Wednesday, November 11, 2015

8214  Forums / Main Forum / Truthiness ... Or Truth? on: November 20, 2006, 09:05:15 AM
Truth is found in the scriptures ultimately and practically. \"In your light we see light.\" We can have a systemised moral set of standards and be lieing to all those around us and lieing to ourselves. Because we are always measuring things by our perception of reality. Each one of us has a perception of what the truth is. We measure the truth based apoun how the ultimate consequence will come out in our favor. We are always fighting not only with sin and darkness but with self righteousness and self fulfillment. Reality is what Gods measurement is and it is what kind of distaste in our mouths we have for everything that we think that is not Christo centric. We are always looking either for a loopole or an easy practical method to get self fulfilled. We are so tied to selfishness that in order for us to get any sense of the truth we must think Gods thoughts after Him. Or first inclination is to protect ourselves. We fear the wrong things , believe ideas that are close to scripture and come in the most easy way, and always look to man as the ultimate solution for our problems. This is so interwoven in our nature that we create illusions by imaginging God to be someone who He is not. We truely are little god makers.

Unless we go to God with all of our illusions, with all of our sins, with all of our problems with men, and with our most painful sore of soul and lay it out to Him in prayer, meditating on the word, and being full of the Holy Spirit , we will only hit the surface of our sin. Gods design in the light of His word is to dig deep into our souls. Our design in our own light is to placate our pains with illusions. Gods truth peirces our hearts and not only points out the problems but His truth shows us the methods and links to why we have the problem and the only solution to redeem or renew the heart and dull and destroy the pain. His light directs our paths, guiding us into thats rite intoall truth. His light goes deep into our souls shining the light of the gospel into our most deepest pain. His light drives out the stink and replaces that stink with a sweet aroma that comes from our most inward parts. That aroma is the sweetness of our prayers. In that aroma He is pleased to give us a peace, joy, love that is beyond the natural realm. Unless we live in His light we will only experience the absence of that glory that is caused by our own law rather than being on the path of truth that He guides us into.
8216  Forums / Main Forum / Ink On Paper? on: November 18, 2006, 04:41:45 PM
The word is objective and subjective. It is objective in that it is the spoken word of God and every word written down will not return void. Every yot and title that is punctuation is that objective law of God. What the preaching of the objective written word does on the heart is cause it to rejoice, and in that sense there are subjective results. How can you define rejoicing.
Abiding in Christ is abiding in His word. Because He is the object of our faith and our faith is strengthened by spending time in His word. But our abiding is not empowered by us. The only reason we abide in Him is because we belong to Him for \"without me you can do nothing.\" Really He is holding us because we are always wondering. We are in the process of regeneration but we have not arrived at the total renewal of our soul and body. We wait in expectation groaning as in the pains of child birth just as the whole creation waits in expectation. So until we get there on the other side abiding in Christ will be mixed with sorrow and pain and joy, and peace. It will go back and forth as if we were groaning for our new estate.  That is why abiding in Christ has only one power of abiding and that is from Him not from us.
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8217  Forums / Theology Forum / Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit? on: November 18, 2006, 04:25:18 PM
Shalom, all.
Look, I'm not just talking through my hat here. "Blasphemy" is an English TRANSLITERATION of the Greek word "blasphemos," and "to blaspheme" is an English TRANSLITERATION of the Greek word "blasphemia."
Hey, after the way that the discussion has been going here, the way that sites cited from Our Daily Bread,, and John MacArthur Jr. have rendered the word, and the way that Strong's Concordance defines the words, it's NO WONDER that there's confusion!
Strong's Concordance defines "blasphemia" as "vilification" and "blasphemos" as "scurrilous, calumnious, or impious." Who talks like that anymore?! Webster's New World Dictionary defines "vilify" as "to use abusive language about or of; defame" and "scurrilous" as "vulgarly abusive," "calumniate" as "to slander," and "impious" as "not pious; specifically, lacking reverence for God." From its Greek parts, "blepto" and "pheme," it means "to hurt (one's) fame." "Vulgarly," by the way, does NOT mean "to use vulgar language"; it means "to treat in a common way."
Today, we would simply say "to put someone down" or "to dis someone." The word means "TO BELITTLE someone!"

It cannot possibly mean that speaking a word against the Holy Spirit is the blasphemy. The whole focus of sin is not on the words but on what comes from the heart of man. There is no intermediate power in the finite realm that can change the heart of man than Christ who is the only mediator between God and man. He alone decrees salvation.  The mouth of man cannot effect any regenerational change . Forgiveness is not earned by the process of renewal as if man can act in an intermediate role. Only Christ can forgive and it is free and there is no earning that kind of gracious peace. Make renewal the means of forgiveness and then you will only feed the pride of man. Make renewal a prerequisite of forgiveness and you will end in glorifying man. Christ alone gets all the glory.
So is the Spirit who moves where He pleases as the wind blows. He causes life. He is only in the I-Thou deminision and any other intermediate processes degenerates into the I-It demension. Thus we loose supernaturalism. When healing has renewal as its object then grace becomes no more grace. Mans tounge is corrupted from the corruption of his entire being. The words of mans mouth are corrupted. The heart of man is in the process of death and his words are corrupted with the death in them, all his words! THe only renewal power is what Christ has done and the promises the Spirit reveals to us in our resting in Christ. To blastfeme the Holy SPirit is only in unbelief since faith  is given by grace man is responsible because of his identification with Adam. If blastfeming the Holy Spirit were any other way then we would all think that we deserved salvation more than the next guy. What kind of pride would that be?  
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8218  Forums / Theology Forum / Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit? on: November 17, 2006, 08:21:33 PM
The Holy Spirit in the work of the trinity has a function and it is a role that points to Christ , but He also is God and He is co equal in the trinity in subsistence. So that if God chooses in salvation the Holy Spirit does also. When Ananias and Saphira lied to the church about the money they lied to the Holy Spirit.  Remember that Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit at His baptism and that started His public ministry. He was always filled with the Holy SPirit on earth but His disciples were not. He promised to send the Holy Spirit but that it was necessary that He would leave. But the point is that it was a much better situation because after Christ High Preistly prayer the apostles diserted Him at the crucifixion. It took the coming of the Holy Spirit to get them to have that kind of power. As God the Holy Spirit moves as He pleases, chooses who ever He pleases and is equal in every way with the Father, and Son.
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8219  Forums / Theology Forum / Baptism By/of Holy Spirit: Same Or Not? on: November 17, 2006, 07:58:44 PM

That has pretty much been my understanding as well. I have expressed it that although you are baprtized by the Holy Spirit once, there can be many fillings of the Spirit. I have heard that in the original the verse in Ephesians where it says "Be no drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit" can be translated "keep on being filled with the Spirit".

Tom/mBG brings up an excellent point in the need for Spirit-led worship and leadership in our local churches. Tom, what about Martin-Loyd Jones and his teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. I understand that his ministry was dedicated to seeking true revival and renewal among God's people. Did he ever experience this in the church that he pastored?
8227  Forums / Theology Forum / Baptism By/of Holy Spirit: Same Or Not? on: November 15, 2006, 07:47:48 PM
Ive been thinking for a long time that there is really something wrong with the focus on the modern day worship wars and this  obsession with the apoligea in this whole paradigm of the educated machinary creating a culture of intellectualism that stales the motives and the vision in that paradigm of the new generation of leadership in the church. Because there is a systematized intergration in church leadership there is an intellectual atmosphere that poisons the individual stages of dicipling new leaders. If we compare the effects of an over intellectual view of worship in the historical setting we will find that our tempature of spiritual worship has declined from the times of our puritian fathers.So instead of appoligeting the worship wars maybe its time to appoligete the the process with the comparison paradigm of the very beginnings of the nt church in the book of acts.
First i speak only of the reformed movement since this is an intellectural movement first. In that element there are always going to be the temptation to make the worship appoligetic man centered by an over focus on the worship war paradigm brought on by being influenced by the school atmosphere rather than the early church paradigm of spiritual filled worship, calling by the Holy Spirit, and focusing on the gifts in a more pre historic way rather than a class room way.  
8229  Forums / Main Forum / A Long Time Away on: November 14, 2006, 02:27:19 PM
Hi Sean, I have been struggling too. Mostly because physically i have been growing old. There really is no two persons alike. Some of us free grace people dont like the really serious meditators, its so easy to think that Gods grace is the same as everyone having the same like and dislikes and expressing them all in the same mold. But there are no molds for christians. We all are gifted differently and we all have different desires.If you have been really in a high part of your spiritual experience and then you loose that gusto then you are frustrated. I can understand that myself. I hear you. I will not pass just pass it off to grace. There is room in here for you expressing your frustration and encouraging yourself to get back to that first love. We are always going after the flame and that is a good thing. Some of us just want to sit back and do nothing. But just keep doing good and going to prayer and the scripture day and night. Scripture is the answer as i have found. It will save you from alot of the molds.
8244  Forums / Main Forum / Fear & Grace on: November 09, 2006, 07:54:19 PM
You make some very good points. I mean there are fears that all of us struggle with that are an enemy of faith. Fears that keep us feeling burdened and not trusting and resting in Christ. We  carry around in our bodies, our mind will and emotion so much corruption that some times we battle to the point of physical exaustion. Some times we resign to being afraid. The attitude of resignation is somewhat like those of the paradigm of resting but without a real sense of being  comforted in the midst of fear. There is a sense in which being afraid blurrs how we view faith and grace. When we give so much of our time to fear and worry we really are not replacing positive thoughts for negative ones but we are experiencing an emptiness , a vacum of lifelessness, and a heavey weight of tension that puts us in its grip. Our minds are confused and the object of our desires who is Christ and that sweet light that we experience in a good respectful way , we begin to spiral down into emptiness. Our countenance becomes gloomy and we feel sense a lack of control over ourselves.
This becomes a mood that we spend alot of time battling.
This syndrome is cause by many things. But really if we feel as if God has withdrawn from us and we sense that we are being dragged down by fear then we are usually reading the true state of our souls and really we are susceptible to this mood being in this world and having sin in us. Some times sin has such a grip on our minds that we really get intense in our struggle. Some times in our lives we experience the negative effects of sin and we are convinced that sin can make us change in a drastic way. And unless we struggle with the effects of sin we will never know if we have genuine faith. Our faith needs to be tested. We need to be able to be downtroddened and under the weight of the effects of sin in order to be able to experience a supernatural confidence because that kind of faith in fear is beyond our ability to pull off. And so that confidence is not something that just overtakes us when we are afraid but we must fight a battle with our minds. The point is not that we will over come by our battling, or not that we are able to get past the mood of fear by ourselves. But that we are going to experience the powerlessness of that battle and in experiencing the powerlessness we are going to know intimately His grace. By experience! We are there under the spell of fear and then we are there acknowleging our powerlessness to get through that battle in our own strength. In that battle we are not using our own methods , or positive thoughts , but we are going through a process of learning Gods awsome strength. By praying to Him and telling Him that these fears are too strong for us , we then rejoice in His strength, we begin to gain a sense of His presence in our being under the spell of fear. We must wait on Him to grant us freedom in His time. We can get help from others, but we must not be absolutely dependent on man. We must begin to work out these struggles in prayer and begin to develope a relationship with our Father totally untrusting of any man.
When we put our trust in man we are going to be disappointed. We are going to teach ourselves to trust in something that is fleeting. Even princes , rulers are going to pass away and the next day they will have no power. The only power source is God. The only deliverer is God. The only one of whom we have to answer in our most deepest destresses is God. God alone is who we take refuge in. Most men will try to give us a false hope. Remember that a person hopes in only one Person as its object to be a hope that will get through the trials of life. All other hopes are finite. The source we need is infinite. It is in prayer that we fix our hope on His grace. It is in prayer that He becomes our victory. Once we taste of coming out of a destress of soul where He reveals Himself to us in the misdst of the darkness of the trial of our souls and He grants us strength to get through the next day, then at some point He will speak and we will be delivered from that trial. Because He can speak into existence every thing that we are faced with, an He can cause us to go into the deepest sea of doubt, and He can command by the word of His testimony that we will be baptized with an extra portion of His grace. He can in an instant change our lives by that word. Here is where trials of destress focus on. We wait like watchmen in the night for Him to speak. We hope for a sign of His goodness in the morning. We order our request and wait in expectation. Once we hear Him speaking peace to our souls we know that voice, we know it is a part of why we have been so distressed.  
8252  Forums / Main Forum / Fully Enabled on: November 06, 2006, 03:07:39 PM
There is no doubt that we have all we need for life and godliness. We have been given all of the riches and honor in Christ. But yet not fully since we still are in a state of imperfection. We will recieve the full inheritance of the earth in the second Coming.We still have not received our portion fully.
Yet there are also two parts to this paradigm. Although we have recieve all we need for life and Godliness yet we must apply it by faith. And so there is a daily struggle to apprehend this. Because of sin we are always in a battle to really comprehend all that we have.
This also is closely related to our new desires in our new life. As well as an intellectual and faith paradigm in this apprehending there is also a mystical aspect in our understanding what we have. There is a Spiritual experience in this where our spirits witness that we are the sons of God. It is a part of our regeneration and the curse of the earth and our corruption of soul that we are experiencing renewal in a revival way. We are being renewed daily, and in being renewed we are experiencing the Holy Spirits work in that experience. Assurance is sometimes an extemely high experience. Our make up is such that we are encourage to seek an extra portion of our salvation. We are encouraged as believers to pray for the Spirit, command our Lord as the captain of our salvation. What kind of prayer is it when we sound like people who just believe we are recieving the promise without any desperation, without any longing  in our prayers, without any deep experiencial pleadings? We are like beggars , seeking for the a drink of the Spirit and that river to flow out of our inmost being!
8255  Forums / Main Forum / Can Cristians Sin? on: November 03, 2006, 03:21:14 PM
Gene we have discussed perfectionism in another thread. If we were not effected by sin then we would not be in the death process. We would not suffer desease. Although personally commiting sin is really important yet the cause of sinning is not effected in the active sin. The cause of sinning is sin itself. There is a cause and effect relationship. In other words the cause is sin in us, and the effect is the action of sinning. We sin because we are sinners by birth. Sin has been imputed by God because of Adams rebellion to the whole human race. In the imputation the blame is on us as well as on Adam since we are seen in Adam doing the same sin Adam did. In other words we are sin as sinning in Adam. But we have a time after our birth were we commit our first sin knowingly. And that is also the reason that we are sinners by cause.
Christ had no personal sin yet he was effected in His humanity by the fall of adam in which He suffered. Christ never died apart from His own will to die. He suffered the punishment of our sin in its fullness. Christ never commited sin because He had no sin. He was perfectly trusting of His Father and perfectly doing the will of God.

We are saints because we have died to sin. When we died to sin we experienced definitive sanctification. We were totally sanctified. A dead man cannot live to sin. We are dead to sin. That is the reality of our lives. But our original definitive sanctifaction had nothing to do with our willing or our own abilities.We were totally passive in being sanctified. In order for us to be able to have access to the Father we were made holy. It was through the Sons work on our behalf and for the Fathers glory that we can be in the relationship with the Father. Christ prayed on behalf of all of His own pryor to the cross that we would be sanctified. His prayers were all answered. Because our sancification was by grace. It was accomplished by a work outside of ourselves and for the purpose of bringing glory to God. Christ paid for sin fully at the cross for all time for all those who believe, even the sin of unbelief was taken care of at the cross. It was transacted to us in time. It was purposed to be transacted to us before time in the God head. That purpose was accomplished by the death of Christ and that purpose was delievered in time in our salvation. But Christ accomplish the finished work of sanctification at the cross. So we stand as completely holy by a declaration of the righteousness of Christ imputed to our account. We now have open access to our Father because our past present and future sins have been taken care of by Christ for all eternity. When we are regenerated we are given faith so that we are able to trust in His righteousness alone as our only means of acceptance to the Father. It was a work done on our behalf and is totally dependent on God.
But we as saints still struggle with sin even tho sin has no more dominian over us. We still have the smell of sin even tho the contents of sin have been removed. We still give into sin, we still have a divided heart at the point of our will. Since we are holy we now want to please God and do His law, but sin calls us to disobey. We want to but we never accomplish what we really want to do. The evidence of being holy is having this intense struggle.
Here is how it works practically. Once we are aware of our position in Christ we are very confident in our salvation. We are assured of our position so that we know how we are to live and we know ourselves really well. Now we live in the light of His grace because we know that all the confidence we have and all the assurance we experience is because of grace given to us in our original sanctification. We look at our sin now and we are fully aware of its effects in us so that we are convinced that we could not live a moment in fellowship with Him outside of the relationship we were put in at salvation by grace. We are confident in the most trying circumstances because we know that He has taken care of our sin and we are have access to Him no matter what. We know that He will forgive us based apoun His work and not our work. We are confident that we can have a steady peace because we live in the light of His smile and not in the light of our sin.

Being aware of our sanctification we will begin to delight in Him. In our continued sanctification we are not building a different life through principles or commands, but we are going through a repeated process of forgiveness, and renewal by focusing on His work on our behalf. It is not a moral code or seperate principles that are learned, but it is a repetition of a focus on Him that we become sanctified. It is the same remedy over and over and over. It is not a group realization method, it is not a healing through human effort, it is not receiving healing based apoun our ability to practice a principle , it is not a healing through doing a step by step set of principles, it is not a ladder toward sanctification, there are no gurus with secret answers or methods to gain healing or renewal. Renewal of the Holy Spirit has only one methodology, one focus, one place to go, it is going over and over and over to the cross, to Christ in prayer, going before our Father in prayer, and repeatedly placing all of our selves on Christ work.
8260  Forums / Main Forum / Natural Occurences on: November 02, 2006, 05:22:15 AM
You know why there is disaster DD. Its because sin entered the world and man lost his delagated authority over creation. He fell from his original position. Now God is has taken absolute control of the universe. Because of sin the whole order of the universe has changed. Now snakes bite, animals kill, and there is shedding of blood. Now instead of mans relationship with the created order being at peace and man being crowned with glory and honor and having authority over creation, that relationship is one of hardship and danger.
And yet God has provided a way for the reversal of that original fall. He has done it through His Son who earned the rite to have complete dominion, and possession of all creation, by coming to earth and being obedient to all of the law , dying a death on the cross for sin, and conquering death by rising again. Now we who belong to Christ are saved from danger. In Him is absolute rescue. Now when disaster occurs it is working for the good of all of those who love Him. Now disaster is brought on to rescue His own and nothing can keep us from Him and being with Him. In fact death is victory because we go to be with Him.
But with those who do not trust in Christ , disaster comes suddenly and brings about a terror that makes any earthly pain look non existent. You should have great fear of disaster if you do not know Christ. You do not understand what is going to happen. I say this with much trembling myself. But pain from disaster is just a small warning as to how the pain in eternity will be. God will make the pain equal the crime, and it will be felt by all who are judged for their sin for eternity. Personal pain of the entire man ,both spritually and physically. It will be pain that will never end. Now is the day for turning to Christ. Eternal disaster will come suddenly!
8264  Forums / Main Forum / Disappointment With God on: October 30, 2006, 03:35:43 AM
I have not read the Yancey book but there are a few things here that maybe came to my mind as i read your post. God made a covenant with Abraham that He would have a covenant community whose number would be like the stars in the sky. His promise was made by a sacrifice in which the animal was cut in two and God walked inbetween the the animal showing that it was Him alone that would complete the action of the covenant to His people. He is always faithful, His loving kindness is forever that is He is full of love, and He never makes a mistake. The remnant always walked in the covenant love of God and not in the obedience to the law. Even tho it was diffucult because of all of the sacrifices going on.
There was a demand for obedience to the covenant. The demand came through the law, that was given by Moses after the covenant had been made. The law as absolute, and breaking the law would bring about a curse on the people. Moses was the spokes man for the people before God. The people made an agreed to obey the law fully. But because of sin, the Isrealites could not meet the requirements of the law, so God provided a sacrifice. But their hope was never through the law. It was always through the promises in the covenant. In order for the requirements for the isrealites to obey they needed the sacrifice to atone for their sins. God required daily sacrifices for sin. The blood was always flowing. There was no way that they could meet the requirements of the law but Gods covenant promises were always met! And through grace He made a way for the Israelites to meet the requirements of the law. He provided a sacrifice.
They no longer had to fear God in the pagan way. In the covenant they had access to God through offering a sacrifice to atone for their sins. Yet there was only a remnant of the faithful in that judicial church out of all of the nation of israel who setting up idols.
The faithful were kept by the faithfulness of God in covenant. Now we have a better covenant. God promised to take the heart of stone out of us and put a new heart by His Spirit and He would cause us to walk in His ways. He sent Christ to be the fulfillment of the law, and He sent His Spirit on the new Church. He opened the access to the Father because of His sacrifice was once for all. We now are made new creatures and we can walk in a way that is new, thru doctrinal instruction, thru doxology or praise, we can obey. It is a much better covenant.
8274  Forums / Main Forum / The Origin Of Religious Tradition ... on: October 27, 2006, 03:36:33 PM
I believe that in the heart of man is the desire for selfish attention and getting that attention by conforming to the traditions of man and by communicating according to the group mentality. I have experienced this here at key life. There are very few calvinist on this forum. We have a mystic, a woman pastor, about as many free will people as the percentage in our society, then there are a few of us calvinst here who are treated like a step sister.
The truth is that i am myself within the walls of the church as i am here a non conformist. I was not always that way. It is hard for me to state exactly what i think for those in my presence as aposed to being on this forum and being able to not physically see the reaction of a person it becomes much easier to write without the fear of reprisal of offending someone or seeing their faces as a result of what i am saying.
Whether we like it or not we are in a sense a product of our enviroment. Which scares the bagebers out of me. Since we are in such a sad state spiritually in this american culture it really affects each one of us. And then it depends apoun how lazy we are mentally as to how much of the peer pressure will effect each one of us.
We have so many sub-spiritual cultures that we move in an out of in a day. There are those who focus on behaviour, the counselors who broadcast their form of christianity as mostly changing behavior that is anti social in a rather narrow communicative form, limiting the form so that we can change a certian behaviour, with the purpose of it working an that person is healed of that wrong behavior. The counselor acts as a preist of behaviour in which secrets are brought out in a confessional and then the problem is exposed and the person is supposed to change. But after 7 yrs of the same communicative structure it does get old after awhile so that the person becomes more concerned with behavioural change than growing in the purpose of God and becoming more into the image of Christ by the modes of biblical talk. What comes out of the mouth is what is in the heart. That speech is the evidence that the focus is on behaviour and not on  eternal existent forms of speech. So this is one culture.
But each one of us are prone to vasalate inbetween the 6 verse mentality and our group acceptance. When you peer into our thought life you will find a peer mentality. Its hard for us to get ourselves into a disposition where we expose error, by identifying it and knowing exactly why the certian teaching is false in the big scope of things and not being afraid to bring it out in our communication with our culture.

We are not very good disentors in the church areana. For one we do not passionatly believe truths and so we do not feel the erge to expose false hood when we know we have come across it. It becomes very lonely and very depressing to be a discentor in todays christian culture. It begins to become extremely painful for all the thinkers in the group. Then with the eternal nature of all truth and a mind set to think that way in a culture that thinks in terms of behaviour and practical advice aimed at changing that behaviour there is not much room for a descenting over the way we go about a certian behaviour or the way we communicate a certian system.

We really are more and more coming to a cross roads as to how we are going to think. The lines in our christian culture are becoming more defined, the anti thinkers are winning the day. The word of God is the standard not only for behaviour but for the way a person thinks and how much a person thinks about the spiritual, and how a person talks about the spiritual. The word is not only the means for rite thinking but it is the mold of rite thinking. The word is eternal, not only speaks in an advisory way but it is the teacher who changes behaviour by its working in the willing. The word not only devotes the devotee, but it transforms the emotion by speaking it and hearing it. There is a real drop off for a person who goes to the word and experiences the answers it produces in the heart and the modernity of practical modes of speech that change behaviour. There is a real peer pressure disposition of the frog in the hot skillet, that only the word can not only change the mind but work on the peer pressure dispositon to change a persons view of modern day christianity.
The verse from romans says that we are to give the message. But the saving is strickly Gods. We have nothing to do with a persons salvation. We could get the message as clear it could possibly be and still not know if a person is truely saved. Just because a person says a prayer does not mean they are saved. Any one can pray a prayer. People have that kind of response all of the time.If you look at the verses about it not only says confess with the mouth but believe in the heart. Believe in the heart is the focus of the passage. Confess with the mouth is only taking the bear word of God and agreeing about what it says. I can tell you that the bible says Christ died for your sins and if you say these words in a prayer in response to my words you will be saved that is not what the passage is saying. A person must display some kind of sorrow, some kind of remorse for sin. It must pass through the whole person. From the heart. A real deep sorrow, followed by a rejoicing! There must be a self expamination. The best thing to do is to tell the person they are a sinner and to go home and think about that. To go home and consider the kind of offense that is to sin against a holy God. If a person is willing to wait and think about it , that is more of a sign of a true conversion than a last minute prayer. Believe in the heart.
Of course there is more guilt experienced by a person who thinks that it is the message that is the important part of a person coming to Christ. Then you would come to the conclusion that we are responsible for people ending up in hell. But there is no guilt so there is more of a passion to tell others if you have no pressure to say the wrong thing because God does all the saving from begining to end. He spoke through a donkey in the ot. He does not need man to get the message out. People will be responsible to go to hell because of creation.
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God's Grace and Mercy
Personally ML was part of the welsh revivals. He had a deep understanding of supernaturalism and the work of the Holy Spirit. He had a puritain conference every year and preached on revival many times as well as using his gift of discernment. He was a great counselor and had people in lines outside of his office to have a word for him. It did not take him long to get to the bottom of the problem and being gifted would offer advice that would usually solve the problem. His sermons in Acts and in the gospels are so very alive that anyone who picks up the book Revival, Soveriegn Spirit, Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He is not the only one who had that view of the holy spirit. In fact many of the puritians had disagreements as to just how the Spirit moved and moves. I think it is interesting that this area where we have the old covenant coming to an end and the new covenant replacing it and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of pentecost and the difference in how He worked in OT saints and then how He works in the book of Acts. Most people do not study the Holy SPirit starting in the gospels and then going through acts. But ML did. And ML saw that there was a different way the Holy Spirit come and works. He saw that the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body as a salvation work. He believed that the Holy Spirit filles all believers in response to the persons willingness. But he made a distinction between the Holy Spirit baptizing a believer and filling a believer as a daily work, and Christ sending the Holy Spirit and Christ baptizing the believer with the Holy Spirit for power, and the spreading of the gospel. It was for evangelism. His point was that all of the epistles were churches that had members who were involve in Christ baptism with fire so that the culture of the church was spiritually high. Paul was trying to bring it under control. I have memorized the book of Acts and that is just really sweet times in meditation and having a real sense of the work of the Holy Spirit in a visual way. The book of Acts brings this out so well. 
8284  Forums / Main Forum / Second Chance? on: October 26, 2006, 05:19:05 AM
When you say that they would get a second chance then you are really saying that God is not powerful enough to save them in all of their years on earth. Its as if all those in hell would be going their own ability to either accept or reject the gospel. So that God is saying to them\" I tried but you wouldnt listen, im sorry i just wasnt strong enough.\" \"All the rest who are in heaven were able to listened and choose me\". Then us who are in heaven were responsible for our being their by our choice.
Yet the only reason we will be in heaven is because of Gods grace. We all sinned in adam and died a spiritual death. Dead men cannot respond to the gospel. It was by His grace through the Holy SPirit that we understood the gospel. It was by His grace that we were enabled to lay hold of Christ. We were not born with the will to be able to believe. He gave us a new will. We deserve the same punishment but God graciously gave us eternal life.
Man is responsible because man is in Adam, but God did not make a mistake. God chose some for perdition. \"Is His arm to weak that He cannot save?\"

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