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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 05:56:46 AM »
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Take Up Your Cross

I’m down in this dungeon of sin and shame. Shouting,
I am the one!
I am the one!

The Spirit is near, His presence I feel, he whispers softly,
Be still my son.
Be still my son.

My soul with its sin has lingered in shame, I say
O, how long?
O, how long?

My heart is hard, I search for His face.
Don’t make me wait!
Don’t make me wait!

His look pierces my soul with His glory so bright, Beaming,
I took your place!
I took your place!

It’s late at night here on my bed. With tears in my eyes I cry,
Have mercy on me!
Have mercy on me!

His Spirit is sweet, He’s speaking to me..
Jesus you need!
Jesus you need!

O, wonderful love! O, priceless blood! I say to myself,
Just cling to the cross!
Just cling to the cross!

My Savior draws near. His two natures are there .With His word in
my heart. He whispers to me.
You’ll suffer loss.
You’ll suffer loss.

So take up your cross.
Just take up your cross.

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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
Glory and Roses
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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2005, 08:41:05 AM »
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the tree I planted
while you were inside of me
the tree your grandmother gave me
had grown so tall, that it dominated the street.

It spread its branches over us
while you played on the patio
that I had hauled bricks from burned out shells
to build for free...

It shed its golden leaves on us
as fall pumpkins and princesses roamed the streets
and woodsmoke smell crackled
from next door

Its winter starkness held the lights
that marked the birth of the chirst child
and the new year

and in spring, its flowers gave us hope.

One day, a twister tore off 3/4 of the tree
and threw it on my car
a green island in the pouring electric rain
strangely out of place, as the neighbors flocked
in nightclothes
to see what the commotion was.. strange ghosts in curlers, with their teeth out, in blowing nightgowns and white Tshirts and tighty whities...

I painted tar on  the huge scars after the clean up
thinking the tree was surely dead
just as my heart was knowing
that the world around me was starting to crumble.

Today, the tree, while lopsided
still grows
is ready for spring flower
and its new branches reach shyly for the son.

My child, no matter what we loose
your grandmothers love lives on in that tree
For he walked with her, and he talked with her
and he told her she was his own
In  The Garden of her fertile soul.
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nibble me
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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2005, 08:38:20 PM »
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to see what the commotion was.. strange ghosts in curlers, with their teeth out, in blowing nightgowns and white Tshirts and tighty whities...
 OK, a world wind of a poem. What be this ye poet. Holloween? Children?
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2005, 10:04:47 PM »
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Most men seek salvation through all the wrong things

My conscience cried out, “You’re guilty you know!”
I thought to find relief if to others I would go.
I worked with fervor both day and night
To rid this guilty soul of it’s powerless flight.

The law with its threatening burned deep in my soul,
But the works I pursued only brought me more woe.

I thought this work was not so bad.
If I persevered, I would someday be glad.
Christ and the law were my constant plea,
But His grace and mercy I could not see.

My accuser grew bolder, my conscience you see.
Not realizing the devil was working in me.

It was not the law that was my principle fight,
But sin deep within that was causing this plight.
The law with its threat powerfully worked with my sin.
My body grew weak and my will would not bend.

I lay in my bed unable to speak;
I thought I’d try to fall fast asleep.

If I could stop thinking I might find a way,
But thinking and eating are my only stay.
I thought sin and law were my greatest foe,
But work for salvation was a greater woe.

I went so far down, I had nothing to plea.
Only Christ is the answer to set my soul free.

He died in my place to free me from sin.
Grace and the law are now my best friends.
The law with its threatening is gracious you see.
I see my precious Savior punished for me.

Most men seek salvation through all the wrong things,
But Christ is the Savior on which you can cling.

O Sovereign God, O Gracious Father!
Your salvation is free, you are the potter!
O precious blood, O love divine
Come Holy Spirit and show me He’s mine!


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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2005, 10:47:14 PM »
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Please keep writing Glory and Roses that was great.
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2005, 09:36:37 AM »
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 it was Blood of The Lamb
 Salvation says I Am  I Am
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Year Zero

 Christ died for our sins, as the Scriptures say.
 He was buried, and three days later he was raised to life.
Glory and Roses
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« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2005, 10:30:08 AM »
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Oh LOL.. this tree blew down in a storm in the middle of the night... and all the neighbors came running out to see what the noise was.. I did not have my glassses on, so everyone was a blur to me, and would loom into my field of vision suddenly and then dissapear into a human shaped white blur.. like ghosts.  I'm extremely nearsighted.  
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nibble me
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« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2005, 10:34:04 AM »
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It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold;
\"Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heaven’s all gracious King.\"
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing.

Still through the cloven skies they come,
With peaceful wings unfurl
And still their heavenly music floats,
O'er all the weary world.
Above its sad and lowly plains,
They bend on hovering wing
And ever o'er its Babel sounds,
The blessed angels sing.

Yet with the woes of sin and strife,
The world has suffered long;
Beneath the angel-strain have rolled,
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not,
The love song which they bring:
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing.

And ye , beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow
Look now! for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing.

For lo! the days are hastening on,
By prophet bards foretold,
When, with the ever-circling years,
Shall come the Age of Gold;
When peace shall over all the earth,
Its ancient splendors fling,
And all the world give back the song,
Which now the angels sing.
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Glory and Roses
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« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2005, 11:19:20 AM »
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Powers Out

And I was just in the middle of such a good post!
And I was just in the middle of cooking a roast!
And I was going to vaccume and do the laundry
crap, this is a terrible, awful quandry!
Are the neighbors out, or is it just us?
Go check their meters,  wait, there's one making a fuss
she's out too..

Two thousand customers
No traffic lights
geez, is this going to ruin
Saturday Night?
Will there be hot water for a bath?
Will my hair be greasy
will  other people laugh?
or just snicker behind their hands..

So I stop and sit
in the silent house
you can hear cat paws padding
you could hear a mouse.
No Radio, TV, Hums or  drones
no computers, power tools,telephones,
and I eyeball the clock, which doesnt move
consider winding the antique one soon

Only then, do I really hear
the celestial voices
when the power is out
there are no other choices.  
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nibble me
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« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2005, 11:39:13 AM »
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Glory and roses ,Was this a result of the hurricane's?
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2005, 11:40:29 AM »
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Glory and roses ,Was this a result of the hurricane's? freescotland that sounds familiar did you write that?
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2005, 11:42:13 AM »
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low low it only takes a few words to silence a croud.
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2005, 11:59:40 AM »
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God’s Rainbow of Love

The mind  is like a rainbow of colors.
The thoughts of it go from one to another.

It perceives thoughts one by one,
But is blinded to the place from which they come.

Sin is like a storm that rises in the day,
To cover its colors and send  its thoughts in array.

The soul is in awe of all the minds colors,
But sin rumbles in and sends them to another.

Its thoughts held captive to that earth sent angel.
The colors all muted its thoughts entangled.

A storm day and night to hide its rays.
Is a ploy of Satan to destroy it one day.

The winds of the Spirit blow in from above,
To open the rainbow and shine forth Gods love.

A mind with new life is a glorious light.
The Spirit of which has ended sins might.

With colors renewed, it’s the minds glorious sight.
A sign that the Lord has become its delight.

The throne of God, like the brightest rainbow of colors,
Shines down pure thoughts allied to no other.

It’s the mind of Christ, loves purest light.
Shines red then white, His heavenly abode, our future flight.

To soar up above past the rainbow of lights,
And bow before His throne will be its highest delight.

O Light of the Glorious God, O light of the Eternal one
My minds Ruby of Love, Christ Jesus His Son.

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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2005, 07:25:04 AM »
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no, that happened yesterday.. while I was reading posts on here.  

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« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2005, 06:54:25 PM »
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Righteousness from heaven

From eternity, a cross was planted for man.
Hung the Glory of God, the Rose Of  Sharon.

Righteousness looked from heaven, Faithfulness was entombed .
He sprung out from the grave, free access ensued.

His throne is so holy; I am mute from sin,
With coals on my tongue, I dare not offend.

But the ridicule from the proud and their contempt for sin.
Drive me to my knees so that I may enter in.

They have no fear of God before their eyes,
They flatter themselves to much to hate their lies.

Keep my feet from their wicked conspiracy,
So that I may live a life of tranquility.

We made idols of men out of our kin,
Now our deistic ways, brings a hardening in sin.

It is our nation’s godlessness, like Adams great sin,
That we have permissive sons, and dead babies within.

Now they are present in the fiery pit of hell,
An eternal punishment in which they fell.

O Lord, Your love reaches to the heavens.
It’s a spring in my heart, the Holy Spirit given.

Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.
It’s a heavenly gift applied for my salvation.

Your justice is like the great deep,
So my sinful heart can find relief.

O Great Shepherd Of the Church,
Complete in us Your work.

Our nation is full of shame and sin.
Come Holy Spirit and revive us again.
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2005, 04:53:46 PM »
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The God of all glory created us as a being.

The God of all glory created us as a being.
He exists in eternity as the Sovereign Trinity.

His eternal breath made man an eternal soul.
He made man in His image to make him transcendently whole.

God made mans soul with mind, will, and emotions,
He enjoyed a peaceful unity, void of any commotion.

But the soul’s peaceful existence was interrupted,
When the body of sin entered, all its faculties were corrupted.

The mind, will, and emotions, were thrown into sins prison,
To appear before The Sovereign Judge for His final decision.

The heavenly soul’s existence was cast away,
Now hells eternal fury put the soul in dismay.

A created eternal being became encaged.
His mind now darkened, his will in bondage, his emotions took center stage.

On the surface of his being, his emotions were unbridled,
But the mind took control; its darkened depths were unrivaled.

His emotions only clouded the depth of salvations plea.
The darkened mind perceived the raw data and not the Trinity.

With the soul in jeopardy it made a willing plea,
For the souls will is the most attractive of the three.

The soul wills to be set free, but only by works you see.
For self will blinds the soul of making Christ its only plea,

Its self dominance that leaves the soul in an unhappy state,
For it is faith in Gods grace, the mind must embrace.

For my mind has always been in the Potters hand.
Every thought is molded according to His sovereign plan.

A willing to do right is a freedom in my soul.
For I have freedom to depend on the Holy Spirits control.

And, O the sweet emotions that are now my minds pleasure!
They inflame my soul with life, for His good pleasure.

O Holy Spirit, who hovers over creation,
Illuminate my soul’s desires for your work in my salvation.

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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2005, 06:06:05 PM »
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0 Lord of Light

0 Lord of Light, we look to you.
Your love comes forth so strong and true.
Come, Holy Spirit, like heavenly dew,
And fill our hearts, with Your love anew.

O how long, O Heavenly Redeemer?
How long, O Spirit Divine?
Revive us once again! Revive us once again!
So that your people may rejoice in Him.

The light around me is so dim.
My sin, my heart seems dark within.
O Lord of Light, I look to You.
My sinful heart You will renew.

Come Holy Spirit! Come Heavenly Dove!
And fill our hearts anew.
Revive us once again! Revive us once again!
So that Your people may rejoice in Him.

Your forgiveness is for those who wait.
Your life You gave for sin You hate.
O Lord of Light, we look to You.
May Your Spirit search our hearts anew?
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2005, 06:27:22 PM »
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My eyes were veiled, and I could not see
All the love that God had for me.

My heart was hardened to grace so free
I did not know it was all for me.

I thought my works were the price I paid
Not knowing that the full atonement He had made.

I was struggling for something I could not earn
And all the time He helped me learn.

I was paying a debt that I no longer did owe
Because to the cross He was willing to go.

Now precious blood has made a way to open my eyes
I no longer believe the enemy's lies.

I am free, free as a lovely bird
All because I believed and took God at His word.
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You will be motivated to do something different when.......

the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.[/color]
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« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2005, 08:14:40 PM »
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Thanks Dianne that was really good and i am encouraged! Keep writing!
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2005, 08:05:43 AM »
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Our God Who Sits Enthroned Above

Our God who sits enthroned above,
And stoops to look on those He loves.
We meditate with heaven in mind,
Enraptured with wonder outside of time.

O Sovereign God!
O  Lord Most High!
We kneel before Thy holy throne.
We cry, Abba, Father!  We adore Thee!

Our prayers are weak, Your Spirit so strong.
You help us to have a heavenly song.
The river, that flows down from Your throne,
Is the Spirit of Wonder Who makes You known.

We drink of the water of Your Spirit Divine.
He’s come from heaven enlightening our minds.
So we can know of our Fathers heavenly love,
And be taken one day to our home above      

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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2005, 10:07:10 AM »
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That's very nice.  Did you write that?  
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Jesus loves me, this I KNOW!
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« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2005, 05:21:50 PM »
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I wrote all the poems on this forum under my name
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2005, 10:35:32 PM »
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In the secret parts where no one sees
You saw my form
Not yet created, but in your mind

You loved me as your own
You embraced me, although
Knowing I would run form you

You accepted me when I resisted you
You drew me near as I pushed away
Your love for me stayed strong
When all I did was grow weak
You chose me when I was unaware

I left your way and turned my back
I thought I was better on my own
My path seemed easier
It seemed good to me

No matter where it led
No matter where I was
You were there at every turn
You pursued me when I did not want to be found

You accepted me when I resisted you
You drew me near as I pushed away
Your love for me stayed strong
When all I did was grow weak
You chose me when I was unaware

Now I know the love you have for me
Your grace is greater than my sin
Your mercy wakes me each morning

I call you Father, you call me child
I'm covered by the blood that Jesus shed
I'm sheltered in your arms forevermore

You accepted me when I resisted you
You drew me near as I pushed away
Your love for me stayed strong
When all I did was grow weak
You chose me when I was unaware

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You will be motivated to do something different when.......

the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.[/color]
linda marie
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« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2005, 12:55:24 PM »
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---------------------------gray rain
--------------------------cold marble
----------------muted ebony -- mist-covered
---------------------------softly quiet

I silently sob -- I inwardly keen
I gulp the moist air desperately
I forage through the clover
 in its inimitable wildness,
 cool against my hot tears.

I find leaves of Three --

----------------------------------Holy Ghost

-----------------------------------Bonded by God

A cord of Three is not easily broken --

----------------------------Yet on a lone-stem
New growth genuflects to hope
And whispers
-that starlight follows sunset
------------and morning follows midnight
And Creation never ceases.

linda marie - 1997
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‎"I am a little world made cunningly of elements and an angelic sprite."
-John Donne
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« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2005, 08:33:27 PM »
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awsome girls just awsome!
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2006, 04:46:07 AM »
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God?s Rainbow of Love

The mind  is like a rainbow of colors.
The thoughts of it go from one to another.

It perceives thoughts one by one,
But is blinded to the place from which they come.

Sin is like a storm that rises in the day,
To cover its colors and send  its thoughts in array.

The soul is in awe of all the minds colors,
But sin rumbles in and sends them to another.

Its thoughts held captive to that earth sent angel.
The colors all muted its thoughts entangled.

A storm day and night to hide its rays.
Is a ploy of Satan to destroy it one day.

The winds of the Spirit blow in from above,
To open the rainbow and shine forth Gods love.

A mind with new life is a glorious light.
The Spirit of which has ended sins might.

With colors renewed, it?s the minds glorious sight.
A sign that the Lord has become its delight.

The throne of God, like the brightest rainbow of colors,
Shines down pure thoughts allied to no other.

It?s the mind of Christ, loves purest light.
Shines red then white, His heavenly abode, our future flight.

To soar up above past the rainbow of lights,
And bow before His throne will be its highest delight.

O Light of the Glorious God, O light of the Eternal one
My minds Ruby of Love, Christ Jesus His Son.

As the acts of the Will, in each step of the aforementioned procedure, do not come to pass without a particular cause, but every act is owing to a prevailing inducement; so the accident, as I have called it, or that which happens in the unsearchable course of things, to which the mind yields itself, and by which it is guided, is not any thing that comes to pass without a cause. The mind in determining to be guided by it, is not determined by something that has no cause; any more than if it is determined to be guided by a lot, or the casting of a die. For though the die falling in such a manner be accidental to him that casts it, yet none will suppose that there is no cause why it falls as it does. The involuntary changes in the succession of our ideas, though the cause may not be observed, have as much a cause, as the changeable motions of the motes that float in the air, or the continual, infinitely various, successive changes of the unevenness on the surface of the water. edwards
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2006, 05:30:07 AM »
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Unknown God, I cry out to you
across this valley that lies between us
and the only answer, I hear in return
is an echo that sounds so lonely

Well I can't begin to understand
this distance between us
No I can't begin to understand
this distance between us

And oh God I can't seem to find
the path that leads to you
And now I know I'll never be able...

To climb to the heights of your mountain top
It's greatness I've discerned from far, far away
Your abode so high above me,
Is something that I will never see

Oh God! What is this I see
standing in the valley that lies between us?
Why its the cross that Jesus died upon
there at a place called calvary

Well I can't begin to understand
how you could give Your Son for me
And I can't begin to understand
how willingly He would die for me

But Father, I accept this gift
of grace and mercy
and now I know, that Jesus will come
and take me by the hand

He will take me by the hand....

and lead me to Your mountaintop
It's greatness I've discerned from far, far away
Your abode, so high above me,
will be my home

Your abode, so high above me,
will be my home for eternity

These are lyrics to one of my songs, so it doesn't read like a poem exactly, but fits the music.
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« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2007, 04:14:10 PM »
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Bright light of eternal glory shines into depths of mens souls
Inward pangs of sins tempest darken the flashes of hope.

Yea , all of mankind are a driven in this sea to struggle ,tossed by the waves of fear,
Nay, in the tumultuous ocean, glimmering lights can ne'er stay afloat.

The wayfaring Dove , calms the fear of the storms tempest
Eyes in the distance the horizon of Gods unmeasurable love

Heavens consolations shine bright lights into the souls tempest
Held beneath the storms tempest, escapes on the wings of the Dove.


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« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2008, 09:58:13 PM »
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My wife

As I gaze into her eyes i am drawn into her world
A youthful desire of sweet contemplation

All of my cares get lost in her gaze
Quietly i long to remain under her spell

Drawn out of time, lost in her eyes
I breathe unending sweet longings
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 11:53:15 PM by mybigGod » Report to moderator

"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2008, 08:21:05 AM »
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That's beautiful, MBG.   Smiley
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ουτως γαρ ηγαπησεν ο θεος τον κοσμον οστε τον υιον αυτου τον μονογενη
εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εχη ζωην αιωνιον
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« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2008, 10:51:38 AM »
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My wife

As I gaze into her eyes i am drawn into her world
A youthful desire of sweet contemplation

All of my cares get lost in her gaze
Quietly i long to remain under her spell

Drawn out of time, lost in her eyes
I breathe unending sweet longings

wow that reads like I felt when I first saw my wife
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« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2008, 09:16:04 AM »
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Roses are red
Violets are blue
the passing of time I dread
but I am glad I married you
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« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2008, 08:58:01 AM »
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Sweet memories of my wife

Loathing around in time with unfulfilled desires
Lost from the world of breath taking sweet calmness

Her looks of innocence long remembered
Make my despairs a happy endurance

Lost in her eyes , a spell to endure
Sweet longings console this love sick heart
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2008, 12:00:37 AM »
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So much depends
Upon a red wheel barrow
Glisened with rain water
Beside the white chickens.

William Carlos Williams
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« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2010, 02:42:00 PM »
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Kk check out my love poetry
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"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2010, 04:50:42 AM »
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There is gentleness in nature
It’s most pronounced at dusk
Almost as if the Creator
Is bedding us all down
Tucking us in
And saying
'There is always tomorrow'

There is a mercy in nature
Extending into the human heart
At daybreak along with the dawn chorus
Which speaks of second chances
New beginnings
Wiped slates

Deep and powerful
Indescribably beautiful and humbling
Is the language without words
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God didn't call the qualified, He qualified the called.
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« Reply #39 on: March 20, 2010, 10:28:15 PM »
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mbG:  Kk check out my love poetry

K_k:  Really liked that "loathing around", "breath taking sweet calmness", etc. 

Bet you could add something about her sparkling, melting smile that neons the earth.  And i don't even know her.  But i know a little about love.

mbG theme-line:
"I thought sin and law were my greatest foe,
But work for salvation was a greater woe."

BTW, some of the poetry here would make good song material, don' t you think?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 10:43:28 PM by Kings_kid » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2010, 02:53:13 PM »
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Kk .. now your bringing up old memories... very young at the time... i actually would sit around and have some musicians with me and wrote the lyrics and the music at the same time. Worship music...we sung the music in a church. It was when i was memorizing the very first book of the Psalms. I had them written down but they got destroyed in the hurricane.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 02:55:32 PM by mybigGod » Report to moderator

"The Psalms put everything that is in all the Bible most beautifully and briefly, and is made an Enchiridion, or handbook, so that I have a notion that the Holy Ghost wanted to take the trouble to compile a short Bible and example-book of all Christendom, or of all saints." Luther
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« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2010, 12:17:12 AM »
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Now if we could only get you to sing your theology!!!
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« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2011, 12:01:38 PM »
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There is gentleness in nature
It’s most pronounced at dusk
Almost as if the Creator
Is bedding us all down
Tucking us in
And saying
'There is always tomorrow'

There is a mercy in nature
Extending into the human heart
At daybreak along with the dawn chorus
Which speaks of second chances
New beginnings
Wiped slates

Deep and powerful
Indescribably beautiful and humbling
Is the language without words

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