Ps 143 4The enemy pursues me,
he crushes me to the ground;
he makes me dwell in darkness
like those long dead.
4So my spirit grows faint within me;
my heart within me is dismayed."
The Psalmist teaches that salvation is in God alone. When we are saved we are taken from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of Christ. He teaches that Christ came to earth and took possession of all things. The question is How did Christ take back the creation from the control of Satan? How did Christ obtain the possession of the creation upon His ascension into heaven? We find the answer in this Psalm?
Not only did Christ suffer and die for sin but He lived in complete dependence upon the Father and fulfilled the law of God. Christ fulfilled the obligations of the kingdom of David. He was the Prophet who spoke the law, covenants, statutes, curses, decrees and promises.He overcame all opposition by speaking the axioms. We must understand that although we were responsible for sin and corruption the satisfaction of justice was much greater than we could understand. So when Satan threatened Adam as a powerful fallen angel we were the recipients that were caught in a war between God and Satan.We were never created to endure sin and corruption. Sinners are violated by the abuse of the Devil. This is why the Psalmist mixes confession with cursing. Because when God made us he gave us an inheritance of the earth in order to meet our needs and satisfy our longings. Sin has brought guilt, fear, shame and sorrow. The Psalmist views the conditions of the curse as the enemy of our desires. When we sinned God did not add to our guilt, fear etc. Instead God cursed the curse in the law in order to reestablish the creation covenant with us. Instead of preventing us from all of the gifts in the creation covenant, God gave us the gift of knowing our sinfulness in order that we could curse the curse and get what we desire.
Why does the Psalmist add a curse in all of the Penitent Psalms? Because God had to legally justify our response by fulfilling the obligations of the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promise. God could not demand the obedience of repentance by experience. We must be able to destroy sin and corruption with spiritual weapons. You hear this all the time that repentance is an attitude of the heart but then we teach that it is not how much sorrow we experience. But this just adds to our frustration because we are denying the physical and spiritual effort for the sake of establishing another proper attitude. That is a contradiction. So we kill the opposition by confession and the cursing of the law.
I have 40 years of experience in speaking the Psalms. Whenever the Psalmist teaches about confession or an attitude in the christian experience it is always in the context of the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises. You see this in the Psalmist teaching of the ot sacrifice. Where as the books of the law teach outward conformance the Psalms teach the application of the axioms in order to have the right heart attitude. So the Sacrifice was more than putting the animal to death. It was a slaughtering. You see the culture of that day was developed in the environment of blood and slaughter. This is why the Psalmist warns the Priest that Israel would be slaughter if the animal was sacrificed without applying the axioms. In other words God warned that they would be slaughtered like the animal. Ps 50 22 "Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with none to rescue:
All of the actions in creation are showing that God upholds the axioms. Slaughtering the animal was the right of God to curse the wicked. We are faced with the internal consequences of the curse in the opposition of guilt, fear, shame and sorrow and we are faced with the opposition of the Devil who controls the wicked. The Psalmist teaches that our own efforts to destroy the opposition will fail. We must apply the axioms in order to avoid the temptation in using other means. The bible teaches that we are changed by being converted. We must convert ourselves by cursing the curse. This is the only means of spiritual death.So the Psalmist teaches that we are saved in the past and we are being saved. In order for us to continue to be saved we must apply the axioms as the remedy for being delivered. So all opposition is destroyed and we are delivered.