Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ps 35 6 may their path be dark and slippery,
with the angel of the LORD pursuing them".

The bible is a self revealing book. This is why we are taught that the all of the words of the bible never return void. Because God spoke all things into existence according to the law, covenants, statutes, curses, decrees and promises, then the words of scripture always work to defend and create success for Gods elect. The Psalmist describes the defense of the bible to be a rock that we stand on. We must understand that since we live in a fallen world Gods cry for our safety is the only foundation for our confidence. Even tho we have been guilty of crimes against Gods kingdom yet we are represented by a judge who comes to our defense. We have a Father who is our Judge.

 Man is at enmity with God because of His sin. So man was in a state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to God and his fellow man. The covenant of creation that gave man the ability to be successful in applying the law, was reversed by the curse so that man uses the law to destroy God and his fellow man. This is why the apostle says that all men are under the pox of excusing themselves while condemning others. All men are in bondage to this curse. So when we use the law to destroy God and others we curse ourselves.  We are in this cycle of defending ourselves and cursing ourselves. We cannot escape this bondage unless God makes us righteous again. When man sinned God had to curse him and the creation in order to prevent man from destroying the human race. Gods judgement against the first sin was final. In other words if God had not come as a man and complied with the law in a passive and active obedience then man would have cursed himself in order to receive the punishment of his rebellion in eternity. So God had to apply His righteousness to us in order to free us from the bondage that plagues all of mankind. We do not live in a world that is neutral and nice to God and His elect. We live in a cursed world that is filled with rebellious men who seek to curse others and themselves. This is the state of enmity with God.

We must live with the Philosophy that men who are not justified by God live in blindness to their own violent response to God. This is why in the OT, they were commanded to remove all of the leaven from their dwelling. In other words the leaven represented the danger of miss application of the law that is a result of the curse. The leaven had to be removed so that we would not be tempted to trust in the wrong application of the law and curse ourselves. Even tho we have been freed from the curse by cross yet we are surrounded by the dangers that could make us walk with a limp in this life. This is why Jesus warned that the Pharisees would give you a permanent wound. The Psalmist teaches us how to avoid the violent assault.

He is teaching us that all men curse themselves by trying to be righteous by their own works. You must understand that God made man to be the judge who is able to adjudicate the law. You see in the garden man was able to rule the creation by applying the implanted law. Man was righteous by complying with the standard of the law. But when man sinned he was not destroyed as person. The abilities were cursed. Man is dependent upon being successful by applying the law. But the problem is that he is cursed with using the law to destroy God and his neighbor. Because he cannot escape the evil use of the law, he accuses God people of using God to claim righteousness. Because he is bent on cursing himself, he will attack the people who are weak and dependent upon God.

The question is, If Christ went through the most extreme suffering and abuse from men in becoming a curse in order that we might be blessed, then why are we easily tempted to accept that we are not like Him because were sinners and we fight against fear, guilt, sorrow and pain? If Christ is proving that His work to bless us is successful then why do we focus on this world for our acceptance? Christ is proving that He is successful by our success. This is why faith is denying yourself by pushing the curse away in the curse of the law. When we curse the curse we express our dependence upon Gods righteousness.We must remove all leaven from our presence.       

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