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7792  Forums / Main Forum / What Do We Do With It? on: March 03, 2007, 05:40:36 AM
I think you spelled out the deli-ma we face in strong arming people to change. First , a person doesnt need to stop a sin in order to repent. We repent and go to Jesus and we get healed. I am all for accountability partners, but i think the majority of the time the reason a person does not really understand sin and what are the means to get the freedom of grace in order to over come sin is because we are not teaching correct doctrine to them. Most people that go to a 12 step are starved doctrinal. And if they have the doctrine then there may be some physiological problems that need to be attended to. Some people need meds.

I would much rather have a person on meds and being taught reformed theology because there really is something about Gods free grace and how the teaching works itself out in a group of people who really understand it. The problems today that people are going through are really difficult. These pressures in society and in marriages are almost insurmountable to the average baby in Christ. We are in a very evil society and i do not mean the temptation problem, i am talking about the results of others depravity and the effect it has on the treatment of individuals. This really is a holy war. The more we talk about Christ and His grace the more we are going to face persecution. We can be as nice as we can about how we present the gospel but these things of evil are also generational, and i am not just picking on the young generation. I think the problems are from the older generation as well. But when society gets really evil , the people experts in scheming and plotting. The weak and helpless are the recipients of the thrust of all of this. And that is why it is so depraved. We as mature believers are the ones in the church who under gird those who are struggling by praying without ceasing, meeting needs and doing the best we can to morn with those who morn and rejoice with those who rejoice.  
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7793  Forums / Theology Forum / Operating In The Gifts... on: March 02, 2007, 09:40:13 PM
There is a delayed assurance that comes after experiencing the effects of spiritual illumination. When we tarry long in prayer we begin to have a sense of Gods desire so that our well of desire is transformed into a longing for God that we cannot completely explain or that we ever have complete satisfaction. As the psalmist would cry out to God in an order of perfect spiritual poetry we learn that our lives are Gods prose so that we are not only surrounded by God but we are full of Gods fullness. We are through and through in a very uncommon presence that is beyond any thing we can describe. We sense the royalty of kings, as if we were ruling over the nations and what we said would be law. In Gods presence we feel so uninhibited that our supernatural satisfaction causes us to rest in Christ in a new dimension of Spirit controlled space.

When we cry out day and night we begin to have such longings for God that we sometime forget our consciousness of time. Our days turn into nights these transitional sensations of seasons give way in our longings for eternity outside of seasons. We long for Christ. We are sick in love.  
7795  Forums / Theology Forum / Operating In The Gifts... on: March 02, 2007, 08:42:59 AM
Speaking in tounges can be both public and private. So it dosent just fall under the paradigm of church order. Thats why the profound experience needs to be addressed and not only the rules. I do not speak in tongues. That sect of the church has really gone from the gifts of the Spirit to a gospel that is just covetous. There is no longer the focus on tongues and the gifts , but there really is a works righteousness by focusing on human faith as the agency to get things. So in that the historical focus on tongues evolved into a doctrine of man.

My experience in these things in the paradigm of the \"spiritual experience\" has been that there is a work of the Spirit that goes beyond description. This is the supernatural element of the faith. We should be super-naturalist to the core. We should have much experience of the Holy Spirits leading in these experiences or maybe we are just worshiping our doctrine. The two extremes are so easy to fall into. Just focusing on doctrine never curbed a mind full of fear, worry, and lust. Reducing religion to an experience is very shallow. And really we are all so very susceptible to believing the hype about experience and we become the focus of our faith.

There is no direct statement in scripture that tongues have ceased. So if any one has a pray language that involves very high emotional experiences , i dont see any thing wrong with that . In the public arena tho there must be regulated worship or it is suspect.

I hate to talk about personal experience but unless we are having some personal meetings in the word and the Spirit then we are really not understanding the nature of the christian faith and how we work these things out. Unless our doctrine leads to experiencing things that we cannot explain then we are very short of the supernatural. My experience in these things has been that if there is no control of the thoughts then there will be confusion as to the nature of the experience, the agency of that experience , and the nature of the effects of that experience. We are in a battle for the mind, and even tho prayer and living our lives in this world involves an attitude of prayer, i think that this can be a cop out. Our minds are always the caboose that drives experience. And experience is always a process in which time slows down so that we are more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit than we are of the time element. In eternity we do not experience the effects of time, there is no schedule, and really that which we can not explain involves timeless experience. In eternity we bring our minds with us so that the experience of seeing Christ face to face is the full revelation of joy and comfort in this face to face encounter. We get a taste of that now, we are dead to sin in our bodies , but alive to Christ in our spirits. And our experience does not focus on the deadliness that resides in our bodies because of sin because we have the Spirit who gives life to our mortal bodies. That is we are sealed with the Spirit and we experience His life giving effects as if we were in heaven but only partially
7797  Forums / Main Forum / For Lack Of Knowledge... on: March 01, 2007, 05:30:38 PM
There is this general disposition that we all have in our normal experience with our ability to think feel and act. We usually are just as natural as we are either happy or depressed or just sleepy. We go through these moments of anxiety also, where we are worried, and we are overcome by the circumstances and the people who come and go in our lives. We learn to react to all of these different things that create a general attitude. Most of the time we react to the things that are too difficult to handle by just resigning to them. We basically would rather have a sense of freedom about these difficult things than to hash out the reasons, and the circumstances, and the burdening effects that cause us so much anxiety.

But we are creatures that can be subject to all of these different forces. We even struggle with lust , and coveting most of the time. When we are not in an anxious spirit then we are either lusting or coveting out of the freedom and security that we are experiencing at the time. And so we are trusting in these temporal dispositions. We learn to put confidence in our thinking that nothing bad will happen to us. We learn to feel comfortable in that kind of disposition. And in our comfort, divine revelation seems to be an antagonistic producing dimension. This is  why its so hard for us to read our bibles.
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7798  Forums / Main Forum / For Lack Of Knowledge... on: March 01, 2007, 05:06:03 PM
Meditation on the word is another way to advance in the knowledge of the law of God. When we meditate on the word we begin to experience renewal in our souls. The word creates a thirst for knowledge and that in turn creates an atmosphere of learning. Because learning is not just intellectual but emotionally charged desire coupled with the illumination of regeneration of the spirit of man in the Spirits work in the new creation. When we muse on the truths of scripture we experience renewal and we are infused with longings for the full regeneration of all things.

When you take the divine revelation out of learning you are left with the imaginations of men, and the destructive sorrows that make the process of learning conscientious, and depraved. Man logically worships a god through the intellect, and man cannot imagine the true God without divine revelation as the agency through which it is revealed to him by the Spirit.
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7799  Forums / Main Forum / For Lack Of Knowledge... on: March 01, 2007, 01:57:26 PM
Divine knowledge is give to us at salvation. We here the word, that is knowledge and then the Holy Spirit convinces us that we are sinners. When we get divine knowledge we also get spiritual senses. We begin to see ourselves as we really are before God, we see Christ as our only hope. So that in knowing we are pleased with the understanding we have of Christ. This is the process by which we are sanctified. The problem today is that we place our faith in front of our knowledge. We look at our believing in Christ as the reason that we are a christian. This deception is the mother of all pragmatic circular thinking. And i mean pragmatic in the bad sense. Most people do not look at religion as logical. I mean they would learn their occupation by gaining the proper knowledge and then using it to do the job, but in religion we are under such a delusion of the anti proposition crowd and the science has all the answers crowd that we fail to see the importance of Gods knowledge and the growing in the knowledge. We fail to really think through the origins of the universe , the cause and effect relationship, and the logical necessity of the cross as the means by which we look at all of life.
7815  Forums / Theology Forum / Preaching Morality, While Being Immoral. on: February 27, 2007, 04:51:14 AM
I am wondering. While it is true that its annoying to have immoral people pointing out particular sins that are on their list of the worst ones or whatever, does that change our responsibility to repent, confess, ask for forgiveness for those very sins?
Yes we need to always be confessing. If we are beggars then thats what beggars do. And our confession should not only be on the sins of coveting, slander, stealing, cursing, over eating, but we should confess that we are not loving Him with all of our hearts , minds and wills. We should not only confess but we should mourn over or lethargic state. He deserves our entire being in worship, He deserves our thanking Him at every thing that comes into our lives, He deserves us thanking Him that we still have a heart beat. In confessing our weakness do to sin we are in an essence telling Him that He has a rite to do as He pleases in our lives because we only know His presence when we feel weak and helpless. We must choose to focus on Him, and if He is our all in all then we should be totally honest with Him. He is not asking us to make confession like a game, or to make confession like a chore. No confession is coming before Him and pouring out our hearts to Him so that He can get to the bottom of our hearts with His peace and forgiveness. Confession is part of an on going relationship in which we have an understanding of the depth of His love and faithfulness to us and we see our need for Him or we will die.

Confession is coming near to Him in prayer, knowing that we have left all of our pain, and our cares , and our wants and our praise before His throne, and He has wrapped His arms around us and spoken peace to us so that we are silent before Him as He pours out His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The purpose of confession is not to have some kind of human good feeling, no the purpose of confession is to get to the bottom of what is in our souls and having God speak such peace to our souls that we know we have met Him!
Perhaps we should confess and repent of the things that Paul confessed to struggling with; Dead works, specifically trying to pleasing God based on what to you do or do not do. Such an approach to God is shared by every other religion in the world.

If pleasing God can be achieved by those means, why then did Christ have to die? We could just get "serious" about our religious observance and the cross could be avoided altogether.

Absurd? Precisely!

Just like we claim to be saved by grace (unmerited favor) and in the same breath recite the things we must do (or not do) to "qualify" for grace.

If grace is indeed unmerited or undeserved favor, then striving to improve upon our position by devotion or charity (or any other good and noble thing) is equally absurd and neglecting to relate to God by the means He spent so much to provide.

"What must we do to do the works that God requires? - Jesus answered and said "believe in the one He has sent""

Paul preached repentance from dead works, which was in his case trying to please God by your achievements, devotion, zeal or fervency. Being the pharisee of pharisees was not enough even though, no religious group was more devoted (at least outwardly) than the pharisees. Paul counted his former devotion and background as rubbish.

Paul recognized that you either believed and relied upon that belief or you did not and trusted in your own means.

Remember Cain and Able according to the writer of Hebrews Abel's offering was made in faith whereas his brother's offerings were the works of his own hands (one one could say his own initative) and therefore not of faith and were rejected.

We as a church would do well in my view simply to rest in the completed work of Christ on our behalf, and rest from our own works (as a means to God). We are PERFECT solely by virtue of what Christ did for us on Calvary's cross and nothing else.

How can one improve upon perfection?

Or do we in effect say to Christ as He hangs in torment upon that bloody cross;"what you did is great, but no thanks,  let me take it a bit further by my good works"?

Man's worship of himself through religious devotion, no matter how noble is in itself, prideful and undermines the efficacy of the Cross.
Thanks Wonderer,  Our confessions are imperfect. We only have Christ to claim as our righteousness. Even our best prayers are like filthy rags in the sight of God. So its all about God, I agree.

But heres the thing, if it was just all about God then He could leave us to rejoice in His abilities as if He were so separated from us that He was inaccessible or that every one is complete in Him so that there is nothing else to depend upon. So as I have been stating there is a balance here. And as Steve B says it is all about us.

God is the head of His church. He has brought us all together in the church. He has brought us together for a purpose and that is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. Now if we are just focused on His sovereignty without having fellowship with one another then we would not experience the working out of His sovereign plan. We all have needs, and even tho God meets all our needs by His being God, yet He has a design in really meeting us where we are at. We are not just to suck it up and rejoice that He is absolutely sovereign. But we come before a sovereign God who not only deserves all the glory but He knows us intermittently. And He uses the means to work out these things in the bottom of our hearts. These truths must be worked out in order for us to have an assurance.

Prayer, reading the word, fellowship, sacraments are all the means we have in experiencing enjoying Him. So when we pray, we do it with fervor because He deserves it to be with all of our souls and bodies. And when we read the word we meditate on it night and day, and search for Him like gold and silver. We always find the gold of Christ joy in the word. So that we are filled with assurance and joy in enjoying Him forever. When we fellowship , we exercise our gifts for His glory, so that others can enjoy God and we can work out the terrible circumstances of loneliness, and rejection that each one of us calvinist experience on a daily basis. God has not just left us to receive the truth of who He is and explode with problems. No He has left us an outlet so that we can experience these things in a practical way in the church so that we can know that we have been changed by how we feel.

Its the same thing with assurance.
7817  Forums / Theology Forum / Preaching Morality, While Being Immoral. on: February 26, 2007, 03:35:15 PM
I am wondering. While it is true that its annoying to have immoral people pointing out particular sins that are on their list of the worst ones or whatever, does that change our responsibility to repent, confess, ask for forgiveness for those very sins?
Yes we need to always be confessing. If we are beggars then thats what beggars do. And our confession should not only be on the sins of coveting, slander, stealing, cursing, over eating, but we should confess that we are not loving Him with all of our hearts , minds and wills. We should not only confess but we should mourn over or lethargic state. He deserves our entire being in worship, He deserves our thanking Him at every thing that comes into our lives, He deserves us thanking Him that we still have a heart beat. In confessing our weakness do to sin we are in an essence telling Him that He has a rite to do as He pleases in our lives because we only know His presence when we feel weak and helpless. We must choose to focus on Him, and if He is our all in all then we should be totally honest with Him. He is not asking us to make confession like a game, or to make confession like a chore. No confession is coming before Him and pouring out our hearts to Him so that He can get to the bottom of our hearts with His peace and forgiveness. Confession is part of an on going relationship in which we have an understanding of the depth of His love and faithfulness to us and we see our need for Him or we will die.

Confession is coming near to Him in prayer, knowing that we have left all of our pain, and our cares , and our wants and our praise before His throne, and He has wrapped His arms around us and spoken peace to us so that we are silent before Him as He pours out His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The purpose of confession is not to have some kind of human good feeling, no the purpose of confession is to get to the bottom of what is in our souls and having God speak such peace to our souls that we know we have met Him!
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7818  Forums / Main Forum / Varying Consequences Of Sin on: February 26, 2007, 11:01:04 AM
Was the forgiveness purchased by the blood of Christ applied to us by us repenting? the word "applied" is very interesting...

now to be drawn to the Son and the sacrifice by revelation by first "knowing" He is God..then a conviction thus leading to repentance for all kinds of sins and "sin" in general..i remember getting a revelation that He is the true and living God..and by that presence conviction to repentance followed..

now speaking in time sequence or lack of in light of the eternal the application could be one and the same...

so therefore do we lead people to Jesus or Repentance first?

just some thoughts...I know how I think about it..what do you think?
People have the wrong conception of repentance. All of us are products of our environment. We think that repentance is telling God we are sorry and to come into our hearts and save us. We tell God we are going to give up the smoking, the drinking, the lusting etc. We think that this one time prayer will change our lives forever. We think that because we got rid of our guilt feelings at the time of our being saved that we experienced salvation. But then the feelings leave us and we fall back into a pattern of guilt and blame. We struggle with the confidence that we are forgiven, and at some point God seems farther away than He ever was prior to our prayer for salvation.

We see people who are on tv, in church, and as we are talking to people throughout the day who tell us of the time that they were saved and they tell us the their lives have changed forever. They have repented and have stopped the former sins that they once partook in , and we think that because they repented they no longer do those things. But then we walk away feeling very small because we know since that  time we asked Christ into our hearts we have been struggling with the same sins we repented for when we were saved. So we conclude that the power to overcome sin was not really supernatural but it was because there was an effort on our part so that we begin to go to God as a task master, we begin to go to the word to feel guilty and then we try to do better. And when we leave a certain sin for awhile we think that we have repented. But then we fall back into that pattern and we begin to dig ourselves out of our sin again. We are naturally self motivated as fallen saints. We believe that God is telling us something when we are confronted with the law and He is telling us that we are wrong and we need to repent and quit the sinning. And so we go through this process as a way of our christian life experience.

We go from guilt to blame to self effort to sin. Paul even says that when we are confronted with the law that we are going to want to sin even more. Try to tell a person that he cannot do something and he is going to want to do that thing. We become more two faced than the bum begging for food and money. After a while we either resign ourselves to a life of servitude to our leaders or we give up and walk away. We conclude that God is a hard task master.

All of us go through this self righteous process at some point in our christian experience or we never really graduate into an understanding of Gods love and faithfulness. We conclude that if we sin it is the worse time to go to our Father, and if we have quit a certain sin then it is our time to bask in His love. We live our lives in self repentance. We live our lives on the voices we have in our heads as to God and our conscience and when He speaks to us and what we are to feel and do in our action. Our natural experience in these things between the law and gospel are really screw up and our feelings and our thinking are so unnatural that we begin to live as if feeling was an enemy and doing was all of salvation. We live not really knowing what is going on inside and in our resignation we just begin to act because everyone else is doing it.
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7819  Forums / Main Forum / Blame Vs Responsibility on: February 26, 2007, 06:08:19 AM
what is the difference between blaming yourself and taking personal responsibility yourself?

This is kind of an operational definition of being responsible:

- You are accountable for your actions.

- You accept the consequences of your actions.

- When you break it, you fix it.

"Blaming yourself" is bullet one above - holding yourself accountable for your failures.

Bullet three is the kicker, because while you fix what you can, some things you can't fix.
The law is no longer our school master. We live according to the Spirit. We are not required to give God the crumbs of obedience. We are required to obey perfectly. But we can never obey perfectly in this life because we are sinners. Thats why we have someone else in whom we trust and rejoice that has gone before us and lived a perfectly righteous life. He has imputed to our account His righteousness. Now we can obey perfectly, not by our working for a wage righteousness but by Him covering over all of our sins.

That is why He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. If He did then Christ would have died in vain. That is why we are required to cover over others faults in the fellowship of the saints. Thats why we are to be gracious to the sinner , and graciousness is treating a sinner like a son who has come home to his father without requiring payment for his sin. Thats how God as Father treats us.

You will never get better if you must take care of your blame and guilt before you go to God . You go to Him just as you are, because He knows you are weak, He knows your frame. His forgiveness in Christ is all you need. On this earth we will struggle with sin and the consequences, but we look forward to a day when there will be no more struggle and no more sin. We live in that reality.
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7820  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 25, 2007, 05:22:33 PM

This is a clear case of scripture interpreting scripture, because in vs 28 Peter gives the interpretation of the vision.

Act 10:28  And he said to them, *Ye* know how it is unlawful for a Jew to be joined or come to one of a strange race, and to *me* God has shewn to call no man common or unclean.

It wasn't the animals that Peter was to accept as 'clean' it was the gentiles who had been seen as unclean by the Jews.  They were now clean in the sense that they were to be accepted into Israel through the Gospel.  The gift of the Holy Spirit confirmed this to Peter.

The food interpretation is read into the text by those who wish it to read that way and basically ignores Peter's real interpretation.


The Kosher food Commandments were never changed, but maybe the gentiles are exempt...that’s a problem and question I have.  Only Jesus can tell us when He returns.  After 2000 years, there is just too much confusion.
The problem with your interpretation is that Peter actually became hungry in the story while he was praying. We must take it literal because the dietary laws were no longer in effect seeing that the Paul had turned to the gentiles and the gentiles eat everything when they become hungry. The NT church since the beginning has not followed the dietary laws of the OT. These laws were no longer in effect because the eating involved the sacrifice of animals , and there are no longer any sacrifices necessary since Christ. The point is that it is impossible to follow the ceremonial laws since the sacrificial system was abolished and the dietary laws were part of the sacrificial system.
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7821  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 25, 2007, 04:02:34 PM
Acts 10:10.  But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance;
11.  and he *saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground,
12.  and there were in it all kinds of four-footed animals and crawling creatures of the earth and birds of the air.
13.  A voice came to him, \"Get up, Peter, kill and eat!\"
14.  But Peter said, \"By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean.\"
15.  Again a voice came to him a second time, \"What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.\"
16.  This happened three times, and immediately the object was taken up into the sky.

If i am not mistaken this even was repeated 3  times as a testimony. There was a reason for the repetition wouldn't you think?
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7822  Forums / Main Forum / Pervasive Sin on: February 25, 2007, 01:40:51 PM
The pervasiveness of sin in us is like an ocean of corruption and its waves one after one thrashing against us as we lay in the shallow water going through this life. That is why His waves of grace are far more thundering than the waves of sin. Repentance is living in the reality of who we are before a holy God, and rejoicing in His unfailing love to us in Christ. When we begin to view ourselves as being able to get a grip on the sin in our lives is when we fail to understand our position before a holy God.

We are always in the cave of the prison of sin. We are always aware that there really is only one who cares for us because there is only one who knows the deepness of our need in our sin. He is ever there as a mediator to rescue us from ourselves and the awareness of having no hope as we face ourselves before a holy God. Yes Christ is our advocate and our Father loves us in Christ and it is in this relationship that we experience the ultimate refuge from our prisons of besetting sins. We may come to Him and find relief at any time of the day, with any of the worse of sins. While men see the outside and react to our sin, Christ looks at the healing and becomes our refuge. While we think our sin is ended His care for us, we are brought to that unfailing love that speaks of a greater grace than our need for acceptance. He comes not only to forgive, but He comes to rescue us from those who are against us. He is concerned about every need for acceptance as well as for our peace. Christ is the only refuge for a person who is imprisoned with a bad habit.

He must be where we go to or we will not experience His hand of grace. He must meet us in our most desperate cave and accept us ,sin and all. Even tho we have the world condemning us and seeking us in our prison of sin , Christ is the answer to our desperation. Oh, He will guide you into the prison, to show you the extent of His faithfulness and love, and when He is done He will bring all of the saints to gather around you and comfort you. Christ is going to order your complete victory, and will bring about assurance beyond your cave. He will uphold you by the healing fellowship of the saints. You will know that you take refuge in a good advocate.
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7823  Forums / Main Forum / Varying Consequences Of Sin on: February 25, 2007, 01:13:37 PM
There is no forgiveness for sin without shedding of blood. Check the Law of Moses. There was only one way into The Tabernacle, and blood was required for forgiveness. We were purchased with the price of blood that Jesus shed; In the crown of thorns they pressed into His head with mockery "The King Of The Jews"; by the blood that was shed with the 39 lashes "By His stripes we are healed"; and the blood from His hands and feet as he was crucified. He is the One Way into clean the consequential debt of sin, providing forgiveness before the Living God. The curtain was torn.
Was the forgiveness purchased by the blood of Christ applied to us  by us repenting?  
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7824  Forums / Theology Forum / Comparisions Between The True -false Church Calvin on: February 25, 2007, 01:03:57 PM
(The Roman Church compared with ancient Israel as to worship and jurisdiction, 7-11)
7. The condition of the Roman Church resembles that of Israel under Jeroboam

The place which we ought to assign to all the churches on which the tyranny of the Romish idol has seized will better appear if we compare them with the ancient Israelite Church, as delineated by the prophets. So long as the Jews and Israelite's persisted in the laws of the covenant, a true Church existed among them; in other words, they by the kindness of God obtained the benefits of a Church. True doctrine was contained in the law, and the ministry of it was committed to the prophets and priests. They were initiated in religion by the sign of circumcision, and by the other sacraments trained and confirmed in the faith. There can be no doubt that the titles with which the Lord honored his Church were applicable to their society. After they forsook the law of the Lord, and degenerated into idolatry and superstition, they partly lost the privilege. For who can presume to deny the title of the Church to those with whom the Lord deposited the preaching of his word and the observance of his mysteries? On the other hand, who may presume to give the name of Church, without reservation, to that assembly by which the word of God is openly and with impunity trampled under foot - where his ministry, its chief support, and the very soul of the Church, is destroyed?

8. Despite the idolatry of the Jews, their church remained

What then? (some one will say;) was there not a particle of the Church left to the Jews from the date of their revolt to idolatry? The answer is easy. First, I say that in the defection itself there were several gradations; for we cannot hold that the lapses by which both Judas and Israel turned aside from the pure worship of God were the same. Jeroboam, when he fabricated the calves against the express prohibition of God, and dedicated an unlawful place for worship, corrupted religion entirely. The Jews became degenerate in manners and superstitious opinions before they made any improper change in the external form of religion. For although they had adopted many perverse ceremonies under Rehoboam, yet, as the doctrine of the law and the priesthood, and the rites which God had instituted, continued at Jerusalem the pious still had the Church in a tolerable state. In regard to the Israelite's, matters which, up to the time of Ahab, had certainly not been reformed, then became worse. Those who succeeded him, until the overthrow of the kingdom, were partly like him, and partly (when they wished to be somewhat better) followed the example of Jeroboam, while and without exceptions were wicked and idolatrous. In Judea different changes now and then took place, some kings corrupting the worship of God by false and superstitious inventions, and others attempting to reform it, until, at length, the priests themselves polluted the temple of God by profane and abominable rites.
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7825  Forums / Main Forum / Blame Vs Responsibility on: February 25, 2007, 12:58:43 PM
Here is a thought I had today in the car...Do we blame God for our fallen nature or take responsibility for our sin? What would be the out come?
I take it that you are really sincere about repentance. I mean my picture of you is that you have had alot of victories over bad habits that you did to your self in the past. And i guess by your answer that you feel pretty good about overcoming some of these bad habits by you really getting serious before God. Are you saying this?
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7826  Forums / Main Forum / Blame Vs Responsibility on: February 25, 2007, 09:12:04 AM
Yes and prayer does change things but God is the same and never changes. Thank God he uses the means to achieve His pre ordained decrees, so that God causes all things to work. What works is defined by God alone.

 Where are these men today. Mans life is short, and He is soon forgotten. The majority of the world do not have a historical perspective on life because we view things as guilty sinners, we being the cause of all of the moral indiscretions from the time of adam. And even tho we do not have personal responsibility for the moral inability of every action, we still are the offspring and we are on the same tree as the worst wretch being in Adam. The truth is we really add nothing to history out of our own goodness.

Look at how God views even kings , and judges on this earth. He views kingdoms as a bilp in the screen of history, and men as prejudice against the weak. Always working schemes against the weak and fatherless. Only God is just. History will show that God alone deserves continence glory. Man and his institutions are short lived and his mark on history is forgotten. Many of the most silent marks on history will be exalted in heaven , because we look on the outside but God looks on the heart.  
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7827  Forums / Main Forum / Blame Vs Responsibility on: February 25, 2007, 08:46:35 AM
The scripture defines a person who is personally responsible as totally dependent of Christ. Not only for his doing rite, but also for his receiving blame. So really even my doing rite and repenting is not good enough to preach my personal ability to view myself as an innocent party in the court of heaven. In other words i am not the innocent party in the trial of heaven pleading my case before God about being personally responsible for my sin. No i am the guilty party pleading Christ righteousness as my responsible righteousness before the Judge. My only plea being foreign to my personal moral ability.

Consequences for ones actions and personal blame are just as damaging in acknowledging my inability to achieve forgiveness by taking what Christ did on my behalf, and by Him alone achieving my forgiveness and blessing in Himself, it could preach against my believing that He alone deserves my confidence, and my lack of confidence in myself. Man do we need the doctrine of inability. A historical staple in salvation.
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7828  Forums / Main Forum / Blame Vs Responsibility on: February 25, 2007, 08:22:04 AM
Taking personal responsibility can come out of pride also. If every one in a group of people define the level of pain one needs to go through in order to evidence blame , then complying with that level of pain in the blame may be to elevate one to a position of authority as an example of true repentance. Thats why if we are defining truth of the consequences of sin by the level of pain we experience then the goal to which we are achieving is to get from one level of pain to another or to focus on us by our pain. And if the pain is gone then we have achieved our goal and we can then feel proud of ourselves in going from pain to a painless achievement. And in a culture that views truth through the paradigm of pain, we define repentance in that human experience.

Our problem is much deeper than pain. Our problem is the corruption of our view of ourselves because we are sinners. The truth is that our determination is not the focus of sin, but we sin because we are sinners. We choose to sin because we are corrupted in every area of our being. Even if we were to feel no pain, we still would be just as ugly against the standard of Christ righteousness as if we were under the most sever pain. And the pain of guilt is not diminished as a result of what we experience by our confession. Truth defines who we are and what we need. Pain and guilt were put on Christ at the cross and at the cross it was fully satisfied. Every person looks different when they repent. Not every person experiences the same effects as a result of a human confession.

Not every person experiences the same amount of pain as a result of sin. The point is that we really are not the focus. And alot of our pain is a result not of our guilt and shame but is a result of our focus. Divine knowledge by the Spirit is a friend that comes along side of us to teach us to not look at ourselves so much and to look on Christ as the object of our joy,peace, patience, kindness etc.  We can experience forgiveness by focusing on the object of our faith, because forgiveness is 100 percent in Him.
7834  Forums / Main Forum / Varying Consequences Of Sin on: February 24, 2007, 12:52:57 PM
The wages of sin is death. Now wages of sin, that is mans original sin is death. When adam sinned we all died. Its not talking about personal sin per say. Because the gift of God is eternal life . The first man adam and the subsequent imputed sin to our account was erased by the second man Christ. So that our sin was imputed to Him at the cross and His righteousness was imputed to us at salvation, but His death and resurrection procured eternal life for all the ones He died for. He is our redemption, that redemption that was foreordained from eternity, and worked out at the cross for all time. It is finished in Christ.

 When we look at the law we see that the sins visited to the generations are ended in the promises of God in the covenant. What tendencies we have in the generational are full taken care of when it is finished. We end those generational sins by counting ourselves dead to sin but alive in Christ. Its not so much our view of family  tendencies in certain sins that define our remedy or the guilt of the on going evidence of those sins. These sins no longer define us. We are saved into a new realm. We are kings and priest as our identification in Christ. We are baptized into a new community where we are identified into the family of God and members of His body. The authority of that community works out the victory that was already procured in the cross of Christ. Every one as a believer are overseers of these tendencies in our brothers to the particular sins so that we are encouraging and caring each others burdens. We are using the means, the word, fellowship and prayer to overcome in Christ and become what we are. This is a very slow process and it involves more than just the sins that so easily beset us. It involves a supernatural paradigm.
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7835  Forums / Theology Forum / "scripture Alone " Not Biblical on: February 24, 2007, 10:40:18 AM
I dont know about that. I agree that homosexuality is not only sinful but is a sin against our personal existence in this world, sota like spiritual suicide. But yet there is some goodness in knowing ones position before a holy God. I have seen people who go around making others feel guilty by quoting the no fornicators, no idolators will enter the kingdom of God , who have less of an understanding of themselves before God than the homosexual who is struggling to overcome that life style. Self righteousness was condemned by our Lord more than any other form of sin.
7843  Forums / Main Forum / What Does It Really Mean? on: February 19, 2007, 10:01:24 AM
This is a very complicated teaching. There is only one authority and that is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who gives authority and He is the only one who decides who has authority by directing, guiding, and sealing that person in any position of authority. Any other authority outside of the authority of Christ is cult authority.

We who are in authority as fathers, church members, citizens, and church leaders , only are authoritative as we submit to Christ kingdom principles. All authority outside of the commands of scripture are cultist. As high priest of our families we are directed by Christ to protect our families so that our family structure be protected from other dangerous teachings out of mans authority. We as fathers are to protect our families not only from physical harm but from secularism, false teaching, and any principles that would cause us to lose authority in our priestly roles with our wives and children. This principle of protection expands even to church leaders who are the Shepherds who protect the sheep from false teaching and the cultist behavior that comes out of that Christ-less paradigm. Our roles as leaders as high priest and our responsibility extent to a world view and not just to a religious mysticism. We have a big hill to climb in the  present state of our world. We are only as authoritative as we submit to the principles of scripture and stand against the world ,flesh and the devil. All other forms of authority are cultist.
7850  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: February 15, 2007, 05:44:55 AM
I think we need to be careful not to portray a guilty view of faith. We have received  every by grace. We live in grace. God is a God of righteousness, but we being depraved are only in need of His righteousness and acceptance. What every trial you are going through is just a temporary momentary affliction. We have a home in the future that is so much greater than any thing we go through on this earth . We share in the riches of our Savior, who loves us with an everlasting love. Oh the love of Jesus , sweet and kind, He ever stands in our stead , forgiving and full of mercy. Oh what a Sweet Savior,He calls and bids us to come and lay at His feet. He calls us to pour out our hearts before Him. He has given us all we need to live this life. We have been give life in Christ. We no longer are under the pangs of this earthly sorrow. Christ has come from His kingly abode to make us all kings and priest. He will pull down the enemies. He will put every thing under His feet.

Its not a matter of how, but it is a matter of when. We have only to rejoice all of our days. There is no remorse in Him. There really are no regrets in Him. He will save to the utmost who come to Him. He has the power in His rite hand to draw us to come to Him for mercy. In the heart of heaven is the restful abode for our hearts on earth. He is all we need to comfort our every pain. Christ loves us in our deepest hell. Christ comes to us in our most anxious trial, to bid us to lay it at His feet. He has every thing under control. We only need to talk to Him, we only need to tell Him of our pain. Glory be to Jesus who has given us His righteousness. Glory be to Him who has finished the work to be done. We gaze on Him and we are changed. We can live in rejoicing as we pour out our pain to Him. He will take it and give us hearts of rejoicing. We will feel like a feather. Oh to float on Gods comfort. Gods love is just so full that we live to feel it moment by moment. The comfort He gives goes farther, more deeper than the deepest sea, greater than the highest mountain, farther than the eye can see. He is all in all. Praise Him Give Him ,His riteful place. Give Him the glory He deserves. We praise you this day Lord!
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7851  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 14, 2007, 04:25:19 AM
. . . . . .††â€
Dear Brother mbG,
. . ."I dont want to open a can of worms Lrx, but my next question after you seek and find is what do you find? Can you propose something?"

. .I'm not a fish fisherman, but that sounds like great bait. Both questions are excellent.
. .The second first: I consider this process to be normative and life-giving to the Body of Christ. It also is an exquisite check and balance, for any seeking and listening Christian has the responsibility to say to me (as a particular example), "I really have some reservations about what you feel the Lord is saying, and we need to wait on His confirmation or correction." Further, this extends to other areas such as the proper "shaping up" just witnessed by our brothers.
. .Addressing your first question in this context of the Body, it is apparent that different persons have different concerns, so that seeking God's knowledge and opinions will occasion a wide variety of information and understanding. I have a brother in Christ who has his PhD in chemistry and was involved intensively in research. He spent a good bit of time asking the Lord specific questions about his work and as a consequence received at least 17 patents, for which he gives the credit (= glory) to the Lord. This is similar to George Washington Carver's development of the many uses for peanuts.
. .This same man with wife and friends had a quiet (no publicity) and effective healing and deliverance ministry (again the Body). Words of knoledge and wisdom are very helpful in ministering Christ's healing grace; deliverance is generally impossible without.
. .My primary concern, of course, has to do with understanding and interpreting the Holy Scriptures. Without His counsel and guidance, I was and would be limited to snorkeling and two-dimensional human reasoning and perception of the Bible. Should I be puffed up about this? Since it is by His graciousness and is further available  in the normative Christian life for all Christians, how can I consider myself other than average (and less than Peach)? Do I covet this heritage for you? Emphatically YES, and for all other Christians, too.

Love in Jesus. Just lovin' Jesus. Worm Bait
You seem to be fixated on Gods communication directly to you. This is terribly complex because when we are dealing in the inanimate world there are so man unexplained variations of communication. Maybe the messages we imagine that we hear are from our view of what we imagine we are. And i think that we spend alot of time thinking that we can examine our own hearts by trying to figure out by imagining who we are in light of our limited knowledge of who we really are before God. And if we could see ourselves as God sees us then compare that to how we view ourselves we could see how much our imagination is determined by the physical nature of our view of who we really are.

That is why in communication we view things in chiefly in a vocal sense. We imagine that how we receive an idea is through hearing chiefly. Gods essence far succeeds those physical communicable properties in the inanimate world of words. So what we imagine  communication to be is very limited. Our view of communication comes in a connection between to self conscious creations. Our views in that relationship of receiving through our ears creates its own reality of who we think we are as social creatures. Our view of who God is comes from our sense of how we view our earthly relationships.

But Gods communication is so much greater than any thing we could imagine it to be. And really in order for us to have a true sense of Gods nature we must think outside the box, we must view God as beyond and outside of our limited ability of receiving messages and giving messages. God sorta engulfs our imagined views of what we are thinking He is saying to us. His communication to us transpires in more of a vacuum created by His communicable properties. Its as if an atomic bomb went off and we were disintegrated in the vacuum of that powerful blast, not even receiving the heat from it. In Gods presence communicated we become very confused. We become over whelmed. We become weak.

Our view of ourselves has very little to do with what really is in light of Gods view of who we are. And we spend alot of time trying to figure out what we are good at and areas we have difficulty in. Our mode of living or the health of our thinking patterns is created by the imagination of our self reflection that is so corrupted with preconceived views of these physical communicable properties that we fail to view ourselves in light of Gods inconceivable communicable abilities.
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7852  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 13, 2007, 04:20:17 PM
LRx, I am wondering. At this moment 51% of  your posts have been in the "Theology Forum".
You seem to dismiss "theology" pretty much, yet are apparently drawn to the part of the forum designated for it. Its interesting anyway to me.

As for theology, anyone that wants to can embrace it, or dismiss it in general, but all believers to some degree organize their understanding and thoughts of God in some form or other in their minds. As soon as they do that, they have a "theology" whether they call it that or not.

I don't find myself disagreeing much with what you believe, but I feel it is nnecessarily agitating to others when you address them with a tone that implies a spiritual superiority.

I am not saying this to stir anything up either.
. . . . . .††â€
Dear Brothers Jeffrey and ML,
. .Realizing that sackcloth and ashes avail little, I simply confess that you both are absolutely right, which brings it down to less than 460 screw-ups remaining for me to get straightened out.

. . ."LRx, I am wondering. At this moment 51% of  your posts have been in the "Theology Forum".
You seem to dismiss "theology" pretty much, yet are apparently drawn to the part of the forum designated for it."
 . .An apt question. I am anti-theological in every sense in which it is contrary to the Holy Scriptures and am apparently tilting at about 19 centuries of windmills. I do not object to Greek understanding when it illuminates the Bible, but to impose the matrices of Greek philosophy and Roman (not RC per se) juridical thinking upon God's revelation is an abomination. We fight tooth and nail agsinst secular intrusions upon the faith, yet, without a qualm, we swallow whole cloth the secularizations that usurped biblical thinking from the 2nd through the 17th centuries. However, since I am in the Reformed Tradition (not the rigid Calvinistic branch), my critiques are centered there, with some exception. I have no idea of what Forum might be devised to refute the vagaries of Theology instead of the Theology Forum.

. . ."As for theology . . . all believers to some degree organize their understanding and thoughts of God in some form or other in their minds. As soon as they do that, they have a "theology" whether they call it that or not."
. .So I've been told. And, realizing that we have been "Christianly educated" to think that this is the only way to understand the Bible, I would like to posit that this is is simply not so. I am confident that both Retro and Thor understand that Jewish (biblical) thinking and interpretation is as radically different from "theological" as poetry is from prose. We interpret (and categorize) the Scriptures prosaically because we love propositional thinking and can only think relationally in a superficial and 'prosaic' manner.
. .The healthy alternative to theology that I propose is Christian Midrash, Darash meaning "seek" and Midrash, roughly, "the result of seeking". Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." If (since) that promise is valid and The Holy Spirit is alive and well to "lead us into all truth" -- contrary to the dogmas of the Cessationists and Grego/Mariner -- we are all (who have been born of God) recipients (heirs) of His promises yesterday, today and forever.

. .Naturally, this is all very threatening to Western Christianity and Reformed Theology in particular, to whom and to which 'theology' has become a security blanket. So consider me like unto Snoopy vs. Linus.

. .None of this excuses my lack of charity and gentleness, but I hope it helps explaining why I insist that Peach (and other women on the Forum) are smarter than I am.

Love in Jesus. Just lovin' Jesus.
I dont want to open a can of worms Lrx, but my next question after you seek and find is what do you find? Can you propose something? Smiley  
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7853  Forums / Main Forum / Pervasive Sin on: February 13, 2007, 12:49:36 PM
HUGE question, Tom. One with many implications. I'm curious to see how far this thread goes, because it is my opinion that we've taken the gospel of grace and turned it on it's side.

I'll stick with a bit of Romans 7 and a dash of Galatians 3:3.
Paul said, what i want to do i do not do but what i hate that is what i do. God disciplines us in this life because we are His children and because we stumble into sin. If we looked at the believers life we would not say that getting better is necessarily an evidence of a person being a christian. Because God does the saving, and it is a secret work of the Holy Spirit we do not know at any point whether a person is a christian or not. And there are times when even believers fall into sin and only through repentance and the upholding of the saints does he get through it and its consequences.

Sin is much deeper than we think it is as it is like a tree that goes deep down into our souls. Unless we cut at the root we will only be going through an endless self deception as to getting at the root of sin. And so we are to use the means to get to the sin in our lives. We are to live in repentance every day. But we are also in need of seeing that God gives repentance in His time, He works repentance in us. We are not only to depend on Christ to cleanse us but we are to morn over our own sin and always confessing it. We are to use the word of God to get down to the roots of sin.

Today we all are used to short cuts to over come sin. We just focus on the outside and we do not realize that for every unmortified sin we have a root that is much deeper than the we see. A christian can fall into sin for many reasons. One is because God wants to show that person his real position in himself before God so that he will learn to not trust in himself but in Christ alone. Most christians do not really understand the depth of sin. We live thinking that if we stop some sin then we will be accepted before God. We wonder why life is so difficult and we are so sorrowful thinking that we do not deserve what is coming to us. We deceive ourselves into thinking that our sin is not that big. But a true saint is aware of how much sin is there in his heart and he is aware of its effects in his life. And that awareness causes him to live a life of repentance , a life of confession, a life of crying out to God and waiting upon God for forgiveness. He waits more than the watchmen wait for the morning. He waits for God to speak peace to his soul, he waits for God to put an end to the sin that so easily besets him.

A mature saint fears and reverences God because he knows that God gives forgiveness. He knows that if it were left up to him that there would be no forgiveness, there would be no hope. In God alone does a believer seek forgiveness. In God alone does one experience forgiveness. Unless our attitudes are changed about sin we will live in self righteous confidence about overcoming sin. God does us sin in our lives for a purpose. We are really humbled under the dominance of sin. Unless we are brought down under the power of some besetting sin we will never call on God to come to our rescue. We will only be like the pharisee thinking that we have the power in ourselves or that we can depend on man to help us to gain the victory.

The Spirit and the word are the means to over come sin. God gives the victory in His time. We look to Christ as our only hope because our righteousness is in Christ alone. We recognize that we will face many times where sin is so big before our eyes that we cannot look up. We are there in this terrible situation that God has brought about and we are bringing it before God day and night. The people around us are not seeking our best but their attitudes are just like the wicked. There is no support from the wicked. Only those who have been convinced about the nature of their own sin will see that under-girding someone who is struggling with sin in his own life is the goodness of God worked out in the christian community. There are those who struggle with some besetting sins , and who are before the throne night and day, pleading for victory. There are those who are calling out to God for the time and the hour. Then there are the self righteous who think they have arrive and they make their lives the center of attention. They parade their lives around like they have it all together and the rest of the world is condemned by their lives. Christians are not like that, no christians are so familiar with repentance that they seek God night and day in fasting and prayer for one another. They do not leave any thing up to human ingenuity. No they are the ones who are the lowly, the repentant, the struggling ones , who are at times so humbled to think that they are the worse of sinners.
If you want to learn how to repent , then you are going to have big faith and you are going to mess up. If you want to be a pharisee then you are going to hide in a room and think that you are perfect. When God reveals Himself to a man, God also convinces that man of His deep need for a Savior. Only those who struggle with besetting sins will be able to help others with sin.
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7854  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 13, 2007, 10:12:35 AM
Would you give up your theology for Jesus?

Wow , what a question.  The  truth of theology is the axis by which human experience is defined and worked out in a theo concentric view of sovereign grace as apposed to an animistic view of experience in the paradigm of narcissism. It  is as deep and wide a gulf as the difference between a dicotomist or a tri cotomist.
. . . . . .†â€
Dear brother mbG,
. .My son, the programmer, pronounces it G.I. Joe, which, in my days of programming in BASIC we called GIGO. I don't know where you accumulated all this convoluted and contorted Garbage, but it illustrates my former observation that theologians have a dual propensity (1) to think like old maids and (2) to obfuscate. By those standards I congratulate you for attaining both the zenith and nadir simultaneously. In your more extended monologue, you made mention of the difference between dichotomy and trichotomy (note sp.) and upon searching my dictionary, discovered that one definition had to do with lunar phases. My agile mind immediately jumped to two possible understandings of what you were trying to communicate: (1) The sheer lunacy of theology, and/or (2) Theology is an intellectual manifestation of barking at the moon. I concede to your wisdom and thank you for the illuminating clarification.

. .Back to the question, Would you give up your theology for Jesus? Your initial response ("Wow, what a question.") is enigmatic. Lacking a simple "yes" or"no", my callous interpretation stemming from your further irrelevant response is that you are basically saying, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give ada mn!"

. .Another question, mbG: Did you go to seminary? If so, let me guess that it was Gordon Campbell Pea Soup Factory. Right?

. .Prepare yourself for the coup de grace: Systematic theology is to the Holy Scriptures as a Mercator projection is to a globe. You are a basic Flatlander and cannot possibly comprehend the truth of Jesus, Who is The Truth, nor understand the Bible. Get rid of your binoculars and take a long look at Him. No distortion -- just a plain and simple view of the greatest intellect that ever walked the face of the earth. Compared to Him, you and I are pea-brains. So quit worshiping your "brilliant thinking" and gaze into the awesome glory of His face.

Love in Jesus. Just lovin' Jesus. Pompou Sass
Lrx, my brother,  My views really are 180 degrees different from your position. Objective faith comes when the object effects the work in us. Our faith is not the object of salvation, but Christ is the object of our salvation. That is the reason that the cause and effect relationship begin and end in Christ. We are not free in the sense that we share in the effects of Christ work. Nor is there anyone good enough to effect salvation outside of the God head. That is why we believe that in order to love we must be loved first by Christ.

You are really confusing the central paradigm of the view of man as he views the work of Christ. We are unable to apprehend the object of our faith in ourselves. We do not have any objective understanding of the complete effect of Christ work until we realize that in order for God to be God He must cause every effect in obtaining salvation because man unable, that is mans faith cannot possible be an object of salvation otherwise we could share in the effects of salvation. We need to get back to the unable vibe of divine grace.

Christ is not supremely or example. Christ has finished the work that we were unable to accomplish in ourselves. On looking on the finished work of Christ we are looking on the total effect of our ability to believe. We are looking on the only ability we have in our faith , for apart from Him we can do nothing. Our object is not our faith but rather it is Christ. He alone deserves all of the glory even the effect in our believing. We do have a very different view of the grace we have received.
7857  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 12, 2007, 02:47:39 PM
Would you give up your theology for Jesus?

Wow , what a question.  The  truth of theology is the axis by which human experience is defined and worked out in a theo centric view of sovereign grace as apposed to an animistic veiw of experience in the paradigm of narcissistic. It  is as deep and wide a gulf as the difference between a dicotomist or a tri cotomist.
Mans veiw of himself is determined by the truth that is understood in this  theo centic paradigm. We live in a time of post modernity. We do indeed have multiple idols. We have a very active imagination in this in integrating worship.  We have defined down our view of ourselves as we were created by God , because we like to think there is another existence of reality outside of the Theo concentric paradigm.

As saints we are the temple of God, having the Trinity living inside of us. Our identity is theo centric. We are comlete in our identity so that we veiw ourselves as in Christ, and in Christ we share in the fellowship with the Theo of all of the world. We cannot define our existence as saints in any other reality. We are spirit and body. We are not soulish. We do not live in a purgatory human purification paradigm. Our veiw of ourselves is defined in God gracing us with heavenly reflections in our self conscious spirits. We live in the heavenlies in our thought processes so that our self definition is how we understand grace in light of our need for wholeness.

We live in a building where we are standing on the floor and we are looking at the ceiling. We do not live in a building where there is a middle floor blocking our view of the ceiling. In this paradigm of theo concentric dichotomy we are raise out of our depravity in regeneration so that we are worshiping God in spirit. We are the temple of God. The reason we have dumb down the confidence in our saintliness is because in the post modern tricotomy we have added a middle floor. We no longer view the mystery of God in the sis-teen chapel. We view a works system of integration in which we have covered over our saintly confidence. We have watched Moses go up to the top of mount sinai and we have built a golden calf , a view of ourselves in light of our ability to create as many forms of soulish imaginations as we have in our integrated culture. These forms are narcissistic , they are a view of ourselves without the glory of Gods countenance in our faces because we are used to not seeing the glory on moses face but we are used to seeing the fire around the golden calf. Our view of ourselves is how we have unified around our idols.

We imagine that worship is what we have come to understand outside of theology. We separate God from our temple, by adding a soulish paradigm and we view ourselves as not worshiping God in spirit but bringing to God our determination of how we view Him to be by our rejection of who He really is. We cover over the ceiling in rejecting theology.
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7858  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 12, 2007, 02:04:44 PM
Would you give up your theology for Jesus?

Wow , what a question.  The  truth of theology is the axis by which human experience is defined and worked out in a theo centric view of sovereign grace as apposed to an animistic view of experience in the paradigm of narcissism. It  is as deep and wide a gulf as the difference between a dichotomous or a tri cotomist.
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7859  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 11, 2007, 04:04:40 PM
And that god passively decreed that this "very good" Man was bound to sin so this god you describe could be glorified in a perfect example of Narcissism.

I s'pose an ominously-omni-everything god would be entitled to be a bit narcissistic.  (Not that God has any peers He needs to show off for.) But what I see revealed in the Bible is a God who humbles Himself in order to relate to His created beings.  That is also a grace shown to us.
. . . . . .††â€
. .Indeed so, Joker. And His emptying Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made just like us, even humbling Himself to die on the Cross, is absolutely, totally, 180 degrees out of phase with the theology (Reformed) mbG is portraying. I had assumed he would see the utter folly of his line of reasoning, but instead he deduced that his logic taken to its utterly irrational natural conclusion was my theology. Reformed theology is to the Scriptures as hydrofluoric acid is to glass etching. It has been my consistent experience that Reformed theologs are insufferably enamored of their reasoning abilities, but are unable to deal with logic extended beyond the end of their noses, and invariably resort to ad hominem arguments. Curiouser and curiouser, I say. "Off with their heads!" shouted the Red Queen.

. .Meant to add that I have enjoyed your wry and sly sense of humor here and elsewhere.

Love in Jesus. Just lovin' Jesus. Pompou Sass
If Jesus did not receive the wrath of God and satisfy it, then it will fall on man. If the cause of sins punishment is not God, then there is no punishment , and if the cause of the punishment on the cross is God then the effect of satisfaction of that punishment will come out of the cause. So that if Christ did not effect satisfaction then it will be effected in man. This is absolutely essential in gospel truth. Unless you understand the cause and effect relationship of satisfaction then your theology will be all over the place.

Your general statements above are not very convincing.
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7860  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 11, 2007, 10:07:25 AM
And that god passively decreed that this "very good" Man was bound to sin so this god you describe could be glorified in a perfect example of Narcissism.

I s'pose an ominously-omni-everything god would be entitled to be a bit narcissistic.  (Not that God has any peers He needs to show off for.) But what I see revealed in the Bible is a God who humbles Himself in order to relate to His created beings.  That is also a grace shown to us.
The vibes i am feeling here come from a self determined view of oneself instead of an objective  comparison to one who is truly good. Its funny how ones doctrine determines how one brings the focus on his narcissist view of himself by that determination. I was listening to a counseling program the other day and they were explaining that the concept in the word \"communication\" would not change the fundamental problems in the relationship but rather and this in my own words what we need is more than communication but we need a \"narcissistic control over the other person\". Its funny how once we start down the road of philosophy the temptation to change the circumstances always ends up with us as the focus and us getting the glory time. Now that is narcissism! Smiley
7862  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: February 10, 2007, 09:13:08 PM
And that's the rub. God decreed that David would have an affair with Bathsheba and conspire to have her husband murdered. Sounds like it's God's fault, so why did God have David punished? Remember the original movie M*A*S*H? Frank tells Major Hot Lips that God brought them together that night. She responds, "His will be done!", and they proceed into the fires of passion. So with Paul's hypothetical questioner you must ask, "Then why does He still complain? For who resists His will?" Paul's answer of "Oh, just shut up!" doesn't cut it.

God passively decreed that every thing that comes to pass. If God did not decree the sin then He could not use the sin for His glory. Gods hands would be tied. But the same passage you quoted from Paul in Rom. 9 also says that God used Pharoahs life to bring about His glory. Why? because God does what ever pleases Him, Who can resist His will? In Davids life Gods discipline was an act of love otherwise David would not be His child. God used the sin of adultery to bring about Davids growth and also so David would be able to pin the greatest confession that ever was recorded in history. Without davids sin we probably would not had Psalm 51. This psalm is almost like the water on the wicked witch to the devil. This Psalm is absolutely the medicine for the worst of sinners, with the most desperate circumstances, with the most dispicable reputation. This Psalm of confession helps one to see that sin has been dealt a final blow, and that the saint is completly accepted before the throne of grace as a sinner. This Psalm is the Holy Spirits witnessing tool, to convince a sinner that all of the promises are yea and amen. In this Psalm we have the ultimate fellowship with the Father in forgiveness, by the crys, the confession, the doctrine of sin, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and the absolution to the bottom of ones soul. It is a cleansing creed!
. . . . . .††â€
. . ."God passively decreed that [?] every thing that comes to pass." Zounds! A quote straight from the book of II Jereboam 16:47! Arminius strikes again!

. . ."If God did not decree the sin then He could not use the sin for His glory." Therefore, we safely conclude that God created Man for sin for His glory? This must be a corollary to the Westminster Shorter Catechism Q.#1. And we can also absolutely surmise that this was integral with Man being created "very good." And that god passively decreed that this "very good" Man was bound to sin so this god you describe could be glorified in a perfect example of Narcissism. Which in turn means, that since we were created in his image and likeness, our purpose in life should be to become perfect Narcissists? And this would most perfectly glorify him? And further, that this perfect self-centeredness and selfishness (which is Original Sin) is not BAAAD but "very good"? Works for me.
. .Hereafter, when I confess my sins, I shall make a genuine effort to remind this god of yours that I am doing my utmost to glorify him. Bathsheba, here I come!! I presume this is what Jesus meant when He said, "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much." So there you have it. Always was a little puzzled by the way He phrased this.

. . ."Gods hands would be tied. " Always assumed that would take an infinite length of rope. Stupid me!

. .Returning now to the remarkable explication that God passively decreed David's twin sins, it occurs to me that instead of Nathan saying, "Why have you despised the word of the LORD to do what is evil in His sight?" God should have had Nathan say, "What you have done is well-pleasing to Me because it glorifies Me." You made it quite clear that "God does what ever pleases Him. Who can resist His will?" No problemo!

. .Reformed Theology is like reading the Bible through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. Helps make Scriptures really transcendent.

Love in Jesus. Just lovin' Jesus. Pompou Sass
I take it that you think your confession is good enough to cover your sins? And not to be a narcisist i would ask God to crush me so that i will know how bad my sin is? Maybe your God is so small that He would need to make you feel absolutely responsible for your sin by giving you your just desert, Huh? If that will make you feel better than i then i will go rite ahead and step out of the way.  Gods not in the business of destroying His own, no \"He does not treat us as our sins deserve.\" If you want to call me a narcisist then go rite ahead. I do think well enough of myself to know what God has covenanted in His word to do what He says on my behalf and i do argue that He would do it because He holds Himself to His promises. If you want to blame me for loving myself too much then maybe you can explain to me how responsible you are with your every sin. Evidently you must confess all your sins,every one of them, rite down to the hidden ones?
David did not just confess the \"twin sins\", and he was not cheifly sorry for the horizantal offense as much as he was sorry for the vertical offense. And these\"  twin sins\" in davids mind pointed to a much greater offence, and that was the sin he carried around from birth. But Gods unfailing love was far greater than Davids sin, and so instead of experiencing the dread of guilt , he cheifly experience the joy of grace. And if you want to call that narcissist then go rite ahead. I call in grace.

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7863  Forums / Main Forum / Large Crowds Were Traveling With Jesus on: February 10, 2007, 02:42:58 PM
I do not think its us and God, if i am reading you rite. Some of our best reminders that we belong to Him come from our most desperate losses in this life. We are not destined to greatness in this world, we are destined for another world. Greatness in this world is not always just. I mean, look who was destined to be the king of isreal in Jesus Day. I think it was Joseph. I would not call him great in this world. Yet he was the husband of Mary , mother of Jesus. Greatness is becoming just like Christ , and as the world defines greatness , becomes more and more evil, then greatness becomes more defined downward.
I think i need to go on here. Men are decieved at the point of pride. It is the most deceptive agent that is floating around in the soul ready to grow into a massive spiritual cancer. Pride blinds a man to his real condition. Men are either flattered or they are full of false humility. In fact men never really see themselves totally depraved. First because that veiw would feel like being stabbed by a sword, and the Lord would be imagined to be angry, and men would see the state of their consciences with endless guilt.

Men really believe that their activity in some kind of work is accomplished by their own strength. They pride themselves in acheiving earthly rewards for their being able to move up in to a position into society where they have other people looking to them is some kind of dependent way. But men do not see the cunning and crafty scemes they use to attain power. Men do not consider how they actually climb the ladder of success. They naturally go at getting to the top by destroying someone else. Because men spend their days in flattery rather than in a real assesment of themselves in light of Gods law.

The world is filled with men who eat other men like they devour bread. Men are self dependent, they would not consider the desperate situation of their own hearts before God. Men do not consider themselves poor in spirit, not wanting to seek God, not wanting to call out to God, instead they would much rather go at it through sceming and destroying. This is the natural state of men. They are blind to how they acheive power. It is they way of the world of all men. The world is a world of men setting goals and acheiving them. The world is full of men who fulfill their dreams, by the lust of their hearts.

Acheivement in the world is a form of self deception. Being poor in this world and needy is being dependent and vunerable. On this principle is how God works. Gods ways are the opposite of the world system. The poor and the needy are kind and gentle. They are caught up in the scemes of the powerful in the world system. In Gods ways only those who are in this dependent state are safe from harm. Because the poor and the needy are vunerable they call on God nite and day. They make God their all in all, God is their refuge from trouble, God is their deliverer, God is their provider, God is their place of rest, They rest in God alone. God must be and do all or He is not God .
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7864  Forums / Main Forum / Large Crowds Were Traveling With Jesus on: February 10, 2007, 02:14:14 PM
I do not think its us and God, if i am reading you rite. Some of our best reminders that we belong to Him come from our most desperate losses in this life. We are not destined to greatness in this world, we are destined for another world. Greatness in this world is not always just. I mean, look who was destined to be the king of isreal in Jesus Day. I think it was Joseph. I would not call him great in this world. Yet he was the husband of Mary , mother of Jesus. Greatness is becoming just like Christ , and as the world defines greatness , becomes more and more evil, then greatness becomes more defined downward.
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7865  Forums / Main Forum / Large Crowds Were Traveling With Jesus on: February 10, 2007, 12:51:52 PM
ML - It is only when we see this that we can understand that we are actually forgiven and what Grace is. It’s no longer theology. We cant love God properly. We cant believe in him properly or simply enough. It’s not possible. We’re freakin idiots. It is BECAUSE of this that we need him and HE CAME. We have screwed it up completely ever since and he still stands there in the shadows of our failure and hatred to bring us home.

Profound and dead on.

Interesting that so often it is in, as you described, the shadows of our failure that we have our most profound experiences of God's grace.

As MBG has shared so well, it is when lifes trials have buffeted us to the point where it seems our faith will fail, that we cry out to Him. And we find He is an ever present comfort in time of need.

This has been an exhausing week. Everyone is gone to meetings except me so the "professor" has been putting in long days actually doing the research. That along with getting Mom settled from the hospital has been pretty stressful.

But coming here each day has been like an oasis, being able to share the things of Christ with a group of brothers and sisters, who are so diverse in their backgrounds, and yet are one in Christ.

Love you all and have a blessed day. Got to go to the birthday for our "miracle" grandkids (Hanna Grace and Weston) born after our daughter lost her first to SIDS.

God is Good, All the Time

Gods Grace and Mercy
Thanks Bill, We  are not robuts to secularism or to the domination of the fittest by believing that the only activity is the self determined will this creates this surivival of the fittest. But we actually believe that all choices have a cause, and that God does actually work out His plan in the choices of man. The principle of all of life is that we were the dry bones pryor to being given new life and now we have the priniciple of new spiritual life in us, so that our choice is ultimately caused by something entirely foriegn to our nature. Thank God that this is a supernatural paradigm because we know in this generation that the skeloton of secularism bids us to trust in ourselves in the pull of trying to make up for our sins by our self determination.

We begin to loose control of our minds as we give ourselves over to this circular paradigm. We begin to react just like a robut. We begin to become mesmerized by the call of the world system with all of its secularistic promises of human freedom. What we do not realize is that we are being lulled into the arms of the wolves ready to devour us in the sunset of our lives. The wolves of grief keep us from serving others and they drive us to desperation , in which we try to rest in Christ but we are given over from one sorrow to another.
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7866  Forums / Main Forum / Just Believe on: February 10, 2007, 08:03:07 AM
But what does it mean to believe?

Not just necessarily with respect to faith, but what does it mean to believe?

I think I understand that belief and faith are not feelings, but what other evidence is there that we believe something?

The thought patterns and "feelings" I have when I say "The sun will rise tomorrow" having experienced it every day of my life and having complete confidence that it will do so again are not the same thought patterns and "feelings" I get when I say "I believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son and that in believing that I will have eternal life."

That then begs the question, what  does it mean to believe?

Is it perhaps a decision one takes, a set of facts one accepts, then patterns behaviour based on that decision?
 Believing a stated fact does not make one a christian. James says that the devils believe and even tremble. The even tremble are a response to believing a fact, so the it even gets to the their emotions.

If we confess with our mouths Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts then we will be saved. Believing in our hearts is a change that takes place in the entire person. It is a change that takes place in our identity.

The will is just one part of our person. There is the mind, desires, understanding, emotions, and our physical make up. There must be a fundemental change that takes place in all of our faculties of soul and  our bodies. Before choice there must be motive, which comes as a result of the view of the mind about the object, so that we have an understanding and a pleasure of what we are viewing. When we veiw an object we either like it or we dislike it. That is we are not just veiwing in a physical dimension but we are viewing in a spiritual dimension. When we look at the choclate cake, we remember the pleasure we got by our senses being involved and we understand that the cake is good. In other words we believe that the cake is good by the pleasure we get in our minds view of the cake.

If we just like the word cake on a page and believed that the word cake was good. What kind of faith is that? There is no apprehension of that object but just the apprehension of the word on the page. No we must have a sense that the cake is real by tasting, feeling and , smelling that cake. Our desire to eat the cake then becomes greater than our desire to not eat the cake, and so we reach out to get the peice of cake by choice. Our choice is determined by our mind being pleased with the cake and our desire to have the cake determines our choice.

It is the same with being saved. When we are regenerated, we get a divine knowlege.Our minds become pleased with Christ. He becomes our only hope in this life. We see Christ with our spiritual eyes given to us at regeneration, and for the first time He becomes more valuable than any other object that we have sensed. We then know Him and we then desire Him and then we choose to obey Him.

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