A lot of people teach that God will hide His face from us when we sin. But these complaints in the Psalms about Gods anger or His rejection are not talking about the context of salvation in a relationship but salvation in the absolute terms. Salvation is physical deliverance from the deadly wound in war. Gods wrath is according to His justice. God cannot hate His own work that His Son accomplished. It would be like cursing Himself.
A lot of people play fast and loose with this language. But these Psalms are written to pronounce and not as a class room study. They are written with forms of speech and in a language of absolute context. They are written as hate speech that is on the lips of Gods people toward the destruction that is practiced by the wicked. The general attitude of the Psalmist is an absolute hatred expressed by God in cursing. So if the anger was directed toward Gods covenant people the prosecuting identity would be of no value.
This is why there is no such thing as two line. The curse leads to destruction and the blessing leads to eternal life. One line is going in the opposite direction of the other line. To love God is to oppose Gods opposition absolutely. To love ones neighbor it to express the full anger of God toward his destruction. Love and hate used as positive redeeming attitudes. Only two line teaches that hate is good in bringing righteousness.
When the Psalmist complains about a problem it is in the absolute words. There are no pragmatic expressions in the Psalms.27 9 Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior". The Psalmist is speaking as a prosecutor and enforcing the curse by alluding to the death that he sees in the battle field ...this is an expression like if" I forget Jerusalem may my right hand forget its skill." This statement is making it doubly trusting of Gods faithfulness on His side of the covenant. The same thing here ..saying that he is experiencing the pain of the curse like all of the enemy lying on the ground ..dead.