view them through the moral principles as Christ has defined them in the true light of His judgment. Because we do not experience a true unity of purpose by agreeing on the stated exception, but we have unity when we are able to judge aright this perception of reality in the consequences of understanding the deeper realism in our perception of ourselves in light of the reactions of others and how they affect our general disposition. Christ was the only one who understood completely the meaning from the evil intent in the general confusion of the motives of men in their blindness to make these reactions into a holistic realness in the supernatural universe of the power of bringing all things under His subjection... including the very thoughts of men.    
4335  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 13, 2009, 10:59:12 PM
How long will you talk and keep saying nothing?
Does God All-Powerful stand in the way of justice? He made your children pay
 for their sins.So why don't you turn to him and start living right?
 Then he will decide to rescue and restore you to your place of honor.Your future will be brighter
 by far than your past. Our ancestors were wise,so learn from them.Our own time has been short,
like a fading shadow,and we know very little.But they will instruct you with great understanding.
Papyrus reeds grow healthy only in a swamp,and if the water dries up,they die sooner than grass.
Such is the hopeless future of all who turn from God  and trust in something as frail
 as a spider's web--they take hold and fall because it's so flimsy.Sinful people are like plants
with spreading roots and plenty of sun and water.They wrap their roots tightly
around rocks. But once they are pulled up,they have no more place;
their life slips away,  and other plants grow there.We know God doesn't reject
 an innocent person or help a sinner.And so, he will make you happy and give you something
 to smile about.But your evil enemies will be put to shame and disappear forever.

I thought this was interesting... can you guess who spoke these words?
4337  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 13, 2009, 10:13:26 AM
Thor, Regarding the Sin Nature of human beings,

Psa 51:5  Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

Joh 3:3  Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. "

Eph 2:1  And you were dead in the trespasses and sins
Eph 2:2  in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience--
Eph 2:3  among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. 

Rom 5:12  Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned--
Rom 5:13  for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. 
Rom 5:14  Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. 

ok so now you know Augustin didn't make humans sinful nature up, and here is the importance of such doctrine

Rom 5:17  For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. 

So just as Adam's sin was imputed to you and you were dead because of it, now Jesus righteousness saves you without you needing to do anything, now before you get all holy on me let me say this bit.   Holyness is an inalienable concequence of grace, Jesus righteousness imputed by grace on us CAUSES us to be made holy and as such we start to "do good" and to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God Etc.    that's what the all important word THEREFORE is written in Romans 12.   That's why Jesus Said "you will know them by their fruits"  because ONLY saved people CAN bear fruit because fruit is a consequence of Christs righteousness being imputed on us upon the new birth.   For if non-born again people are capable of bearing fruit then Jesus words are silly.  Since that can not be then fruit is exclusive of the born again, elect.   Therefore, the born again have a different nature than the rest, for they can and do bear fruit while the rest can't.   So I hope this clears things up. 

Ruffus welcome to the forums. The only reason that we can grow in Christ is because of His grace. This is why when we talk in terms of imputed righteousness it is a declaration that does not give us an inherent rite when we stand before God to receive a reward based upon His declaration of our innocence and thus our subsequent acts of obedience. God doesnt call us by grace and then tell us to prove it by our own obedience. But God calls us to ... long for.. hope.. in the grace that is to be revealed in the future. So we have a foretaste of grace now... that is an undeserved favor of God in the ongoing process of salvation... and we have the grace that we will obtain our future salvation when we receive it when we stand before Him.
This is why it is so easy to take reformed theology and force our own lower image of Christ work on our behalf because of the present level of religious order for us to be responsible in a way that is not pleasing to the One who did the work on our behalf. Our only source of comfort in this world is to live with a view that we could never obtain what we were declared to be unless Christ gives it freely when we go to see Him. Any other gospel is anathema to the apostle.
We have been saved into a relationship of grace so that our sins have been forgiven from the past.. in the present and in the future. Our Father does not hold those sins against us... nor does He treat us as our sins deserve. Since we have been saved we have been adopted into His family so that Christ is not ashamed to call us brothers... having obtained  purification for sins and is currently our High Priest extending His mercy to us who find the grace... that is His favor in spite of our present struggle with sin to help us in our time of need. This grace paradigm is focused on our attitude about sin and not on our practice of sin. Any other disposition is not a scriptural disposition.

 Now what i am going to say next is my pet peeve because i put this kind of teaching in the cursed pit of hell and i say that if anyone is teaching this let them be accursed for the sake of the gospel of grace. But if someone is teaching that God is displaying His anger toward His children in His discipline of sin then this is from the pit of hell and it smells like smoke. The Father knows full well every sin that will ever be committed on this earth from ever person who ever was born and will be born from the beginning to the end of time. It is a mystery as to how God the Father deals with His children in this ongoing discipline. This interpretation of the paradigm of Gods wrath and love is a matter of the amount of times it is mentioned in the scripture and the far context that overrides the seeming contradiction in the supposed meaning drawn from the actual exegesis of the grammar of the verse.  But it is equally true that when a person is saved there is no... let me say it again... no enmity between him and the Father. It is strictly a love relationship!!! The anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God. Our Father was completely satisfied to in having His full wrath placed upon His Son so that He is completely at ease in dealing with His wayward sheep as a shepherd lovingly protect his sheep. If God is angry at His own then He is not to be trusted in how His past work of salvation has been accomplished. And if He is not to be trusted... or if the power of our trust does not depend upon the general loving disposition of God toward His own sheep then our present faith is like a house of cards ready to fall at the first sign of trouble. God is able to keep us from falling because salvation is in God alone!!!Stay away from that other teaching it will destroy your faith.

May i say this that the two line theologians who display this warped view on a regular basis are no different than the people of whom i have come across who were constantly quoting the line from the Church of Christ that no one who sins can enter the kingdom of God. There are not levels of holiness preaching... there are stark contrast.  Grin
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4338  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Wondering eyes leads to boom... on: September 11, 2009, 07:41:12 PM
Oh well the positive about your cell phone is... at least it wasnt a girl on the other side.  Grin
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4339  Forums / Politics Forum / Re: The incredible shrinking economy on: September 11, 2009, 05:22:56 PM
Insiders sell like there's no tomorrow
Corporate officers and directors were buying stock when the market hit bottom. What does it say that they're selling now?

NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Can hundreds of stock-selling insiders be wrong?

The stock market has mounted an historic rally since it hit a low in March. The S&P 500 is up 55%, as U.S. job losses have slowed and credit markets have stabilized.

But against that improving backdrop, one indicator has turned distinctly bearish: Corporate officers and directors have been selling shares at a pace last seen just before the onset of the subprime malaise two years ago.

While a wave of insider selling doesn't necessarily foretell a stock market downturn, it suggests that those with the first read on business trends don't believe current stock prices are justified by economic fundamentals.

"It's not a very complicated story," said Charles Biderman, who runs market research firm Trim Tabs. "Insiders know better than you and me. If prices are too high, they sell."

Biderman, who says there were $31 worth of insider stock sales in August for every $1 of insider buys, isn't the only one who has taken note. Ben Silverman, director of research at the web site that tracks trading action, said insiders are selling at their most aggressive clip since the summer of 2007.

Silverman said the "orgy of selling" is noteworthy because corporate insiders were aggressive buyers of the market's spring dip. The S&P 500 dropped as low as 666 in early March before the recent rally took it back above 1,000.

"That was a great call," Silverman said. "They were buying when prices were low, so it makes sense to look at what they're doing now that prices are higher."
Straightforward trading

In the case of firms such as discount broker TD Ameritrade (AMTD), they are selling with abandon. Chairman Joe Moglia has netted more than $10 million in profits from stock sales since April, by selling shares on each of the last 106 business days, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings.
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4340  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Reformed Doctrine on: September 11, 2009, 05:01:52 PM
... if you know anything about the science of interpretation... is a method used to subvert the meaning of scripture by arguing over words. Its kind of like presenting the scriptures with a second hidden message or playing the numbers game.The Vegas method of interpretation- a very weak view of God.     

Are you saying proof texting is not good Bible interpretation?

Yes i think we get into trouble when we go at the scriptures to support our arguments instead of letting the text control our way of thinking. One is a purely intellectual approach but the other is a personally experiencing the text. The old word is meditation. ie... the proof text ing by way of dispensationalism, two line theology, arminianism and a lack of the understanding of forms of speech. 
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4341  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: September 11, 2009, 04:29:51 PM
 Philosophical Necessity is really nothing else than the FULL AND FIXED CONNECTION BETWEEN THE THINGS SIGNIFIED BY THE SUBJECT AND PREDICATE OF A PROPOSITION, which affirms something to be true. When there is such a connection, then the thing affirmed in the proposition is necessary, in a philosophical sense; whether any opposition or contrary effort be supposed, or no. When the subject and predicate of the proposition, which affirms the existence of any thing, either substance, quality, act, or circumstance, have a full and CERTAIN CONNECTION, then the existence or being of that thing is said to be necessary in a metaphysical sense. And in this sense I use the word necessity, in the following discourse, when I endeavor to prove that necessity is not inconsistent with liberty.

The subject and predicate of a proposition, which affirms existence of something, may have a full, fixed, and certain connection several ways.

(1.) They may have a full and perfect connection in and of themselves; because it may imply a contradiction, or gross absurdity, to suppose them not connected. Thus many things are necessary in their own nature. So the eternal existence of being generally considered, is necessary in itself: because it would be in itself the greatest absurdity, to deny the existence of being in general, or to say there was absolute and universal nothing; and is as it were the sum of all contradictions; as might be shown if this were a proper place for it. So God’s infinity and other attributes are necessary. So it is necessary in its own nature, that two and two should be four; and it is necessary that all right lines drawn from the center of a circle to the circumference should be equal. It is necessary, fit and suitable, that men should do to others, as they would that they should do to them. So innumerable metaphysical and mathematical truths are necessary in themselves: the subject and predicate of the proposition which affirm them, are perfectly connected of themselves.
4343  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 11, 2009, 12:41:48 PM
There is a difference in Reform theology that forces it's adherents to always say believers are sinners. They believe that God saves some people arbitrarily (called grace) with absolutely no basis to their faith, repentance for sin or anything else. Even though the Bible emphasizes repentance for sin and faith in Christ as the primary prerequisite to salvation over and over again.

According to RT, because believers have been saved through a predestination process, will, faith and repentance have no basis in salvation and it is felt that those saved must remember they were and are sinners without any merit. This is repeated over and over again in reform churches...I know because  unfortunately attend one). I idea is that Believers must not get a big head just because they were picked and others were not, so their sin must be constantly waved in front of their faces to remind them to be humble.

They believe that your Faith in Christ doesn't save you, being arbitrarily picked saves you, and you have to irresistibly live out the pattern that was picked for you. It's a false theology and that's why there is no agreement on this matter.


Also it's interesting that Adam sinned without a "sin nature". If man doesn't need a sin nature to sin then why would his nature have to change to make his dependents sinners? Apparently it's easy to sin no matter what.  It's true that Sin, or disobedience, came into the Cosmos (world) through Adam (because he started it) but Genesis empathizes death coming to all men and the Cosmos and says nothing about a sin nature.  Augustine (4th cent. AD) popularized original sin. He had been a gnostic and may have been too influenced by his former faith (the flesh is evil) and because his previous personal life was very promiscuous with the ladies. Jews historically never seemed to believe in original sin but believed man had to opposing inclinations...good and evil; and could choose making them liable to God's judgment.  That makes more sense to me than a inherited sin nature.

Thor i believe that Gods sovereignty  has the "other... secret counsel" paradigm that man who calls himself whatever does not consider as the theological bend that produces a certain experience within Him. So that the absolute truth of Gods sovereignty would be the closest real experience that one has on this earth no matter how one thinks of sin or righteousness. Because without that we do not really grow in stretching like a muscle our  present theological understanding . My understanding of where you are at is that you are kind of a pawn of imperialistic manner sitting back and judging any system of theology and claiming that you have no system. What i am saying is that ignorance is a personal choice and there is nothing bliss in it... even if you know the truth and you refuse to allow it to take you beyond your level of trust. The point being that there is only one way to God and not only is this way defined and laid out like a path to follow... but it is that by which the system as a means takes you beyond what you thought you could experience even if your are given to thinking you could play in the middle and still find that supposed freedom as a matter of non adherence.

But i find that your defense mechanism is to have this imaginary behavioral standard that you use to buttress your imperialistic stand backedness (my word) to any theological system. I mean ... its easy to point to the behavior on a universal level and say.. see here i told you not to trust in Calvinism or any other thing... but in that appealing to in the argument you take the high position that you are different than your opponents in how you act. Which is the straw man.. or the carrot for the rest of us to always be chasing. It translates into placing a guilt trip on those who you do not agree with.  Grin
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4344  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: BEYOND SCIENCE AND ARGUMENT on: September 11, 2009, 11:58:50 AM
One of the problems that we have in this world.. where we see the practice of the philosophy of pragmatism is this idea that we can make our world better if we just change ourselves. We fail to sit down and consider that this world will never change. Because the world is blinded by sin. Yes we may create in our lives a certain Utopian society in a utilitarian way.  We do receive and share with all mankind on a human level with the goodness and kindness that we as Americans have grown up to be our experience... but this success is not christian unity. The world is the center of the utilitarian systems that are put in place to provide the fundamental needs of mankind. The American god is the god of utilitarianism... because when i speak of beauty i am mainly speaking of the image of God. When we talk about relationships we talk on the level of usefulness and not sharing in the beauty of the secret providence of God and the enjoyment of the communication of our great Shepherd. The cause of real experience is not in the usefulness of a thing... reality that is experienced in this world is the existence of being. This is real reality... or true truth.

First of all.. we are not robots that create our own image by our presentation!!! We are thinking, feeling and always desiring to please the one who created us. WE WILL NEVER FIND OUR REST UNTIL WE FIND IT IN GOD. Sorry for shouting but the simple statements are usually the ones that God places the most usefulness in our understanding of true truth. Although i do not think it is a matter of utilizing any kind of presentable force. The point being that sin makes us blind to true truth and no matter how good and how orthodox to the American moral that we present ... you cant put a square peg in round hole!!The end of utilitarian behavior is the useful transferring of goods and services to Gods glory... that is all you are going to get as a reward!!!This is the visible communication that every man shares on a purely horizontal level!! The true beauty is in the secret life of God in the soul of man. The only objective connection on this earth that is in the real world is two people sharing in this secret communication on a deep spiritual level. It is two people who have found their satisfaction in God.
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4345  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: BEYOND SCIENCE AND ARGUMENT on: September 09, 2009, 03:18:37 PM
Gene o.... I believe that you are partially correct. I agree that an idea is not a person. The closer we get to the person the less we depend upon intellectual belief. One idea introduced in a spiritual sense has the entire paradigm of the person. This is why the Christian faith is defined as a personal relationship with Christ.In a sense Christ accepted and apprehended is saving faith.
Not only is it not correct to think of the christian faith as just a set of standards , but it is also incorrect to think that we can have a full understanding of who Christ is. This is beyond our understanding. Whether we can explain this as a life of gaining an understanding and holding onto what we know... or a life that we find in the end a consuming of all that we trusted in as we understood it to be, yet these are the definitions of the only real standard of what is good or what is useless in this world. The absence of all that is useless could be the consuming effect of all that we know.
If finding the historical Christ is finding a lack of this worlds tension then that paradigm of experience defines all that the scripture declares about Christ. We can describe this as getting lost in wonder and praise. Because i do not think that Christ sovereign rule in a real consuming effect of the tension of this world leads to different concepts of who He is. In worshiping who He is and not what we want Him to be we find ourselves in awe of how little we understand of the greatness of being consumed.
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4346  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: BEYOND SCIENCE AND ARGUMENT on: September 09, 2009, 12:45:07 PM
I have never seen anything that has exerted power in a causal sense not have a will as that source. I have never seen the will exercised without a reasonable explanation. Every decision that is made has a cause. How can you question the reality of something that exist unless you have an understanding of an idea to compare with the anti thesis of that understanding? The only other alternative is a causeless choice!! The only thing you are doing is choosing to go against the idea presented.
We never make a choice that does not have a reasonable explanation even if we choose to go against the importance of presenting the mind with the facts of something.Because the reality of who we are is determined by what we think.     
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4347  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Wondering eyes leads to boom... on: September 09, 2009, 10:41:59 AM
The moral of the story is that men should be attendants at gas stations so that they can pump the gas for the ladies. Its just too dangerous out there. hehe... hang in there.... G.  Grin
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4348  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: WHAT THE GOSPEL MEANS TO ME on: September 08, 2009, 01:14:59 PM
Hey MBG ....

There exists within man a certain arrogance ... that e can understand anything of God.



Genno... i know we have a disagreement on the authority of scripture... I love you anyway.... bro.
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4349  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Why should I be sorry for my sin? What does it do to God? on: September 08, 2009, 12:27:04 PM
Jesus specifically came to make the law harder not easier for us to obey. Need and example? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength." Anyone do that today? Anyone do that ever?

Dude, no offense, but that's crap. I'm just sayin'.

Why the HELL would Christ come to make anything harder for us?

I believe that whole new creation thing is in effect. And I hardly speak of it lightly!

Look it's hard to not become "religious" about  conforming to non conformity but all of this is becoming ridiculous.

I'm sure this is going to sound foolish and hateful, but my God.. STOP TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT.

This isn't just directed at toadbat but at the whole damn forum. I could argue with a wooden post and feel better about it afterward than I would arguing with a bunch of Chrisitians.

Ok, so we all agree on the basic truth that Jesus Christ died for our sins? Right? Right. So if He came, died for our sin, and made us righteous... WHO ARE WE TO SAY WE ARE SINNERS? IS THE WORK OF SATAN GREATER THAN THE WORK OF CHRIST? So take it from there!

Human beings distort what this is really about. Even worse "CHRISTIANS" distort what this is really about.

And I'm so sick of hearing all of this CRAP that waters down God's grace!

God is LOVE. There is no bad thing that comes from Him. Get over it! Despite what you may think, GOD LOVES YOU.

Get over yourselves.

And I LOVE YOU! This isn't my attempt to be big and bad, because believe me if you met me.. I'm a chill dude. I'm just tired of us being self righteous instead of realizing that we are righteous in Jesus Christ. Whether we want to be or not!

Murray even if we were perfect God is still God. If you are perfect then you will show it by how you respond on here. I do not think too many people would be attracted to your message. Perfect is loving.
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4350  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: WHAT THE GOSPEL MEANS TO ME on: September 08, 2009, 12:11:02 PM
Hey Genno!! Havent talked to you in a while....

 God is absolutely sovereign over all things.... and every created thing is an evidence that God is glorified for all eternity as He works out His sovereign plan from the beginning of t ime to the end. The highest pleasure that we can experience on this earth is God single purpose of His being pleased to work in us to will and to do in His created order. God is totally able... we are totally unable.

If God wanted ... we would not sin and sorrow over sin would be easily forgotten. Sin is what blinds us to the revealed glory and pleasure of God. This is why we are such bad imaginative thinkers. We lower Gods glory by not exalting and glorifying God. What ever we imagine that we can do to bring glory to God apart from depending on God as worthy of our worship, is making Him something that we want Him to be. God is not surprised by any sin that we commit nor is He surprised by our small thoughts of Him and our little faith in His goodness. Who are we kidding to think that we could act as a representative of His as being true to Him before men , and at the same time think that He rewards us according to our own goodness.We cannot do one good thing without Him. WE LIVE BEFORE A GOD WHO THINKS WELL OF US IN-SPITE OF US.

We live in the presence of an eternal, all knowing, all compassionate, all loving, sustaining all things by the word of His power! And because He is all of these things He is available as He is never changing! When we approach Him in knowing how big His is in His goodness and how much we are in need of His power then there is no amount of extolling Him that will not be accepted. Just because we experience joy and sorrow mixed together does not mean that God cannot be worshiped as the expression of our fellowship with Him. There is not enough time in the day to find in Him an eternal satisfaction in being consumed by His love as the expression of meeting our deepest need. We find our rest when we find it in Him.   

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