Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ps 143 5I remember the days of long ago;
I meditate on all your works
and consider what your hands have done.
6I spread out my hands to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.

God has spoken all things into existence according to His law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises. He has created all things in order to show His love, faithfulness, long suffering, gentleness and kindness. There is nothing outside of God that can add to His work. He works in order to prove that He is God. So the Psalmist has practiced commanding God in pronouncing the axioms in order to increase his faith. God works on a much grander scale than we could ever imagine and He is more dreadful than we could ever endure. In this Psalm he is speaking to God in the way that God is pleased. When we go before God we must speak the axioms in order to create a future that is greater than we could ever imagine .

The Psalmist has learned that he is most comfortable when he views this life through the lens of the future judgement seat where he will receive his rewards. In order to bring the future reward ceremony into the present His elect must be comfortable in seeking God who acts in this life beyond our understanding. The Psalmist has memorized the axioms and has put his security in pronouncing them. In other words , he has two forms of communication. He has the horizontal way of communication and the vertical.  But after years of speaking to himself , he grows in his distrust of men and feels anxious when he is not pronouncing the axioms. You see this Psalm is written in order to apply the axioms in the future judgement when we are rewarded. We present our case over and over again until we are in eternity. It is written in order to bring the future eternity into the time.

This time sequence is short and fleeting. Time is the future moving into the past. But God has made us to live in an eternal mindset. Because life is so short we should expend our energy in mediation. We should speak the axioms as if we are being pursued by the end of this time sequence. We must be obsessed with the amount of pronounces we make before our time ends. There is only a few days on this earth and there is never enough time to present our case. Living in an eternal mindset is seeking God according to what pleases Him in order to receive the most that we can when we are rewarded. We cannot waste our lives in our young years. We must learn to meditate day and night. We must make memories of speaking the axioms and experiencing mystery. You see eternity is the only present experience in this world. Because eternity is outside of the future moving into the past.  We meditate for years and the experience is never forgotten. We must not come to the end of our lives and be overcome the grief of spending our time thinking under the constraints of this world. It is bad enough having to grieve with those who have wasted their lives. We cannot go back and relive what we failed to do. We must meditate day and night.  

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