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9308  Forums / Theology Forum / The Bible Driven Church on: March 29, 2006, 02:00:37 PM
What is so essential to the christian life is that we must taste of the goodness of God before we can have any hope of having a strong faith. In worship we experience the effects of regeneration. In regeneration we are given new life and so we recieve the Holy Spirit, and then we are filled with all the fulness of God. With the Spirit comes the Son and with the Son the Father.

 So we have fellowship in the spiritual sense and our faith is exercised as a result of that experience. So we long for worship not as an exercise of preaching or recieving the word only. Our initial longings are for God. We long for the Living God. We pant after God as a dear pants for water.

Sometimes in life we lose that most central experience of worship and meeting God and so we lose a sense of who we are. We lose the relish of these spiritual things and then we begin to lose heart and then we are faithless in much of our activities. This delima causes us to become desperate as if we were starving for affection. We become depressed in our dispostion and so we must take action as to stirring up these longings.

These are dry times and are so mixed with human doubts and imaginations that there needs to be deep crys from the heart for the living God. If we do not ask the question where is my God then we may not understand the importance of just what His presence does as a gracious provision to over come sin in our lives. Many believers go through life not understanding the nature of meeting God in worship. They seldom have supernatural experiences and so they live in a depressed state without knowing it.

We must think of meeting God as we do about eating and drinking. Unless we get a sense of the Fathers affection in worship we will lose heart and our faith will be very small. If we find ourselves in this situation we are naturally do pray and plead that we will again go to Gods house and really meet with Him. We must have Him, or we will mourn all our lives until meet Him again
9350  Forums / Theology Forum / The Bible Driven Church on: March 21, 2006, 03:54:16 PM
Peter was a fisherman by trade, he made alot of money, yet Christ called Peter to become a disciple. In calling Peter to be a disciple Christ was in essence telling Peter that if he defined himself as a fisherman in business that Peter would be adding Christ to his life and not becoming Christ disciple. We are not defined by our ocupation, we are defined by being in Christ, we belong to a new kingdom so that we are just passing through, this is our calling. We are not business men who attend church and give, but we are Church members who leave all of the reputation, money, fame of the world system and worship Christ. The church is not a building, with its primary focus on the money. A church is the body of Christ who are poor in this world, who are not measured by its standards.

Real value in the church is spiritual, exalting members who are poor in this world. It is the opposite of the world system where the rich man who builds churches and thinks that is where the value of the life of the church is who measures dedication in giving money will end up cheapining the gospel. The truth about discipleship is that the rich man who enjoy all the fame, friends, and status from his riches suffered in the after live, and the poor man who was looked down apoun and suffered in this life went to eternal bliss. That is a disciple of Christ
9351  Forums / Main Forum / Help For Recovering Legalists on: March 21, 2006, 03:38:25 PM
Hubie, Legalism can come in many forms. There are so many opinions and so many \"professionals\" that we can get a very narrow view as to what is true and what is false. Every thing that i have been taught must be exposed to the word of God and prayer. Then there is the doctrinal systems that help in finding out what is a philosophy that is what is temporary counsel, that is what will lead me to change certian behaviour yet leave me with an exterior change without a heart change.

 I think that legalist are always interested in some kind of philosophy and do not see the importance of indirect, passive obedience,that is laziness equals not taking the next step, or lacking wisdom by not doing what the particular program suggest. Legalist lead the lazy people who are theologically ignorant. They give us short cuts and temporary solutions, that make us go down roads that do not allow for great sin, great test, great faith.

Legalist are never interested in discussing doctrine, in being examined in the doctrines of their counsel. Legalist consider this process impractical and theorizing. Legalist help in solving practical problems but never have a seeking God mentality, a searching the heart by the word of God, a reading a book about doctrinal views on the soul of man. When one weeps from depression crying out for God to show His love and favor a legalist will see that as an emotional outburst from a physchosis and conclude that it is a waste of time.

When a person spends days in prayer, in a darkened state, with no answer for present  relief , legalist offer practical solutions as the remedy, leaving out the fact that prayer will change things and only the practical remedy will aleviate the pain until God moves through prayer. Doing nothing except using the means God has given us is more important than doing the next rite thing. Christ already did the next rite thing. He wants to become our righteousness and that is a very slow process
9354  Forums / Theology Forum / Finding A Theological Calvinistic Church on: March 21, 2006, 06:36:26 AM
Bill, Onetake, Willis, Dilbert- One of the words that is being left out in this discussion faith is regeneration. Faith is an agency. When one is regenerated he is given divine light that transformes the mind to understand spiritual things for the first time. That divine light also carries a taste of Jesus, a spiritual taste in which a person is given spiritual sight, touch, hearing,etc. Then we respond to that understanding by trusting in that light and taste.

Yet not only is regeneration by the will of God, that is the Holy Spirit, you must be born again, the wind blows where it pleases, but the faith is a gift of God also, For by grace are you saved through faith and this is not of yourselves, that is the whole process of salvation.

Salvations practical evidences are trinitarian. The Spirit regenerates, the Son comes with the Spirit, and the Father comes too. Whether a new christian understands intellectually this process at first is not important, once a person is regenerated he will have God residing in him in the Holy Spirits coming.

The evidence of salvation is a person will have a taste of spiritual things and so he will have a desire for these things. It will be natural for a person to taste Jesus, that is Christ will be personal, Christ will be supreme, the person will see Christ, feel Christ, hear Christ voice, and a person will taste Christ. All with the new desire given in the Fathers choice.
9358  Forums / Theology Forum / Does Conviction Of Our (my) Sin Dirve Us To Jesus. on: March 19, 2006, 09:01:11 AM
I think we drive ourselves away from Jesus. I mean we have a remedy as believers. We can go 24 hrs a day to confess our sins and plead the promises. I have found in my own self that i do confess my sin and that i am a helpless sinner in need of forgiveness. Yet in Psalms 51 there is a misunderstanding of just seeing the Psalm as totally concentrated on confession.

There are pleas for more of the Holy Spirit, more joy so there the psamist is mixing confession with an intense desire to have a pleasure even tho the sin was grevious. We are not just people with list as if we were interested in going to the Father to get forgiveness for forgivenesses sake. You know if you knock on the door long enough ,that is if you mix confession with please for fellowship with the Father then there will be a sorta forgeting of self, (which is a sin in confessing sin), and there will be an abundance of the Holy Spirit, there that oneness and fellowship with the Father will grow.

With someone who has little knocking and fellowship confession is a chore a burden, a real condemnation,an attack by the devil to obstruct fellowship in prayer. That is why there are long delays in some to go to the Father, by being duped by the devil. The truth is that confession is only one aspect of prayer and is also a part of the over all attitude we should have in prayer, a humble contrition, a bowing before Gods loving providence, a being over taken in heart felt emotion, being drawn out into pleasure so that we will actually spend more time in pleasure, drawn away from sin, by the pleasure, as if love snuffed out other idols, that is finding the pleasure treasure and not being content with anything less . Make Zion prosper build up the walls of Jerusleum!
Here is Davids over all attitude, here the providence of God was made known to him in the child of adultery, and yet that intense desire for the child to live was in David, so that his prayers were fervernt because he hoped against hope. He had learned the wideness of Gods love and so here you havePs 51 as a confession of deep significance yet you have days of pleading the promises for a reversal of the discipline. Wow, now is it really David trying to change Gods decree or is it God working through David in prayer in deep fellowship to have pleasure in the mist of dire circumstances?
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9359  Forums / Theology Forum / Does Conviction Of Our (my) Sin Dirve Us To Jesus. on: March 19, 2006, 08:28:51 AM
I think we drive ourselves away from Jesus. I mean we have a remedy as believers. We can go 24 hrs a day to confess our sins and plead the promises. I have found in my own self that i do confess my sin and that i am a helpless sinner in need of forgiveness. Yet in Psalms 51 there is a misunderstanding of just seeing the Psalm as totally concentrated on confession.

There are pleas for more of the Holy Spirit, more joy so there the psamist is mixing confession with an intense desire to have a pleasure even tho the sin was grevious. We are not just people with list as if we were interested in going to the Father to get forgiveness for forgivenesses sake. You know if you knock on the door long enough ,that is if you mix confession with please for fellowship with the Father then there will be a sorta forgeting of self, (which is a sin in confessing sin), and there will be an abundance of the Holy Spirit, there that oneness and fellowship with the Father will grow.

With someone who has little knocking and fellowship confession is a chore a burden, a real condemnation,an attack by the devil to obstruct fellowship in prayer. That is why there are long delays in some to go to the Father, by being duped by the devil. The truth is that confession is only one aspect of prayer and is also a part of the over all attitude we should have in prayer, a humble contrition, a bowing before Gods loving providence, a being over taken in heart felt emotion, being drawn out into pleasure so that we will actually spend more time in pleasure, drawn away from sin, by the pleasure, as if love snuffed out other idols, that is finding the pleasure treasure and not being content with anything less . Make Zion prosper build up the walls of Jerusleum!
9360  Forums / Theology Forum / Finding A Theological Calvinistic Church on: March 18, 2006, 12:09:09 PM
I don't believe that everyone should be a Cal. I have unique fingerprints, like no one elses. I have a unique culture and world view and my spirit is also unlike any others'. Have you ever noticed how the Bible teaches that we keep our spirit when Jesus moves in? I can't find anywhere in the Bible that says that my spirit was replaced by Jesus' Spirit. It teaches that my spirit was renewed or reborn. Jesus' Spirit was not renewed. This reborn spirit is a likeness to Jesus, but not identical to it. I am Jesus' brother, and 2 brothers have different fingerprints. I take this point a step further and say that not everyone can be a Cal. Not everyone can be a FWer. My consuming goal is not to convert people to Cal, but rather to caution against what so many say about what Cal. teaches, when in fact, many don't know \"beans\" about it yet claim in vociferous terms that it is wrong. I wholeheartedly agree that for someone who has studied Cal extensively and has came to the conclusion that it is wrong, he/she should so state. But I just don't believe it is morally right for someone to come to the conclusion that Cal does not teach Christ and Christ crucified unless they are able to speak in detailed defense of this accusation.
9361  Forums / Main Forum / Help For Recovering Legalists on: March 17, 2006, 08:28:03 AM
I agree with you Joe, its really the delima of the story of the prodical son. If we go to one extreme we will become hedonistic, and if we go to the other extreme we will get back under the law and become legalistic and all of this christian life will become a burden.

 I think the point of the story is what is our relationship with the Father? How do we view God, as Father. Now if we view Him as a hard task master even tho we are in the house we will develop a spirit of bitterness. If we view our Father as impersonal we will draw our joys from pleasurses of the world and live it up so to speak.

It is always about relationship, and in a sense all of this intellectual challenge is worthless unless we are changed from the inside and it flows out of us. The number one question  that we are not going to extremes is to ask what is my cheif desire? What pleases me the most? Is it something other than my relationship with the Father?

This is all so complicated and yet so simple. I mean we are in a state of eternal life in our relationship with the Father, that is we have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We have been given new life, real deep desires for God. And yet having existing sin we are in a war for subsisting in the reality of our relationship with the Father. So really our worse enemy is not any object, or person but it is ourselves, and how we view reality.

We are to examine ourselves in all of this, and yet we are not to do it as if the law were our schoolmaster. We are to be joyful, but not as if it was our working up, we are to be holy but not in our own strength. We are to love others , but not as the cheif desire or not in an idol way.

So these things have a life of there own and these lifes are really powerful in a produced way in all of us in all sorts of ways, past experiences, social status, depraved prolong lifestyles, or just lessons designed in a special way by God for our greater usage in the future.

So then we here many exhortations to obey, and we all have different proclivities to react in different ways to these exhortations. And yet we are sorta thrown into different focuses based apoun our proclivities mixed with just abiding sin.

Yet this is all so simple, i mean it comes back to what we think about God first and then we view ourselves through that lense. These physcosis, and troubles we have in sin fade as we focus on the word and the Fathers love over shadows these trials, these inward wars, in which that focus sets us free. Once the Fathers love is experienced then we can begin to be balanced in all of this.
9378  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: March 15, 2006, 11:51:32 AM
With a few changes by me, sorry if that offends anyone.  Wink
Perhaps, the structure of the church as the NT speaks of it presents us with an opportunity. [Men] can choose to serve in the many important roles they do have, and thus demonstrate a respect for God and His Word. They can demonstrate a Christ-like humility that is of value precisely BECAUSE they are the equals of [wo]men, yet like Christ; do not consider it something to be grasped.
So are you saying that there is no Biblical basis for the understanding that the elders of the church are to be men?
I agree that there is to be a humble attitude by both genders. I think we forget who the church is for, who the Head is. It is not about puffing up either gender, or the abilities of any person.
I agree with LM to a certian extent, that is in principle. I see authority structures in the bible as leading by example, preaching only in applications that apply to leadership the cheif example rather than making applications that put heavy burdens on the congregation by grabbing for power that only Christ has, that is absolute power. So in a sense what the passage in Phil. is that Christ humbled Himself and then we all including leaders must humble ourselves under His authority and in doing this the church begins to act in the proper manner. The manner of the churchs activity as it applies to scripture is the extent of the authority the church demonstrates. I mean beging with leadership and focusing on leadership more than congregational responsibilities.
Authority is not being in a position never to be questioned about something biblical. The more public the position the more susceptable the person is to be under scrutiny, must demonstrate humility, and must be replacable if that authority is violated
One thing that is sad about preaching today is that there are few sermons where the preaching actually scrutinises his own authority and exhorts in this structure. Some how we really think that only certian persons are the ones Christ is actively speaking about and yet in the churchs authority structure Christ authority is the only one that is not scrutinized, we all submit to that authority in our example including preaching.
This will be my last exhortation, and that is if we want marriage to be vibrant we must place the responsiblity of this kind of message i have been speaking of as if we were counseling the husband to love his wife. We must be consistent in the fashion of what Christ authority is by example in that preaching fashion.
9413  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 06:00:21 PM
No I can't say I ever have. But if something like that did occur it would scare the bejesus out of me.

But I'm in need of you addressing my questions I posed to you that does tie into this discussion. I'll just paste it down here.

Dude, your thinking in the physical realm, we dont really hear voices, but we have a spiritual sense, we have spiritual hearing, spiritual site, yes there is a whole other world. Come to Christ ask for this spiritual life. You will find out about who you really are.
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9414  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 05:52:56 PM
"Have you ever been so at peace that you could hear the wisper of angels? Have you ever experienced the quieting on the inside so that the thoughts and desires are inraptured in God? Has God ever come like a mighty rushing wind and raptured you in you desires so that you were so much filled with a sense of heaven, a mighty confidence, looking into time in the future of you circumstances hand sensing God releasing you from that bad circumstance?"

No I can't say I ever have. But if something like that did occur it would scare the bejesus out of me.

But I'm in need of you addressing my questions I posed to you that does tie into this discussion. I'll just paste it down here.

Quoting MBG

"Because every one has a god. Think about it. God has written His law in your heart and you have a consicience that speaks to you every time you disobey that law. Its crying out to you but you make your own god so that you can do what you want when you want. So really you are making yourself god."

Ok you think something has been written on everyones heart. But that is putting something in front of the cart before the cart is even designed.

1. You need a source to come to your conclusions.

2. what is the source?

3. The Bible?

4. If so why do you think its God's word and worth believing?

5. And if this conscience speaks out to you, what is its purpose? To condemn you seems most likely. At least if one follows out the argument cause your not listening to it. If you could you wouldn't need to be saved from anything.
Well the bible is the absolute working power and truth that we need to function with all of our faculties working as an orchestra. Unless we have the Spirit , and a taste of these truths in the bible we will live in a world that is at best either numb, fearful, hateful, dreary, without hope, just bitter. That is because we are disjointed in the function of our faculties, mind ,will and emotion ,naturally. The bible brings us back to pre fall realities, yet not fully,but even better because we are in Christ, that is we are only spiritually alive by a relationship with Him. That relationship becomes vibrant when we open His word to us and let Him communicate not only the concepts to our mind but the actual taste of His life in us. We have these new desires, that never really get satisfied until heaven. Thats what it means to be born again, we go from our state death in Adam to a new eternal life state in Christ.
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9415  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 05:31:16 PM

Having just read that last post of yours brings a question to maind. At the  end of your post you said:

"But if the word says that God is X then the concept though not experiencally understood yet by faith is what God is and no more. That is how God communicates to us that He is really in reality that very X. There is no other reality beyond that reality. I think thats my frustration ML."

You speak of faith, which by definition has some slight variations, but I guess here you mean trust. Now to trust in something you can't touch, see, or what have you takes a blind trust. But you might say it isn't blind because of the Bible. But yet don't you need blind trust to trust that the Bible is the cornerstone from which you go forward?

How do you know God is communicating to you that he is indeed X?
The communication comes through spiritual eyes. Now dont get me wrong here i agree with ML when i talk about experience. I agree that there is this spiritual side, we have sight, touch, feel in the spiritual sense. That does transcend in experience our ability to understand the true nature of the concept. Never the less the truth is the truth.
How can you not transcend in experience when you have the Holy Ghost living inside of us. What does fellowship with  the Holy Spirit entail. And not only that but man is a deep river, i mean,  there are layers and layers of spiritual in us.

Here we are having all of these eternal desires, these new desires, and so we respond to these new desires that come in us when we are illuminated by the Spirit, and so we transcend our understanding in a sense perception.

If i have given you the impression that this is mearly intellectual then i have left out 80 percent of the reason we have faith.

I think we have a hard time grasping this as a working principle in the doctrinal churches. There must be some inward change in a working on the heart that is an experience. There must be a new vision, a new renewal, a direct effect of these doctrines. What draws me to study, to do the elbow work? It is understanding these truths and then experiencing the vitality from the desire aspect. We are thinking beings, who over think and under feel in the spiritual realm. How can we truly understand God unless we get a taste of who He is. What kind of religion is cold and heartless? If God is God then He is God in reality. If there is time, an it is moving to a final event, then that is Gods purpose, and in that purpose is the pleasure of Him working these things out in time. If there were no pleasure in Him working in me then there would be little faith in believing that He is present.

How can i have a profound understanding of His soveiregnty if i do not experience that absolute peace in any circumstance, tho a fight to get. Yet if the peace does not drop apoun me in infusions and then transcend my circumstance, my disposition, then that providence is only a concept and not a taste. Have you ever been so at peace that you could hear the wisper of angels? Have you ever experienced the quieting on the inside so that the thoughts and desires are inraptured in God? Has God ever come like a mighty rushing wind and raptured you in you desires so that you were so much filled with a sense of heaven, a mighty confidence, looking into time in the future of you circumstances hand sensing God releasing you from that bad circumstance? Wow desires, spiritual transcendence, invisible confidence
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9416  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 04:46:44 PM
Which is OK! this is what the Church was for. Unfortuantely the Church has been permanently fragmented. Fortunately most traditions seem to agree on enough to get people saved. The rest is commentary.
Example: you have the 10 commandments. Read simply and literally they appear to mean X. Ask a Jew and a Christian what they mean and you will get very different answers. Ask a mystic and a fundamentalist what they mean and you will get very different answers. Ask a theologian like Barth or Rahner what they mean and you get volumes of X whereas if you ask a parish preacher what they mean and you get X.
You are trusting in a hermaneutical tradition more than you realize. And you choose that tradition based on your desire for a certain kind of certainty.

Yes and that is why we have the Holy Spirit, so that we can agree on the clear teachings, that is salvation, God has made it so simple and so clear that a child can understand it. Now to gain a full knowlege to the truths of salvation is complicated. And this is the ringing truth about it all \"ignorance is not bliss\". Here we have the most simple truth in the universe, so simple that man cannot accept the wonder in it, they think it is foolish. Yet it is extremely complicated. And becoming a truth seeker is becoming a lover of God with the mind.
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9417  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 04:32:59 PM
Please try to understand what I say a little harder, because I bleive we can learn from each other. I always have.
For example I have said that God transcends \"Absolute\". That means he is beyond, greater than anything we conceive the word \"absolute\" to mean. You turn around and say I am calling God a limited being.
So either you don't know what the word \"transcends\" means or you are actually (and possibly deliberately) interpreting what I am saying to mean it's opposite!
Which is kind of my point. It is hugely naiive to think we don't do this with scripture.
It is one thing to trust the Bible absolutely but quite another to have interpreted it correctly. Surely you agree with that.
Without the correct interpretation what good ultimately is ones trust in the words?
It is like carrying gold in your pocket and thinking it's silver or vice versa.
So trust the Bible but don't trust people who tell you they know exactly what it all means. We probably disagree on this, because you trust Calvin implicitly. I don't.
And if you don't know exactly what it all means (and you don't) where is your safety net?
In Christ!
He covers that for us and so much more!
Yes this is taught in scripture butr it can be taught orally as well. And was for many many years.
So if you are saying that scriptural knowledge (and in particular Calvinist hermaneutics) is a prerequisite for salvation we disagree big time.

Thanks for the kind response ML.  I agree that we need to have a correct interpretation of scripture. I think that this interpretation world is kinda different than what you are contexting here. I believe in this biblical interpretation world there is mans side and Gods side. I mean must the bible be decoded before we can have an understanding of the text. I do not believe that this is the exact method of looking at interpretation. God has given us His Spirit, and He decodes the text little by little. We can know greek , hebrew, hurmanitics, and have a thorough knowlege of history and still have blindness as to how we view ourselves and how we view God. The Spirit is the main teacher in any bible study, then what we believe will not be an imagination of our own making as to the truth of who is who.
Granted we can mis apply many biblical concepts so we need teachers and we need a knowlege of history so we can know who we are and who God is. This is all so complicated in todays world with all of the different teachings. There is so much to know and it can never be exhausted. Even the power of the scripture has a renewal power that cannot be exhausted. The words of scripture are spiritual light, that infuses power in meditation. The text is full of wisdom, and brings out a truth that can be look on in a prisim, it has so many angles and these multi gleanings transcend the wisdom of the world. The wisdom of the world is singular truth. It has no understanding of the nature of spiritual truth. It seeks to even deny metaphysics and the study of the spiritual side of man. The worlds wisdom is shallow , and fleeting. It does not satisfy, it is depressing. The wisdom of God gives life the wisdom of the world gives death.

Now this other interpretation world that i want to describe is a worldview of contridicting concepts. We have been give language by God and it seems that when we try to transcend language we limit our ability to be view God through these language concepts consistentaly. Is all , all? Is eternal, eternal?, is soveriegn, soveriegn? Is absolute ,absolute? It seems to me that if we try to go beyond these concepts that we nulify these concepts, and contadict the concepts. If we say transcends does any thing tanscend, transcend? I like talking about theology, and that God is X. But if the word says that God is X then the concept though not experiencally understood yet by faith is what God is and no more. That is how God communicates to us that He is really in reality that very X. There is no other reality beyond that reality. I think thats my frustration ML.
9420  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 08:07:44 AM
Scripture is the medium

See we disagree here also, Scripture is the spoken word of God that gives new life to man. Scripture is not a hidden revelation, but is fully revealed as a saving knowlege. It is the revealing of God. Every word is that revelation of God. It contains all that we need to know about life and Godliness. It has absolute authority because its character is absolute and its saving ability is absolute.
9421  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 07:58:36 AM
And from him we have saving faith, not saving knowledge.

No we have both, This is where we get fouled up in our discussion.
We get the saving knowlege first in regeneration, and then we respond in faith. The knowlege is a trust worthy knowlege, a knowlege that is revealed to us in its sense, its a knowlege that changes us absolutely from one state of being to another state. It is that we become the temple of the living God, through the Holy Spirit so that what we have is absolute in one sense (because we have the absolute teacher) and hidden in another. But what God reveals about Himself is only revealed by this way of knowing.
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9422  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 07:41:45 AM
If your knowledge is not absolute, then you cannot say a thing about God with absolute certainty. There is always the possibility that you are missing a key piece of info or your interpretation is wrong.

We disagree on our concepts. You are saying that if you do not have an absolute knowlege of what God says then you cannot have an absolute trust of what He has revealed. If God says that He is X then you can believe absolutely that He is absolutely that . You may not understand all that that entails but if He reveals that truth to you then it is the final authority in the absolute sense. God is an absolute God, It is impossible for man to understand His word unless God gives the Holy Spirit to a man, so we have the absolute God living in us teaching us of what He has revealed as the final authority. The bible is unbroken. So in that sense it is an absolute in its revelation to us in this state even tho it is not every thing there is to know about God.
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9423  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 12, 2006, 07:21:09 AM
Ask questions here and you get a question back. That makes a lot of sense but I'll be a nice guy.

Since I don't know if one exists how would I be able to think anything about it.
Because every one has a god. Think about it. God has written His law in your heart and you have a consicience that speaks to you every time you disobey that law. Its crying out to you but you make your own god so that you can do what you want when you want. So really you are making yourself god.
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9424  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 05:50:32 PM
Big guy.

I used to think this subject was worth something but I would like to ask you what your hope is in tackling this thing. What purpose would or does it serve to you and what do you hope to gain? In the big picture of things.

And not trying to be inflamatory but I want to ask you why you like to speak about your god like you do. You can have no idea as to what limits or lack of this god you speak of or can you? And what does it matter. You either believe or you don't. its not about my god is bigger and better then your so mine must be the real one, but yet as I read your thoughts and also others thats what I hear. It comes across as being real insecure.
Thanks , but who do you think God is?
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9425  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 05:41:39 PM
I am saying that even \"Absolute\" is limited and that God transcends even that. I dont know if you can be absolute and limited at the same time. Maybe you can esplain to me?
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9426  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 05:38:36 PM
I was responding to you saying that there was a lack in God

No I was saying that there is a lack in what we even undertsnad the words absolute knowledge to mean.

I am saying that Gad transcends any and all conceivable things we mean when we use the words absolute and knowledge in the same sentence.

And I am dogmatic about negating any and everything that places filters and limits on God.

Such as dated theology.
How can we know God if the knowlege we have is not trustworthy as an absolute knowlege so that we understand of what we know about God. We must have a knowlege as our knowlege that has an absolute trust worthiness from His revelation so that if He says He is soveriegn then we absolutely believe that we have that divine knowlege that we understand that He is soveriegn.
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9427  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 05:29:38 PM
Do you feel that Calvinism absolutely explains all that is contained in scripture leading to an absolute apprehension of God?

No, but i think Calvinism starts with a God that is absolute, it is a system that is Pauline, that is it alows God to be the God of absolute will, power, control, love, etc. Do i think Calvinist experience the absoluteness of God, absolutely not.

With the revelation we have been given that intales mystery , what makes you think that God is not absolute as a being
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9428  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 05:15:24 PM
If scriptute was an 'absolute' revelation we would all undertand God 'Absolutely' and we don't.

I think what you mean is that you hold scripture as the most authoritative revelation and source of information about  God.
No i think my post pryer specified that God has mystery. My point is that the revelation of God is His word , and that revealing is absolute and it can be trusted as the last word in all of life.  I was responding to you saying that there was a lack in God, what i am saying is that what He has revealed is that we can believe it absolutely, because God is an absolute being. I am getting from you that what the bible says about God is not to be taken absolutely, yet you are absolute about not being dogmatic about what He has revealed. Maybe i am judging this wrong ML.
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9429  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 04:41:50 PM
We are highly conditioned beings which develop tendencies towards certain types of thought, emotion, preference and action etc.

In addition to this, "desires" are not fixed; they can be easily manipulated.  Hell, advertisers and marketeers get paid big bucks to do this.  You can appeal to any level of Mazlow's pyramid of wants and needs:  Physiological, safety, love, esteem, and "self-actualization" (whatever the hell that means).  So that we desire things we shouldn't and don't desire the things we should doesn't affect the argument.  The Gospel itself is God's initiative and contains the seeds to turn our desires towards Him.
I agree with you, i mean there are reasons we desire things that others do not desire ,you know we have our likes and dislikes, and these go into desire, that whole rational process and the experience we have had in our lives. Yet the reality is even tho we have these likes and dislikes we still follow our greatest desire and it is our choice.
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9430  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 04:29:34 PM
This is the big problem with much of what passes for theology.
If God is not X then he is not God. (!)
It leads people to bad theology.

What He has revealed about Himself is an absolute revelation and yes what He has revealed is that God is X. You cannot believe something that is absolute and believe that God is not absolute, how could you trust it ?. i agree that having an experience of the absolute nature of God is impossible but what He reveals we can believe absolutely.
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9431  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 04:20:54 PM
God can not not be absolute in His knowlege or He would not be God.

This is the big problem with much of what passes for theology.
If God is not X then he is not God. (!)
It leads people to bad theology.

It's fine and in some cases useful to say that God has absolute knowledge but that really doesn't say much.

Knowledge is bound and conditioned. Even "Absolute" knowledge.
Knowledge and the very concept of Absolute is our limitation and designation. Not God's.

If you trace every step back to when you were born and you lined them up in a long line when did you ever choose something that you did not desire

This is very similar to the 2nd Noble Truth in Buddhism which the Buddha preached around 400 BC.
And it's on the money actually. But to leave it at that is incomplete.
The word desire is actually a limitation. What motivations and impulses does the word desire include and leave out? And what is it we desire for?
This has probably been speled out in your Edwards material but as you know I have not read it.

Is our enslavement to it absolute or is it due to ignorance?

Scripture does appear to suggest, and Calvinism states outright, that we are utterly incapable of altruism, goodness, selflessness  and virtue. The main basis for this being the authority of scripture and its message that Gods Holiness is so infinite that even our best moments are turds.

I would suggest that while it serves a purpose to take this at face value up to a point, that we also see teachings like this as a way of waking us up to our condition rather than a hard lined philosophical proposition. On one hand its true but on another it invites more problems than it solves and ends up, through a suspicious combination of scripture and logical deduction to paint a limited, limiting and by therefore by definition wrong view of God.  

There is another post you made  which is great but I do not have time to respond to it now.

I will soon though.

Love MArk
Is our enslavement to it absolute or is it due to ignorance?

 What God has revealed is absolute, and what He has not revealed is absolute. So yes the problem is with our understanding.  But what He has revealed comes with a spiritual understanding that we do not have naturally in sin.
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9432  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 02:01:37 PM
It's not a simple matter of complete free will or completely no free will.
Actually the way we work is in my opinion kind of a clue to how to understand the doctrinial issues of free will vs no free will.

If you trace every step back to when you were born and you lined them up in a long line when did you ever choose something that you did not desire?
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9433  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 01:57:37 PM
This is not to suggest that unknowableness isn't part of things, in fact I would even go as far as to say that unknowabeness is a form of revelation and an attribute of God. The problems occur when we misapprehend the unknowable and call it something it is very likely not.

God can not not be absolute in His knowlege or He would not be God. God is not a being that has a full knowlege and an incomplete knowlege at the same time in the same being. God is all knowing.
From our view we see through a dark glass, we see in part. There is mystery in our view of God.
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9434  Forums / Theology Forum / Freedom Of The Will Jonathan Edwards on: March 11, 2006, 01:41:36 PM
MLEven worse, I think, is to take that messy stuff and just chalk it up to the unknowableness of the ways and purposes of God. I believe that to be dangerously sloppy thought and a violation of our responsibility to each other. EG: \"Gee, I don't know why God gave your child over to drug addiction and prostitution but it's all a part of his purpose.\"

Here is the point of the discussion. There is personal responsiblity in every action. But i think that we err at the point of how we get to personal responsibility. When i say that the will is not in an equalibrum state, that is whether to choose this or that i am making a profound point about the will. See the will in the arminian thinking has no power in the equalibriam state. It is this  proposition where they error. What happens is when the power is attributed to an agency rather than a being as a source then you pragmatise the process of choice. You attribute the will as having power and then the object becomes the source of the wills power.
 The will cannot will itself to choose so then you automatically look to the object of a specific choice that caused the will to will
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9435  Forums / Prayer Requests / Mean Streaks And Us on: March 11, 2006, 09:29:55 AM
I hope that we can have civil discussions on some very deep issues here. I refuse to accuse or label any one personally. I think my labels have been more of defining what a certian system is. I am glad that we have been honest about how many points in the 5 that we are in agreement. I hope that through discussions we can come to a compromise about labeling an individual in a personal way. Lets just use catagories for the sake of discussion. Or if the person has acknowleged what his beliefs are in a certian theological camp. Lets be sensitive when we have hurt someone. Sorry LM. I was a little over board we need you.,

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