The written law of God is an accurate description of the fundamental symmetry and complex unity of creation. This is why the moral law, covenants, curses, judicial decrees, comprehensive statutes, and promises are inseparably related to the visible effects of ideal creation. The eternal law of God is morally not a penal justice system. God must pronounce unavoidable death to the most minor corruption because He cannot allow any infectious virus to infect the ideal unity of creation. Consequently, God had to recreate all things by pronouncing death to the old and renew creation. This is the ethical maxim that all corrupted things are necessary for the moral purpose of dying by the eternal curse. Before sin, man dominated the earth without the ethical tension of corruption. Therefore, God had to miraculously restore man's native ability to rule without principled opposition restoring the essential unity of creation. God graciously granted us this judicial authority in pronouncements of the axioms. We properly regulate the creation in ruling over all things by the eternal curse. The apostle teaches we must voice the opposition to death to contain that foreign nature. The criminal nature that invaded God's peaceable kingdom dwells unduly in the saints. Man penal law is always biased by criminal corruption. God punishes man by absolute justice because He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and eternally present. Notorious sinners cannot judge without personal bias since we represent not God. Consequently, the curse kills criminal corruption to relieve us from being bias in our arbitrary judgments. The curse remains the necessary means by which all humane judgment is necessary.