Monday, January 11, 2021

 The Bible teaches our destructive relationship to the law is not completely satisfied in our justification before God. Some unfortunate people teach that prior to eternal salvation we are under the condemnation of the law and dead in our sins. When we are delivered, the law is satisfied in Christ on our behalf. But then they inadvertently teach our renewed relationship to the law is to steer us to Christ. This is where we miss understand the unique place of the law in our sanctification. They teach the law condemns notorious sinners. Consequently, we are still in need of vicariously experiencing the condemning power that will coerce us to promptly turn to Christ. We confuse the laws work on our hearts in leading us into repentance unto life and the work of the law in transforming us after salvation. The law produced personal guilt before and after salvation.

 We remain the people who examine the word of God. What we do not grasp is to our disadvantage. Put differently, we are appreciated by the knowledge of the word. Ignorance is not bliss. The bible is written in order to transform our minds. This transformation is accomplished through" illumination. "It is not just enough to examine the text through cross-reference and word study.But we must become so familiar with the text that the words of the prior use stand out in the other text of scripture. This means the study and worship of God are put in the context of war and legality. When we go to worship or take communion, we are steadfastly opposing the kingdom of darkness. We proactively engage the war in worship. We are not criminals who defy the judge and are cross-examined, but we are innocent of the charges and have the defense of Spirit and word

 We are delivered into a cruel world where wicked men worship other gods. This is intentionally turning God's divine glory into cruel shame. It is exalting a created thing that God produced over the objective reality of the divine glory and sacred majesty of the Creator. He is saying that speaking against God is redefining His sacred word. The saints pronounce judgment on the wicked. The position taught in the Psalms is more than an exhortation of holiness by the condemnation of the law. But rather it's an authoritative pronouncement of justifiable war by the pronounced defense of the law.  

 We accurately understand if we are no longer under the condemning power of the law then we cannot be in the corresponding position we were in our unregenerate state. The law of God is never lessened by the comprehensive doctrines of grace. Put differently to genuinely love, to ordinarily receive divine grace, to be free is accurately measured according to the law of God. God has inseparably united all necessary things in the ideal law. The value of all created things is measured by the law of God. This accurately makes it impossible for the law to merely remain in a neutral position. Without the unchangeable law, we are subject to personal insecurity and an unstable foundation.

 Sanctification is not the comprehensive approach that the law recovers us. We can do nothing without God's appropriate standard of law-keeping in light of His unchangeable nature. Consequently, it's our completed position in Christ and the application of the law that determines our growth. Because we cannot add or take away from the comprehensive law. God never changes. In order for us to be dutifully accepted in light of the full working of the law, we must be enabled by substitution. Therefore, it is not the measurement of the law, but our application in light of God's infinite standard of a relationship.

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