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6571  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: March 05, 2008, 03:14:05 AM
 I want to clear some things up here. I believe in free will. But i do not believe in two line theology. Two line theology is not historical calvinism. It has led to the co existence of truth about salvation to embrace Armin ism and Calvinism to explain the two lines. It is a secularist religion.

 I believe that man has a free will, so that a man can choose what pleases him. But what pleases all men is sin. So every choice that a natural man makes is sin, because it is made with the purpose of pleasing  himself only. Even all of the good choices, the supposed morally good choices. So if you want to call this freedom, go ahead. Its limited freedom. Its a freedom that will end in bondage in hell. And its a freedom that really is under bondage.

 A believer no longer is under the dominion of sin. A believer technically cannot be divided like Judas. There is no way even when a believer sins that he is any way like Judas. A believer has a new identity, so that all of Christ righteousness is now been imputed to his account , and all of his sin is imputed to Christ account. All of our sins are forgiven in Christ. When we sin we are never outside of Gods household. We remain in His house forever. His is our Father , and we are his children. The Judas is the unbeliever whos Father is the Devil.

 God does everything and we do everything. When we are born again everything that we have that is good is given to us by grace. There is nothing that we can do that is good. We are in our selves evil. But we are not defined by that tendency. We are defined by our being enabled by grace to choose based upon our new desires. We are given these new desires because we are given divine knowledge at salvation so that we can understand divine truth. We are not just having a knowledge that is the information collection of facts kind, but this knowledge is spiritually alive. Our freedom is that we can choose what our minds are most pleased with in the knowing of the word of God. And we are still free in the sense that we choose evil because we are covered by grace. But we do not want to choose evil because we are more desirous to choose what we are most pleased with which is good.

 When we choose good evil is rite there with us. So that we do not always choose good. We still have a sin nature in a way that is not like our natural former life under the bondage of sin. When we are given new life we are given ability to please God, before we were unable to do anything good. We were completely powerless to even seek after God. Now in our new life we are still unable to do good unless we are given His grace to do every good act. We are corrupt in our choices so that the only good in our choosing is His part in making it good. As long as sin is present in our choosing it is corrupted. Some times we want to do good, but at other times we want to do evil so that we cannot always do what we are really like in our new identity. But we are never divided as far as where we are defined by our addictions, or being defined even as sinners. We are saints through and through.

 We live thinking in the indicative. When we come to a command, we are required to obey it completely. But we never obey the command good enough to be able to think that we did it ourselves. The underlying problem in our dis ability requires us to look at our doing as having a visibly glaring disability. Look, our view of obeying is not that we are doing the good, but its what we think we are in doing the good. If we come to the conclusion that we are fully able to obey the commands by Gods standard of obedience, then we are able in ourselves to receive all the glory in obeying. The problem with man is his self will. Its the view that i am able in myself to do what God requires. God doesnt grade on a curve. He requires obedience like Christ. So His doing good in us proceeds our obeying the command. We are always convinced that God is the beginning and ending in good. If we dont believe that God really has decreed whatever comes to pass then we are going to come to defend everyone else s free choice as the principle part in the obedience. But we are only doing what we are required. There is no reason to think that our obedience is special. Rather the glorifying of God.

 We are defined by God as being our Father. If we do not belong to Christ then Satan is our Father. The new birth is our new relationship to God. Adam did not just take something away from us. But adam gave us sin and he put us in the relationship to Satan as our Father. We are not just injured children. We are evil children. Our family is all of the children who have God as their Father. Who are our brothers and sisters? Those who follow Christ. So when we talk about identity, we always go from what ever is bound in heaven shall be bound on earth.....

 What we have in two line is like the old families who had a neighbor hood spat. Now when someone focuses of the outward as an evidence of the inward then there is a tendency to label the other party so that it goes beyond the biblical paradigm. I mean if we say that in order for one to be saved he must always be doing what the bible says, then it precludes that my family is able to do it since i am judging him. It also says that i am able to say anything about this person as long as its the truth. So we have what i call the old way of the Archie Bunker mentality. So that we may be able to label our neighbor, even tho he is a real sinner with a label that God does not put on him. And i guess if you have some philosophy mixed in then the terms can be really profound. Grin But really , we dont want to start a behavioral neighborhood  feud. No if we believe that God by His grace enables us then we will argue to our graves that it is not really our righteousness. And if we judge a brother when the scripture says there is no condemnation arent we using our two lines to disobey? I know of this attitude, i still deal with it. My argument is not necessarily about behavior but doctrine.
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6572  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: March 02, 2008, 10:00:04 PM

 Wow, what can i say?
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6573  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 02, 2008, 09:11:02 AM
Corol. 3. It is manifest, that Arminian notions of moral Agency, and the being of a faculty of Will, cannot consist together; and that if there can be any such thing as either a virtuous or vicious act, it cannot be an act of the Will; no Will can be at all concerned in it. For that act which is performed without inclination, without Motive, without end, must be performed without any concern of the Will. To suppose an act of the Will without these, implies a contradiction. If the soul in its act has no motive or end; then, in that act (as was observed before) it seeks nothing, goes after nothing, exerts no inclination to any thing; and this implies, that in that act it desires nothing, and chooses nothing; so that there is no act of choice in the case: and that is as much as to say, there is no act of Will in the case. Which very effectually shuts all vicious and virtuous acts out of the universe; inasmuch as, according to this, there can be no vicious or virtuous act wherein the Will is concerned: and according to the plainest dictates of reason, and the light of nature, and also the principles of Arminians themselves, there can be no virtuous or vicious act wherein the Will is not concerned. And therefore there is no room for any virtuous or vicious acts at all.

Corol. 4. If none of the moral actions of intelligent beings are influenced by either previous inclination or motives, another strange thing will follow; and this is, that God not only cannot foreknow any of the future moral actions of his creatures, but he can make no conjecture, can give no probable guess concerning them. For all conjecture in things of this nature must depend on some discerning or apprehension of these two things, previous Disposition and Motive, which, as has been observed, Arminian notions of moral Agency, in their real consequence, altogether exclude.
6576  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: March 01, 2008, 04:04:57 PM
 Thanks for your honesty TB. It is refreshing to see that you are struggling with life in general. Everyone expresses their experience in a different way. Have you struggled with yourself most of the time you have been a christian or has it just been more of a common experience?

 Ive always seen things through a sensitive eye. From my young days ive always felt a sense of the bigness of all of my circumstances, having a strong sense of the meta physical nature of my circumstances. Having lived in a very intense thought life, it has been long road to gain a sense of wholeness and balance in dealing with people in my world. Sometimes i wish i could go back to a more innocent way of reality. But on the one hand gaining more knowledge is an interesting life, but then there is so much sorrow and frustration in looking at my present circumstances. And in this sense i am driven.

 There is a spiritual world that we cannot see, and yet it has an effect on our circumstances by how people behave. It just seems that the world is so much more interesting when we involve ourselves in the ideas that bring us to think in terms of the unseen. And maybe its the frustration we have of thinking in an apologetic way in our thinking and then voicing these ideas to others. So then the frustration causes us to want to be more meta physical since the answers are so common and having no effect to change a persons general disposition.

 I have heard that living in our heads is a waste of time. But if we are experiencing  wholeness in our world view then being heavenly minded determines our physical healthy outlook. So that if we live in our heads in the heaven lies then we can live above our circumstances, and experience the entire realm of reality, rather than living in our heads in a moral sense.
6578  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: March 01, 2008, 12:38:47 PM
 I had a time in my life where i was question the validity of my resisting while i was resisting. I mean prior to resisting in a lot of questions it seemed successful. Which maybe at the prior time it was mostly a confidence in my flesh that was resisting. But then the time came when the struggle increase and then my confidence in my resisting fell to its lowest. So i was desperate. And it was the experience of desperation that was so painful and anxiety producing. In a real way whether i was going through the mountain top or the valley it was an experience were sin was always present and it came in different colors. One was too much confidence in myself, and the valley was not enough confidence in Him. But , He had ordered it in my life for the purpose of increasing my faith. On the self confident mode, i was not as interested in seeking Him for who He was, because i was not that desperate. I felt confident so I was confident. But when He hid His face from me i was dismayed. So then my sin of self confidence was exposed. And then i started to deal with issues of faith and dependence.

 But whether there is a level of confidence or not, the point is that He is working in us beyond our reasons. And when we are in the valley then our desperate cry may be filled with doubt. Which is a lesson in itself for us to learn. Most of the time we are unaware of the depth of our sin, and we are more confident in ourselves than we think. In fact we would rather make a fast rule for the christian life and teach others of our discovery rather than say that we are this mixture of unreliable information, because we are silenced into the dust. It may be that we want to think of being totally surrendered that is the answer. Yet we are still going to want more, because we are grieving. And so what we long for is Him. Which sometimes , we have a longing that is so faint and full of doubt that we do not know if He has left us to our selves and we end our prayers with " I am in darkness." But we should not give up even tho in our minds we gave up a long time ago. We may give up just to rest in our grief. We may need to rest from our striving. But we believed and we were having a relationship with Him, but then it all seemed to just fade. And so we must go back to His word , get in the revelation of Jesus and stay in His faithful promises. We must dwell on His words until we see Him again.
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6579  Forums / Main Forum / Re: You can defy God by dedicating yourself to becoming a biblical expert. on: March 01, 2008, 09:37:22 AM
 Patrick that was awesome! Man you have such a vast imagination in esplaining the truth.

 Ive been thinking about this lately. I mean where would the world be without having an imaginative view of what it could be. And then we can go there in relationships in order to become like we imagine. So that there in our natural senses a paradigm of enjoyment by how we use our imaginations in order to bring about change in our lives. But then there is a limit since we could enjoy imagination so much that we are addicted to it. So that we live on the sheer lust and happiness of being under the spell of this paradigm drug. But then grace is much more powerful in its imaginative translation into reality. (Observation from my view point)

 Since grace is what makes all things work to our good. I guess that when my imagination gets the best of me, then i have no fear in the sense that grace comes to the rescue. Because if we imagine the best situation ,where we could imagine what it could be like, and we are able in some ways to translate that into reality , yet there would be no way to measure the pain that would be experienced with having an unlimited imagination.And yet grace is far greater and determinatively quicker working than even the imagined pain in the translation into joy of an unlimited imagination.

Every one has an imagination, and yet grace transcends societies imaginations in how relationships should exist. So that i know that the enjoyment of my inward paradigm of grace will work to my benefit since grace is more powerful than the imaginations of all men put together, and i possess that grace.

 In other words  in the personal generated  unseen forces of grace and the sheer magnitude of its working ,is the reality outside and beyond the idea in my imagination and in spite of my imagination that works for my benefit and for His glory.
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6580  Forums / Main Forum / Re: A Mature Christian on: February 29, 2008, 10:34:41 PM
I don t know but i kinda think we love according to truth. I m sure the verb here has a causal sense. But then we could posses all of the knowledge but if we do not have love then we are only a sounding brass. So that maybe if we have the rite knowledge that it will be a new desire to love from a heart that knows the object of that love. Blessed are all those that love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

 I think if you love someone then you would want to know all about them, talk all the time about them, and speak of them in a way that makes it easy to know that you love them. So more than any human being ,  there is never enough extolling the Lord. And some times when our love is divided it may seem that we are over confident , but over confidence in Him is loving Him.

 Love would always be an action, out of a desire to please Him. So that if you love Him , then it will be easier to give to others without expecting any love or thing in return. So that it is giving that shows that you love. Even to your own hurt.  Love is being a "mission" to our fellow man. Treating them as if they were family. In the old testament the stranger was treated greater then the members of his own household. It was a custom to think with these social terms so that the children would value relationships over things. And of course the concept of Adoption, where all believers are of this family by grace.

People used to go great distances to do mission work, and leave the family behind and stay faithful out of a deep sense of love. It use to be that Christ meant more than a healthy relationship, He meant in a mission sense that there would be family separation for the kingdom of God and still be faithful to each other and to Christ. IMNSHO  We have a very small kind of love today.
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6581  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 29, 2008, 07:18:30 PM
 Hear this. What did Gary Player say to him?
6583  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 27, 2008, 07:55:42 AM
Thanks so much for being honest. And i think this was your best post as of yet. You are such a good writer. If we know who God is, then we will understand who we are. So that He says My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. Which voice is never a condemning voice. But the voice is not necessarily distinguished as negative just what comes across as negative to us. Like you will fail at what ever you do. But the evil is very legal. So that we have a Father in heaven who speaks everything into reality. We are kinda like Peter, who was told that he was going to end his life in a place that he did not wish to be. We are always determined by God to be what He wants us to be at the place He has determined us to be in every thing that transpires in our lives. But our adult voice wants to be responsible and feel a sense of independence so that when we end our lives we will be rewarded for our good deeds. But we are living in an imaginative world when we do not understand that we are His children , waiting on His word, so that when He speaks all will be well. We wait on Him in expectation. The voice we hear falling on our ears is the gospel voice of grace and not the power of the law in condemnation or equal Librium determinism. But we were determined from eternity to be under the sovereign reign of God for the purpose of being weak so that we would be as helpless as a child. He makes us able.This is His Fatherly care being expressed to us through His word being made know by what transpires in the world around us and in our souls.

 So that there is nothing that does not happen without His supernatural power being manifested from His lips. We are most responsible when we are most helpless so that we are desperate to seek Him and lay all of our troubles at His feet. He is most glorified when He is praised for being our relief, our miracle worker, our refuge, our helper. In this world we are going to have tribulation, and the only place we can go to get the courage is to Him. He has a throne of grace that dispenses new power to us for our new day. It is when we look to Him as a slave to his master, that we learn to trust in Him alone. If He promises to deliver us by speaking a word , then we have a hope in HIs word and when He delivers us, we know His loving voice to us. So that everything we glory in is supernatural!
6586  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 26, 2008, 03:34:42 PM
 When we go through depression, we have very little relief from the scripture. We have these thoughts that are so very dominate , so that they war against what we know we should be thinking. So that our minds are given over to a general depressed disposition. It effects our emotional stability. We are going to experience a darkness in our souls in which our feelings go lower than they ever went before. The sinking feeling is going to be mixed with a desperate attempt to get out of that downward spiral. So that the inward struggle becomes bigger than our rational way of living with the circumstances, and so we are under the dominance of an imagination that causes us to react differently to these circumstances than we normally do.

 And we have a remedy in the scriptures as well as medicine.  The word of God is powerful, sharper than any double edged sword. The word tells us that when we have fear and anxiety that we will experience a very weak if not absent faith. Although we feel this way, yet the faith of a mustered seed can move mountains. So that we are left to deal with our lives in a moment by moment struggle rather than having a certain amount of peace so that we are having it overcome the anxiety, so that there is a certain flow in life when we are enjoying that peace. But when we are at war with depression, we learn to fight for peace.

If we did not struggle in this way then we would not know the kind of discipline it takes to cast down these imaginations. If you think of anyone who is handicapped , then you know that they work doubly hard to overcome that handicap by a great discipline. They balance the handicap out with going at the handicap. Its the same thing with depression. We must use the scripture like a hammer. When we discipline ourselves to meditate on the scripture, we may be doing it in a mechanical way without any feeling in return. But the end of meditation is that we will en graft the soul with paradigms of powerful spiritual realities, that are going to have an effect in the long run. And the mechanical meditation, that is saying the word out loud in an unfeeling way, will lead to creating new path ways of desire in the soul that will be the fortress for gaining some peace over the anxiety.

 I am not depressed now, just felt like writing about it.

 Obviously we are going to experience deep darkness of soul, in which we feel the depressed feeling by having a sinking feeling in our stomachs. Now these feelings that we sink into, are going to be His to understand on our behalf. In other words we feel the sinking by the cry in the Psalms and in that moment of the low we breath in the low and we breath out the rolling it over to Him. So we say Why are you down cast oh my soul, in depression this is the sinking, and then we are sighing at this point under the burden of the bottom of that feeling, and then we say Put your hope in God, now that is not going to be as encouraging in feeling as the other sinking feeling, but the desperateness of the cry Put your hope in God is like please take this from me! So that in the 5 mins of the meditation we have thought rite even tho we are not over the condition. But we won the 5 mins. Now we are trained to go from the lowness to the cry or the plea to the remembering. That is the way of the Psalmist. And we are forced by the meditation to consider His works in the past in the scriptures and in our lives after the initial low feeling realization. So that we learn to go to the place where we give Him that depressed paradigm in feeling that sinking feeling and then we force to go to a relinquishment of the depressed state to Him, then we go to the remembrance.  So that this is a refuge in the moment by moment abiding in the state of depression. You will be rewarded in the end for battling with His weapons.
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6587  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 26, 2008, 05:34:27 AM
  I apologize for derailing the other thread.  I hope this is the rite place.

Why is Jesus my only hope in this life, and the one to come? First because in saving me, He gave me new life. He gave me His life. He is my only strength. So that when i am weak, He is strong. My natural way is to trust in my own strength. And in having this tendency, i have a level of misery in this life. But He shows me that i have no strength in myself, so that I  once again experience renewal, by being sustained spiritually by His life alone, and then I have that illumination that i have been freed from sin by Him ,feeling totally helpless in my own strength to go one more step. In knowing that i am unable, and He has made me able  then is when i experience His strength. So then we must glory in our weakness so that He can make His strength perfect in us. We must glory by finding in Christ our all in all. We must strengthen our feeble spiritual knees by going before Him and pouring our hearts out to Him in praise and adoration. Acknowledging Him as the only source of strength and finding in seeking Him that we will receive strength upon strength, so that we know that we will have assurance of His working His strength in us, by our desires to see Him as our alone strength. When we receive His strength, then we want more of it. And when we get more strength then we are being drawn in such a way, that we are encouraged to rest in our Heavenly Fathers arms and have such high experience of His strength, that we are assured of being in a place of refuge that we can always go.

 If you do not believe that this has a practical effect on what transpires in your future then I question whether you know Him.

So i ask you again kindly sir, to tell me how much you love Jesus. 
6589  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Devil's Advocate on: February 25, 2008, 09:20:40 PM
 I will start.

 Why is Jesus my only hope in this life, and the one to come? First because in saving me, He gave me new life. He gave me His life. He is my only strength. So that when i am weak, He is strong. My natural way is to trust in my own strength. And in having this tendency, i have a level of misery in this life. But He shows me that i have no strength in myself, so that I  once again experience renewal, by being sustained spiritually by His life alone, and then I have that illumination that i have been freed from sin by Him ,feeling totally helpless in my own strength to go one more step. In knowing that i am unable, and He has made me able  then is when i experience His strength. So then we must glory in our weakness so that He can make His strength perfect in us. We must glory by finding in Christ our all in all. We must strengthen our feeble spiritual knees by going before Him and pouring our hearts out to Him in praise and adoration. Acknowledging Him as the only source of strength and finding in seeking Him that we will receive strength upon strength, so that we know that we will have assurance of His working His strength in us, by our desires to see Him as our alone strength. When we receive His strength, then we want more of it. And when we get more strength then we are being drawn in such a way, that we are encouraged to rest in our Heavenly Fathers arms and have such high experience of His strength, that we are assured of being in a place of refuge that we can always go.

 If you do not believe that this has a practical effect on what transpires in your future then I question whether you know Him.
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6590  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 25, 2008, 08:50:31 PM
 We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. And we live in this reality. Even when there are enemies on every side, and then we have a disposition to faint, that is our time to be in a trial for the purpose of making us keep our eyes only on Christ. For in Him we have a sure victory, and in His time we will experience all that we long for in the victory. Even if it is a request that is long in being answered. We may wait many yrs for an answer. The really deep things come with long hard pleading , and we are to be encouraged in making our request in a day by day morning by morning way. If our request were answered rite away then we would never learn to wait in expectation. So that when we learn to wait, we learn to look for the relief in the morning. Which is a time in which we see Him faintly in worship, and we begin to rise in our affection as we look into His word, and we worship Him with all of our hearts, crying out to Him, praising Him, seeing Him as the beginning and end of all things, and having our full rest in His perfect strength. For we only have honor when we have our only refuge in Him.

 We see His beauty when we are looking at creation. We see the natural order of things in creation, so that all of the movements of the trees, and the movements of the ocean, are for our enjoyment, so that we understand His being clothed with majesty, by experiencing His strength in the rising of the waves. His  work in the oceans movements are heard in an over whelming way, when we hear the thunder of the crashing waves and the constant noise of the waves as they crash together one after another. Just as in the rising of the waves,  so we look to Him for our strength, knowing that nothing that rises in our lives happens by chance. But He has established His throne from eternity, so that everything has been purposed in Him to be in our lives for our good and for His glory. So we learn through these movements and sounds of creation to enjoy the beauty of His majestic work. And we learn to long for Him , to bring on the new heaven and earth, which will be a perfect experience ,being beyond our understanding of our present senses. We live in Him, who moves and has His being in every space in the universe. He is all of God in every space.
6603  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: February 23, 2008, 11:27:44 AM
Its interesting to read about your human experience. Whether the underlying cause of this world view is from a principled source is what i am trying to figure out. With the amount of time that i have in a day, it really is of very little value to me as to what others think about me even those closest to me. And don t take that the wrong way. And maybe the world view of living on a set of principles is very different from my world view. Just thinking here. But i have always approached myself examination in a way that i am very deceived about my circumstances, and my initial feelings, that is these areas of guilt, fear, and shame in which i consider these a plague due to the sin that i carry around, not the actions necessarily. Sin is like living with a person who is very principled by its attraction to the law for the purpose of accusing. And then there is this natural tendency to live under the dominion of a legal principle rather than rising above this step theology and really experiencing the super naturalistic paradigms that come from the Spirit through the word. If i looked at myself the way people are trained to look at themselves in this culture of legalism, i would lose the desire to trust in Christ alone, and it would be a divided heart of unbelief. Of which i struggle with, in hours of preaching to myself.

 After much meditation in His word, it seems to me that as we become more entrenched in this imperialistic paradigm in this culture where these realities are felt through the interaction in these relationships, it becomes more of feeling in me of the utter helplessness in depending even on those in the church. We live in a very evil time when men trade outward sins for inward sins and in caring for the heart, there are all kinds of fancy programs that are not of the Spirit. And even tho there are some positive things that are happening in helping, yet there is not enough time in a day to be thinking in this way. Because it comes down to what we love the most. I am not talking about perfectionism here but just simple direction, of the circumspect kind.  We live in a time were men are dualistic. We really do not have a choice as to growing or retreating, if we  are not growing in our orthodoxy then we are retreating from the oracles into dualism.
6615  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Devil's Advocate on: February 22, 2008, 11:15:45 AM
The perception that "we" as "children of God" have within us the power to show someone else God is completely incorrect.  I am not saying that God does not allow us the priviledge to walk with Him and to assist Him in caring for others, but any leading or heart changing is all of Him.

Only God can open the eyes of another.  It is His voice that calls.  It is His hand that is in charge.

We are only like small children in the grocery store with Dad.  He allows us to pick up a box of cereal from the shelf and drop it into the cart...thus we grow to understand the task of shopping.  But just as the small child isn't really needed, but greatly enjoyed, so our Lord is with us.  And just like a small child, sometimes, okay often we pick stuff off of the shelf because it looks good, and our Dad might not fight with us about not needing it, He just quietly puts the uneeded stuff back.  He pays.

But if the athiest is looking for God's mighty hand, He needs to go to the source.  We don't lead people to Christ.  He does that.  He just allows us to help a bit sometimes...or to think we do, because He loves having us with Him, and every bit of real time we spend with Him, we are blessed with the view of His hand upon all.  It's just that if you don't know Him, You don't know Him.

 Just remember that if you are an indicative genius and not from a collective set of rules, then there will be a natural following in a revived since because we are separate from Gods working .(in this since we are not robots). "If God is with them you will not be able to stop these men. "We are each important. If the works that we perform are not a wonder, then the praise that we give Him is not according to His purpose in performing them through us. And i am not talking mainly about the physical realm. But His authority exercised through us to bring men to the end of themselves and to see Christ exalted as He deserves to be and as He has planned it through us. This is His pleasure and His glory! He created us protecting us to become saints and then returning us back into His image, and that is what is attractive, even to those who have no depth of understanding. Because we go beyond the nature of human resistance and our initial adversarial responses is in this circumspect disposition of supernaturalism. Casting down the imaginations of pet project or legalistic Christianity. This  is the real world.
6616  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Devil's Advocate on: February 22, 2008, 10:00:09 AM
the wisdom of man is foolishness to GOD.
you would like to fight on your own grounds about things that are not on your ground why is that?

The only problem with this position is that I have heard (and read) your own fellow Christians being critical of it. People like R.C. Sproul, Greg Kokl, Lee Strobel and others do not seem to have an ounce of sympathy (well, maybe an ounce), for those of their fellow Christians who want to try and communicate their position from strictly the experiential end of the equation. The chief gripe they seem to have (and report) is that they are tired of Christians who feel the need to "check their brains at the church door" (and I concur wholeheartedly). But I am afraid that this is something that you are simply not going to be able to "emote your way through." Like I said; anyone can have an experience. New Agers have them, Hindus have them, Muslims have them, on the sheer subjective scale, how are theirs any less (or more) convincing than yours!

I've found there to be a suprisingly large number of Christians out there who are not fact-phobic. And, while I wholley disagree with their conclusions, my suggestion to you is that you follow their example. There is nothing very virtuous about simply going to your own little corner of your existence with your own little "wonderful experience" and pretending that you are somehow "superior" to those who would render reasons for what it is they believe.

 I agree, if there is a gathering of the saints, and then someone gets up and has an objective proposal from the scriptures then there is always going to be a subjective reaction in those who are attending. So that in order for the purposes of God to be effective there is this whole realm of spiritual understanding that will determine how one views the objective world of struggling in our obedience or utterly failing due to a lack of understanding about these subjective realities. "Thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against God." This is mainly a indicative proposition first.  First because most people take the bible off the night stand and  by reading it bring it into their minds. And this is not going to be an encouragement to persevere because the majority of them only take it off the night stand when there is trouble,  they have been feeling so guilty that they have no where else to go, or they have not had any indicative experiences. The majority of men have their own world of justice as it relates to love and hate, so that unless men dwell with having a spiritual understanding of Gods unfailing love, His absolute faithfulness, and His eternal determinations, then mens experience will lack that "heart after God "that leaves all these determinations in His hands. Thats why the Lord did not commit Himself to any man, because He knew the fickleness of mens hearts, This speaks to us in the nature of what self generated feelings are as opposed to what true spiritual passion that over comes all distorted personality deficiencies  in discipling.

 Hiding the word is keeping it as the most cherished set of propositions that go beyond causing us to love the word, but drive us to dwell in the realm of belonging to a new reality, a reality that no one else can understand about our experiential understanding. Its not that the individual spiritual experience is dangerous, but its in the lack of understanding of the subjectiveness that causes one to lose heart in perseverance. Each man has his own inward experience, and that is how he understands what the truth is , how he is going to conduct himself, and what he teaches others in regards to the truth. Because the truth or lie is always hidden in each mans heart beyond the sight of men and even beyond himself. Each man who experiences one conversion after another in the process of salvation, has his life hidden in Christ beyond the condemnation of other men who cannot read the heart. So that God must reveal this hidden knowledge of oneself in the process of renewal so that only God will receive the praise. "There is a way that seems rite to a man" That is the way of mans wisdom, and the community that trust in mans moral ability rather than searching out Gods revealed treasures that are hidden from the majority of men.

We become more helpless the farther we go in this spiritual journey. That is why it is so important to hide the truth in our hearts , because we are teaching others what to believe by our indicative understanding in our desperation for more super naturalistic revealings. We are sure of that truth as it relates to our experience and that is what we teach others.

 This is  the below surface apologetic that we lack so much today. Just compare the writings of Owen and others to the present day theologians.

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