Saturday, March 28, 2015

"The light from Your eyes"

God glory is depicted in the Revelation. In chapt 4 John enters into the throne room where Christ is seated in between the cherubim. This chapt is describing the purpose of God in working out all of history from beginning to end with this chapter as a snap shot of Gods response from heaven in the history of redemption. The chapter unifies Gods purpose in the history of redemption with His actions as the governor over the history presenting layers upon layers as truth as if as we meditate on chapt 4 we get flashes of our own history coming together in our being overcome by the glory of the description of Gods heavenly creatures. Ive memorizes 5 chapts in Revelation and this chapter in my opinion is filled with so much wonder that its vision has an multiple effects upon the reader. Every time Ive tried to memorize this book I end up being attack by the Devil. In could spend the rest of my days meditating on this chapter and not get to the limits of experience from the meditation.

But the point is that God has upheld His law by doing the work necessary to satisfy His justice. How has He satisfied His justice? He has pre ordained a certain number of men to be part of the price of His judgment upon sin and wickedness. God has decided to judge evil and reward His elect not according to their suffering but according to the suffering of the Lamb. When John is taken to the throne of Jesus He is too weak to find mystery in opening the book of judgements.  This this book is really an analogy of Gods collection of the suffering of His saints that have been expressed in tears, prayers, and physical suffering. When the book is opened the judgements are much greater than the suffering. It is exactly what we feel like when we are led to certain psalms to shout them out like we are going to war. You cant explain the terrible destruction in experiencing these curses. God has opened the book from before the world began. Just as the chapt describes the opening of the book it is in the context of the history of redemption uniting all of the history of the earth. It brings pain and suffering together with glory and bliss.

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