Thursday, January 14, 2021

Ps 17 15 And I--in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness". When we are saved we are declared righteous. Our old will is not made new...but that will is destroyed...God replaces our old will with a new will...this is called being implanted with the seed of the word of God...When we are implanted with this seed we understand all the words of God ...we may be very small in our understanding but because we understand one word we understand the spirit of all the words. Now the Apostle says that because we are saved there is no attempt to thwart our growing in Christ that can overcome us.
The Psalmist is saying that because the Psalmist is declared righteous he now enjoys a face to face relationship with God. A new birth voice that is reflective.17 8 My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek." Without this new relationship we could never receive anything from God without our adding to it. Everything that we receive is gifted to us. This new face to face relationship is bathed in covenant language. In other words face to face means that we are in a relationship with our Father as if Christ was coming to Him. When we are saved we get a whole new image. This is the image of Christ. It has already been given to us in its fullness. This image becomes clearer as we reach our final destination which is His eternal kingdom. But we already understand it because we cannot be made unbalanced since we accept that the word of God unifies all of Gods reality.
When we are saved we go from the strongest opposition which is inside of us to fighting with outside opposition. It is incorrect for us to cures ourselves by saying that we have an equal war between good and evil that we fight on the inside. Rather we are taught that the voices that oppose God are outside of us. 4 6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD". We are taught that the evil that we face is like noise to our ears. As society gets more and more evil we are confronted by noise that gets louder and louder. This is how we face opposition. Because we believe that the power of the curse is no longer speaking from the inner man. But its coming from the wicked...It is expressed by the Psalmist as a threat that we hear that argues against our face to face relationship with God. 10 11 He says to himself, "God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees." This faithless expression that is meant to develop a distrust for God is" He trust in God let God rescue him" This is the most Satanic voice to convince us that we are not face to face with God.
But we enjoy the face of God which shines the glory of Christ. This glory is not goose bumps from hearing that God loves us but its the promise that we have an absolute and final defense that dwells in us ..its the pronouncement of death which is our ability to fight a spiritual war as if we were in a physical war...we have been gifted with covenant words that give us full protection. This protection is described in the way that God overcame Israels enemies by the light from His eyes. 4 6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD". Gods face shines upon us so that we live in the reality that everything that opposes us will die and everything that is for us will promote our eternal life. We overcome through this perfect face to face relationship that is gifted to us by the work of Christ. Me