Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ps 17 3Though you probe my heart and examine me at night,
though you test me, you will find nothing;
I have resolved that my mouth will not sin."

The Psalmist teaches that God cursed all men to walk on the path of destruction. The creation is a description of who God is and how He performs. Language was given to man in order to glorify God. Man was not able to know all of Gods language. This is why God describes Himself and His works in baby talk. Because God knows all things then He does not live in uncertainty. God is the only being who is able to think and desire, and act in prefect unison. We live in mystery because we are not omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent. So we can say that our uncertainty proves that God limited our ability by limiting our language. Since God can explain all the details from His eternal view then we who are limited in our language are completely dependent upon God. The question is can we know enough to know God and understand ourselves?

If God has described the entire creation in all of the detail then He does not experience uncertainty.  So God is the only one who knows Himself as He is. So when we describe the problems that result from being finite, sinners and under the curse, it is always our struggle to describe reality like God. Our frustration with all opposition is experiencing the uncertainty by our inability to understand all the reasons about ourselves and our circumstances. In order to know ourselves and God like God knows we must not have any limitations.Gods language is detailed enough to describe the reasons for all reality. Since God created us to glorify Him by being dependent, He had to communicate His will to us so that we could be rewarded as our dependence grows. The question since God is free of the control of all things then we cannot be free as God is free since we limited in our knowledge and language?

If God has made us to rule over the earth and given us limits that He can control then how can we be successful in ruling? If God rules with unlimited power then how can He reward us if our power is limited? The answer is that God has given us an outline of His extensive language in order to give us unlimited freedom as He is free. God has written down the outline so that we can know what we desire and express our desires to Him. God has revealed His baby talk in the law, covenants, statutes, curses, decrees and promises. He has given us the language in the pronouncements of the king. God has given us the ability to destroy the opposition that comes from sin, the curse and our own limits.

 We must understand that all reality is Gods application of His law. Without law there is nothing that can be good or evil. Without law the creation would be without personality. Since we cannot know as God knows then we live with mystery.  But God describes mystery by applying the law. The question is If God created us to be free like He is free then how can we be law keepers if we fail because we do not understand good as God is good. Has God made us to live in the destructive uncertainty in order to force us to depend upon Him?  If all things are related to each other by law then how can God be just if we fail because we do not have the detailed knowledge in order to be good as God is good? We must live with the rule that God relates to us in perfect unity because He treats us according to the law of relationships. This is the reason that God must destroy all opposition because He cannot deny Himself. He must unite His desires with our desires in order for us to be free as He is free. This is why we have eternal pronouncements in the law, covenants,curses, statutes, etc.

When the Psalmist says  4As for the deeds of men- by the word of your lips I have kept myself from the ways of the violent. 5My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not slipped. he is describing the recreation in pronouncing the axioms. God creates the social order in the pronouncements so that we experience unity.

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