We can reason in a destructive way of cursing ourselves. The justified do not curse but blesses. Anytime we hold onto sin we become destructive. When the law speaks, we die. God's law curses offenders. But we are released from the fierce curse of sin by Christ's penal substitution of merited punishment.
We curse ourselves by thinking Christ is not enough to restrain us from
the destructive process of the punitive law that works death in us.
We must hold fast to the objective truth that our justification adequately conveys us legally blameless. If God should hold sin against us then no one could stand. The world is under bondage to sin. But because we are freed from sin in Christ, we correctly argue for our blamelessness even though we really are sinners. We are no longer liable as the violent world. God's words of guilt, divine forgiveness, and completed restoration must comply with the objective standard of the law. The law justly condemns the violation or rewards compliance. We are staunchly defended or harshly condemned by His words.
You can push away the destructive process of the law. The law is no longer clinging to us like a schoolmaster. When we grasp His promises He listens to us. The puritans used to say earnest pleading the promises. We represent not automation but imperfect beings. We are like a cup that gets filled up. We are not parts of something incomplete! We are body and soul carefully pouring out our hearts to Him, growing in sanctification.