Friday, January 1, 2021

God has sufficiently established His kingdom on this earth through an eternal covenant with David. This eternal kingdom was meticulously planned and worked out in the eternity past in the eternal counsel of God. The sovereign counsel was spoken before the foundation of the world predetermining the necessary end of all things in six pronouncements. The accurate description of all things is pronounced endowing with an eternal covenant with David. The six pronouncements spoken by the king have been sovereignly worked out in time vesting in the supreme justice of God. The divine justice of God is mediated to the victorious king in the authoritative pronouncements of life and death.

 The expressed desires of God's eternal kingdom are implanted in the saints by the pronouncements. The King of heaven pronounces all things into necessary existence by the law, covenants, curses, decrees, statutes, and promises. The thorough history and lawful order of creation were predetermined in eternity past. Everything is produced under the divine authority of God according to His pronouncements in generously allowing and preventing as they are brought into existence.

 This eternal kingdom is performed according to God's knowledge and understanding. God has sufficiently revealed His will by speaking the established law, covenants, curses, judicial decrees, comprehensive statutes, and promises. He has revealed the six pronouncements according to His mysterious understanding of the existence of all things. We rise to God by creating the kingdom through His pronouncements. These six desires that are pronounced by the saints are the consuming power of God. Our corrupted understanding is reasonably satisfied as our heartfelt desires are consumed in speaking the authoritative pronouncements.

God rules through His divine justice and eternal righteousness presenting with the six authoritative pronouncements that predetermined the necessary existence of all things in eternity past. Everything that exists has already been justified by God's rendering to blessing and cursing in eternity past. God inseparably unites His desires with us as we rise to the comprehensive standard of His justice in pronouncing cursing and blessing. His kingdom is adequately established by the commanding voice of the law according to His covenant. God's ideal kingdom is present in covenant-law. He controls life and death through covenant -law. The covenant law is pronounced by the victorious king in recreating God's expanding kingdom on this earth.

 God has declared all things into existence according to His legal obligation to uphold His covenant with David and the saints. God had to sufficiently satisfy His justice by amply atoning for man's sin. Sin not only brought death into the world but also the perceptual process of necessary destruction. All of God's creation was cursed. Consequently, God had to reasonably satisfy the curse of the law in the death of His Son. These six kingdom pronouncements established the authority of God in allowing and preventing for the purpose of quelling all opposition in cursing the curse and establishing God's ultimate justice by blessing the saints.

 God satisfactorily established His ideal government in eternity past. He sufficiently revealed the accurate description of divine His justice and effective advocacy in the authoritative pronouncements. The Psalmist appropriately describes God's eternal government and priesthood being present in the pronouncements as the unique revelation of Melchizedek. In eternity past God foreordained all things according to His paternal government and high priestly work in the incarnation. He unified the history before and after the cross in these six pronouncements because He is always righteous and just.

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