Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Very good then Piano.......In 1986....had a hyper-calvinist roommate in college....but through the soul searching and reading, just had to agree with "most" of what he was saying.  Been a Christian for 28 years, and apart of many different ministries overseas for a good number of those.   My reference to "Reformed churches" was a self finger point as a personal observation over the years.  The annual General Assembly attests to these shifts.  I know very few who are more reformed than I without going into Hyper-Calvinism.  Even  though,  on occassion,  we do see cases of double predestination in Scripture where God appears to "prevent" those who otherwise would to be "normative relenting"  as in the case of Pharoah and the plagues.  Romans 9 addresses that as a "molded" issue of God's perfect will and purpose....to show who's in charge, by keeping Pharoah in a "resistant" and yet cooperative willful state.  More often than not though, God doesn't have to mess with the will of the Non-elect....He's just reminding us that He can if He ever so chooses.  He is the only being capable of truly a "free" will....(as you correctly described to another poster.   There's always a "Holy Ground" aura that get's lost today with most beleivers.  approachable yes.....but buddy buddy?? I think not.  I attended Seminary at a very well known location which was reformed and well respected...albeit cept me who really never fit in with "professional" ministry.  My beef is with messages which declare "freedom" as defined as "choice" to sin or not sin....I define "true freedom" as being "unable" to sin.....or more accurately for us while still on earth, "choosing NOT to sin". This is our Heavenly destiny, and "offering" freedom to "sin" only puts whipped cream on any "sin" I can think of.  Till we get there...it's more of a battle....on the one hand knowing I am sealed, and empowered and seeing real growth,  but Romans 7ing just the same....just like Paul....just like all Christians should.   

What about you??  What's your Reformation Story??

 This is confusing since i have not read all of the threads here. But are you saying that God does not double predestine from eternity? Are you saying that those who believe in double predestination are hyper?

 Two line theology is very narrow. Edwards was not a two line guy, and Sproul has some things to say about it in one of his books. But God does everything and we do everything. So that God actually is sovereign by His willing through us.

 We all agree that a justified sinner will display the works. But the question is what is righteousness? There are a few things that define the process that go beyond the justification -works parentheses. First we cannot do any good in ourselves. So we must have grace in order to do good. And since we were dead in our sins and trespasses, we had not ability to understand let alone do good. So that all of those things that we had accomplished were considered dead works. And since it was by grace that we were enabled to do good, then it is by grace that our works are presently good. And it will be by grace that we stand before Him in the future with good works. Because our good works are filthy rags unless they are covered by the work of Christ. So that our works value is Christ imputed righteousness on our behalf. When we stand before Him in eternity these works of Christ will be the only works that last and are of value. These works make us acceptable.
6348  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Free Will? on: May 21, 2008, 01:25:56 AM
"...I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and compassion on whom I have compassion..."
 Exodus 33:19

Ultimately it comes down to that quote of God when showing Moses His glory.  I actually love that quote because of its simplicity, yet its ultimate authority, we have no recourse to that statement.  It is a simple yet ultimate truth that God will have mercy on those He has mercy and compassion on those He has compassion.

Is it fair?  Well not by human standards, but again God can do it because He is God and is ultimately right and just in all things He does.

Do I like it?  Not necessarily, but I really don't have a say so and I’m okay with that.

"Well what if God chooses not to have compassion on you", I have been asked.  "So be it", I say "but God also promises that those who trust in His son Jesus would be saved; and I put my hope and trust in that"...

In a way it is very liberating, it takes the burden of proof off of me, all I have to do is trust and obey.  Something I do thousands of times a day without even thinking about it.  So I say, let God have mercy on those He will have mercy, I probably couldn't change His mind anyway...

So to bring it back to square one, perhaps we aren't as free as we think we are, but more liberated that we know....

 Gods sovereign election is beautiful all the way through. There is no need to have a confusing thought about it. We are not standing outside looking in.  Since God is highest and most sublime then we can trust that His love is beyond our ability to understand. So that His purpose in election defines His personal attention that He gives us by that love. So that we know if we have anything we need we can ask Him and He hears us. If He could not purpose to save us out of nothing from ourselves, then He could not handle all of the difficult situations, and the most heinous of sins. The lower we have gone the greater is His love by His sovereign election.
6357  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Free Will? on: May 19, 2008, 05:37:47 PM
Man lost his moral ability in the fall. He had a free will prior to the fall. Since he had the moral ability to keep all the requirements of the law. But after the fall man was darkened in his understanding and alienated from God. Man is unable to do good. Man is dead in sins and trespasses. So that his will is in bondage to sin.  All of mens choices  are evil because they are not done to glorify God. Even the free choices, those everyday choices whether moral or practical are from a self love rather than a love of God. Men choose what they desire the most.

 Since men are dead, they cannot choose to love God, unless they are made alive. Men must be regenerated in order to choose good. Regeneration comes when the Spirit applies the word to a mans heart and the man is made alive. He is given a new knowledge, that light of the glorious gospel, the light of Jesus Christ. So that men desire to choose good by the mind being most pleased with Christ. But sometimes a man is exposed to the word of God and seems to be regenerated, but he is only experiencing legal conviction. As time goes on, it will become evident that the man does not choose out of a love for Christ. But a love of himself and sin. The Spirit alone moves  to regenerate a man. 
6362  Forums / Main Forum / Re: R.c. Sproul on: May 17, 2008, 08:09:42 AM
Hmmmm....can anyone point me to a verse which says we are "free" to sin??  Does Paul in Romans 7 sound like he's "free" toadbat?? Paul certainly sounds like he's struggling with ought..and should....was He wrong??  According to what you're saying,  Paul is sinning in the tyranny of Oughts and shoulds!! :  ))  ALso, If you are as "free" to sin as you (and Steve Brown) allege, why does Paul argue vs. this by telling us we ought not sin  more to let grace abound??  Your desire to sin does not please God.  Every non believer "freely" sins....since Christ did (and does) not pay for their salvation nor redemption.  A non believer is actually "more free" in their sin, since their isn't any resistance at work to keep them from it....but they cannot please God no matter how hard they try....b/c....nobody who's "nature" hasn't been changed, would ever have a "God" motivated desire to please God.  The Christian is always at "war" with sin.....If people actually spent more time reading, (and believing) their Bible instead of cashing in on that offer of 3 free sins.....we might just realize we actually hurt ourselves and others in the wake of our "testing" the grace of God. There are always consequences for living in the flesh without understanding the war with flesh vs Spirit.  Those born of the Spirit do change.....those whom God has truly redeemed are in a process of sanctificaition which involves them volitionally and in due time, does in fact create visible signs of righteousness (Christ's, not our own) in our lives.  Some live in a daily wage of failure....keep fighting....welcome to the battlefield. Life was much easier for me as a non believer.....so I will stick with, our freedom to "obstain" from sin.....you know, the Biblical theme....cuz sin always costs....righteousness for the Christian is free!!  : ))

Toadbat,  only God makes the final call whether anyone actually has been "chosen" or not......I appreciate your thinking that I had some type of "power" or"influence" over someone....but sorry to disappoint you on that one....telling you all that you're going to Hell b/c you don't agree with me, doesn't make it so, anymore than your telling me that my desire to "not obey God" helps me understand how "free" I really am!  Sorry, but I already knew that before I became a Christian!!  Didn't you??  Anyway, Each Apostle designated themselves as "bond slaves" to Christ!!  A bond slave had no choices to "ponder" when it came to whom they served.  I don't see them saying what you're saying.......   "It was only after we discovered that we were really free...to...not...obey...them - did we discover that we really wanted to all along".  hmmm Huh?

Everything changes......just as it says in Scripture.  We don't need to intellectualize this.   I am weary and leary of folks who play free and loose with sin.  Sinning comes naturally.....Righteousness comes supernaturally......welcome to the war....stay and fight for a while will ya?? Why continue on with the natural when the grace which saved you empowers you to experience real change?? Sproul speaks about "hope" in our struggle vs sin.....but all I see around here is freedom in failure.  I'll take Sproul over Brown and his encouraging others to test the Grace of God by sin.

Legalism causes people to sin more. Grace causes people to sin less. If its of grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is not grace.

 You make it sound like since you have the two cars in the garage, a rather affluent lifestyle, and your physically healthy that it is because of your views on cheap grace. Well, if we look closely at this particular thread, and i do not know these men personally, but it would seem that God would be disciplining Sproul more than Brown. And if Sproul were to come on this forum , i think he would sound like most of us about the physical deli ma. It really has nothing to do with grace.

 I dont agree with all of what Steve says, nor of all of Sproul. But these men are on the same theological road. They are not the cancer of the American religion. Its the legalism. I really consider these men as stalwarts of the faith. I only say this because of your seeming insensitivity to peoples problems.  And for all you legalist out there , this is my adult voice. He He.
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6363  Forums / Break Room / Re: anything we want to talk about thread on: May 17, 2008, 08:01:39 AM
Just spend the money for the basic needs when things are tight. If that is a fast rule then there will be peace. Spending power is really bad now, so the caring for is focused on the basics.
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6364  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Self Control on: May 16, 2008, 05:15:47 PM
We are always thinking of self control as something that we withhold from doing. At this point self control is always saying no. But there is a positive self control. If we were just trying to keep from doing something then we would always end up in total misery. Because self control is a balance of enjoying all things that God has sanctified. Its not necessarily a prohibitive paradigm. In fact, it is enjoying these things with the purpose of glorifying God by them. So that we see there is a different paradigm of glorifying God in each one of us. We are all different, we are called to different task, and we are all to be using these things to minister to others. And if we are miserable in relation to enjoying the company of others, then there is no amount of self control that is going to balance us out.

 If we think that we can choose between two objects, and not have a necessity toward one or the other prior to our choice, then that is no choice at all. Instead we will end up controlling others as from a necessity in the paradigm of pragmatism. I believe this is the law of contradiction activity. We are in this sense deceived about our control over our choosing. But if we see that our control depends upon what we enjoy the most by our thoughts, then we will see that self control is from a desire that is necessary prior to our choosing. Self control is choosing the good that is most pleasing to us.And enjoying the freedom from choosing the bad by the grace we receive.
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6365  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Systematic Theology Volume 1 - by Charles Hodge on: May 15, 2008, 05:16:38 PM
This method is still in vogue. Men lay down certain principles, called axioms, or first truths of reason, and from them deduce the doctrines of religion by a course of argument as rigid and remorseless as that of Euclid. This is sometimes done to the entire overthrow of the doctrines of the Bible, and of the most intimate moral convictions not only of Christians but of the mass of mankind.

Transcendentalists admit of no authoritative revelation other than that which is found in man and in the historical development of the race. All truth is to be discovered and established by a process of thought. If it be conceded that the Bible contains truth, it is only so far as it coincides with the teachings of philosophy.

These two views are prevalent in our society. Ill explain later.

I was gonna ask about the transcendentalists. Why the name if theyre just naturalists? What transcends then?

 Without knowing his explanation, i think it is men who are educated in philosophy who also have religious leanings.

And then the dogmatist are the philosophers who have terms that are used to define their view of the truth in a systematic way that is rigid. They would cut across the grain of the truth of scripture.

 But we have become sophisticated even in the so called american church that the historical beliefs about Christ are also being redefined by these two paradigms.
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6366  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Once Saved Always Saved - on: May 15, 2008, 04:00:20 PM
Are you sure it isn't about both? 

Good to see we have another "archaeologist" posting here at KLF - this is a good one!

w8okn, if I may take the liberty of answering that question, It had better not be both! If the years I have been attempting to do this "Christian thing" have taught me anything it is this: The instant I attempt to mix any of that which I call "myself" with Christ's inner working in me, I am making a B-line for disaster! This especially goes for my most noble intentions; those are the ones that are always tripping me up! Christ works very patiently in me to try and build up a foundation of trust in Him and then whenever I decide that this needs some "response" from me apart from just allowing Him to dwell in me and through me, that's when I, with my good intentions, send the foundation crashing down to the ground and He has to start all-over again.

This is an on-going process with me; it seems I am always allowing fear to tell me "You aren't doing enough!" when Christ is whispering gently from the opposite direction: "It's already been done!" I lose sight of that often. And I always end-up paying the price.

Shalom, toadbat.

I tend to agree with you (despite all the talk on love) when it comes to faith vs. works. Consider Paul's words in his letter to the Galatians:

Gal 3:1-14
1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.
5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

God's love is not on a performance basis! ... And, aren't we GLAD!


Shalom, Retrobyter

And I agree. That one line from Galatians (v.3) is one that needs to be repeated often as it is near-impossible to take it out of context. There are those who are so suspicious of "cheap grace" being taught and preached that they often accuse those preaching on straight grace of doing just that. Any cusory reading of the text will tell anyone that the burden of proof rests squarely on their own shoulders however. (Like Steve Brown said: "Of course it's cheap; if it weren't, I wouldn't be able to afford it!"). I cannot believe that the same grace that transfomed me from a spiritual corpse into a living, dynamic spiritual being, would call me to life just to return me to the status-quo. If grace enables, then it enables the will; if it enables the will it stimulates the desire. It all comes full-circle to bring one to the point of realization I no longer have to keep the rules because now, being in love, I want to keep them - and only so I can draw even nearer to my beloved. That is the sum-total of it.

 TB Just wanted to say that it is good to read your post. They are rite on!
6370  Forums / Break Room / Re: Random Thoughts on: May 14, 2008, 07:45:58 PM
Do unto others as you would have them to you. Now that is only possible for a believer. But there are self righteous people who put this as the moral principle of everyone. And yet this principle is taught by Christ Himself in the sermon on the mount. This can only be accomplished by believers since we have the life of Christ living in us. The only reaction that you get from an unsaved person is that he will weigh how much a person does to him and then he will respond the like. That is his reading on this principle. He does not understand that we give without expecting anything in return. Christ was giving us the direction of all of our relationships in this principle. Since He owns everything, then we have nothing. And we give because He has made it the way to give Him glory. So when we give from a heart that is trusting in Him, we will have His pleasure more than if we were miserly. That is why when He said that a man must deny Himself, He was giving this principle as a response from a heart that was fully convinced of Christ giving them the ability to accomplish giving in this way. Our inner life is more important than our wallets. When He says to give even if it hurts then we obey, since He owns it all and He is our master. We not only give of our money but we give ourselves in ministering to others. So that it looks foolish to the world that we spend so much time doing to others what we would have them do to us. It really is about self denial.
6380  Forums / Break Room / Re: Random Thoughts on: May 10, 2008, 01:19:50 PM
Yeah I am a saint saved by grace..

I really need to surrender this. I'm been fighting it for a while now. It caused me to drift.

*SIGH.. I'm sad. I know what i need to do...

 Ok, surrendering is finding all we need in Him, not in relieving something. I tell you this after living on this earth for 50 yrs. Most men are religious. They are willing to do what the fraternity requires. And they jump through all of these hoops and feel so good about their efforts. The problem with men is that they dont want to be cut at their pride in their actions. Ive found that you just cant trust most men because they are always interested in having a part in being forgiven, or in meeting the requirements. So that after they have done the program, they still have not done a thing to their view of themselves. They even have more pride in themselves by their religious acts. Men love to have a conflict with what they know is rite and what they cannot do. They spend most of their days going in and out of doing something and feeling guilty. There is no depth to their love for Christ, but the love to be grouped in the middle of the road fraternity. They tell you, its not about feeling, just obedience, and so they are always feeling guilty and using their religious standing or their community position to balance that out. They love to get the approval of men over the spiritual working done as a result of the work of Christ. Thats because men do not like to feel absolutely helpless to do anything with their sin. And so the majority of men live in religion.

 Yes we have such high standards. We have such moral character. And yet its all just a bunch of filthy rags before God. They would take the credit for avoiding sin, but then they would think that others dont have the strength over sin like they have. They have too much pride to think that Gods requirements are absolute righteousness not just avoiding but in doing. They would not consider that God has given them the grace to have a heart of love to God. No they want the approval of men. Of the group. Thats why the cross is so offensive to them. Their love is in the command and not in the Person. They havent considered the kind of deliverance that is required. See the problem with sin is not the level of depravity, but its in the pride of men.

 Thats why men have more to talk about in something they have, or something they have acheived or some person that they follow, or a seminar that change their lives , all as if it were something unselfish that they have done.  They love to be bitter that others are not obeying and willing to go to all means to avoid them, but they never really love Christ out of that resting in all of His work. Thats why they really cannot extol Christ as if He were the only person in their lives. Because they love their religion and fraternity more than they love Christ.
6381  Forums / Break Room / Re: Random Thoughts on: May 10, 2008, 12:07:47 PM
Thanks toadbat for the advice,

The thing is, I know what's distracting me.. I know it but I'm avoiding to think about it 'cause then I don't have to bring it to the Lord to examine me...I know what it is...and I'm sinning. Toadbat, ever have this: you want to and NEED to let go but you don't want to? It's not like you can't....you just don't want to...because you don't want to lose it..?

I think I just answered my own question... by me saying and acknowledging this, I have declared that I'm scared to let go because I am doubting that God knows what's best. It's that or He's telling me to surrender, wait, and leave all the technicalities of when and HOW to Him...'cause really, I , don't know and it's really really not wise for me to manipulate circumstances, that'll only get me in trouble if it wasn't His will in the first place...

My flesh is warring against what the Holy Spirit is convicting me of. I think I know what I need to do...

 We as believers are never without hope, nor are we ever able to do what we want to do. So that when we talk about struggling with sin, we discuss this with an all wise God. We are never under condemnation or are we under the law as our school master. God brings us through trials for the purpose of declaring that in spite of our stumbling around He has His purposes in using our weakness and sin in the working out of His will. We are alway forgiven before we commit the sin over again and we are always accepted with that sin. If we condemn ourselves then we are not fully aware of His work in our personal sin to cover the full effects of its grief in us. The only problem we have with the reality in our struggle is that we have not fully brought it to a forgiving God who has done the work and said it is finished. So that His call in us is within the paradigm that we will never get to a place were we feel as if we do not struggle with sin or we do not have the potential of falling into the same sin that we repented . Our relational circumstances are taken care of in the cross, so that we can claim the victory over our attitude and the other persons reaction to our sin, as if we are free from the obligations of others reactions. We are in a state of no condemnation.

 He will kill the sin in us by His grace alone, through the work of Christ alone, and in the hope and glory of His willing it to be so through us. Any other determination of our part is a lack of faith to believe His purposes. We come to God as thinking that we are strong, but He knows we are weak, we come to Him thinking that we are able, but He knows that we are unable, we come to Him thinking that we can some how gain His acceptance by some work we do, but He knows that Christ work was all that was required for our being accepted. Our problem is not that we struggle with sin, but we do not understand the terrible predicament that we are in as sinners, that weight of grief that we carry as a result of sinning, and the incomprehensibly mercy of His forgiveness and always abiding love. We are always having a joy that is unspeakable mixed with a grief that is pulling us down. Its not our confession or the working out of our confessing, or the righteous things we do, but its in Christ alone. Always look to Him to give you the proper understanding of these things, since He leads by loving us , and sometimes we do not feel loved enough to get out of this satanic grip of guilt. So we need to be loved or we will fall rite back into that emotional grip of guilt after satisfying the self atonement.
6388  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 09, 2008, 08:33:11 PM
As you know i am a dicotomist. We are spirit and body. We are spirit and we are body. But then there is a reality that is deep , or deeper than the normal. Its not abnormal but it is an understanding of the nature of desire , having a spiritual sense, but yet having much darkness as to its deepness. So when we experience that spiritual illumination, we actually have an awareness of our spiritual senses. So that we see things as different than they appear with our natural physical eyes. As we see these spiritual things, we develop a certain understanding of the nature of the spiritual, so here is that communication of the Spirit in the person to person paradigm. Our spiritual dwelling is a fellowship with the Spirit on in the strength of that connection. The deepness is that illumination of light that goes through the darkness of the depth of our spirits. We feel the desire out of that deepness. So that the desire deepens as we gain that spiritual understanding. Which has an effect on our need to have a physical sense of the strength of attraction. Since the deepness of our spirits brings about longings and desires that cannot be satisfied. But these spiritual longings are so interrelated with the Spirits communications that we see the reality of His personage going through us. We understand that nature.

So in this sense i believe that we rise above the experience of the captive nature of sin. But we still sin, and yet our real non corporal experience of these spiritual communications of what we see and hear and feel, have a greater effect on our understanding since the nature of the Spirits communication to our understanding has brought about the nature of an understanding of that depth of that spiritual communication. Our longings can become so real, that we lose a certain sense of the physical universe.
6390  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 09, 2008, 05:00:53 PM
Having passion is being acted upon were action is acting upon the object. These two things have different relations but they can be simultaneous in the same act of the will. The will cannot act upon itself. Just as we were created, our subsistence of being is determined by a power that is keeping us alive. We are acted upon in order to exist. And yet we exist in a subsistent way by actions in the physical parts of our bodies. So that we can say that existence of an action is determined by something acting upon us in desire or passion.
We are sinners because we are corrupted in every part of who we are in body and soul. And we carry around this body of death as if it were a person who acts within us. So that we are toxic from the inside, before we choose to sin. Sin acts upon us in the choice to sin. And if we have that passion from birth then we experience this toxic reality until we die. This is the reality of being in relation to others and their choices.
And in this sense we can experience a kind of separation of our spirits rising in our bodies.
6406  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: I love my church - is this OK? on: May 05, 2008, 04:26:09 PM
I don't recall saying I was dependent on others. I think you are referring to a previous post when I had said that we need each other. Now that wasn't to say that our focus should be on each other. Nope. We are to encourage one another, yes. We are to bear each others' burdens, yes. But we ourselves cannot provide for others what only God reserved for Himself.

 No i was referring to your need of a ride in a car to church. I recall you saying that you were not allowed to go to church.
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6407  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: I love my church - is this OK? on: May 04, 2008, 08:28:42 PM
I don't cuz I can't go to church, is that okay for me?

 I know youve said its impossible since you are dependent on others. We are always in danger of focusing on the minors and forgetting the real reasons for our being in this new life. And really the church is His church not ours. So that we are dependent to hear from Him on how we are to live with one another in the local church and universal church. So that in this sense it is wrong to think of a church is a denomination or a building or a social setting.
The church is the only spiritual building on the earth. It exist by that kind of production. See we all are gifted to minister to one another, by being humbled enough to see that we are so dependent upon His power in working in order for us to do this impossible task. No where can you get a job that does not require any experience or physical beauty. But it requires the lowest in that spiritual building to be exalted and the rich to be humbled. For he commands by His rule in this spiritual body for the rich not to be proud. No where is it required that the leaders authority is only as they show submission to the rule of Christ. That they have more respect for Christ than they do the position. So that this is a reality that is not really a physical set of absolutes in order for us to function.
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6408  Forums / Theology Forum / When God hides His face on: May 04, 2008, 08:15:09 PM
We are not always promised to be going before Him and receiving these communications that help us rest in Him. There are times when we wonder were God is. Our feelings are always going to be up and down. When we go to Him in prayer we receive an immediate communication of His peace of forgiveness, or His assurance of being our present help in time of trouble. We live in the light of having confidence from one day to another. We have a confidence that He will hear us, and He will answer in the future. This confidence is a communication of Himself to us, as having Him near in His special presence to keep us from all of the emotional dispositions of fallen and corrupted realities that keep us from the pleasure of enjoying Him. Because we enjoy Him we glorify Him. He causes us to not experience the pull of the accusations of the Devil through our sin and through our being hard by having a heart that is overcoming the suffering from our anxieties.He shields us from all of the circumstances that are pressing in upon us , because of our failures and our falleness. The shielding is not from taking them out of our circumstances , but surrounding us with a supernatural confidence by hearing from Him that He will deliver us in His time. This is what we experience as a result of being surrounded by His love so that nothing can separate us from His love. We do not hope that nothing can separate us, but we experience Him loving us first so that we are confident that nothing can separate us from His love.

 We are unable to achieve this peace on our own. If we compare this communication of our Fathers love by comparing it with not having any problems in our lives, then we have never experience His powerful shielding. He shields us when the circumstances are pressing in upon us. We know that these circumstances are there, and we know that we could feel very insecure by them, but we have more confidence by them being there in lite of Him being greater. That is His keeping power is a grace that we experience from all of these different problems that come from these different carnal paradigms. So that we know Him as our deliver by our circumstances being unmanageable. We know this because He speaks to us that He is our deliver alone. He alone speaks to us that He is our Saviour. This is the paradigm of knowing that God in His grace is upholding us by His strong communications though the witness of His Spirit. We are in the frame of praising Him by His causing us to overcome our circumstances by His immanent pleasure. We are in the frame of trusting Him over the potential of being cast under the terrible paradigms of doubt and fear. This is when God favors us, we feel in a sense invincible by His causing us to triumph in all of our inward dispositions. His favor is that we know ourselves to be pleased with praising and adoring Him.

 But then He hides His face. We have these distinctly different communications by having this trial. Some of us have never experienced His favor to such an extent, so that we are not aware that He is hiding. But we are cast down and caused to walk in the dryness of our experiencing Him being distant. Our desires for Him are more fixed on wanting His favor by Him bringing that invincible assurance. We want Him to be speaking salvation to us, and assuring us that by His salvation we are no longer cast down. We want to know that the joy will come in the morning, and have it be there to meet us. We want to experience His favor so that we are not cast down under the weight of our sins. We want Him to be merciful to us by us experiencing His grace to come to our rescue when we have cause much pain, and know His love was always there to deliver us, seeing that we were confident that He will speak salvation to us in that day of potential trouble. We want to be able to live in the light of His countenance shining down from heaven from between His throne so that we experience a supernatural power of witness. But these paradigms become a faint reality when He test us by hiding His face.

 We feel the threats of the wicked, and we experience the judgment of the self righteous. We are cast into a kind of wandering , crying out to Him to return with His favor. At times we feel as if we cannot go on. We are dismayed. We are in the darkness of not knowing which way to go. We begin to over focus on obedience because we are afraid that we need to do something to have Him smile on us with the favor we had before. We start thinking that the faith of assurance is only experienced by our outward obedience. We console ourselves by our outward conformity, because we know that something is not rite, we do not have the same love for our first love. We begin to worry more than we ever worried before that we are not saved. We are encouraged to condemn ourselves by a wrong application of the law on our consciences. We think that God is doing this to us and we blame God for our lack of joy. But we are spiraling down by this predicament.

We must see that God has our good even tho He has hidden Himself. Faith is not having an assurance by our outward conformity, but it is believing that God is hiding HImself  for our good so that we will exercise faith without having His favor always. Faith is walking in the desert and knowing that God is communicating to us by our lack. Faith is believing that God is using us by our weak trust, so that He alone will get the glory even when we do not trust Him. Faith is believing that in this paradigm that God will reward to us all of the times we suffered through these times by indirectly supplying the resources by our lack of doing what is required.  These times when God hides His face, is times where we know that He is testing us by it, and not believe that He has cast us off. We are oh so desperate for Him , we are crying to HIm out of our poverty, and waiting in poverty.
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6409  Forums / Main Forum / Re: R.c. Sproul on: May 04, 2008, 04:44:19 PM
I live in R Cs town so its cool. And i agree with R C except for baptism. He is an intellectual. But He is also a very good teacher. O K Hes on the other side of town, and Ive never been to his church. I hear him on the radio all the time. His books are loaded, like a little 22 caliber hand gun with the blast of a shot gun. Try reading his book the Mighty Christ. You will see.
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6410  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: May 03, 2008, 05:55:56 PM
I am with you , going around and around and around, hope your not angry brother. God bless.
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6411  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: May 03, 2008, 04:16:17 PM
Jesus is the reason for our living. Anything He ask us to do is not jumping off but it is for His glory. For whatever reason we have as to why it would not be wise may be a reason why we do not do what He wants us to. He told Hosea to marry a prostitute. He sent Paul to jail in order for us to have His revelation. He told Peter that his end would not be what Peter wanted. The reason that we are not able to plan our future is because we would worry about things that are too big us. Thats why He says that He gives us our manna for the day, and the rest of the stuff will mold and rot. Because He knows everything there is to know about all the pieces in the puzzle. There is a reason for every event in history. If He did not intimately know the events then there would be no reason for their final ends.

Our problem is that we dont trust Him as an eternal Father who opens His hand and every creature under heaven is fed. For He says that He does not need our sacrifices since He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. What He wants is a sacrifice of praise, living a life of seeing everything as He wants us to think and see. Here we exist for His glory. Since we have desires for many things that are good , yet there are better desires that have higher ends. So that we are always surrounded by purposes and paradigms of an eternal origin for the purpose of having an exalted purpose above these other good things. We have a well of spiritual food that we can feast on. But we never can complete the meal. So that we would forget our own desires to feast on Him. We would long for Him above anything on this earth , because there is nothing on this earth that can sastify our deepest longings except being with Him. And then being with Him we desire nothing on earth.
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6412  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The time to mourn on: May 03, 2008, 12:21:43 PM
The Holy Spirit doesn't get to us like that. First He will convict us and make us aware specifically the sin and he is going to woo us before God, so that we can get right.

 I agree, and we mourn in the state of grace. Since we must learn that Gods conviction is not equal or better than  our ability to change in order to change. But we have a longing grace, because of His victory over sin, now we can be saved from the temptation of sin by His work on our behalf. So that we can enjoy God by longing for Him over feeling the conviction of the Holy Ghost by sin. God is not a resistant insurance salesman. He doesnt convict us enough for us to feel the pain to change. But He examines our hearts as us being in a spiritual operation room. His instruments are the word and the Spirit only. He does not have a hammer or a physical set of instruments but rather He determines what we are on the unseen paradigms.

 So now we can enjoy God in spite of us being totally depraved. When we are learning by grace then our desires for God outweigh His demands for obedience of us. Since we learn to long for deliverance, then we will not be so confident in our demanding of others. That would be self righteous resistant theology.

 As i have been talking about the state of mourning, that is , really a sense that we could face temptation , very strong ones, even if we are used to being protected. The biggest protection from outward temptations is being locked up in a room without these temptations. But then we find out that we are locked up in the temptations of our minds by it. So that we logically know that what we think in our minds is the avenue for temptation. So we have this life of its own so to speak. And in a sense , we live in this world and we face evil at every turn, that is temptation of others who are in the bondage to sin by it. So it really is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but its what comes out of his heart. There is deep sin, and real depravity in all of us. So mourning over sin is, dealing with sin before it becomes a strong temptation by our pride in our ability to keep from it by avoiding certain things.
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6413  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The time to mourn on: May 03, 2008, 11:57:54 AM
yeah, God does put burdens in our hearts. He brings adversity and we won't understand why this type. It's important we respond correctly. By getting on our knees before Him and spilling your heart before Him and letting Him take control.

I believe God uses our burdened hearts in prayer-mode as a platform to get His Will done in our lives. Whether it be dealing with something that doesn't belong in our hearts or whatever it is He needs to accomplish.

He uses our mourning hearts in submission before Him for a purpose.

 Are you really 20 yrs old? I ve been reading your post of late and either you are gifted or your not revealing everything about your maturity.
 I agree, and yet we are always mourning over our sin. But then its not because there is a goal to be obtained by our own programed state of our own hearts determination. Rather it is by Him being our advocate and deliverer that we face ourselves squarely. And yet, we have such a problem with our view of ourselves that we always come out better than we are in our examination, and better than others in our view of our particular surroundings.

 There is even a division in these nt letters that is more three dimensional than just the indicative and the commands. But the law was divided into these distinct workings as God showing us His holiness. And yet there is more than just how we relate to God and how we relate to others. Since Christ has come and done the work, now there is a little different focus in these tensions. Because in the ot they were looking forward so that even tho they had the covenant in the blood sacrifices for sins, yet they were still going through the rituals. So that there was plenty of work in taking up their time that was more physical in nature than we are in our working it out today.  This new way is repentance by turning to Christ completed work. Now there is more direct availabilities to all of these kingdom realities. And there is a more unableness in personal exalting than it was in the ot. Since these things are given more and we receive more there is more requirement for us to see these paradigms in the glory of Christ in the knowledge of Him and the immediate deliverance that is available by these powerful actings on us through the power of the resurrection and having Christ as our mediator.

  There is a division between the doctrine , the way man relates to others, and the focus on the general disposition of the saints in all of this. We are looking back at this by focusing on Christ work on our behalf. So that we cannot have a biblical view of Gods revelation of Himself through the law,and not see that there is no focus on the moral capability of man by it. Since we are more tempted to take the glory of Christ for ourselves than those who were under the burden of the ritual laws.

 We are only rite by displaying a personal disposition of praise and thankfulness, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs as a melody in our hearts toward Christ. So that these relational dealings toward our brothers will be out of the spiritual oneness we share as being obedient to Christ for praising Him for the ongoing state of grace that we experience over those who had to go through the rituals.

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6414  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Spurgeon - Christ Crucified on: May 02, 2008, 05:19:13 PM

Christ alone.
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6415  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: May 02, 2008, 04:18:59 PM
As i recall He told Peter as a matter of fact that Peter was to fall and after He had returned He told Peter to feed the sheep.

 If God gets angry any time we sin then each sin that we commit was not fully satisfied in Christ. And if there is a way for Him to be angry at us when we sin, then Christ work is of no effect. Since we are in a state of no condemnation, then Christ has taken care of not only the sin, but the state  of condemnation and the wrath of God. So that if Christ has taken care of sin, then He has taken care of how Gods attitude toward sinners is.

 Gods discipline is from love and not from anger. Since God not only delivers us from trouble , but He upholds us while we are struggling in our discipline. God determines the time of our testing and He determines the amount of testing. So that when we are buffeted on every side, then He is fully able to under gird us so that we will not apostatize. Otherwise hope is not hope and faith is not faith.  So when we are failing God is faithful. When we are straying God is always loving us back. And God determines to love us to the end for the purpose of strengthening our faith.

 When we are sinning, we are being accused by the adversary and those who are used by Satan do destroy our faith. Even our neighbors are avoiding us. But God does not treat us in that accusatory way. Rather God knows the desires of our hearts, He knows that we are but dust. And He does not treat us as our sins deserve. So that when we are in a position of being rejected by men, is when we are being upheld and accepted by God the most. It is when we are being tested in this way that we learn about Christ work on our behalf that strengthens our faith. This is done so that we will give God the glory by being the only hope of our salvation when all men reject us. It is because we fail that we are upheld. It is because we sin that we receive grace. It is because we are accused by men , that we experience the only refuge we can trust. When God works to bring us to the end of our own way, and the expectation of men, is when we experience His acceptance and love at its deepest point. God cannot fail in His purpose to uphold us and love us and keep us. We cannot experience two different kinds of paradigms at the same time and know that it is a real purpose. If God determines to love us then He has taken care of His anger towards us and our sin. Otherwise he would be no different than you. If you stand in the accusatory position to a believer that is struggling then you are no different than a friend of the devil! 

If you believe in sovereign grace, then you cant possibly accept any other teaching.

I noticed you avoided the case of Moses, the "spit verse" in Revelation, and in the example of Peter you did nothing to defend your view.

Martin Luther said it nicely that we are both saint and sinner. You will not be "perfect" this side of eternity and there is pleanty of sin to send the entire world to hell within each of us.

I will state it ONCE again I am talking of our TEMPORAL NOT ETERNAL STATE.

 I havent met anyone who is reformed worth his salt that makes doctrine from a narrative. So i feel pretty comfortable in standing on what i have said.
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6416  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: May 02, 2008, 08:46:49 AM
As i recall He told Peter as a matter of fact that Peter was to fall and after He had returned He told Peter to feed the sheep.

 If God gets angry any time we sin then each sin that we commit was not fully satisfied in Christ. And if there is a way for Him to be angry at us when we sin, then Christ work is of no effect. Since we are in a state of no condemnation, then Christ has taken care of not only the sin, but the state  of condemnation and the wrath of God. So that if Christ has taken care of sin, then He has taken care of how Gods attitude toward sinners is.

 Gods discipline is from love and not from anger. Since God not only delivers us from trouble , but He upholds us while we are struggling in our discipline. God determines the time of our testing and He determines the amount of testing. So that when we are buffeted on every side, then He is fully able to under gird us so that we will not apostatize. Otherwise hope is not hope and faith is not faith.  So when we are failing God is faithful. When we are straying God is always loving us back. And God determines to love us to the end for the purpose of strengthening our faith.

 When we are sinning, we are being accused by the adversary and those who are used by Satan do destroy our faith. Even our neighbors are avoiding us. But God does not treat us in that accusatory way. Rather God knows the desires of our hearts, He knows that we are but dust. And He does not treat us as our sins deserve. So that when we are in a position of being rejected by men, is when we are being upheld and accepted by God the most. It is when we are being tested in this way that we learn about Christ work on our behalf that strengthens our faith. This is done so that we will give God the glory by being the only hope of our salvation when all men reject us. It is because we fail that we are upheld. It is because we sin that we receive grace. It is because we are accused by men , that we experience the only refuge we can trust. When God works to bring us to the end of our own way, and the expectation of men, is when we experience His acceptance and love at its deepest point. God cannot fail in His purpose to uphold us and love us and keep us. We cannot experience two different kinds of paradigms at the same time and know that it is a real purpose. If God determines to love us then He has taken care of His anger towards us and our sin. Otherwise he would be no different than you. If you stand in the accusatory position to a believer that is struggling then you are no different than a friend of the devil! 

If you believe in sovereign grace, then you cant possibly accept any other teaching.
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6417  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: May 01, 2008, 09:51:19 PM
1 Thessalonians 5
9.     For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Thessalonians 1
10.     and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.
Romans 5
9.     Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

John 3
36.     "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."

Romans 3
25.     whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;

Love each and every verse you cited. Smiley

You seem to think the wrath of God totally equates to the temporal plane we live in now.

So why not explain the 2 examples I placed at your plate?

Here is one again...

 14And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.

and skipping to vers 24.....

24And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him.

 If i am not mistaken this was over the circumcision issue. There are a lot of questions here. You keep giving me a narrative.

 You wont answer me as to what is the sin that makes the Lord get angry? So i  am just taking it that you dont have an answer.

You dont have a NT teaching on your assertion. Lukewarm is a pagan disposition found in christians in different periods of their lives.  The believer who continues in lukewarmness is dealt with through grace. The unbeliever is receiving the wrath of God. Gen 6: 3.  http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=11501221032 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
The Spirits striving is different in an unbeliever from a believer. I have already explained the believers experiential problems of being lukewarm  in another thread, and its the opposite of what you are asserting.
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6418  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Are we in the End Times? on: May 01, 2008, 08:44:24 AM
In each of the past eight yeas, more Americans have declared personal bankruptcy than graduated from college.
92 percent of bankruptcies are filed by middle-class Americans.

The typical US household has $38,000 in [non-mortgage] debt and the total consumer debt has almost tripled since 1980.

Credit card debt alone, at $880 billion, is now triple what it was in 1988, after adjusting for inflation.

The average American student leaves a four-year college with over $20,000 in deucation debt; a graduate degree means $45,000.

The average American possesses 6.5 credit cards, for a nationwide total of 1.2 billion.
(And the more cards we have, the more we're likely to be offered.)
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6419  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: April 30, 2008, 09:41:25 PM
1 Thessalonians 5
9.     For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Thessalonians 1
10.     and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come.
Romans 5
9.     Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

John 3
36.     "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."

Romans 3
25.     whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;
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6420  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Anger? on: April 30, 2008, 01:05:58 PM
Hi Earl,
Can you give us an example of God being angry and expressing it in your life? Did you experience separation from His gracious work?

When He chastizes me there can be an element of anger because of my sin. No doubt chastizement is done in love but it does not mean He was not mad at me for sinning. I gave specific example of people in the bible that said God was angry towards, and yet they were His.

Now are you saying God is never angry with you when you sin?

 Sir , if you can explain to me, "what sin does God get angry at?"

 He also appeared to Moses in the burning bush. It doesnt mean He will do the same for me.  I havent seen God like Moses. If you cannot bring up a doctrinal explanation from scripture then you are incorrect.
Rom 8:
31.      What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
32.     He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
33.     Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies;
34.     who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
35.     Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36.     Just as it is written, "FOR YOUR SAKE WE ARE BEING PUT TO DEATH ALL DAY LONG;
37.     But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
38.     For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
39.     nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

 Here is the old testament version of Gods love in salvation. Here is the remnant in captivity, and yet they are dearly loved, but because of the National rebellion they are getting caught in the punishment. And its the same with Israel under Moses. The remnant was in a covenant relationship,  they were not perfect, but justified by Christ future work on the cross. They were the objects of Gods love. The rest of Israel received His just anger.

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