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8003  Forums / Theology Forum / Which One Is The Gift? on: January 20, 2007, 10:32:17 AM
Does God draw to Himself only those who want to be drawn (or who have the desire to be draw near to Him) or does He also draw those who have no desire for Him at all?

Here we have been discussing desire. And since our choices are cause by our desires then to have an ability to be able to choose based on equal desires is no choice at all. As i have said if we are inbetween the choice of salvation and damnation then we have no real choice there. But the moment we desire salvation over damnation then there is a choice. Equal desire is no desire.
As i have stated it there are equal desires in the paradigm of free will then because there no actual choice then the paradigm shifts to the object of having all the power. An you know that unless the Spirit does an inward work in the heart to make new the desire there will only be a desire to reject the gospel because sin. And as the scripture says that men in themselves desire only what is evil, (in the spritual sense.)
So if the exterior paradigm , that is a preachers ability to convince, or a very profound invitation, or people following other people coming forward after a 30 minute invitation, then the focus is on the object rather than the condition of the soul , and the actual biblical way of ability and human freedom. Unless we do it according to the bible it will ultimately end in will worship because of the focus going away from desire, to the object. Do you understand?
8009  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 19, 2007, 01:06:10 PM
Indulgences are alive and well, even to this day and regardless of how often it is explained people still choose to misunderstand.

I am not going to deal with this issue as a works system for forgiveness but i am going to go at this in a different direction. First of all the individual believer is not for the church but the church is for the believer. I am in good company on this one principle. If you go back to the begining of the nt church in acts you will find that there was a very profound unity in the first group of believers because of the out workings of being under gospel power by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And you will find that the initual work was giving to one another moneis. Because Christ gave His life for us we too should give our lives for one another. And the first leader to be lodded was Barnabas. Now barnabas was an example of what a member of the church should be doing. And that was selling his property and giving it to those who had a need. Now it was never said of Barnabas that he was in the church for himself. Acts account makes Barnabas the prime example of taking care of the flock of God.
It is interesting that the anti thesis of the principle of the verse that says they devoted themselves to the apostles teach , to the fellowship and to the breaking of bread , and then there was no one in need as a result of this kind of unity. Or this was the evidence that the Spirit was amoung the first church, the Annanias and Saphira were not in the fellowship in line with the Spirit. But it was not just the amount of money here that the Holy Spirit judged them about. But it was the intent of the heart in the lying about the amount of money. Which shows that they were more interested in the public view, sota a pharisee in the church, than they were in helping others. This was in direct contrast to barnabas. In other words they represent the people who give to be seen by others, whos heart is not enlarged by how much Christ suffered for them.
They represent the indulgent mentality of the church. How much the world system has blinded the minds of the members as in contrast to the early church were there was no needs because of the giving. They represent the men who send their wives out into the world to provide a cushion for their own profit. Now not all women in this situation are in the wrong, but when the marriages of people are suffering in the church more than outside the church then the indulgent mentality must be explored. And this really is the ot principle. God over and over and over again promises to meet every need. In the covenant God has promised to suppy all our needs. It really is a lack of faith that makes the proverbs a book that creates a system of secularistic loopholes in scripture for the indulgent mentality. There is only one man in the proverbs that is lauded. The man who is like Barnabas, the giving man. Or like Job.  And so this is the initial evidence in the beginings of the church that shows the level of Christ giving Himself for the church.
8011  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 19, 2007, 08:53:01 AM
So why does God allow some to carry the desires of strong habits in thier members? Allow?? I hear see we can explain through any means our limited or vast knowledge BUT they still exsist.

I have thought about this in light of the sins of the fathers, visiting, or it is the kind of fear of God that was ingrained in the child through the philosophy of life that visits the child. In any habit we are desiring to sin greater than we are desiring to live righteously. But in regeneration we are changed and we are made holy by Christ righteousness. That is we recieve new desires that are intrinsically stronger than our desires to sin. But there is a growth process in all of this. The principle is not that of equal desires, but the principle is we have new desires and we must become aquainted with our new desires. We must reckon ourselves to be righteous as we are made in Christ. In our former life we were used to viewing reality as we understood our relationship to God and living without the fear of God or with the fear of God. That is the reason we understood life in the way we did. That is the reason we chose to go along with the habits of our forefathers. And even so we see that God also incorporates earthly fathers in a group. That is we are susceptable to the sins of a generation of fathers by the philosophy of that generation.
So as i have stated that there are some things that we must be original on as a new generation. We must rebell in the sense that we are determined to see the sins and we are not going to repeat the sins. Remember that a generation of israelites was not able to enter the promise land while they were still alive. I mean they were set on the shelf so to speak. There is a sense in which what we desire over a number of years will be so ingrained that we are not able to overcome the habits so that we are seen as mabey a Solomon, or even a reprobate.
But fathers are spriritual fathers mainly. We are to be original in the sense that we no longer serve masters that are bringing us along in a world philosophy but we are to look to our spiritual fathers so that we learn how to over come our philosophical blindness. So we must be in the process of opening up the wells of Abraham that have been covered over by past fathers. We must be original in this opening process. We must get back to the basic fundemnetals and start from the begining at the bottom of the well.
And i think this is where we find ourselves in this generation. Do we have the bravery to see the contrast, and expose the truth in an apologetic fashon or are we going to repeat the sins of our fathers?

But we really are being changed by grace. If we view these things as God views them in some fashion then we will be able to over come the wrong desires. It is like we have been changed but we do not realize it at first in a really circumspective way. The desires are not very profound and so we do not have a really good understanding of the Spirit and the unseen ways. But we look at our lives as believers in that we are going to struggle with sin. We are going to wage war with sin and the world. We are in the present in a feirce battle. And the battle has already been won. Every day we fight we fight a battle that has already had a victorious outcome. The problem is we are blinded by our sin, and the worlds philosophys. We are duped. But we are so much to be in prayer so that when we see a falsehood we immediatly reckon it a lie and we oppose it. And so if we lay down our arms and become passive in the struggle then we are going to continue the bad habits that are going to be a weight around our necks.
And as we engage in this battle we are all gifted in different ways . So we are going to be like minded in our approach but our workings are all going to be different. As we are confessing sin and rejoicing in Christ. As we are becoming more like Christ, and as the Holy Spirit is working in our hearts we are gaining confidence in the supernatural process and our faith is going to increase against the opposition. So that when we look back in the past we are going to say , i have obeyed you law , i have kept your statutes. Why , because we are always warring against the world the flesh and the devil and we are living in the righteouness of Christ.  We are reckoning ourselves to be what we are.

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8012  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 19, 2007, 05:43:32 AM
Ok is it reasonable for Catholics to believe the words of Jesus  when He says  "For my flesh is real food".  Now I may have been dropped as baby but I tried to to change the meaning of 'real food' into 'symbolic food' or 'figurative food' and for the life of me I couldn`t.

There is something about the words of Jesus, He says heaven and earth shall pass away but His words will not pass away, and I suspect He is right.

So is it more reasonable when Jesus says "For my flesh is real food" for me to then to say "No it is not real food its only symbolic and figurative food."  Jesus would have kept all of those disciples in John 6 if only He told them He was kidding and explained He meant His flesh was symbolic food.

I get the feeling I would have to conform and subjugate the words of God to my opinion to do that.

Since people are keen on salvation the question is "How is your average beady eyed catholic or anyone for that matter saved?"

"For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil" (2 Cor.5:10)

"Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay every one for what he has done"   (Rev 22:12)

"Not every one who says to me ,Lord,Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven"(St. Matt.7:21)

 â€œWhat does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save you? ... So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead ... Do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith apart from works is barren? ... You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone ... For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead” (St. Jas. 2:14; 17; 20-26).

Faith alone is mentioned twice in scripture and each time it is condemned.

For catholics it is;

By grace (Eph. 2:Cool.
By Christ’s Blood (Rom. 5:9; Heb. 9:22).
By Christ’s Cross (Eph. 2:16; Col. 2:14).
By faith in Christ (St. John 3:16; Acts 16:31).
By repentance (Acts 2:38; 2 Pet. 3:9).
By baptism (St. John 3:5; 1 Pet. 3:21).
By confessing publicly with our mouths (Rom. 10:9).
By knowing and adhering to the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).
By obeying the Commandments (St. Matt. 5:19 & 19:17).
By the doing of good works in faith (St. James 2:24).

For catholics it is not one or two but all requirements that must be met for salvation.

"Everyone will hate you because of me , but whoever stands firm to the end will be saved" (St.Matt 10:22)
Jn 6:29.  Jesus answered and said to them, \"This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.\"
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8013  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 18, 2007, 04:27:51 PM
St. John 6
\"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.\"
\"How can this man give us his flesh to eat?\"
\"For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink\"
St Matt.26:26, St. Mark 14:22,St.Luke 22:19, 1 Cor. 10:4-21
\"Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and he had given thanks he gave it to them,saying, Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins\"

Any comments so far before we move to the next one?

We do not accept transubstanciaon because we do believe that Christ was fully God and fully Man, and that these natures were unmixed. We believe that His body is local, not being mixed with His eternal nature. So that it is impossible for His body to be spread all over the universe. It is a fundamental difference in our views of the trinity.

We see that what is of nature the water and the bread are not changed into what is not natural. All natural things remain in the natural. Any other attributed form to natural is mysticism. That is the percieved truth comes out of the mind of man, and is not revealed truth.

There are those who see the elements of communion as like saying the pledge of alegiance. That is when we face the flag we remember our independence and we have that as a remembrance strickly. So with the elements of bread and wine. They are strickly a remembrance.
But really we are proclaiming the Lords death and ressurrection by taking the communion. The elements are what nature made them but the Spirit takes the elements gives us grace, these are a means of grace. We are being strentghened by the Holy SPirit in taking communion. We are having a very profound experience of fellowship in the death and ressurrection of Christ in the sacriment. We are recieving life by His body and blood. He is speaking to us a peace that surpasses any experience we could have on this earth. He is coming as Lord to us in the communion. We should have a profound sense of wonder, love and amazement from partaking of His body and blood by the Spirit applying grace through the sacrement.
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8014  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 18, 2007, 04:04:37 PM
This is where a supernatural choice in will towards a faith that denies us the ability to see the outcome and by default asks of us a trust that our effort towards His will can not be based on our own effort alone.
This is where I believe that Christianity most witnesses rather than mere moral effort as an example to the world becasue it denies ourselves and self preservation in full view towards pure faith and is recognized by those who seek it .

Yes we hear that faith is a gift of God. It is not by the will of man, but the will of God. And we believe that being exposed to the word of God increases our faith, it does not return void. Its mainly the glory of Christ in the word that we see that increases our faith. But our experience has something to do with increasing our faith as well. Because apprehending spiritual things is not the method in the initial salvation experience, we belive that salvation was initially brought on by the word of God like a seed that was planted so that it was the origin of the new life. God speaks into existence life, by His word. Gods word is His spoken word, and it is a word that brings light into darkness. We believe the new life was the cause of saving faith.

We must have faith in an object that is unseen. That is unseen to the natural eye. And we are seeing the unseen because we have divine knowlege and understanding. So we can trust and obey . And yet in order for us to grow in faith we must be tested so that our faith can be proved genuine. How can you test faith unless there is on the one side a sever trial in which there is a profound sense of hopelessness on the one hand and a trust in Christ that surpasses that hopelessness on the other hand. That is \"hoping against hope.\" Yes and in our experience we are led down the road to this intersection. This is where we come out with an assurance that we have saving faith.
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8015  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 18, 2007, 03:46:57 PM
What is it in me that chooses the stronger desire over the weaker one? Is it the Holy Spirit who has somehow possessed my body or is it my very self (my soul or spirit or mind) or is it both or is it perhaps something else?
Soc, It comes down to the condition of our souls. We can be a christian but yet because we have developed bad habits rarely are they taken away from us at the point of our new birth. That is why we may have problems in different areas of desiring sin over righteousness. As i have stated that desire is what causes choice. The mind views the object based apoun many factors. Our past experience is one of the factors. If we desired strongly a certian sin in our former life then our bad habit would effect how we desire that sin in our new life. We all come with souls that have been conditioned by our experience. So our understanding of what is rite and wrong is effected. We also have likes ,dislikes that affect our understanding. We have different personalities that effect our understanding.

When we are born again, given new life then we get new desires. The desire to glorify God is the end for which we live since we have left our way of thinking and we have a new way of thinking. These new desires effect the condition of our souls. As we grow in our new desires we begin to develope new habits. Our minds begin to be transformed by the word of God and our souls become more like Christ. The new desires are beyond our ability to aprehend completely since we see through a glass dimly. They also come and go, up and down, sometimes they can be very strong, sometimes they are very weak.  So we are never really fulfilled in this life. As we read His word we are looking into the glass and we are seeing the image of God in the face of Jesus Christ. We are gaining deeper and deeper desires for His glory. Because our minds and understanding begin to have spiritual feel, touch , taste, and site we begin to have these senses enlarged so that our spiritual desires begin to increase and our frequency to have bad habits decrease. In this way the condition of our souls are transformed. Its really not the process of conditioning, but it is the process of deliverence by Christ by over coming our bad habits through looking into the glass and seeing our selves through His word.
It is also a process of renewal. We are being renew daily by being washed of our sins, and by being energized by His Spirit, and by responding to His word with praise and adoration. If we begin to develope the spiritual senses, we will begin to enlarge our view of God. We will begin to know the awsomeness of God, the power of God , and the absolute soveriegn control of God. The nature of God and the nearness of His divine presence will shine into our spiritual eyes the glory of Christ. When Christ becomes sweet, that is the very mention of His name , wells up desires of adoration, we are gaining a very profound glory , to glory transformation.
Unless we sense that God does what pleases, then we will not be in the position to pray as we should. Believing prayer is  trusting that we are bringing ourselves before the throne of grace in order for us to begin to be changed by Him speaking peace to our souls through His word and the testimony of His Spirit. And our Heavenly Father calls us to Himself directly. Our Fathers voice is recognized by His sheep and we know Him by His calling us. In the very beginings of salvation we hear His voice and He subdues our wills. We actively submit to His will in believing as the other side of faith. We not only trust Christ be we obey His will in believing. Because HE gives us a new will at regeneration. But the Father is with us as well as condescending to us. (Rev.)
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8016  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 18, 2007, 12:32:24 PM
I apologise if I have dived into your forum fairly aggressively, its just that I gave brief warm and friendly introduction of myself on a Presbyterian forum a few days ago and was booted without notice and a nasty reply from their admin. I think it was the "Hi Im Greg and I`m a Catholic interested in  theological discussions and  I would like to share biblical understanding from the Catholic point of view and get some feed back from your tradition. God bless, Greg  " , that really upset them, because that was as far as I got.

It seems everywhere I go there is enormous hatred of Catholics and especially in the last 4 work places Ive been in, and all from protestant, evangelicals and fundamentalist christians.  All those years of calling the Catholic Church "The Whore of Babylon" and our Pope the anti christ has really paid off there no longer seems any way a Catholic can befriend other christian groups or recieve any kind of acceptance.

So I am sorry that I came storming in and thinking the worst of you guys and expecting to be booted off.

This is not the usual forum setup I come across, where exactly have I landed?
I welcome you, and i hope we can discuss these things in a way can you understand my position and i can completely understand your position so that there will be a more clear understanding of the fundemental differences in the minds of those who veiw this discussion.
I was also hoping that Soc , could enter the discussion and to lead this because of his gifts in this area.
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8017  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 18, 2007, 12:24:23 PM
I apologise if I have dived into your forum fairly aggressively, its just that I gave brief warm and friendly introduction of myself on a Presbyterian forum a few days ago and was booted without notice and a nasty reply from their admin. I think it was the "Hi Im Greg and I`m a Catholic interested in  theological discussions and  I would like to share biblical understanding from the Catholic point of view and get some feed back from your tradition. God bless, Greg  " , that really upset them, because that was as far as I got.

It seems everywhere I go there is enormous hatred of Catholics and especially in the last 4 work places Ive been in, and all from protestant, evangelicals and fundamentalist christians.  All those years of calling the Catholic Church "The Whore of Babylon" and our Pope the anti christ has really paid off there no longer seems any way a Catholic can befriend other christian groups or recieve any kind of acceptance.

So I am sorry that I came storming in and thinking the worst of you guys and expecting to be booted off.

This is not the usual forum setup I come across, where exactly have I landed?
I welcome you, and i hope we can discuss these things in a way can you understand my position and i can completely understand your position so that there will be a more clear understanding of the fundemental differences in the minds of those who veiw this discussion.
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8018  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 18, 2007, 10:10:25 AM
In any new endevor in reforming you always must go back to the beginning rather than add on to what is already being practiced. Because the logic is that what you believe will work itself out in your lifes purpose and it will effect every thing you do in that purpose. So that the end goal will only be according to the purpose that was caused by how you percieve truth in the beginnning.This is the only way to reform.

And so what we are discussing is what are the essential truths of the gospel and what is the the purpose in all of this. It really starts with God and how we veiw the Trinity and then it works itself out in that purpose as to how we view ourselves in lite of the beginings the of cause and effect paradigm. Got to go will write later.
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8019  Forums / Prayer Requests / For Our Mbg on: January 18, 2007, 10:03:30 AM
Much appreciated ! I cherish your prayers. I have been feeling exhausted the last couple of days, not feeling good.  
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8020  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 18, 2007, 09:00:51 AM
He who listens to you listens to me, he who rejects you rejects me\"

We obviously have a very different view of the Trinity and authority. First if you can show me where any human being came out of heaven as equal with the eternal Son of God , existing as the Son in eternity in a face  to face relationship with the Father, Who came as the Logos of God, and then at His baptism, the Heavens opened that the Father proclaimed \"this is my beloved Son now hear Him\" , then after His ressurrection He gained sole rulership over all things as ritefully His ,returned to heaven as the word of God.
I see no other human being with that kind of relational authority on this earth. Were does God divinely place His seal on an individual in that way without the text showing the relation of us having authority through the Word of Christ and the authority of Christ?
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8021  Forums / Theology Forum / Catholic Apologists on: January 17, 2007, 08:57:45 PM
Peter and his successors have the Keys to the Kingdom of heaven, so what they bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

The verb \"bound\" is not a present tense. It should read what already has been bound in heaven shall be bound on earth. So that its not intoducing a new form of intermediate agency other than Christ but is saying the the authority of the church is spoken in the word from heaven. The authority of the church is only based on what has already been accomplished in heaven. We are just carrying it out.
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8022  Forums / Main Forum / Divorce And Marriage on: January 17, 2007, 08:46:28 PM
If the church handles the marriage problem then there could also be a situation where there may be a profession of faith by one of the partners but because there is no repentance then the profession would not be real if the person who rebelled was put under church discipline. But this would only happen after a period of time in counseling and in repeated steps to reconcile the unrepentant person. In that case the person in the church could remarry without committing adultery.

Any one who remarries who falls under the adultery rule is forgiven. All sin is forgiven in Christ.

Abandonment could also be an issue of having relations.  
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8023  Forums / Main Forum / The Issue Of Contentment on: January 17, 2007, 07:57:55 AM
There is nothing wrong with complaining. I agree that the blame for things that we go through are a result of our own sin and the sin of those around us. Wicked men are busy with their scemes and after two hunderd plus yrs of our countries history the scemes are deep and wide. The net has been laid and the traps are all around us. Just look at the rapid rate of abortions, the marraige crisis, the decrease of the middle class, and the rise of religious phariseeism and all of these forces are pushing in on the younger generation and even our generation. These traps are real and there is a price to pay.

Yet God is absolutely soveriegn. He is in control of every thing that goes on in our lives. The best thing to do is to pray. Usually our reasoning falls short at this point in our complaining. We know He is God in an intellectual way, but we are not persevering in prayer so that we know that at any moment He is able to change our circumstances and lighten our burden. Because of technology we are used to dealing with all of the trials of our lives in an impersonal way. The impersonal delima we are faced with is just as dangerous as the traps of the world because the impersonal feelings that we have are part of the lack of faith in a personal God. The impersonal world of technology creates in us the mindset of the world in which we are susceptable to living in guilt, fear ,and blame.
In the theological world view were are brought near to a personal God. In this paradigm the pleasure of experiencing the power of God is more important than dwelling on the moral implications of a situation. The impersonal world is a world of compromises, of a detailed plan of integrated moral propositions in the accountability paradigm. It is an intricately woven moral pharasiesm with the law as as the cental power. That is why when dealing with one another in the biblical theological world veiw , we are dealing with a personal God who is praised as a way of getting along with one another. As we sing psalms, hyms and spiritual songs, we are speaking to one another in a personal way because we have and understanding that God is God
8027  Forums / Main Forum / ... Uh, What Happened? on: January 16, 2007, 03:44:20 AM
If each church was doing its job to meet the needs of the members of the church and the community as an outreach in evangelism then the gospel would be more attractive. Steve often says that in order for you to grow in Christ you need to be loved first. The same goes with reaching the world. In my experience in these non profits some of the most giving people have been the unsaved. Working along side of them has increased my trying to meet the needs of others. If we are loving people then it will be an attraction.  We will be over whelmed at the amount of needs that people have. As believers we have an obligation to one another as family. Our first responsibility is to love the helpless, needy. Since Christ loved us when we were without hope then we should love our brothers and then the world the same way. And we should not expect anything in return. We live in a society where people are intergrading the gospel with personal goals etc. Our lives really do not belong to us once we come to Christ we serve Him.
If you look at the state of our nation and the break down of the family. You cannot help but see that the youngest amoung us are in need of support, love and care. Its really not whether we have enough money or whether we have a good car in the drive way or whether we have all of the luxuries or whether we have a church building. It really is about serving others when they come into our world. Christ came to serve and not to be served.
If we are really having Christ love worked out in the church within the family then it will spread into the sorrounding community. Its just like the immediate families. If there is always fighting and bickering amoungst the people in the family then they are not going to be looking beyond the family to love others. The kids will be preoccupied. But if the parents are looking beyond the family to help others then the kids will learn to help others as a way of life. Christ love comes from a broken heart that has experience love and is so over whelmed by being loved unconditionally that he cannot help but love others that way.
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8028  Forums / Theology Forum / Which One Is The Gift? on: January 15, 2007, 03:06:28 PM
...Faith is not a faculty but it is an agency. I have stated that every one has human faith, which is not saving faith, but it is still our faith. My point is we and our faculties do not get anialated in order to become christians. To not be able to aprehend divine knowlege and want to obey that command is to be in a state of darkness and rebellion. That is the reason we are not able to use faith for divine things. If we have no desire for divine knowlege we will  not view in our minds the glory of Christ then we will not trust in Him alone. Unless we understand that He is worthy of our trust by a divine knowlege then we will have no desire for Him and we will not have saving faith. ...

For the dimmer among us (me included) are you saying that saving faith (or putting one's own trust in Christ alone to save her from hell) is not an ability but is an action?  In other words, are you saying that we are unable to trust Christ until God enables us to do so?
Yes, we must be enabled first , because the faith is a gift. It is a gift in this way.  We must be given a new will, \"I will cause you to walk in my ways\". There is nothing in us that we can do to have the initial grace. In fact every thing in us is anti grace, is against saving faith , and is at odds with all that is in salvation. First we must have a divine knowlege so that we can see ,feel, touch ,and see anew and we are given a new will so that we can embrace Christ. \"Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy has He saved us.\"

Would you say it is more accurate to say that witin the Christian the old sinful human nature is not erradicated but is always present with a new nature the God has created within him. That is, would you agree the Christian has two natures (one good and one bad)?

We are made holy, and we are called Saints. We are made holy difinitively. That is we are seen as completely holy. Because we are seen as being in Christ. We are Saints and that is our new identity. We died to sin so that sin no longer has reign over us. We reckon ourselves dead to sin because we are in reality dead to sin. We died with Christ in His death and we are raised with Him in new life. We are seen as in Christ. We are identified with Him. There is not an equal power of sin and righteousness in our identity with Christ.

But we still have the remnants of sin. Paul says in me dwells no good thing. That is we in ourselves apart from Christ or in our carnality we are ungodly. We still struggle with sin but we are getting better. The only victory in reckoning ourselves dead to sin is the death and ressurrection of Christ. We are dealing with sin, not by a legal way any more. We are dealing with sin by grace. We no longer have the pangs of death, that is the law as a school master relationship. We no longer are burdened with guilt as an unbeliever with no hope. We are always getting grace for sinning, and so we always come out victors over sin that we have committed. Our relationship to the law has changed and our confidence is not in our keeping the law, but is in Christ obedience put to our account.
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8029  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 15, 2007, 02:34:17 PM
Thanks Soc, I am not to familar with computers. It is interesting as to what you have said in your comparision. With my limited knowlege i would say the the mind is like the mother board the hard drive and the computer chip, and maybe the desires are the program. Thats my two cents on that .  

Now is it the strength of the desire (the physical desire or the spiritual desire) that determines what choice the person (the conscious layer) will make, or is it something else besides the desire? What if the desires are equally strong (if such a thing is possible). Would the conscious layer of a person still be able to choose one desire over another?

[span style=\'font-size:11pt;line-height:100%\']Lets say the desires are equally strong. So there was no choice, then the desire to not choose would be the strongest desire. Or if the was a choice between the two and the two were chosen because the desire was equal on the objects , then the strongest desire would be to choose the two.

The highest layer, the spiritual layer, has a different desire. This layer communicates directly with the Holy Spirit and the two concur that smoking is a sin. This communication might take place on a level above, or beyond the awareness of, the conscious layer. The spiritual layer then passes this idea from the Holy Spirit to the conscious layer so that the mind now considers the thought that it is a sin to smoke.

In order for there to be a choice the body must function as an evidence. I mean you can desire to have something and not get at it because if you do not move your body to that object then your desire to not have it is the strongest desire, since your body did not actually move toward the object to get it.In choice there must be an actually choice of an object by the entire person or it is a desire to look at yourself in a dicomotimist way that is the strongest desire to not actually choose.  [/span]
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8030  Forums / Main Forum / Too Much Reality? on: January 13, 2007, 01:08:45 PM
This is an extremely complex reality to even understand enough of our own reality to know even 50 percent of who we are when we look at the potential of our self knowlege. We can say that God knows us absolutely and He understands the beginning of who we are and the end of who we are both in time and intamicy. So is it important to have that kind of reality that God has about us?
First it is impossible since we are made up of body and spirit for us to know every thing about ourselves. First because we do not see spirits and we do not understand what each faculty of spirit in all of its reality to be able to examine , mold , guide , divide and change. God looks into our spirits and like a doctor does a spiritual operation. Because we do not see as God sees our spirits we get sensations that are going inside of us as we are filled with the word and Spirit and these sensations of peace and fruit of the Spirit are healing balms that are like a scouple of a surgeon to work into our souls a spiritual healing in exactly the rite time at the pain and change that we need to experience. This is where we meditate on Him and we alow the word to penetrate our soul and body to divide our loves so that we will only love one Person. It is a mental exercise because we are being transformed in our understanding of who He is by this mystical operation done apart from our willing and effort, we are as it were resting in Christ as we ponder the message of the gospel and the love of God that us unconditional in the usage of His operation since Christ did all of the work on the cross in healing. We begin to focus mentally on the deep things of God, we begin to view Christ with spiritual eyes. Our souls are given eye salve as we rejoice in the gospel. The Spirit uses our pain as a cautering technique to keep us from spiritually bleading to death and loosing the focus and power of Christ that deepens after the wound is sutured. What we do is focus on what we see. The exercise of meditation seems trite to our finite thinking. We are averse to contemplate the inward operations that a man goes through in this world since we get preoccupied with the physical universe. We fail to ingest the word of God and in failing we loose so much time in the flesh warring after the lust of this world rather than being put to sleep for spiritual operations so that we can be change by the renew technique of Gods instruments.

Dont be afraid to ask God to search our hearts. Because He is holy the instruments He uses are not moral clubs and human techniques. No He comes to us in such awsome ways with absolutle power that we are trembling in the greatness of His love, bowed down in that beautific vision. We are left to worship Him because of all of the sensations by operations and the scares that are healed so that the focus of our lives are lost in eternal contemplations. What power we experience is over bearing and the power of the flesh has lesson with so much searching. We begin to understand that God is holy in His presence. We begin to have sensations that we know when God is near and we are so sastified in that presence that we have no other option but to have another searching, another surgery so that we become lost in Christ, with a most profound knowlege of His presence keeping us from the power of the world, the flesh and the devil. We beging to have a thick layer of spiritual skin, a really powerful spiritual antidope so that the discipline we go through in the operation is a means of so much grace that instead of us being weakened by the operation we are given more strength after the operation as a result of our sin. Christ reigns, our life is hid with Him. We are becoming more and more into His image. An this includes these inward sensations.
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8031  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 13, 2007, 09:23:59 AM
Soc wrote -Sorry, i did not word that correcty. It should be:
A. God is the cause of all desires and all choices we make
B. Our desires and choices are caused by God and not caused by ourown minds or spirits or souls
C. Some desire salvation and choose to trust Christ alone to save us

D. God causes Christians to desire salvation and choose to trust Christ alone to save them

E. Faith (or trust in Christ) is caused by God and not by our own minds or spirits or souls

Maybe i can clarify my postion. We are getting into mystery here. Some people think that we can explain divine soveriegnty by two lines and so we get all of mans faculties and explain how the new life works and then we attribute it to Gods absolute control. But i do believe that God actually directly controls all choices as well as our being in full freedom in our faculties. When these things come together we truly understand definite atonement, and Gods divine freedom \"to do what ever pleases Himself.\" And i do not doubt that after all things were set in motion that He holds Himself to His word. There is a direct line there or it would effect our view of ourselves and God in a pragmatic sense.
But God does work through the means in full purpose to the end so that He gets all the glory for that end. Just look at prophecy. Unless God controls the moral choices of man then the circumstances to get to each individual prophecy would be altered by mans will. I mean Josheph could have divorced Marry, Jacob could have told the truth, Adam could have rejected the Satanic temptation, Noah could have stop building the boat and partied with the rest of the people. All of these circumstances involve the expecise of free will, (in the sense i have explained) but each choice was directed for the end that Christ ends should be accomplished perfectly.
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8032  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 13, 2007, 09:06:53 AM
Looks like i got carried away and said too much.  It's a flaw when i become interested in a topic.  Keep forgetting that God gave me two ears and one mouth perhaps to remind me that i should listen twice as much as i speak.

Sorry, all.  I'll sit back and listen now.
No Soc, you are an intrigal part of this thread. You are helping us get to some really fundamental issues. Keep it going. Thanks.
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8033  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 13, 2007, 09:00:16 AM
...The desire preceed choice. You cannot choose to desire, the will being the effect not the cause. I can argue my point if you want here.
If i may ask, are you reasoning that the will is not the cause but is merely a result?  That is are you arguing:

A. God is the cause of all desires and all choices we make

B. Our desires and choices are the results of God's choices and not the cause of our own minds or spirits or souls

C. We desire salvation and choose to trust Christ alone to save us


D. God causes us to desire salvation and choose to trust Christ alone to save us

and, returning to J69's original question, do you also hold this conclusion?

E. Faith (or trust in Christ) is caused by God and not by our own minds or spirits or souls
Thanks Soc, I like the way this thread is going. Here is what Joker wrote So when you hold someone accountable for their choices, you are basically trying to condition them to associate the choice with an existing desire. i.e. this choice brings pain (which you desire to minimize), that choice brings pleasure (which you desire to maximize), this other choice endangers self-preservation (which you desire to avoid).

This is a very interesting statement filled with all kinds of different concepts that need to be talked about.  First i am not sure we really understand the reasons we desire one thing over another in the conditioned paradigm.At this point we are getting into the realm of good habits- bad habits. Habit forming is in the understanding of the object in this paradigm of conditioning. And in the conditioning paradigm what rises to the top as a principle is the moral element i.e. accountablitiy. The question is not whether we are accountable but rather what we are most pleased with when we are going at  the desires.
In the formation of our view of the objects in our understanding there are these past expereince circumstances that come into play but these are not the core of why we choose one thing rather than another. These expereriences are rather a part of why we view an object the way we view the object. Remember that in order for there to be an act of choice there must be a desire that preceeds the choice. Now if a person is trying to rid himself of a bad habit the desire to rid himself is the ultimate end in many choices to acheive that end. I am speaking now of each body movement to acheive that end.
So if he desires to stop smoking then that desire must be stronger than the desire to smoke or he will always be led by the stronger desire so that he is responsible. Remember that being inbetween smoking and not smoking as the paradigm of free will, is not free will or liberty, that is no will at all- what is liberty is when his desire to stop smoking is greater than his desire to smoke if that is his goal. And we could say that he exercises his freedom if he desires to smoke seeing that he had a free choice, (choosing for himself). I do not doubt that there can be a conditioning that happens as a result of accountablity. And that this can be a good thing. But the truth is that when he smokes, his desire to smoke always preceeded his choice and vice -versa. this is the exercise of free will.
If he has an accountability partner, then he desires to have an accountability partner. And so the chain goes. Its not so much getting the person to see his desire match his choice because choices evidence his desires.
This is why the effects of sin goes much deeper than just outward behavior.
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8034  Forums / Theology Forum / Which One Is The Gift? on: January 13, 2007, 06:15:37 AM
B ) does God receive trust from people the same way you and i do, by earning it?

There is no deficit on Gods side. Every thing that God promises will come to past because He is God. Not one word of God will fail in His proving Him self in the purpose of each word. What He says He purposes and what He purposes He fulfills to the end. \"He is the begining and the end of all things.\" I like the word condecending because He  proves to us that He keeps His promises by showing us in a condescending way in His word that He is in control of all things.  He proves this to us in a personal way by filling us with His love through the Spirit and accomplishing His will in our lives.

We can trust Him that He is in control of our lives because He created us and all things. He was present in eternity before the world was made. So He says that He has more experience since He existed and therefore He knows what He is doing in our lives rite down to preserving the very number of our hairs.When we understand that He is  eternal then we will respond by bowing down to Him and worshiping Him, exalting Him at His foot stool! (He , being in the Highest and condenceding to us in love.) At His footstool is an experience beyond words of wonder, love and glory. In the corporate worship we experience His condesending love by Him witnessing with our Spirit that we are the sons of God by adoption and we have all of the promises personally.
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8035  Forums / Theology Forum / Which One Is The Gift? on: January 13, 2007, 05:51:17 AM
A ) do what is impossible for a person to do and give faith in Himself to people?
Thanks , Soc, joker, and every one else. We are having some good discussions.
Faith is not a faculty but it is an agency. I have stated that every one has human faith, which is not saving faith, but it is still our faith. My point is we and our faculties do not get anialated in order to become christians. To not be able to aprehend divine knowlege and want to obey that command is to be in a state of darkness and rebellion. That is the reason we are not able to use faith for divine things. If we have no desire for divine knowlege we will  not view in our minds the glory of Christ then we will not trust in Him alone. Unless we understand that He is worthy of our trust by a divine knowlege then we will have no desire for Him and we will not have saving faith.

 Our will is involve in trusting Christ. We must submit to Him in order to trust Him. Now there is a negative and positive aspect here in the willing part in regeneration. Our will must not only be new , but our old will must be destroyed. In regeneration God destroys our old will and He gives us a new will, like a child, to obey Him and to trust Him alone.\" No man can serve two masters.\" Hate- Love gets turned upside down. In this sense faith is a gift, being our faith.
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8036  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 11, 2007, 04:18:20 PM
Thanks Joker this is an interesting discussion I think it's fair to say that \"the Will\" is the instantaneous sum of our desires and motivations.
Here is a question i have. How can the cause( desires), be the same as the effect (the choice)? If that were the case then the mind could be the will or the understanding could be the will. How can you choose something that you have no view of? Its like saying that the tree created the tree. If the desires choose what they please then the actual choice then there would be no actual movement of the body, because the choice is the actual movement toward one object over another. (effect) No matter how much you desire something it can never be  the choice of it. I can desire something that i will not necessarily choose.

What the mind does in assessing the object of choice is correlate it with its own existing desires.

Habits, past experience are a part of why a person desires one thing over another and are from the understanding. But still the person chooses based apoun the strongest desire which is not necessarily rational. I mean we do not always do the rite thing even tho we know it is the rite thing to do. In the end, each individual choice comes down to what pleases us the most at that moment ( The understanding  could also be effected by the nearness of the past experience either negative or positive).

So when you hold someone accountable for their choices, you are basically trying to condition them to associate the choice with an existing desire. i.e. this choice brings pain (which you desire to minimize), that choice brings pleasure (which you desire to maximize), this other choice endangers self-preservation (which you desire to avoid).

This is where i disagree with the physicologist and philosophers. I do not think that conditioning gets to the desires. The new desires must be through grace -beginning in grace  and ending in grace. The word is transformation not scientific method of conditioning.
The desire preceed choice. You cannot choose to desire, the will being the effect not the cause. I can argue my point if you want here.
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8037  Forums / Theology Forum / The Sin Of Sodom on: January 11, 2007, 03:45:35 PM
But what are we doing obeying the Law??
Has it not been fufilled in Christ like He said.

I presume you do not lie cheat, steal, kill, commit adultery or worship an idol or the order to win your salvation?

But hopefully, you don't do all those sins, which if fact shows God your love and gratefulness for His love and forgiveness.

After we are saved, the Ten commandments are a ‘guide’ for us to live, not a 'way' to be saved.  Because it is not ‘a way’ to be saved does not mean that we have no obligation to obey them or some how ‘can't' obey them because sin is still too powerful. If we were truly saved then God ‘gives’ us the power to obey along with 'faith' to believe...we use our will to follow through with what God has given us....He won't do it for us!  If we don't ‘use’ our faith to ‘act’ then our faith is in vain!

Before Christ, believers were saved by their ‘faith' in YHWH and their obedience to His Word.  They were forgiven their willful sins by repentance and a contrite heart.  Most Temple sacrifices were for un-intentional sins and only the Day of Atonement could cover all of Israel's willful or intentional sins...and then only if Israel was truly contrite and repented! You couldn't kill or steal and then go to the Temple and offer a sacrifice...there wasn't any sacrifice for those things!
If you were unrepentant...the sacrifices wouldn't count anyway!

Jesus' superior sacrifice covers all sins and is also based on faith, and repentance.  The Law was fulfilled by Jesus, in that, He died to forgive our sins against God, and empower us to obey God (so we won't continue to sin against God).  Jesus is a perfect solution that restore man to fellowship with a Holy God.

Jesus, and what He does for us is the ‘gift’. The ‘gift’ is a person, God Himself, not a ‘thing’, ‘concept’ or ‘doctrine’.

 I believe Paul is using the word ‘Grace’ in it's context as a metaphor for Jesus.

Wasnt it David who said, sacrifices and offerings you did not desire , but a broken and contrite spirit because my ears You have peirced- (covenant). David committed adultery and murder but keep the kingdom. He was fully forgiven because of Gods gracious covenant with David. And when you get to the NT in the book of Acts the testimony of David by the apostles was that He was a man after Gods own heart. Not one mention of murder or adultery. David recieved forgiveness not based apoun a sacrifice but out of the unfailing love of God. In the OT when God passed before Moses, He proclaimed Himself by saying that He was a forgiving God, full of mercy, kindness, and compassion. David appealed to that God and He understood who God was, Davids worship was greater, more intense , and constant, because He understood that Gods love was endless . That is why David choose to let God decide any penalty in its duration because He knew that out of Gods unfailing love would be  shorten discipline and with less (if any) pain .
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8038  Forums / Theology Forum / Which One Is The Gift? on: January 10, 2007, 03:09:25 PM
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. "...

What i'm wondering is whether the "gift of God" of which Paul speaks is the faith or the being saved from hell. I've heard both ideas taught. I'm wondering what idea is better supported by the context and grammar.

The explanation from Robert Picirilli's Grace, Faith, and Free Will is that "this" (Greek "touto") is in the neuter form.  "Faith" (Greek "pistis") is a feminine noun.  If "this" referred back to "pistis", it would be in the feminine form "haute".  Therefore, "this", the gift of God, refers back to entire preceding clause "By grace you have been saved, through faith".
Hey Joker:

Reading MBG's recent quote, he might agree that the word this does not refer to only one having been saved from hell, rather that the word refers to both faith and being saved from hell.

However, i'm thinking, from what you said in the quote above, that the gift is not just faith and heaven.  My opinion now is that grace is also part of the gift. That is the gift is not just eternal life, nor just faith, nor just undeserved love and mercy.  The gift of God is one package including all three and then some (such as righteousness, as indicated in Romans 5).

I guess the next question would be this: "If faith is a gift from God, does that mean that it is caused by Him alone, or by our own free will, or perhaps by both?"  (I'm taking the word faith to mean trust in Christ alone, in who He is and in what He did, to save one from hell).

What do you think?

Also, are there any thoughts from anyone else?
Salvation happens all at one time. \" this\" is all the parts of salvation that are one. It is all of grace. There is no iland of human righteousness in the paradigm of salvation. Nothing that belongs to man is in salvation. It is all of God.  There is no germ of human work. When we speak of faith in Christ it is saving faith. There is no such thing as a human work apart from pre-  grace. So that pure grace preceeds sanctification and each individual work. It is evangelical obedience.
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8039  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 10, 2007, 02:47:06 PM
Actually, Biggie seems to be defining "Free Will" as the ability to choose absent any motivation or predisposition to choose, or with equal motivations and predispositions to choose.  In which case, an electron randomly jumping quantum states has "Free Will", but nothing else.  A curious definition.  Yet in another conversation on the same subject, I came away with the definition that the motivations and predispositions are themselves "the Will".   So I'm curious as to where this will go.

Cold cereal with fruit this morning.  Why did I do that?

I think what you are saying is the gospel, on one level, is so simple a child can understand it, but on another level it is so complex a theologian can drown in it.

True, but understanding it and believing it and trusting it are different animals.  Most atheists understand the kerygma, the basic facts of the gospel, but they neither believe it nor trust it.
Thanks Joker, Its good conversing with you. I think my pryor statement about choice and desire was that our choice was caused by the strongest desire ,which was determined by the minds view of  the object, whether the mind was pleased with the object more than the other object in the choice. What do you think?
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8040  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 10, 2007, 02:41:50 PM
...Do you really believe that in order for the will to be free it must be in a state of absolute equal librium i.e not crossing the line of something or some one causing choice? I can explain further if you want.
Yes, please do explain further.
Looking at this logically :A good example would be the being and non-being paradigm. God has always existed, we exist because God exist. God is an eternal being, and we are created beings. The cause of our existence is because God brought us into being.
The same question comes about free will. If my will was self determined then any pryor cause would make it impossible for it to be self determined. In the created order you have reasons to look for a cause since what is created explains to some extent what the creator is like. The created order directs you to the cause. Now you look at the choices a person makes over the period of his life. And then you begin with the last choice he made before he died. Then you follow the choices all the way back to the beginning choice. Now if there was no other cause than the will or the choice then in your paradigm the first choice would determine the second choice, and so on. But my question is what determined the first choice?

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