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9108  Forums / Main Forum / God's Voice on: April 29, 2006, 05:08:30 AM
God speaks through His word, and the communication is very detailed. He explains to us the boundaries of His love for us just enough for us to feel special other wise if there were no boundaries we would be totally befuddled and overwhelmed, or we would go crazy in his revealing to us who we really are. His voice is not so much to make a certian disicion or to go a certian way, although some times He impresses on us in a strong way to go in a certian direction yet He is really interested in our being secure inspite of the circumstances around us. So his voice is always drawing us in to a relationship with Him through his Son.

His voice is beyond the human defintion of a voice. It is sometimes so awesome that it is as if he were blowing new life into us. His voice is so healing that we feel as if the supernatural physician and psychiatrist given instant normality or a super abundance of strength. He gives us insight into things that are happening around us from this imbreathed strength so that we are sure that his hand is apoun us.

He is so protecting of us that he brings circumstances that are diffucult and we would not like to deal with so that we trust in him and we feel as if going any other way is impossible unless he answers us from our prayers. This is his holding us in his grip.

His voice is always leading us on a path where we must exercise our faith, by trusting in Him inspite of the circumstances and He communicates to us that we are secure, and we have not struggled so much that we are going to die. With these circumstances he draws out of us longings, and crys, and desires for deliverence so that He will become such a mighty and strong deliver that we will trust him even more and know him in a greater way and a more profound way than any relationship we have on this earth. God always sees and hears and speaks in a way that acts in behalf of the best for his children, and that includes the very atoms that we are made of.

His voice is spoken into other peoples ears in behalf of us so that what success we have in knowing that person is having Jesus as our friend speaking in behalf of us to others in a supernatural way. In this we know he is speaking to us because we look at what transpires around us and we examine it and we are always seeing that there are precise things that happen to us that are proofs that he is guiding and directing us through each moment

Sometimes he speaks to us in such a way that we are profoundly overcome. He opens up his power to us in a personal way as if he were saying I am your salvation. We are so over come that we are drawn out of our little world into an eternal experience of worship, with such heavenly raptures that our eyes are opened up into other world, and our ears are listening to the heavenly chior.This communication is beyond any kind of communication we have on this earth. He is so much bigger than mere words.
In a sense God speaks everything into existence at the point it transpires from an eternal perspective as if every thing has already happened including the very function of hearing and perceiving that we experience in the smallest particle of which we have not discovered. Gods speaking,hearing,touching are precise in that what He wills comes to pass so that we move and live and have our being in Him as Eric quoted.
9109  Forums / Main Forum / God's Voice on: April 29, 2006, 04:57:26 AM
God speaks through His word, and the communication is very detailed. He explains to us the boundaries of His love for us just enough for us to feel special other wise if there were no boundaries we would be totally befuddled and overwhelmed, or we would go crazy in his revealing to us who we really are. His voice is not so much to make a certian disicion or to go a certian way, although some times He impresses on us in a strong way to go in a certian direction yet He is really interested in our being secure inspite of the circumstances around us. So his voice is always drawing us in to a relationship with Him through his Son.

His voice is beyond the human defintion of a voice. It is sometimes so awesome that it is as if he were blowing new life into us. His voice is so healing that we feel as if the supernatural physician and psychiatrist given instant normality or a super abundance of strength. He gives us insight into things that are happening around us from this imbreathed strength so that we are sure that his hand is apoun us.

He is so protecting of us that he brings circumstances that are diffucult and we would not like to deal with so that we trust in him and we feel as if going any other way is impossible unless he answers us from our prayers. This is his holding us in his grip.

His voice is always leading us on a path where we must exercise our faith, by trusting in Him inspite of the circumstances and He communicates to us that we are secure, and we have not struggled so much that we are going to die. With these circumstances he draws out of us longings, and crys, and desires for deliverence so that He will become such a mighty and strong deliver that we will trust him even more and know him in a greater way and a more profound way than any relationship we have on this earth. God always sees and hears and speaks in a way that acts in behalf of the best for his children, and that includes the very atoms that we are made of.

His voice is spoken into other peoples ears in behalf of us so that what success we have in knowing that person is having Jesus as our friend speaking in behalf of us to others in a supernatural way. In this we know he is speaking to us because we look at what transpires around us and we examine it and we are always seeing that there are precise things that happen to us that are proofs that he is guiding and directing us through each moment

Sometimes he speaks to us in such a way that we are profoundly overcome. He opens up his power to us in a personal way as if he were saying I am your salvation. We are so over come that we are drawn out of our little world into an eternal experience of worship, with such heavenly raptures that our eyes are opened up into other world, and our ears are listening to the heavenly chior.This communication is beyond any kind of communication we have on this earth. He is so much bigger than mere words.
9114  Forums / Main Forum / Am I Wrong? on: April 27, 2006, 04:01:34 PM
When we learn to rest in Jesus Christ then and only then will we be in a position in dependence on God for every thing. There are reasons we find ourselves in these situations. Now some will tell you to pull up your boot straps and get to it. Yet what ever God witholds from us is for our benefit. He has the rite to make us starve to death. Yet He is more interested in our resting in Christ, and so He will use whatever circumstance to get us to be humble enough to recognize that He is all we need in life and death.
Trials come so that we will depend on Him more, by praying to Him, and resting in His love. He will bring us to a point where we are totally reliant and there is no human mixture of an out so that we will look up to Him and rest in Him. The worse that can happen is we die and go to heaven. Yet He is gracious to us and provides just enough to get us through this life. And any trial that comes to us , and causes us great harm is for our good other wise we would presume on His grace as if we had a rite to all the benefits we recieve and not come to Him for every thing
9118  Forums / Theology Forum / Is Theology Your God? on: April 26, 2006, 07:24:15 PM
Does defining God systematically create problems in mans ability to think freely? It really is logical that the less inhibited mans rational processes are the greater ability of man to think purely and the greater happiness man experiences as a result of this freedom. If God is defined as an absolute soveiregn of all creation then His will is absolutely free in exercising that power. If God is limited in some way then His will is bound in some sense to a will outside of His will. If His will is bound to another will then His thoughts are constrained to that other power.

If His thoughts are constrained, then His ability to exercise his power of thought is limited. In a sense mans ability to act is directly related to mans faith in God and the view he has of God as God defines Himself. Faith is the engine for human experience. Mans power to choose is faith disposed. In reality defining God as absolutely free, frees man at the faith level to supernaturally act from the highest rational level. God defines Himself systematically answering mans soul and body capabilities. The image of God is in man ,which image is distinctly explained.
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9119  Forums / Theology Forum / Is Theology Your God? on: April 26, 2006, 05:27:16 AM
There is a new theology, which is a modern day definition of the struggle with physcosis. It really has narrowed man and driven man to such limits in the ability to explore the metaphysical by putting boundries around mans ability to reason from being alone in the universe of lonliness. The new struggle is between connection which is the new righteous standard and the sin of loneliness. Granted it is not good for man to be alone, thus the helpmeet, yet in that biblical definition it is not all inclusive in the physicological effects of loneliness as  a physcosis, other wise why would celebate for God.

Obviously if loneliness was the great problem of mankind then what goes on inside of us would be the sin, and what  connection we have would be the relief we get from that sin. Yet the reality is that no one else knows what goes on inside of us other than ourselves and God. And yet the defining it as a physcosis limits the ability to rationally experience the negative effects of loneliness as it is related to sin and these realms of the spiritual effects in that struggle.

The reality is that in connection loneliness could be given more fuel because certian metiphysical realities would not be experienced and thus that truth would just add to our personal deception in a society of connection. All reality starts in alonesss, we are always forced to aloneness, because aloneness is the needle by which all experience is balanced on
9136  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 19, 2006, 08:52:37 PM
No one here said that asking for forgiveness from other people is a pregrequsite for entry into heaven. But scripture DOES tell us to ask other people for forgiveness, for belivevers, primarily as part of our charge to be unified. (Seems almost an alien concept here in this forum doesn't it?)
I guess if every time we have a disagreement about theology that we are in need of asking forgiveness then there would be alot of asking forgiveness over the christian air waves wouldnt you think? You are rite that we need to keep the communication going between especially those in our church, mainly , i mean that is the context of the lords prayer and the sermon on the mount. And then there are samiratians in our lives in this area of forgiveness, yet that is not a general principle in this area but it is a descressionary principle since they stand in opposition to the kingdom of God. If you are trying to get peace inside by doing this you will not succeed, peace comes through understanding justification and the work Christ and is linked to the bigness of God and His effects in us to forgive by that bigness.
9137  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 19, 2006, 08:16:34 PM
I am very sure Linda Marie is a believer. I disagree with lots of things she says, her ideas, etc. You will never find a post by me saying I think she isn't a believer. I don't casually go around branding folks believers and unbelievers simply because we have some disagreements on issues that are not foundational or directly related to salvation and the nature of Christ etc. Linda Marie and I agree on virtually all the big stuff I am sure.

As for Dilbert, he HAS written the things I said he has written.
I guess if I have to I could take a long time and compile them. But he has. I stand by what I wrote. If a fellow denies the deity of Christ, the validity of scripture, the validity of the christian faith, and other things he has written himself very clearly, he is either not a believer, (its kind of obvious isn't it, if you don't believe you aren't a believer?), or he is a believer who has fallen away. So I acknowledge that yes indeed we may see old Dilbert in heaven, but as long as his ideas and understanding is totally contrary to the truth, he shouldn't be treated the same as a confessing believer.
In Dilbert's case its not a matter of me "deeming him not worthy to be called a christian". He does it all himself. I would be very wrong not to recognize what HE has written himself about what he thinks.
I kinda agree with Linda Marie about forgiveness. If asking forgiveness is a prerequesite for being forgiven by God then then Christ work on the cross was not finished. God himself does not forgive every one.
Rite now i am going through a conflict between the reformed tradition and dispensational bent in reformed circles. Now i know that we should love the world, and yet we also need to have a holy hatred for the world. Some times i think the dispensationalist create an impression that unless we have a good relationship with the world as witnesses we are not being obedient. My problem with this thinking is that it leans too much on having those in the world as our judges of character. This ties into the views of God and His soveignty , His declarations of men in general and His emnity to them and our position in all of this as believers. The proper view is that men are hostile to God, children of the devil, and are active working to subvert the gospel and those who represent the gospel. So there is this spiritual battle going on between believers and unbelievers. These battles are very real. How can you show unbelievers the love of God by presenting the gospel to them with a warning that hell awaites them and knowing that this is love yet they do not consider it love. So there is going to be this intense war going on in them and it will spill over into the christian. There will be accusations, true and untrue, but really offering free grace is not trying to present ourselves as the true representitives of Christ as if we were worthy. That is just another program of man, and mans philosophy, a semi plagenistic spirit. What is the gospel is that inspite of christians being sinners God grants us free grace so that no one can boast including the unsaved. We are beggars too. The doctrine of total depravity extends to us in our lives as believers as well. We are in this delima between being witnesses as to how we live, yet being tansparent in how we trust God to work inspite of our short comings, and then creating an allusion that if the unbeliever just follows us, that is we talk about how our disciples are more holy than any disciples any where else because we stress holiness then that is just an allusion and not Gods word. Our mission is lead others away from man centered gospel and to Christ as the only remedy while men saved and unsaved are begging for bread.
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9138  Forums / Theology Forum / Hell - What The Scripture Says. on: April 19, 2006, 07:41:32 PM
Actually there is no time where we in ourselves are not little god makers. Those who are in bondage to sin are blind to being inslaved to a god of their own making. They are foolish in their thinking and it comes directly from a dead state spiritually in the soul. There is no part of mans being that does not escape corruption. So in that state of corruption man does not please God with his deeds, so that mans deeds are vile in Gods site. This is the natural state of man, and that is there is no good in man spiritually, so that man does nothing good spiritually. Instead of man turning to God and bowing down to Him man runs from God. Man does not understand that the only good that can be found in himself and in the world is in God.
Then men band together to create an allusion that goodness is in man and man can build his own system of thinking in community. He has his leaders and they speak of unity and understanding of all the people in that system, yet God says that it is just a scemeing system that comes from a corrupted unity because the problem is in the heart of man and that is his heart is corrupted. Man in himself is unable to change this state.

An so that is the state of sin that man is born in both outwardly and inwardly.
9143  Forums / Main Forum / Truth on: April 18, 2006, 06:49:51 PM
Gee no hope for this world sure got turned around to having no hope.

Not what I said. Not at all.

Even the Bible speaks of this heaven and earth passing away.

Maybe Jesus doesn\'t exclude, The Bible does say He said come to me all you who are tired......

It\'s people who exclude other people. Like they have been hired to keep out those who they distain.

Even the Bible says that on that day some will say Lord Lord but are in for a big surprise.

People call other peole a pig and a swine.

Feel the frustration they have.

The Good news has been taken and turned into BS. here and in a lot of places.

But heck if people heckled, taunted, spit on and what ever Jesus who was just trying to spread some good news then I guess it can happen to anyone.

But fret not for you simply don\'t know what it is you do but I think you\'ll find in the end what will be will be and what it will be won\'t be because of what we did, did to other\'s, think, think about God, notta, zip. I hope you\'ll come to grasp that and come down to level ground and quit acting like whatever it is, I can\'t even describe it.

We are all in this world together, but it sure is tuff to try and get along. But why you want for this walled city and to be so exclusive. Just who do you think you all are. Your no more speacial then me or the next person. Do you have hearts.

But Jim R for being a pastor you sure don\'t read very well. You really need to go back and read my first post and then read yours. You must find yourself having to dig out the hole you fill in when you don\'t pay attention to what somebody says. I\'ll be glad to help you out with what I said. Just ask.
dilbert- it is the opposite of what you say. We are worth alot more than can be fathomed because we are made in the image of the God of the bible. We are not questioning your value as a human being, we are respectful of every human being. In that sense we are all together on this earth. But there is much more than this earth and our value, there is God and His absolute soveriegnty over everything. But outside of Jesus Christ we are just like brute beast. Those who are on a slippery slope into hell, who are headed to ruin, cast down from any position they have of value on earth into an eternity of terror into eternal destruction. They will be like a dream, you know when you go to bed at night and then you wake up in the morning and realize that you had a fantasy in your dream, well that is the life of those who are outside of Christ that is their whole life will be to them a fantasy of disney world once they are in eternity suffering.
9146  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 18, 2006, 02:00:19 PM
Have you ever noticed that the sins that we deem to be "really bad" are those with which we don't have a major struggle?
I agree , and everything that comes into our lives including people in our world are there for a reason. And the truth is the more free we are by knowing ourselves the more we will be able to be successfull in our marriages. It really is when problems arise in our marriage relationship that shows just how secure we are in who we are that determines how free we are as we pass through the diffuculties.

Our ability to understand ourselves is given as the word teaches us what we are. Then in applying that word we gain confidence in our ministering to other people our gifts and seeing those gifts at work. But these gifts are not natural but supernatural. In ministering we are given insight into what the Holy Spirit is doing through us and then we have confidence beyond an accountability process.

This is real freedom. People who understand that freedom comes through using the spiritual gifts are more relaxed, able to go through great trials, ready to forgive quicker, and avoiding sin more because of that freedom they experience as the Holy Spirit works through them.

There are so many people who live there lives by a strick standard of some teacher or program. They would feel guilty for having a thought of their own or examing and disagreeing even tho they are struggling with great sins. They think that just because someone looks righteous and sound righteous that they must get with the program. Freedom is knowing the scripture, and appling it to the world views of different people in a doctrinal way and the more you know of the doctrines the more you will be free because where the Spirit is there is freedom.

 The more free you are the more your thoughts will be from deep within you and the less you will be under the domination of false shallow philosophies . The less wood hay and stubble is in that communication the less there will be in forced control.  
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9147  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 17, 2006, 09:30:52 PM
Now i am not saying that it is good to shack up. But i think we get really out of wack when we focus on one sin and forget that we are required to see that maybe there are alot of sins in us that are more problematic. This could be a self fulfilling prophecy brought on by the physicological bent in todays world view. Maybe trying to change the outside as a focus is the real problem here.

First you never hear of a follow up in all the relationships who are supposeubly following the program. My question is even if the marriage is a so called well adjusted marriage, what kind of doctrine do these marriages live in, and what kind of worship do these individuals have? That is the real question. THe other stuff can be confessed and over come but really how are we going to pass on the doctrines of grace when we have a generation focused on just the  physicological rather than the spiritual. That the real struggle with deep sin.
9154  Forums / Theology Forum / Examining Dispensationalism on: April 16, 2006, 07:12:30 AM
Only one of these five major doctrines of dispensationalism (number 2 above) in any way agrees with historic Christian teachings. Even that one would have to be explained, since historic Christians teach that, after the Rapture, Christians are to be taken to heaven permanently, whereas dispensationalists say it is only temporary at that time. Dispensationalists go on to teach that, after seven years, the church will be returned to earth, where it will take part in an earthly millennium. During the millennium, according to dispensationalists, the church will have a position inferior to that of Israel. They teach that, after the millennium, the church will be returned to heaven the second time, there to spend eternity while Israel remains forever on the earth. None of this, of course, is in agreement with historic Christian beliefs. And, whereas the dispensationalists include only the Gentile Christians in the Rapture, historic Christians would include all believers from every age and nationality.

 The Brethren divided into two distinct groups after Darby came into their midst. These groups came to be known as \"exclusive assemblies\" and \"open assemblies.\" Darby was the originator of the exclusive assemblies. In 1845 he returned to Plymouth from an extended stay in Switzerland. He and a Mr. Newton, who had been the pastor at Plymouth during Darby's long absence, had doctrinal differences. This resulted in a war-in both verbal and pamphlet forms. Newton's strong following in that particular church prevailed, and Darby \"quit the assembly\" with fifty or sixty members. This, according to Veitch, was the beginning of \"exclusivism.\" Neatby said, concerning Darby's visit to Plymouth: \"From the moment he decided to come, Brethrenism was doomed.\"
9160  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 15, 2006, 04:20:57 PM
We even become the brunt of all the jokes of those who are unsaved. They even use this time to cause us more harm. They plot against us and want to destroy our faith. And this can be really rough and can really do harm to our trust in God. Because the Holy Spirit in us is always working to purify us and bring us to rejoice, but the devil is always accusing us and trying to destroy us. People are his pawns. But we are honest about our predicimate and we are not hardened in it but we are confessing it to our Father and asking Him to help us overcome sin. But this is not an easy thing to experience. He is working on the heart to reverse our deepest longings for sin, and put eternal longings more and more. This is a process of humbling and trusting.

One of our problems in this situation is that we have a low view of God. We have not understood His goodness and His power and the only way He is going to teach us is to bring us to struggle with sin so that we will go to Him and cry out to Him and find in Him alone what we need. So He wants us to wait in prayer. You can be sure of this He will answer and he will rescue us. But unless we experience this dread we will not understand the power he usess to rescue us unless we wait in prayer.

When he rescues us there will be little praising of men. There will be all the glory to God because he used a supernatural method beyond man to enact that change. Then our trust will have grown in Him. We will learn how to struggle through sin and we will learn that when this situation comes up again in our lives that we will have past experiences where God rescued us from ourselves and we will feel sorry for any one around us who has not figured our the grace of God.
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9161  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 15, 2006, 04:07:38 PM
Because we are loosing the battle with sin does not mean that we are rejected. Just because our guilt is such a burden does not mean that He has rejected us. Just because people avoid us does not mean that we are any less in Gods eyes. We have an ability to learn some lessons and we have the privilege to help others who are going through alot of mental anguish and alot of trying in the flesh.

What we need to see in this situation is that our Father is always open and loving. His eye is always on the deepest longings of our hearts. He is interested in teaching us and drawing near to us and forgiving us. We naturally as believers are humbled by our loosing to sin. We are brought low and bowed down. This is an experience that could go on for awhile because God decides how much we need to learn to lean on Him.

Our first response is to do something and then proclaim that we have made it after we have done something. Yet God says to wait on Him. He is going to use us to show others what grace is all about. He will vindicate us. He will heal us.
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9162  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 15, 2006, 03:59:03 PM
He is peircing us with burdens and problems that effect every area of our being. We have gone beyond guilt and so we are hardened in that area where we are loosing. Yet what happens is that we being taught that we must be a certian way morally to approach God we automatically think that we must clean up before he will listen. That is because we have so much semi plagenistism in our thinking that we are dreaming that all of the people around us do not struggle because they look moral, they put on the act.
And the proof of it is that they have very little understanding and communicate very little grace because maybe they are morally pure and so they reject us. They avoid us. We are like the lepers. Some people accuse us as being unsaved. They thro guilt trips on us. And so we knowing that we are struggling with sin as a saint are just burdened even more. But we can be sure of this our Father knowns the deepest longings of our hearts. He understands our frame. He knows just what He is doing in our lives.

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9163  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 15, 2006, 03:49:43 PM
Here is a situation we all have experienced, and that is in this area of when sin gets the best of us. We are really in an experience where we are loosing the battle. In this experience we live more than we think. It is because we do not consider our ways that we are christians walking around in a daze not knowing what is up and what is down. And this experience of uncertianty is really understood when we examine our hearts. What we find is that because of falling into sin we have this dispositional conflict or a divided heart. We have thoughts of God that are hard, and we feel as tho he is angry with us. Yet we have come to him many times before and had assurance that He indeed was in control and so we had a simple trust in Him.

But now we find ourselves in a delima. We have loved our sin so much that we have labored hard to keep on doing it. And so we are not trusting of God, we think He is angry with us and He has left us. Because of our sin we are crushed and we are down in the dumps. That is what happens when God chastens us and he chastizes us as His children. We think that because we are struggling with sin and loosing that God does not want us to approach Him.

And then  
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9164  Forums / Main Forum / Shacking-up And Joining The Church on: April 15, 2006, 09:53:35 AM

I never talk about this, especially to a stranger (forgive the word) but I feel compelled to share even deeper...I too am divorced and the guilt I buried myself in became a greater burden then the divorce itself. I was the one who left and what made it even worse was that I had already given my life to Christ.

My ex and I belonged to a wonderful church and had a wonderful church family.  We lived the" perfect little Christian life", involved in more ministries than we could count and even hosted bible study every week at our house.

The hardest thing for me to deal with after I left was how I had failed God, my ex and my church family, so miserably. I felt that I could never call myself a Christian again and the guilt ate me alive.  I felt that "Divorce" was the worst sin I could ever committ and I began to question whether or not I could even consider myself a Christian.

As the years went on, God spoke to me through sermons and scripture and I can remember one day in a quiet time how I opened right up to Psalm 51: Have mercy on me O God, according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.  Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin..........

I got on my knees begging for forgiveness.  After I composed myself I turned the page to a devotion titled "Losing the Way" and praise God because He is so faithful....He spoke to me!

These are just a few quotes from the devotion:
"We develop unrealistic expectations of the Christian life and of ourselves and then when our wings get broken, we think failure ends our usefulness"

"It helps to remember that even the great ones of the faith failed, yet God continued to use them, often in a deeper way after their fall"

"It if those who have plumbed the depths of failure to whom God invariably gives the call to shepherd others"

"Too many sincere Christians berate themselves unmercifully and keep asking God for forgiveness.  Each of us should memorize, hang on the mirror, and make forever our own the ringing truth: Romans 8:1 "THere is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"

"Not only does He not condemn us; He even brings blessings from the ashes of our failures".  How incredible is that!

I hope this helps you as it did me.  This came from the Women's Devotional Bible NIV...the pink one!

It's so good to share with you.  I wish I could give you a hug!

Thanks Amanda, Too, what happens is we take the anger and hatred that is justified and we turn it on ourselves. There is a process where we go to God and express that anger and turn it over to Him. We can probe deep into these areas of sensitiveness in what effected us and deal in the scripture especially in the Psalms and get that effect of that bad experience out and God will work renewal in us. The word and the Spirit search our hearts as we pray and that is an experience that is a supernatural healing. 
9167  Forums / Main Forum / Welcome To Struggleville? on: April 14, 2006, 04:35:34 PM
As a long-time lurker of this place and an old guy who has listened to Steve for a lot of years, I decided to join up and start my first post as a question. I'm not looking for hard and fast answers, just hoping for some thoughtful discussion.

Here we go: Why does it seem that so many folks posting here are struggling just to get through the day? I know what the Bible says about not being surprised...and for a little while...etc.

But I joined up because after many years as a Christian I seem to be hitting that same wall. I have a good family, decent job, excersize and am in good health, good church, friends. I pray and seek God daily. I've spent a lot of years studying the Bible. I've experienced his joy. I serve others. But it still seems like something is missing. Before I get clobbered, I am definitely saved. The holy spirit has been inside of me a long time and there is no doubt.

I'm not looking for reward, or maybe I am. All I know is I'm passing 50 and would prefer sleep to almost any thing on earth. Not that I ever get more than 5 or 6 hours a day, but I must have missed the lessons on how to be content whatever my circumstances.

I find strange and disturbing comfort in the fact that some of the rest of you seem to be struggling too. I guess that's sick.

Without offending eveybody, is it ok to ask for particular members whose posts I identify with to respond? I'll hold off on giving names until I see who comments on this stuff.

Maybe I am just nuts or a malcontent or something like that. Maybe this is just the road God has laid out. I like the quote Steve reads from Theresa of Avila where she tells God he would have more friends if he treated the ones he had better.

Ok, that's my first entry. Blast me, curse me (I find the cursing and near cursing here funny even though it is not my thing), laugh at me, or even encourage me if you can figure out how.

how do you end these entries? how about THE END
Maybe you are dividing your life up into catagories and thinking that you are ok if all of these obligations are being met. I dont look at my life that way. There is a temptation in mid life to desensatize yourself by looking back over the 50 yrs and wondering why it went so fast. Thinking that it was all so insignificant because you are just going through the motions in the present and you had no thought when you were younger of being in this time frame in your life. In a way it sorta sneeks up on you like a bad dream when one day it dawns on you that it just flew by.
And then you look into the future and see decline, which makes you feel more insignificant. So there is this underling hardness that has developed that brings about the grief of life. This grief is what is common in our society. Sorta like pining away in insignificance. Yet these are the years where we are to begin to impact others in our world for Christ. These are the years where we should just begin understanding the deep longings of the new birth. These are the years were we are to step up and show the fruit of experiencing Gods love to the young.

Adults who see that responsiblity are grown up and mature. Really its sad to see the immaturity of a life lived for self. Its sad in me because there are times when i want to sit on the side lines and its hard to till up the fallow ground at this age and get excited over these truths like i should. But in some way meditation has helped till up that hard heart. These are the years where we feel God. We should have a faith that is mature and alive. Its never to late to begin to go to the word and till up the heart.
9173  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 14, 2006, 05:47:23 AM
Paul does not say we are free from the we can steal, rape , pillage etc.

After reading Galations a little closer:

We are free from relying on the Law for salvation.  Gal 5:4
Paul never says anywere we can ignore God's commandments.

He is telling the Galatians that faith in Jesus alone justifies us before God.
The Galations were relying on their works to justify themselves before God...forgetting about Jesus' death on the cross! Gal 3:1

Paul is not saying we don't have to follow the Law (teaching of God)...just don't substitute obedience to the Law for faith in Jesus' death and ressurection in your quest for forgiveness and justification.

We are saved by faith in Christ, then live our Christian life according to  His Word...examples: Peter, Paul, the Apostles, the early Church fathers and everyone else who lived  Godly lives after them up until today! ...Which by the way is the 2nd day of passover.

Faith is the way to be justified to God   ...after which....
The Law is then the way to live for God

no conflict!
Clear as mud? or ok?

Yes i agree and justification is an on going process as well as an initial act of God at salvation. Paul says that we are justified apart from the works of the law. In sanctification we mortify the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit. The process is that the Spirit uses the law to convict us and then we confess our sins. In this sense the law is good. Yet the law cannot save. The Galatians were going back to circumscion as a means to be justified before God. They were depending on themselves to get salvation and to keep salvation. In justification we rest in Christ work. In justification we are only righteous because of His perfect righteousness. We do not depend apoun our works to keep us in Him. We rest from our works.

We are regenerated at salvation. We are given new desires to obey. All our acts of obedience are pre -graced so that all of our obedience is because of Gods grace. We in ourselves fail miserable to keep the law. We cannot keep the law in ourselves. What i want to do i do not do and what i do not want to do this i do. Because we have new desires we have a taste of the spiritual things in Christ. Christ becomes the object by us apprehending Him through spiritual senses. It is no longer the letter that we grow in, but it is the Spirit and the power of the Spirit that we depend apoun to grow.
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9174  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 05:41:25 PM
Now i am worked up, and you semi plagenist think that it is just a spurt for me but this is a burning fire. You all think that there is something more to be done that has already been done. You think that all the plans you have are good and you are making progress in the christian world. You think that all the steps of holiness are postive the closest thing to heaven. Yet where is the power? Where is the heavenly revivals? Where is God? Why has sin continued and the downslide of the christian marriage continued.

Well because man is too powerful, man thinks that he is able. Man thinks that its his abilities to understand that create the change. Man thinks that he is the leader and all of the rest of the  people are the followers. Man is proud of his riches, his fame, his lack of troubles. There is only one remedy to all of this, and i say this in the face of extreme diffuculties in my own life, that is Jesus as the begining and the end of all of lifes trials. When the Spirit comes in power then there is real change. When we look to God for every thing, praising Him for all we have, only looking to Him to provide, only seeing Him in absolute control of every thing in our existence, then an only then we we truely praise the Living God. Then an only then will we see God and desire for His name to alone be exalted, then and only then will we want to glorify God alone.

Then we will spend our time thinking about the ominscience , omnipresence of God. Then we will be so over come with His glory that we will fall down and worship Him, desiring to be where He is, longing for mor of Him.
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9175  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 05:11:06 PM
You are confusing the relationship a believer has to the law and the power that the law has in relation to the believers life. You are using a word bound that is not in a believers vocabulary. The law is no long a school master to us. We are not bound to the law. The law works death. The law works with our conscience to condemn us. We have different workings in us that affect the way we experience life. The law shows us our sin. Conscience tells us that we are guilty. The law and the conscience work conviction yet the conviction is a work of the Holy Spirit and is a graceious action of forgiveness.

The law and conscience work to create death in us. You can have a clean conscience but you cannot have a blameless conscience. If we say that we have no sin we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us. There is no time where we are free from sin. The moment we say that we are clear from sin is when we sin. We decieve ourselves by making a law that we can feel comfortable with. This is just an emotional person trying to get a peace that is geared toward self fulfillment. That kind of peace is not what the scripture offers, the peace of God is between people not free from sin peace.
The problem with us is how we view ourselves when the law speaks to us. How the voice of conscience and its initial action on us affects how we see ourselves in light of grace. It is what a christian must come to grips with in this process of the working of the conscience and the law in us that we must understand or we will always misapply the forgiveness of Christ and we will be guilty of a greater sin and that is unbelief in that forgiveness.

If we have a struggle with the condemning action of the law and conscience and we decide that it is better to make up for the wrong by doing something to counter balance the sin and the condeming voice of conscience then we will be working more sin in our lives because the conscience and the law are not methodic way to become righteous. There is only one remedy toward positive forgiveness and righteousness. Turning to Christ for forgiveness and the power to change.
This is the freedom we are talking about. It is called free grace. It is really free, really free, really free. There is no limit on the amount of forgiveness, there is no sin great enough to over power this grace, there is no continuence of sin that can nulify this grace. The grace is a persevering grace. Once a person believes in Christ that life in Christ is dependent on the Trinitarian work to keep us in that right life. There is no way that God will not work in us to will and to do until the end. We are not looking toward preseveration of the saints as a remedy of a trouble conscience. Rather the preseveration of the saints is the fuel toward turning to Christ, that is it is the beginging of the answer to the law and conscience and the end of the voice of law and conscience. The name of Christ is a strong tower, it is the name of Christ that we represent. It is because His name is so great that it is because of His name that He works in us. It is because of His name that no sin will work for our destruction. No sin can keep us from hiding behind guilt and telling people we are not christians. He will avenge all those who accuse us of sin no matter how much sin we are struggling with. That is the doctrine of preseveration! There is not a time where God is not ready to forgive us, not ready to recieve us. We only need to be contrite and express a dependence on Him. There is nothing else in us that He needs to vindicate His name.
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9176  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 04:59:53 PM
You are confusing the relationship a believer has to the law and the power that the law has in relation to the believers life. You are using a word bound that is not in a believers vocabulary. The law is no long a school master to us. We are not bound to the law. The law works death. The law works with our conscience to condemn us. We have different workings in us that affect the way we experience life. The law shows us our sin. Conscience tells us that we are guilty. The law and the conscience work conviction yet the conviction is a work of the Holy Spirit and is a graceious action of forgiveness.

The law and conscience work to create death in us. You can have a clean conscience but you cannot have a blameless conscience. If we say that we have no sin we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us. There is no time where we are free from sin. The moment we say that we are clear from sin is when we sin. We decieve ourselves by making a law that we can feel comfortable with. This is just an emotional person trying to get a peace that is geared toward self fulfillment. That kind of peace is not what the scripture offers, the peace of God is between people not free from sin peace.
The problem with us is how we view ourselves when the law speaks to us. How the voice of conscience and its initial action on us affects how we see ourselves in light of grace. It is what a christian must come to grips with in this process of the working of the conscience and the law in us that we must understand or we will always misapply the forgiveness of Christ and we will be guilty of a greater sin and that is unbelief in that forgiveness.

If we have a struggle with the condemning action of the law and conscience and we decide that it is better to make up for the wrong by doing something to counter balance the sin and the condeming voice of conscience then we will be working more sin in our lives because the conscience and the law are not methodic way to become righteous. There is only one remedy toward positive forgiveness and righteousness. Turning to Christ for forgiveness and the power to change.
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9177  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 04:50:36 PM
You are confusing the relationship a believer has to the law and the power that the law has in relation to the believers life. You are using a word bound that is not in a believers vocabulary. The law is no long a school master to us. We are not bound to the law. The law works death. The law works with our conscience to condemn us. We have different workings in us that affect the way we experience life. The law shows us our sin. Conscience tells us that we are guilty. The law and the conscience work conviction yet the conviction is a work of the Holy Spirit and is a graceious action of forgiveness.

The law and conscience work to create death in us. You can have a clean conscience but you cannot have a blameless conscience. If we say that we have no sin we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us. There is no time where we are free from sin. The moment we say that we are clear from sin is when we sin. We decieve ourselves by making a law that we can feel comfortable with. This is just an emotional person trying to get a peace that is geared toward self fulfillment. That kind of peace is not what the scripture offers, the peace of God is between people not free from sin peace.
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9178  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 09:53:30 AM

We are also free from the law, in that through the Spirit we are able to live on a higher plane than striving to keep the law in our own strength. The scripture says that riighteousness is produced in us by the Spirit of God. We are also free from condemnation (Romans 8:1, John 3:18).

Got to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone.

Gods Grace and Mercy
This is exactly my point which is confusing. You say we are free from the law but I and mbg have listed out of the bible laws we are not free from but that we must keep.

So what are we free from? Some laws but not others? and if so which laws?
dietary laws? ceremonial laws? but not the other laws??
There are two aspects of relationship to the law. Pryor to regeneration we have a legal relationship to the law. After salvation we are free from the law, because we serve Christ. The law is not the object but Christ becomes our object. In legal obedience there is a condmning relationship to the law. We hear the law and it condemns us so then we have guilt and we try in our strength to keep it. The more we try the more we fail. The more we fail the more it has a power over us and the more laws we want to disobey. The law is a schoolmaster in this sense.

When we get regenerated by the Holy Spirit we are given new life. Now we have the Holy Spirit, with the Spirit comes Christ and with Christ comes the Father so that we are temples of God , that is God lives in us. Now the Spirit uses the word to convict us, this is no longer legal conviction, this conviction is gracious, and works to change us but the power of the word and the Spirit. In this conviction we here the word and then we go to Christ and confess our sins and our inability to keep the law entirely. We morn over our sin and so we are in a struggle between morning over sin and joy in the Holy Ghost, always falling short , yet righteous in Chist, anxious , yet at peace in Christ, fearful, yet have faith because of Christ etc. So we can never keep the law , we can never obey perfectly each law because the part of the work that is corrupted is from us. So we can only be righteous because of Christ active and passive righteousness. That becomes our righteousness. Now we are looked on as perfect law keepers. Now we are perfect because it was finished at the cross.Now there is no condemnation!
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9179  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 04:35:11 AM
James 2
 3.  and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, \"You sit here in a good place,\" and you say to the poor man, \"You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,\"
13.  For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment
1 Peter 5
 3.  nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
Hebrews 13
 17.  Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you

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9180  Forums / Main Forum / Grace And Confusion on: April 13, 2006, 04:18:19 AM
Here is a list of more sins.
Eph 4:31.  Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

Colossians 3
 8.  But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
11 Cor 12:20.  For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry tempers, dis
Jms 3:14.  But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.
16.  For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances;

1 Tim.6:3.  If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness,
14.  that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15.  which He will bring about at the proper time--He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
11 Tim 2:19.  Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, \"The Lord knows those who are His,\" and, \"Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.\"
22.  Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
James 5
 4.  Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
 An exortation
Jude 1:17.  But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
21.  keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.
25.  to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.


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