Friday, January 8, 2021

 When Jesus redeemed us from sin, He bore us from guilt to blamelessness. He took the gavel and declared not guilty for all eternity. The Judge no longer counts our sin! Jesus doesn't declare us potentially not guilty and allegedly issues an elaborate set of rudimentary rules to achieve personal righteousness. At the same time, we are declared not guilty in heaven. The ultimate irrational argument.

 In declaring us not guilty Jesus put us in an affectionate family. God becomes our Father we are no longer slaves to standard rules. We no longer complete certain steps to achieve an adequate level of holiness. But Jesus has satisfactorily accomplished all the necessary work. He went before us and properly obtained control over all necessary things. He owns all things.

When we are delivered, we enter into a kingdom by the covenant with our Father. The covenant of redemption is God acting as our Father to return our troubles into blessings. God renews everything. God does not need to implement our sins and grave weakness to develop us! Our Father displays His control by graciously allowing and forcibly preventing. God does not manage us as our sins deserve but turns the world upside down. We enjoy the success of our labor because Jesus has made all things complete by working flawlessly in the incarnation. We are no longer proving our worth. God judges the wicked by our contentious trials. This is the extraordinary sweetness of cursing.

 Christ entered eternal heaven as the Lamb of God. He suffered to amply satisfy the adequate payment for our suffering. Our suffering is for our necessary good by a covenant promise. Presently our suffering will make Him obligated to punish our enemies and reward us. Everyone who enters eternal heaven mutually recognizes the terrible injustice that the brothers suffer. When we behold Him, face to face we will express it in angry frustration of the suffering servants on earth. The Lamb will squeeze every precipitous drop of blood of the wicked as the compulsory payment for our undeserved suffering!