Before the foundation of the created world, God decreed whatsoever comes to pass. God determined the accomplished end of all necessary things before He fabricated them. All things were ordered and established according to God's law, covenants, decrees, curses, statutes, and promises. He carefully designed and preordained all things in His eternal counsel. God established the end of all things in His eternal counsel.
Everything that was created as a comprehensive idea of God was put into necessary existence by His words. God's extensive knowledge of the thorough history of the world was perfected in His eternal counsel. God comprehends all things outside of the constraints of time in one view. God pronounced all things into objective existence conforming to His accurate word. All things are a divine communication of God's ideal eternal government. Any possible explanation of anything must be explained conforming to God's law, covenants, etc. The law, covenants, eternal decrees, comprehensive statutes, curses, and promises properly contain all that exists. These gifts express God's eternal desire that causes creation and recreation. The saints are contained in these gifts that contain all that is efficiently created and recreated. The saint rules the world through these revealed authoritative pronouncements. 6" May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, ...9 to carry out the sentence written against them. This is the glory of all his saints."
When man fell into sin, God cursed the creation. The curse is man ill becoming his own god. The dreadful curse is carried out in the oppressive government of the wicked man. A creative idea of the entire realm of established government. It must rise up to objective Gods standard of the law, covenants, etc. God judges the foolish thoughts and corrupt intents of man's heart. Any idea that redefines Gods law covenants, curses, etc. is personal rebellion against Gods eternal government. The revealed pronouncements that ordered all things in Gods eternal counsel stand steadfastly the native and indisputable authority of the judgements of all things. The saints are contained in the eternal pronouncements that unify all things at all times. The pronouncements are Gods re-creative words that reorder all things The eternal pronouncements contain Gods control exercised in His supreme justice. The pronouncements are moral His judgements hitherto been spoken over the end of all things in His eternal counsel. The pronouncements will be satisfactorily complete in the final judgement. The saints control the world in the spirit of the final judgement brought into time in these pronouncements. As we speak these pronouncements, we manage all things and experience the mutual satisfaction of Gods judgements in the future. We vicariously experience genuine freedom beyond time in exercising our communicative control through the pronouncements.
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