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6451  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The ways of man on: April 24, 2008, 09:13:51 PM
Men would always forget history so that they can create their own glory and power over others. Men do not remember the works of God in history because their natural tendency is to make themselves a new history. Men think that they are the beginning of a new way to make powerful change. They love to be in the place of wealth and glory. They love to dwell on those powerful positions in society. Most men dream of being the one who has power. The love of other gods is the love of self power. By that thinking they place themselves against God, not thinking that God hates pride. Men do not think that boasting in their own power is wrong. But the moment they envision their own power is the moment that the use others to get that power. God says that men are useless in power. God says that He has shown Himself in history so that men will always know that it is not the powerful that are godly, but it is those who know they are useless in this world. Gods ways are always bringing men to feel small. His ways are always unnatural to the thoughts of men.

Men love to take things for granted the higher up they go on the ladder. They drink the judgment of their own oppression. God brings men up so that they will drink the cup fully. That cup of judgment. Men are blind by their high view of themselves. God has no place in their thoughts. He is either never on their minds or their minds are self righteous. They have gotten a position by trampling on the poor and helpless. Because anyone who thinks of being powerful and dwells on that focus, never having a sense of their own vileness, are those who have made a god , an image out of themselves. Gods ways are for the powerless to call on Him night and day. Mans ways are to include God as a portion of their own glory. Gods ways are to listen to the cries of the oppressed. Mans ways are to boast about their position. A man who has power is always looking at himself in his position as a dispenser of knowledge rather than an advocate for the oppressed and the sheep. They complain about the other lesser people as if they had gotten the position apart from Gods ordering it. Because oppression always comes from thinking that being in a position of authority requires obedience to the dictates of that authority. But God says that all mans thoughts are futile. No one is spared Gods searching. So that authority is having a sense that we all stand as beggars before God, we just have more of a responsiblity to show them where we got the bread. Men would rather spend most of their time thinking that God is not able enough to do what they could never do for others in changing them. They trust in their own ability to change people, and never consider that what God requires comes directly from God. They are proud in their deceit. They refuse to talk themselves down in a universal sense for the glory of God.
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6452  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 24, 2008, 08:35:37 PM
I understand the tension. Jesus was in an unending perfect fellowship with His Father. And everything that He did was ordered in eternity in the Trinitarian counsel. Being forsaken on the cross was that much more of a painful experience that we cannot fully understand, because He was in a communication that we cannot fully understand.

It is why He spent nights in prayer. So that if He as a man needed to have that much prayer, how much more do we a sinners need to pray. Especially when we are faced with trials of many kinds. We need to draw strength from His communication to us of His power over all things. We need to be connected to the eternal purposes of God the Father, by going before Him, and reminding ourselves of His power to create and recreate. So that we are never forgetting our being born again. Once we forget the reality of His gracing us with salvation, then we grow hard to what His life in us is. We must return to Him who will be gracious to us. We must not leave His side until we have fully been illuminated by His revelation and His gracing us with power from on high. Because He has communicated with us of what we need to be assured of our supernatural beginning . When we have been raise up to Him by focusing on His nature and His power then we will receive new power from on high so that we will be so full of confidence that we will have an eternal vision of His working in our lives.

Christ received the Spirit at His baptism. He was filled with power. Then He immediately was taken into the desert to be tempted before the start of His public ministry. He needed to be filled with power. And so we also need to have a communication of power, as we live and make decisions that will determine our level of life that we live here. In order for us to receive this kind of power, we must be familiar with the working of the Holy Spirit. As we meditate on the word, we begin to have a communication with the Spirit by that vivification process. As we learn to communicate with the Spirit, having the rite questions, having the rite pleadings, having the rite focus on God. We learn that the determination to have fellowship with the Father is by having a similar language that the Spirit gives us for wisdom. Then we learn that what we say directs us to what we experience in that fellowship. Just as we grow in wisdom in how we conduct ourselves, so we learn to communicate with Him in wisdom. Christ fellowship with His Father as He was God was unfathomable to us , and yet as a man He had to learn it in wisdom. As we learn to pray, we will not leave that place until we have been fully experiencing an assurance and power that is beyond our own ability to produce. But if we do not pray as He would be in the nature of His communicating with us, that availing praise, petition, question, then we will not receive the full benefit of Him teaching us how to be in the spiritual unity of all of the members of His body who live out their lives as a prayer before Him. So that prayer is that reality in which we share in the worship of the saints and the fellowship with them in that communication in prayer. This is Gods way of communicating with us in the Spirit to teach us wisdom , gifting us with supernatural communications from that teaching, by making us spiritually aware in that language in prayer. So that the unity of the body is built up as each one uses his supernatural gifts by that wisdom.

This is not a social club by a certain kind of philosophy. This is a spiritual building!
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6453  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 23, 2008, 12:57:15 PM
We know that we live in this world tied to our thinking determination. That is we have a quality of existence by these properties that are interrelated within us that make up this entire self reflected paradigm. Although we live in a physical universe , yet these interrelated communications are unexplainable in an absolute sense. We are unable to have a vision both of our thinking determinations and our viewing to define the full truth of consciousness. There is a sense in which these things are taught to us by experience in the darkness, but defined to us in a fashion of incompleteness. So that our learning is from Another's view of who we are so that we can know the reflection of the value of being pleased with our personal reflection. We are dependent creatures in self reflection. So that the amount of dependence determines the health of our understanding and functioning of these different conscious communications. Other realities vie for our sense of reality, and yet in this image we look upon the goal of that vision of this conscious restful wholeness.
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6454  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Grace Avoidance on: April 22, 2008, 08:16:36 PM
I agree that we have freedom to sin ,so that we are always sinning in a grace disposition. But then we also have Gods withholding grace as well. Or the grace given to us before we fall to the temptation. So in a sense we are not without the means from someone else to cause us to choose the good. Thats the neat thing about freedom. We know that if God wanted us to be free of sin, then He could cause us to choose good continually. But when we choose evil, its because we are still sinners. (Repetitive confession of grace) And then that is free as well, because we know that we are going to sin, its no surprise. So here is the freedom, God knows we are going to sin every time we sin, even when we dont know we are going to sin. (Repetitive assurance of grace) And He knows how to keep us from those willful sins. (Repetitive grace) Which is a freedom as well. So since we know that we sin because we are sinners, and we know that we can avoid sin by Him gracing us with more willingness , then we can relax. (Repetitive freedom) But its when we deal with guilt, that we start wanting to think in terms of our wanting to avoid sin by how much we can resist it. (Repetitive blame and accusations )Which is the opposite of freedom, it is the paradigm of the law. And the law cause us to feel inhibited. And since we cannot obey out of that kind of education of our will, we know that it will only lead us into more sin. See its not that the law that causes us to sin, the law has its place. But its what the laws blame does to our freedom to do good that is the reason we want to sin more. So that in being confronted with each of these views in a religious sense, we must discern the spirit in which we are allowing to have on our disposition.( legalism vs freedom )If we think in terms of indicative,(Repetitive  self preaching) then we will learn the ways of grace. But if we develop an imperative disposition of the will, then we are going to want to sin more.
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6455  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The ways of man on: April 21, 2008, 03:12:02 PM
Biblically, hatred is not expressed necessarily in an outburst of anger. It can be a quiet lack of trust. So that hatred is related to how we think, the kind of love we have by that thinking, and the amount of sinful thoughts we have in the development of our loves. So that when we think on our own we actually hate the ways of wisdom, by developing an image of something lesser or to replace God. That is the expression of our hatred toward God and man. Since we place the image of thinking in place of God, and we lead men away by our ideas of accusations or defensive protection. We may not be able to stop the evil thoughts but we can face those images that we make and bring them out in the grace way of putting them in captivity. So that we will learn to dwell in the freedom of the Spirit, by having a flow of thinking by those fruits in which the Spirit frees us. And yet we are not aware that we are always to take thoughts captive. Because we are a thousand independent thoughts of wayward minds, and we are a basket of corruption in viewing this world. We would only stray in that moment that we have not thought His thoughts. So that we are always reforming our thoughts a rite by His word. We cannot trust the thoughts of our own nor can we trust our own spirit that we have in those feelings we get from that nature. We must be illuminated always.
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6456  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The ways of man on: April 21, 2008, 03:11:28 PM
I believe that just because we have the Spirit that these tendencies are not found in us. We have the resources to not only test the doctrine of the scripture, but the Spirit by which that scripture is communicated. The former way is common but the latter way is seldom explored by christians. Every believer carries the chaff of his human view of interpretation. That is the view that he has of the scripture that is corrupted. Not a blindness (arminist doctrine of the blind spot),since believers are never blind, but an inability to have a view of these things outside the perimeters of his particular humanness. Just as he struggles with that bes setting sin so he struggles with an incompleteness in understanding the whole counsel. So that everyone will have chaff that is burned up.
Our inability to fully understand a situation of falseness of the teaching is related to the discerning nature of our familiarity of being under the illumination of the Spirit in the usage of scripture as it applies to the soul.It determines our ability to test the Spirit. So this is why there is so many religious people that are deceived in the spiritual battle.
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6457  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The ways of man on: April 21, 2008, 03:10:33 PM
When men plan they coach themselves into their own way. They make plans in order to be rewarded by their own happiness and security. These plans are schemes because they are from a corrupted soul. Once the plan needs changing because they are thwarted to go in that direction, then they plan to go in another direction to find their own happiness. The view that man has with his planning is strictly to his own security. So that man is always planning and scheming from a blindness to the ways of God. Man plans systems, and uses anything that he can to obtain the glory. This is the origin of the thoughts of man. So that by these organizations of these plans man sets up his way against other ways of other men. Every self fulfilled purpose of man is his love of his own power over other men. So that by these fulfillments man sets a trap for his neighbor. Because what ever thought process that moves away from the purpose of the glory of God is setting up an idol for his neighbor.
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6458  Forums / Theology Forum / The ways of man on: April 21, 2008, 03:09:38 PM
Man is sinful and corrupted in every area of his being. Men begin their corruption out of the thoughts of their heart. For men plan from a corrupted view of the world and themselves. Every mans thoughts are always straying from birth. First because man thinks in terms of being independent. So then he thinks by a wrong view of himself as being able and powerful, and in his ability to do rite by his thinking good. Every time men think they create gods.

Men do not think like God. God looks at the ugly and insignificant things and designs His working through these things. Men look at the ugly things and use them for their own benefit. Because mans ways of thinking are based on his view of his goodness and not a proper view of his corruption. When men plan they always plan with excluding a view that does not fit their plans. Every mans plans are opposed to the plans of other men. Because men think that by their planning they will build a world of safety and wisdom. Men always plan for their personal benefit. God always plans for the benefit of the helpless. Because men love to feel secure by their thinking that they have a certain control over their world. They want to feel secure more than they want to know what is always a reminder of the problem of sin. They want to eliminate their feeling sinful and thoughtless by planning to protect their world.
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6459  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Grace Avoidance on: April 20, 2008, 04:45:50 PM
We have more riches and indirect power than adam. Because the Second Adam has obtained everything by rite. And we are in the Second Adam. So that we own nothing on this earth, it all belongs to Christ and yet we own everything by being in Him. And yet we have no rite to claim any personal reason to have anything. But we could have all of it by His willing it to be. And we have been given more than Adam had. We share in the fellowship in Christ who is the triune God. So that we have been given the resurrection power to accomplish His will. Our rule is by His rite to rule, by our being represented by His authority. Now we can ask whatever we will and He will give it to us, but we must ask in faith not wavering. If we ask anything according to His will He hears us. So that we have all the spiritual riches at our asking. And yet if we had the amount of power that He could give we would disappear by it.

We must see that every part of our lives has a potential to be absolutely secured by His ownership of what we lack. In Him we have access to His throne of grace, a grace that has no limits. We can go to Him with any request of HIs will , with the absolute smallest request and He will hear us. Our access to Him is our confidence that we rule over all things in Him. If we would consider reaching our full potential by His being our advocate, we would not worry about any power ruling us. If we knew that in His throne is the ending of all of our troubles having an effect on us, then we could experience His being our present advocate! If He wanted us to rule a nation, then it would happen. If he want us to discover something that would be new then it would happen. If He wanted to get glory out of our suffering, then it is His ruling in us that will be our ruling in heaven! God has all things under control, and we have access to His working these things out by our being in Christ. We are kings and preist of the Most High!
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6460  Forums / Main Forum / Re: I feel poor on: April 20, 2008, 03:21:03 PM
You want something.  Work for it.  Don't whine. 

 Its good when you are living in a true democracy. But if its socialism then whos going to cast the first stone?
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6461  Forums / Key Life Forum / Re: 'The Death of Evangelism' on: April 20, 2008, 03:03:58 PM
Programed evangelism doesnt work. Look at the condition of our country after 40 yrs of programs. So then the argument is that if Jesus adds to the church because He is sovereign and He chooses the people and the place that they will attend, but yet man is responsible so that we make up programs to bring people to church by that ordered advertising. The view speaks louder than the denial of self generated converts. Theres always "i am not really saying that" in a two liner philosophy.  My argument is that God is sovereign and He will add to the church by using us in the way He adds to the church. We dont know what to say to a specific person nor do we know how He is going to accomplish it through us until He does it.Then they say, we wont do anything unless we do our part, to which is answer, ive seen a lot of well intention programs, but i have never seen one convert from a man.

 No if we go the mans responsiblity way, as defined by two liners, then we will have a set way to get these things accomplished. So that we sorta help God along by our planed way of evangelizing.  And then when we argue that this is like sharing a philosophy, the pad answer is well Gods word does not return void. So that at this point we put the blame on the person evangelizing and not on the sovereignty of God. In other words if we plan to evangelize then if we believe that we are responsible in that , then we are to blame for it not being successful. But if we believe that God will add to the church by His doing it, then there is no pressure to do something that we think is rite or will help God along.  The only thing we got out of this modern approach  is a lot of pressure and a lot of blame and a lot of false converts. And in spite of all the monies spent and all the wasted time, God still used it.
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6462  Forums / Main Forum / Re: wasted life on: April 20, 2008, 02:36:06 PM
I took my job cause I needed work (cause I had been unemployed for 10 months) and was on the verge of total bankruptcy. The feeling of no accomplishment is cause I have so much debt that I cant do anything other than work 14 hours a day and come home and sit alone. I have been trying to pay off the mess creatd my unemployment for 4 years now. I want to go forward, but all I have been doing is dealing with debts of the past.

I work a dead end job so there is nothing to look forward to except a few bucks for my time. I would consider a different job, but most of the people I know that have done that have gotten laid off within 6 months and I can not deal with that stress. At least my dead end job is steady work, even though I am wasting my life in doing it.

 Everything we go through is planned by God for our good. So really wasting a life is letting the situation determine your attitude about life. Or forming your disposition by the circumstances. So now we need to learn to rejoice in tribulations. But we do not just have no thought about our trouble.  Now if we start out with questions about where God has left us so that we are filled with sorrow, then we have a reason to pray in faith. But if we are envious of others by our position, then we are in a most miserable condition, because envy will eat at our spiritual vitality of joy. So we need to take a look at why we are full of grief. Since God is soveriegn, He has promised to take care of our needs so that we do not need to be over concerned in these things.

 There are legitimate questions as when He says to come and reason with Him. But these griefs are controlling us over our condition of being forgiven and having a constant reception of His life to us in these promises. So that we can morn over the condition of our hearts by looking at the sorrowful condition of our lives. And then we can reason with Him in supplying our needs, having a release of our sorrowful condition to His will. Then when we are assured of His forgiveness, we shall experience a peace that passes all understanding in the dreadful circumstances. So that we will have a confidence to see that these trials are only a very short part of our lives. But joy comes in the morning.

 But if we try to take matters in our own hands, we could end up with all of our eggs in order, and having no need, then being in a condition of luke warmness by our self confident attitude. Because when we have these situations of torment in our lives they are there so that we will learn to rely on Him, pray, and read the word, so that the pressure of the circumstances causes us to rely on those things that will last and not the fulfillment of our lust by our no need condition. This is how we learn not to waste our lives. So that when we are older we have grown because of all of these trials being there to help us to give rather than receive.  If we continue to focus on the trials of life and focus on how we can get out from under them , then we will not give of ourselves to others, because our natural inclination is to overcome trials by doing for ourselves only. We must mortify the flesh by the Spirit so that when we are older we will have much wisdom and a truly giving of ourselves to others disposition. The other way is looking back with grief which is a wasted life.

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6463  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: April 20, 2008, 02:19:32 PM
This is the next step . http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/living_grace/

 Then this is the next step after that.Phil 3: 13.      Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
14.     I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Once you have done these you will have obeyed God.

Curious.....did  you read ANY of my posts? Your responces have little if no contact with the subject I raised.

 ok, i will bite, Your saying that God gets angry at believers. But then its not like Gods normal anger at the unsaved. Are you talking about Gods christian anger?  Shocked
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6464  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 19, 2008, 03:59:48 PM
We talk a lot about being heavenly minded. And yet we think that it is define as a mind fulled with religious ideas from the word of God. Or its learning how to do something better by the instruction. But then were would we be if we never visited the heavenly realms by the spiritual immunations of Gods life in the implanted seed of the word, as it produces a mind altering transformation from those deep calls of the Spirit? For who knows the deep things of God except the Spirit of God who is in us. And who can search out the heart of men? It is like deep waters. For out of the heart flow the issues of life. So that there is a life within us that creates the purposes of our living.

Heaven is a place where there is no more sorrow, and we are looking into the face of Christ. We couldnt fully understand what that would be like now, and yet we have a glimpse of it on this earth. If we think that it is like this life on earth, then we havent really had our minds in the heaven lies , since heaven is nothing like this life. Every imagination we have of heaven in this life is not real, since we have never had a full view of the reality of being in heaven. So we must look at heaven in this life as being in a place that we cannot describe, but that we experience a taste of everything we are going to experience in heaven.And we know that it is in contrast to our earlthly experience. Since our trying to define going to heaven as escaping sin or finding our love of some sport in heaven is bringing heaven down to our sinful imaginations. But if we could find a place of being in the heavenlies as experiencing a transcendent immunation of peace , joy , love and rest, then it would not be just the absence of the weights of carnal longing, but the communications of what the Spirit does to us on the other side. So that this is experiencing an immunation of life by that communication.If there is such an historical fact of Jesus being raised from the dead then there is reality of us being raise to the heaven lies by the power of that resurrection life. We have a mind to understand when we are receiving these immunations of life by the Spirit.

Christians not only live a different life on earth than unbelievers, but Christians experience a life that is not of this world. Our world view is our being heavenly minded. Or experiencing a taste of what we were recreated to be like. If we are being remade into the image of Christ and He is in heaven. Then the preparation of our being more like Christ is having a taste of His eternal life. We go to another place where we experience all of these imprints to our new image. How can we have an image of Christ without understanding the life that He has for us when we leave this earth? If He shares all of His promises with us, all of His inheritance with us, then we do not wait to understand that communications of those gifts, but we have that new understanding now. We have a communication of all of those things that are heavenly. So that the call of this world in those communications, are having more faint sounds to our understanding of reality. We leave those things for a taste of some other communications of a far greater reality. We are here in body and mind, but we are experiencing something of a taste of life that is not of this world. We have glimpses of the next life, when we lose all sense of our identity of experiencing the pull of this life. So that our value of those communications of the Spirit cause us to be strangers here.
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6465  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Grace Avoidance on: April 19, 2008, 01:01:50 PM
The best time to tell somebody about God's grace?  Wait 'til they @$!*-up big-time.  When the wheels start coming off their life. Or when the demands of being truly righteous become overwhelming. 

And of course, one of the best ways to tell somebody about the grace of God is to live in it gratefully and show grace to others.

 Actually this is the extreme view here. This is 5 point arminism and some Calvinist hold to this kind of thinking. I always take this as a threat. First because God isnt a child abuser. Not only is He not a child abuser but He meets the  needs to unthankful people. If a healthy child is secure enough to take his fathers love for granted, then the child is being loved enough to love others from that secure position. Its the children that are neglected that appreciate half hearted love. So if a father gives his children gifts how much more our heavenly Father. He supplies us with an abundance of gifts in our lowest point of sinning. We form a view of God as requiring more than we can give because we are weak and straying all the time. And we do not think that God gives out of His abundance and not as a requirement. It really is the opposite. I mean we could all be in the house of God as living like orphans so that we could be brought to a place where we would love His grace, or we could all be loved so much that we are secure in Him, and even tho we presuppose on Him, yet He still gives and gives and gives. Thats what the greater love of the Fathers purpose of us is that is more than our earthly relationships with our kids . I always look for that need filled spot in my children to be met by me before i even communicate with them.  And i recognize that they are going to get fat in this love. Well at least we try as fathers.

 You could say that grace is meeting all of our needs when we are the worse sinners.

 There is a principle that we some times overlook, and that is , there is nothing wrong with having confidence in some spiritual endeavor that we have accomplished that others have not, because they did not do the home work. So if others want to look down on these accomplishments then either there accusations of pride will stick or they will be shown to be unloving. I would say that it is not wise to view these accomplishments as different that our Father loves us to be.
6466  Forums / Key Life Forum / Re: Inside Out Transformation on: April 18, 2008, 03:05:53 PM
Why would we pray if we thought that we could do something to change the direction of our lives? So that if we went to God with trust, so that we were promised to receive by asking in faith, that the level of our trust would be determined by our wanting to do something along with our prayer request, having the self escape trust if God did not come through. So that the more we know God, the more we understand that He rewards those who display a faith by Christ as the only means to receive what we desire. And the shallowness of faith is the amount of trust we have in ourselves that detracts from the focus on His able ness. The power in prayer is the lack of my ability and the trust in His ability.
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6467  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: April 18, 2008, 02:45:46 PM
This is the next step . http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/living_grace/

 Then this is the next step after that.Phil 3: 13.      Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
14.     I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Once you have done these you will have obeyed God.
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6468  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Grace Avoidance on: April 18, 2008, 01:48:04 PM
Society is already without foundations. As the building blocks of grace have tumbled from the top down , we have lost the care and concern for others. So that the rule of legal authority is the suppression of the poor. When the leaders use their authority to suppress the people then there is not much understanding of the advocacy of grace. This is the destruction of the foundations. When people are trained in legalism, they do not understand what it was to live in a free society. The root cause is the effects of the corruptions of the foundations and not the intermediate willing acts that produce no real lasting renewal. And in this sense we are the products of our environment. The causes from not having any foundations, result in the effect of sorrows. Its not in the compromise in human relationships, but its seeing that there will be more personal effects as a result of the pressure of these corrupted foundational causes. Without common grace there is much distress of soul. The foundations of grace are the freedom that causes happiness and caring. But when the foundations are destroyed then the distress as a cause magnifies the prohibitive effects, which causes more oppression. First because when people become desperate , they look for short term solutions. And because we have an ingrained love for rules, we become comfortable with a set of rules as a way of feeling comfortable in the society of no foundations. We avoid the desperation by clinging to what works. This is a vicious cycle of societal destruction.
6471  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 17, 2008, 11:56:27 AM
The Holy Spirit is working because Christ has done the work on our behalf and we have that work as our rite way to live. So that sanctification is an on going process in which the Holy Spirit applies Christ obedience as He reveals Christ image to us. We are looking on Christ in His word, and being changed from one glory to another. If we live by the Spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Because the Spirit controls the believer, bringing grace to bear on our sin, as He reveals Gods unfailing love in working these redemptive patterns of dispositional qualities in us. We are graced with love so divine that we no longer view ourselves as slaves to sin. We live in grace, so that we will know His will. When we know His will, we know Him as everything we need and there is no one else or any where else we can turn to , where we can find rest. So that we are totally passive in receiving this rest, and filled with power in being enabled to do good. We know that if God did not create life, then He would not have ordered the intricate sustaining forms of matter to sustain life. But since He made everything for a reason, then the purpose of these different parts of life are His working them out for good. So it is in our willing to do anything. God determines to work in our working by causing us to act in a way that He teaches us to, bringing circumstances into our lives for the direction He wants us to go, and having His working in our strengths and weaknesses. Because just like He wills to make creation work, so He wills in His recreation.
6473  Forums / Main Forum / Re: my recent ponderings of creationism vs. evolution on: April 15, 2008, 03:44:05 PM
Creation is caused by God. God spoke matter into existence . But God exercised His will over nothingness.He created something out of nothing. So that Gods power to exercise His ability to move from one order to another is His ability to exercise His will over that order. That is Gods word is His decree to bring into existence, by the exercise of His will. So that His word causes all things to exist where they are. So that God fills all things, by having the power of willing to exist over all things in all times in all places. Other wise He would not be the Most High, and not be God.

If God decrees all things, then He decrees our moral choices. Because we choose by the strongest desire. If God wills to choose then any other choice is by His decree. Since Gods choice is His prior action to bring into being. What ever exist by a choice is determined by God. How man can sin and God decree it is a mystery. Yet God decreed the sin of man in the garden. So that whatever we have as a power in experience is by Gods decree. Our pleasure in the working out of all things is His pleasure in decreeing all things. Our act of praising Him is from our lack of not being soon enough and great enough. Our act of our willing praise is not strong enough to be praise worthy by His willing our praise. So that we know that whatever comes from His words is what we depend upon to exist. That is what we see when we look at the physical universe.
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6474  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 15, 2008, 03:02:26 PM
If the scale has one side going down because of the weight being heavier than the other side then there is a clear movement equaling a stronger desire. So that choice is the strongest desire, that being the cause of the choice. The weight equals the stronger desire which is the cause in connecting choice to the object. So that the cause is not the choice having two equal objects or one object to replace the equal good choice. But the nature of the choice is in the nature of the cause, so that connection is determined by the nature of the cause. You cant have a connection relationally without the natures being connected and so on to every connection to infinity. Since the choice is the reason for any connection in relation to the object, then the nature of the connection is in the nature of the cause. Or the effect of the choice is the nature of the connection. So that the equal Librium connection is an imagined connection, since there is no cause of the choice except the choice itself or the choice prior to the next choice. Which has no cause, and so there is no reason for the connection to the effect. So there is no real connection to the object.
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6475  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 15, 2008, 01:48:45 PM
Connection is the need to be accepted in practicing the deeds as they are defined by the moral guidelines of a group. The guidelines are a philosophy of moral behavior. So that connection to a peer group is following the guidelines by an obligation to practice as the others do. So in the philosophy of connection there are clearly defined standards of conduct, so that there can be accountability. Connection is a program of acceptance by accountable obedience. Connection to a principle precedes relational acceptance. So that connection is a law of acceptance to be followed.

Biblically defined connection is being unconnected to a philosophy.

The biblical definition of connection is in the nature of the choice. Connection is from a causal relation to choice. If the choice is in equilibrium then there is not choice since there is no cause and there is no connection to people and events. If choice is a philosophical paradigm of moral equilibrium, then the will being defined as an addiction by two equal objects, then there is no cause for the addiction, and there is no connection to reality. So that there is no real understanding of cause and effect in the purpose of connection. Without cause and effect there is no relationship to the personal order of choosing, so that there is no personal determination in the connection in relationship to others. Cause of connection in the cause and effect paradigm is cause and effect in the connection to others.
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6476  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Smoking is REAL bad on: April 14, 2008, 07:38:05 PM

I applaud your grace here.  You are most likely thinking I have none.

I do.  I don't even smoke anymore and have many friends and relative whom I wish would stop.

It's just using God as a mallet and pretty much adding to His Word through assumption is wrong.  Way more out of line than smoking.


 She was taught to think this way, it really does not work to curb sin in the long run. This is legalism. O but she can learn to think for herself. It will take time on listening to people on this forum. I think she will take your encouragement. If she thinks about it.
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6477  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 14, 2008, 07:29:27 PM
The question may not always be the reason for the illumination. It is that we are internal reasoning people, as receiving the knowledge of God. And yet there are levels of understanding from our reasoning that grow into these impressionable quiet communications. We start as babes in Christ , who love the word more than we love to hear Him speak through the word. And then we learn to see Him in the unseen. First by having an illumination of a particular reveal proposition, and then gradually discerning the implications of these quiet communications to present situations. These communications are not necessarily prophetic, but they are from the unseen real world in the Holy Spirits application to the understanding of cutting us from the cords of our imagination to understand reality. Which is a strong sense of freedom.

We naturally are conditioned in being tied down to circumstances and the expectations of others to think on a vertical level. But when we are freed to be translated into the eternal illuminations of supernatural communications of the Spirit we are beginning to see things in layers. We go from tunnel vision, to eternal perspective. As we grow in understanding of His communications to us, we more and more leave behind those useless thoughts and earthly passions. So this is waiting on Him to assure us of a direct intervention from His past teaching to our understanding in these communications, that we will see our graced hope realized. He may take us to a very deep trial, or the way of grief, but we are never unconnected from His reality to intervene.
6481  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 12, 2008, 10:32:51 AM
As we stand we are to put on the armor of God, because Christ has already given us the victory in using these weapons. And there are times when all men will be confounded at the purposes of God for us, so that we must lean of Gods mighty interception into time on our behalf. God still does miracles, by using the natural forces of the universe , and the wills of people to accomplish His purposes. We are warriors in the sense that we can pray for the victory over evil spiritual forces, by the summons of God in the court of heaven. God moves the winds to accomplish His purposes. He avenges the righteous by the weather. He avenges the righteous by causing those wicked people who have evil intentions, and scheme against His people to be thwarted in their purposes. God is an avenger from Heaven, who when summoning His power, actually works beyond the sight of all men, in preparation for His moving in the judgment of men by the prayers of the saints. We can be in a standing position using an offensive weapon. So that we are not in control of His avenging power, but He is using our prayers, in having a relationship with us, to show us that He does what ever pleases Him, and it is more important to depend on Him for the victory than to take these things into our own hands and work for profit, or worry and work, or work for evil masters. God is good, so that we are able to be the agents in which He destroys our enemies before us. We see it with our eyes, so that we will be reminded that we are not to be defensive, but we are really, in reality , serving a powerful God who avenges the wicked. We are harmless, but God is scary.

Gods ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts , which really translates that His workings are opposite of the way man works. God gets a harmless shepherd with a sling shot to bring down a whole army of Philistines. God reduces his children to powerlessness and nothingness to accomplish His mighty salvation. We are buffeted on every side. That is there are armies assembling all around us. And we are all alone, because we believe that God controls all things, so that our doctrine defines our pathway of victory. Most religious men are led away by their own thoughts. Their doctrine is their success. Their beliefs are the opposite of Gods workings. So that when they become successful they fall into the enemies hands. They are blind to Gods ways. But God does His fighting with losers in this world. The lame, the helpless, the struggling saint, the one who begging for God to come to the rescue. Men have a natural love in pride to be successful by their position. They cannot accept the struggle that they are in, so they go out and become successful, leaving behind their allegiance to Gods workings. And they become hard hearted and unbending in their philosophy. In this religion there is no working power, just a bunch of people fighting with sticks. But God reduces men to nothing in order to show that He alone deserves the glory. It is more important in Gods ways that man learn not to lean on himself than that he has the victory. So that men are always caught in the struggle to trust God while there are armies on all sides. The more God matures a man the more rejection, temptation, and big victories that man will experience. But the more pain he will endure.
6486  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Right Kind of Fear? on: April 11, 2008, 11:54:22 AM
Yes, and wisdom is eternal. It is for an eternal perspective. So that we see that before the foundations of the world all of Gods purposes were laid out in a pleasurable fashion, since His wisdom is what He determined by what He spoke. And we kind of have a sense that when He determined that we would exist, and then become new in Christ, that our salvation was always part of that divine life giving vine of pleasure. Life is eternal, because God is eternal. We are restless until we begin to enjoy the eternal perspective of this gift of wisdom, who is Christ to us. When we look back at the reception of that life in time, we can know that it was always personal with Him before time. So that we can have a revelation of His being in union in the Trinitarian fellowship in that counsel for our personal benefit. And we can rejoice in Christ, who received all the praise for being the revealed wisdom of God. In Christ we are totally secure.
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6487  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: April 11, 2008, 11:36:15 AM
The self is defined as being enabled to accomplish those things that are from the desires to hope for. And there is a frustration that accompanies these accomplishments. Since a desire that is not fulfilled becomes a paradigm of frustration. But then it is wrong when it goes beyond the biblical illumination of bringing glory to God. So self hate is not thinking thoughts after God. So that in the paradigm of frustration we either frustrate the desire by a lack of vision, or we take it upon ourselves to fulfill it. If we give up on what we want by a lack of faith, then we are falling into the refuge of God being our only hope, and not the desire. So that He has determined that what we desire is not dis attached from Him being the beginning and ending of the fulfillment. We want to dis attach ourselves from the vine, but He reminds us that it is what He does through us that is self imaged good.
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6488  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: April 11, 2008, 09:01:02 AM
 God purposed from eternity to grace His love on some men, and to pour out His wrath on those who He let go on in their own sin. Now if He purposed to love men from eternity, then He will love them to the end. Otherwise He would not be able to will to love them by His purposing in the eternal counsel of God from eternity past.

 All men are sinners. All men are under the wrath of God. God is angry with the wicked every day. There is no good thing in men. The only Person good on this earth is God. Man hates God, and will not submit to God. So the only thing that separates those whom God loves and those whom God hates is Christ. Since Christ came and live a perfect life both in His active obedience and His passive obedience, He is able to save those whom are His to the end. He did not pray for the world, but He prayed for His own. He prayed that the Father would keep us to the end. When we are His we share in Him in the fellowship with the Father by the Spirit. We do not have a fellowship as those who are not His. Our identity is not from our ability to keep ourselves in the love of God. But we are loved first so that we can love. We are in Christ , we are in the love of God. We cannot be out of Christ and so we cannot not be loved at all times. This is what the purpose of God in Christ will accomplish. He loves us to the end because of His goodness that alone brings Himself glory. If His love for us was purposed in His goodness to us, so that He alone deserves the glory, then anything less would be a blight on His goodness in purposing.

 The wicked experience guilt, fear, shame, condemnation, anger, and separation from God. They are restless every day. They are in an ongoing relationship with God that is hostile. The only work that we have that protects us from being in an angry relationship to Christ is His love for us. His promises and His covenant to us is His unfailing love for us. He cannot be loving to us and be angry at us at the same time. But He can be loving to us and angry at the wicked at the same time. He does not have two wills.

 Im going to go into a deeper reflection here. There are inordinate imaginations concerning these things of God, that are formed in us by our past longings, and our blindness of our tendencies to dwell on things that are not true, so that we can spend some time in an unreal world of illusion.These times are not grace empowered. These are from the depths of evil that resides in all of us. If we could rest in our own imaginations then we would receive those paradigms of grief that would be determinate on our disposition. But if we are reminded by having a sense of Gods awesome holiness by a reflection of His love, then we could release that evil cycle of thinking. Thinking wrong is tied to our general disposition, a sense of what we think is real. How we are used to feeling, how we look at our world, as to how these griefs and joys effect us. So this is what determines our view of Gods unfailing love.

 We must have the nature of Gods will to us through His divine revelation in order for us to have the illumination of Gods power over our tendencies. We must end our toiling with these imaginations. In order for us to change, we must get up to a level of being in a gracious dispositional transition to transformation. There is a battle of reasoning to that transformation. It is not a process but a deliverance. It is a conversion through super naturalistic revealing powers from one

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