The moral question is if God curses the incorrect use of the law then we who have been delivered are subject to be cursed since we are morally corrupted? The satisfactory answer is that redeemed people and unsaved people share in the identical condition of extensive corruption but we live vicariously in two separate kingdoms. When Christ came in the incarnation, He not only substituted in our place but He obtained the secure possession of all valuable things. Hence, when we are redeemed, we enter into a kingdom in which we receive an inheritance of all that Christ has obtained. This is why the Psalms are not just our personal pronouncements but go to the ends of the earth. Consequently, God has adequately demonstrated our value by returning our operational control over the created earth by the universal pronouncements of the eternal king. If God has borne divine love and faithfulness together in the cross then we who are his chosen representatives are given control over the earth in the pronouncements. "in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief."
We live in an eternal kingdom in which the Father is rightfully our Judge. The Judge deals with our sins by reasonably looking at us through the completed work of Christ. In this new kingdom, we are still accountable for ongoing sin. But we maintain a valid argument that prevents us from returning to our life in bondage to sin. The question is Who is more guilty before the judge? The responsible person for all his sins or the person who has a Substitute to suffer his punishment? Obviously, the likely person who is far worse to be judged is the one who must pay for all his sins. In this new kingdom, we can never return to our former condition of bondage to sin. Because every time we sin God looks at us and responds to the people in the other kingdom are far worse. 143 3Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you."
You see God is not dealing with us according to our sin. We could be sinning more and yet to focus on our success in our work we are capable to render our feeble effort to thwart sin non-essential. Cause we consistently argue that if there categorically was someone in the other kingdom who was better then we should be properly judged. God knows all of our determined opposition is relentlessly focused on our moral destruction by pointing triumphantly at our sin. But they are naive to the inoculation of their fierce curse. We are officially familiar we are miscreants while they cursed with moral blindness to their sin. God has liberated us from trusting in ourselves so that we prevent the curse of self-righteousness. We now in our corrupt understanding curse the destructive curse. The more we curse the intentional destruction the more we are surrounded by God's divine protection and the more obnoxious we are to salvaged pride. 14312In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.